# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json, os, configparser, shutil, re from datetime import datetime, date, time def firstInit(): # Инициализация переменных создание конфигруационного файла, копирование шаблонов global db_type, db_hostname, db_user, db_password, db_name, template_file, db_type, template_dir config = configparser.RawConfigParser() # проверяем тип ОС if os.name == "nt": cfg_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv("USERPROFILE"), ".dm") elif os.name == "posix": cfg_dir = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), ".dm") # определим каталог для конфигруции и создадим если его нет if os.path.isdir(cfg_dir): print(cfg_dir + " already exists") else: os.mkdir(cfg_dir) cfg_file = os.path.join(cfg_dir, 'dm.cfg') # создадим файл конфигурации config.add_section('DataBase') config.set('DataBase', 'db_type', 'sqlite') config.set('DataBase', 'db_hostname', 'localhost') config.set('DataBase', 'db_name', 'dm') config.set('DataBase', 'db_user', 'dm') config.set('DataBase', 'db_password', 'password') config.add_section('Directory') config.set('Directory', 'work_dir', cfg_dir) config.set('Directory', 'template_dir', os.path.join(cfg_dir, 'db_template')) # Если конфиг уже есть читаем его если нет, создаем и потом читаем if os.path.isfile(cfg_file): config.read(cfg_file) else: # Запись конфигурации в файл 'example.cfg' with open(cfg_file, 'w') as configfile: config.write(configfile) configfile.close() config.read(cfg_file) work_dir = config.get('Directory', 'work_dir') global template_dir template_dir = config.get('Directory', 'template_dir') db_type = config.get('DataBase', 'db_type') db_hostname = config.get('DataBase', 'db_hostname') if db_type == 'sqlite': db_name = os.path.join(work_dir, config.get('DataBase', 'db_name')) else: db_name = config.get('DataBase', 'db_name') db_user = config.get('DataBase', 'db_user') db_password = config.get('DataBase', 'db_password') # Создаём нужные каталоги if os.path.isdir(work_dir): print(work_dir + " already exists") else: os.mkdir(work_dir) if os.path.isdir(template_dir): print(template_dir + " already exists") else: os.mkdir(template_dir) # копируем и читаем файл шаблон БД template = config.get('DataBase', 'db_name') + '.json' template_file = os.path.join(template_dir, template) if os.path.isfile(template_file): print("Template file already exists " + template_file) else: shutil.copy('db_template/dm.json', template_file) def dbConnect(): global c, db_type, db_hostname, db_user, db_password, db_name, conn if db_type == "mysql": import pymysql conn = pymysql.connect( db=db_name, user=db_user, passwd=db_password, host=db_hostname, charset='utf8') conn.commit() elif db_type == "sqlite": import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect(db_name) else: print(db_type + " database type does`t support") exit() #print(conn) c = conn.cursor() return c def createTables(tbl_list): global dbTablesDescriptionList, dbTablesStructList, c, db_type i = 0 dbTablesNamesList = [] dbTablesDescriptionList = [] dbTablesStructList = [] while i < len(tbl_list): one_Table_descr = [] one_Table_struct = [] one_Table_relation = [] tbl_descr = tbl_list[i]["tableDescription"] tbl_name = tbl_list[i]["tableName"] #field_list = tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][i].keys() dbTablesNamesList.append([tbl_name, tbl_descr]) one_Table_descr.append(tbl_name) one_Table_struct.append(tbl_name) x = 0 # список всех полей таблицы qwery_create = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + tbl_name + " (" index = "" field_names_list = [] struct_fields_list = [] # формируем запрос в зависимости от типа БД if db_type == 'mysql': while x < len(tbl_list[i]["fieldList"]): if tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["autoIncrement"] == "yes": auto_increment = " AUTO_INCREMENT, " else: