#!/usr/bin/wish ###################################################### # HUAWEI command generator # Distributed under GNU Public License # Author: Sergey Kalinin # svk@nuk-svk.ru # Copyright (c), 2010, ###################################################### set ver 1.1.2 package require tablelist package require BWidget package require Ttk #BWidget::use -package ttk -setoptdb 1 -style default set dirWork [pwd] set rootDir $dirWork set dirFields $dirWork set fontNormal "tahoma 10 normal roman" # Bold Font # set fontBold "tahoma 10 bold roman" ###################################################### # создаём файло со списком полей каждой таблицы из кучи файлов. ###################################################### proc ReadField {dir} { global dirWork dirFields cd $dir set lstFiles [glob -nocomplain *.txt] #set filesCount [llength $lstFiles] #ProgressDlg .prg -textvariable PROGTXT -variable PROGINC \ -type nonincremental_infinite -maximum 100 destroy .frmStatus.frmActive.prg ProgressBar .frmStatus.frmActive.prg -variable PROGINC -type nonincremental_infinite -maximum 100 pack .frmStatus.frmActive.lblActive -fill x -side left pack .frmStatus.frmActive.prg -side left set ::PROGTXT "Reading the files" set ::PROGINC -1 foreach file [lsort $lstFiles] { set ::PROGTXT "Reading the - $file" set f [open $file r] while {[gets $f line]>=0} { if [regexp -nocase -all -- {([a-zA-Z]+)\s([a-zA-Z0-9]+):(.+?)} $line match command table params] { set l [split $params ", "] for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $l]} {incr i} { if [regexp -nocase -all -- {([a-zA-Z0-9]+)=(.+?)} [lindex $l $i] match par val] { if {[info exists lst($table)] == 0} { lappend lst($table) "$par" } else { if {[lsearch -exact $lst($table) $par] < 0} { lappend lst($table) "$par" } else { } } } } } incr ::PROGINC } } update set fOut [open [file join $dirFields fields] w] foreach n [array names lst] {puts $fOut "$n : [string toupper $lst($n)]"} close $fOut destroy .frmStatus.frmActive.prg destroy .frmStatus.frmActive.lblActive } ######################################### ## Читаем файл со списком полей и делаем массив списков # ######################################## proc ReadHeader {file} { global arrFields dirWork if [info exists arrFields] { unset arrFields } if {[file exists $file] == 0} { set dir [tk_chooseDirectory -title "Select directory with CVTMML files"] ReadField $dir } set f [open $file r] while {[gets $f line]>=0} { if [regexp -nocase -all -- {([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s:\s(.+?)} $line match table params] { set l [split $params " "] for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $l]} {incr i} { set par [lindex $l $i] lappend arrFields($table) "$par" } } } } proc ReadFile {file} { global lst if [info exists lst] { unset lst } set f [open $file r] gets $f line if [regexp -nocase -all -- {([a-zA-Z]+)\s([a-zA-Z0-9]+):(.+?)} $line match command table params] { set l [split $params ", "] for {set i 1} {$i < [llength $l]} {incr i} { if [regexp -nocase -all -- {([a-zA-Z]+)=(.+?)} [lindex $l $i] match par val] { lappend lst($table) "$par=$val" } } } } proc CloseFile {} { global noteBook bookmarkList set node [$noteBook raise] if {$node eq ""} { return } set index [$noteBook index $node] $noteBook delete $node 1 unset bookmarkList($node) set firstNode [$noteBook pages 0] $noteBook raise $firstNode if {$firstNode eq ""} { .frmTool.btnFileClose configure -state disable .frmTool.btnSaveTable configure -state disable .frmTool.btnSaveText configure -state disable .frmTool.entFilter configure -text "" .frmTool.entFilter configure -state disabled .frmTool.btnFilterOn configure -state disable .frmTool.btnFilterOff configure -state disable .frmStatus.frmLine.lblLine configure -text "" } } proc CloseAllFile {} { global noteBook bookmarkList foreach node [$noteBook pages] { set index [$noteBook index $node] $noteBook delete $node 1 if [info exists bookmarkList($node)] { unset bookmarkList($node) } } .frmTool.btnFileClose configure -state disable .frmTool.btnSaveTable configure -state disable .frmTool.btnSaveText configure -state disable .frmTool.entFilter configure -text "" .frmTool.entFilter configure -state disabled .frmTool.btnFilterOn configure -state disable .frmTool.btnFilterOff configure -state disable .frmStatus.frmLine.lblLine configure -text "" .frmStatus.frmFilter.lblFilter configure -text "" } ################################## ## Centered window ## ################################## proc CentreWindow {w {width 640} {height 480} } { set x [expr { ( [winfo vrootwidth $w] - $width ) / 2 }] set y [expr { ( [winfo vrootheight $w] - $height ) / 2 }] wm geometry $w ${width}x${height}+${x}+${y} } # sync scroll proc Scroll {lst txt args} { if {[lindex $args 0] eq "scroll"} { $lst yview [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 2] $txt yview [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 2] #.frmBody.frmCat.lst yview [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 2] #.frmBody.frmCat.txt yview [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] [lindex $args 2] } elseif {[lindex $args 0] eq "moveto"} { #.frmBody.frmCat.lst yview [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] #.frmBody.frmCat.txt yview [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] $lst yview [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] $txt yview [lindex $args 0] [lindex $args 1] } } ################################## ## Create Pane Widget ## ################################## namespace eval pane { namespace export create proc create { f1 f2 args } { set t(-orient) vertical set t(-percent) 0.25 set t(-gripcolor) gray75 set t(-gripposition) 0.95 set t(-gripcursor) crosshair set t(-in) [winfo parent $f1] array set t $args set master $t(-in) upvar #0 [namespace current]::Pane$master pane array set pane [array get t] if {! [string match v* $pane(-orient)] } { set pane(-gripcursor) sb_v_double_arrow set height 5 ; set width 3000 } else { set pane(-gripcursor) sb_h_double_arrow set height 3000 ; set width 5 } set pane(1) $f1 set pane(2) $f2 set pane(grip) [frame $master.grip -background $pane(-gripcolor) \ -width $width -height $height \ -bd 1 -relief raised -cursor $pane(-gripcursor)] if {! [string match v* $pane(-orient)] } { set pane(D) Y place $pane(1) -in $master -x 0 -rely 0.0 -anchor nw -relwidth 1.0 -height -1 place $pane(2) -in $master -x 0 -rely 1.0 -anchor sw -relwidth 1.0 -height -1 place $pane(grip) -in $master -anchor c -relx $pane(-gripposition) } else { set pane(D) X place $pane(1) -in $master -relx 0.0 -y 0 -anchor nw