auto_increment = ", " qwery_create = qwery_create + tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["fName"] + " " + \ tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["fType"] + auto_increment if tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["index"] == "PRIMARY KEY": index = ", PRIMARY KEY (" + tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["fName"] + ")" field_names_list.append( [tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["fName"], tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["fDescription"]]) # struct_fields_list.append(tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["fName"]) struct_fields_list.append( [tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["fName"], fieldTypeConvert(tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["fType"]), auto_increment.strip(', ')]) if tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["relation"]: relation_list = [tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["fName"]] relation_list.append(tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["relation"]) one_Table_relation.append(relation_list) x = x + 1 qwery_create = qwery_create.strip(', ') + index + ');' #qwery_create = qwery_create + index + ');' #print(qwery_create) elif db_type == 'sqlite': while x < len(tbl_list[i]["fieldList"]): if tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["autoIncrement"] == "yes": auto_increment = " AUTOINCREMENT," else: auto_increment = ", " if tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["index"] == "PRIMARY KEY": index = " PRIMARY KEY" else: index = '' qwery_create = qwery_create + tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["fName"] + ' ' + \ tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["fType"] + index + auto_increment field_names_list.append([tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["fName"], tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["fDescription"]]) # struct_fields_list.append(tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["fName"]) struct_fields_list.append( [tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["fName"], fieldTypeConvert(tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["fType"]), auto_increment.strip(', ')]) if tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["relation"]: relation_list = [tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["fName"]] relation_list.append(tbl_list[i]["fieldList"][x]["relation"]) one_Table_relation.append(relation_list) x = x + 1 qwery_create = qwery_create.strip(', ') + ");" one_Table_struct.append(struct_fields_list) one_Table_struct.append(one_Table_relation) one_Table_descr.append(field_names_list) i = i + 1 dbTablesDescriptionList.append(one_Table_descr) dbTablesStructList.append(one_Table_struct) print(qwery_create) c.execute(qwery_create) return dbTablesNamesList def initDBstructure(): global dbTablesDescriptionList, template_file, tblNamesList table_list = open(template_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") # data = json.load(table_list, encoding="utf-8") data = json.load(table_list) #tbl_list = data["tables"] #tblNamesList = createTables(tbl_list) tblNamesList = createTables(data["tables"]) return tblNamesList # выборка данных из заданной таблицы def selectData(tbl): global dbTablesStructList, c, db_type # если юольше 1 поля добавить CONCAT qwery = "SELECT " subqwery = "" #print(dbTablesStructList) for item in dbTablesStructList: if item[0] == tbl: for field in item[1]: field = field[0] qwery = qwery + field + "," for rel in item[2]: field = rel[0] field_rel = rel[1][0] field_replace = rel[1][1] # определяем название таблицы для вложенного запроса table1 = field_rel.split('.')[0] field1 = field_rel.split('.')[1] if table1 == tbl: table1 = table1 + "_1" subqwery = tbl + " AS " +table1 else: subqwery = table1 # составляем подзапрос и подменяем им поле в запросе print(subqwery) if db_type == "mysql": field_replace = field_replace.replace(",", ",' ',") subqwery = "(SELECT CONCAT('>', {}.{}, '<', {}) FROM {} WHERE {}.{}={}.{}) AS {}"\ .format(tbl,field,field_replace,subqwery,table1,field1,tbl,field,field) elif db_type == "sqlite": field_replace = field_replace.replace(",", " || ' ' ||") subqwery = "(SELECT ({}) FROM {} WHERE {}.{}={}.{}) AS {}" \ .format(field_replace, subqwery, table1, field1, tbl, field, field) qwery = qwery.replace(field, subqwery) qwery = '{} FROM {} LIMIT 10000'.format(qwery.rstrip(','), tbl) print(qwery) c.execute(qwery) return c.fetchall() # получаем на вход имя таблицы и возвращаем список заголовков полей def getTableStructure(tbl): global dbTablesDescriptionList, dbTablesStructList for item in dbTablesDescriptionList: if item[0] == tbl: return item[1] # Получаем список названий полей и типов для заданной таблицы def getFields(tbl): global dbTablesDescriptionList, dbTablesStructList for item in dbTablesStructList: if item[0] == tbl: #print(item[1]) return item[1] # Ищем описание поля по его названию и возвращаем. def getFieldDescription(tbl, field): global dbTablesDescriptionList, dbTablesStructList for item in dbTablesDescriptionList: if item[0] == tbl: for i in item[1]: if i[0] == field: fName = i[1] return fName return "null" def fieldTypeConvert(ftype): # разбираем строку на тип и длину ftype = str.lower(ftype) line = re.search("(.+?)\(([0-9]+)\)", ftype) if line: fType = line.groups()[0] fLength = line.groups()[1] if fType == 'int' or fType == 'integer': fType = 'integer' elif fType == 'char' or fType == 'varchar': fType = 'character' else: fType = ftype #print(fType) return fType def getFieldType(tbl, field): global dbTablesDescriptionList, dbTablesStructList for item in dbTablesStructList: if item[0] == tbl: for i in item[1]: if i[0] == field: fType = i[1] return fType def getRelationsForField(tblSearch, fieldName): global dbTablesStructList, c, db_type dataList = [] for item in dbTablesStructList: #print(item) tblName = item[0] for field in item[1]: field = field[0] for rel in item[2]: if tblName == tblSearch: # выдергиваем из списка название и поле нужной нам таблицы if rel[0] == fieldName: l = rel[1][0].split('.') relTable = l[0] relField = l[1] replaceFields = rel[1][1] return [relTable, relField, replaceFields] return "q" # добавление записи в БД на вход принимает список вида: # [table [['field_1', 'значение'], ['field_2', 'значение'],....., ['field_n', 'значение']]] def insertDataIntoBD(dataList): global c, conn dbConnect() tableName = dataList[0] qwery = 'INSERT INTO {} ('.format(tableName) qweryData = '' qweryField = '' for item in dataList[1]: fType = getFieldType(tableName, item[0]) #print(fType) # проверяем если значение поля пустое то в запрос оно не включается if item[1] != '': qweryField = '{}{},'.format(qweryField,item[0]) if fType == 'integer': qweryData = '{}{},'.format(qweryData,item[1]) elif fType == 'datetime': # преобразуем дату всяко разно dt = datetime.strptime(item[1], "%d.%m.%y %H:%M") item[1] = str(dt) qweryData = "{}'{}',".format(qweryData,item[1]) elif fType == 'date': d = item[1].split('.') myDate = '{}-{}-{}'.format(d[2], d[1], d[1]) item[1] = str(myDate) qweryData = "{}'{}',".format(qweryData, item[1]) else: qweryData = "{}'{}',".format(qweryData, item[1]) qwery = '{}{}) VALUES ({});'.format(qwery, qweryField.rstrip(','), qweryData.rstrip(',')) print(qwery) c.execute(qwery) conn.commit() #c.close() return # Выборка данных по значению # принимает на вход название таблицы, назване поля, значение этого поля def selectDataFromDB(tblName, fieldName, fieldValue): global dbTablesStructList, c, db_type qwery = "SELECT " subqwery = "" for item in dbTablesStructList: if item[0] == tblName: for field in item[1]: field = field[0] qwery = qwery + field + "," for rel in item[2]: field = rel[0] fieldRel = rel[1][0] fieldReplace = rel[1][1] # определяем название таблицы для вложенного запроса table1 = fieldRel.split('.')[0] field1 = fieldRel.split('.')[1] if table1 == tblName: table1 = table1 + "_1" subqwery = tblName + " AS " +table1 else: subqwery = table1 # составляем подзапрос и подменяем им поле в запросе if db_type == "mysql": fieldReplace = fieldReplace.replace(",", ",' ',") subqwery = '(SELECT CONCAT({}) FROM {} WHERE {}.{}={}.{}) AS {}'\ .format(fieldReplace, subqwery, table1, field1, tblName, field, field) elif db_type == "sqlite": fieldReplace = fieldReplace.replace(",", " || ' ' ||") subqwery = '(SELECT ({}) FROM {} WHERE {}.{}={}.{}) AS {}'\ .format(fieldReplace, subqwery, table1, field1, tblName, field, field) qwery = qwery.replace(field, subqwery) qwery = '{} FROM {} WHERE {}={}'.format(qwery.rstrip(','), tblName, fieldName, fieldValue) print(qwery) c.execute(qwery) return c.fetchall() def selectRelationsDataFromDB(tblSearch, fieldName, fieldValue): global dbTablesStructList, c, db_type searchField = tblSearch + '.' + fieldName dataList = [] for item in dbTablesStructList: tblName = item[0] for field in item[1]: field = field[0] for rel in item[2]: if rel[1][0] == searchField: data = selectDataFromDB(tblName, rel[0], fieldValue) dataList.append([tblName, data]) return dataList # Ищем название таблицы по её описанию def getTablesNameOfDescription(tblDescr): global tblNamesList for i in tblNamesList: if i[1] == tblDescr: return(i[0]) # Ищем описание таблицы по её названию def getTablesDescriptionOfName(tblName): global tblNamesList for i in tblNamesList: if i[0] == tblName: return(i[1]) # Удаление записи из БД def deleteRecordsFromDB(tableName, valueList): global c, db_type, conn qwery = 'DELETE FROM {} WHERE '.format(tableName) #print(valueList) subQwery='' i = 0 for item in getFields(tableName): #print(item[0], item[1]) if item[1] == 'integer': #subQwery = subQwery + item[0] + '=' + valueList[i] + ' AND ' subQwery = '{}{}={} AND '.format(subQwery, item[0], valueList[i]) else: #subQwery = subQwery + item[0] + '=\'' + valueList[i] + '\' AND ' subQwery = "{}{}='{}' AND ".format(subQwery, item[0], valueList[i]) i += 1 qwery += subQwery qwery = qwery.rstrip('AND ').replace("='None'", " IS NULL") qwery = qwery.rstrip('AND ').replace("=None", " IS NULL") qwery = qwery.rstrip('AND ').replace("=NULL", " IS NULL") print(qwery) c.execute(qwery) conn.commit() return # Редактирование записи в БД def editDataIntoBD(dataList): global c, conn dbConnect() tableName = dataList[0] qwery = 'UPDATE {} SET '.format(tableName) #qweryData = '' qweryField = '' qweryWhere = '' for item in dataList[1]: fType = getFieldType(tableName, item[0]) # проверяем если значение поля пустое то в запрос оно не включается if item[1] != '': qweryField = '{}{}='.format(qweryField,item[0]) if fType == 'integer': qweryField = '{}{},'.format(qweryField,item[1]) elif fType == 'datetime': # преобразуем дату всяко разно dt = datetime.strptime(item[1], "%d.%m.%y %H:%M") item[1] = str(dt) qweryField = "{}'{}',".format(qweryField,item[1]) elif fType == 'date': d = item[1].split('.') myDate = '{}-{}-{}'.format(d[2], d[1], d[1]) item[1] = str(myDate) qweryField = "{}'{}',".format(qweryField, item[1]) else: qweryField = "{}'{}',".format(qweryField, item[1]) qwery = '{}{} WHERE {};'.format(qwery, qweryField.rstrip(','), qweryWhere) print(qwery) #c.execute(qwery) #conn.commit() #c.close() return # Вывод структуры таблицы из базы данных def getTableStructureFromDB(tableName): global c, db_type, conn if db_type == 'sqlite': qwery = 'PRAGMA table_info({})'.format(tableName) fieldsList = c.execute(qwery).fetchall() #for row in fieldsList: # print(row) return(fieldsList) #initDBstructure() firstInit() dbConnect()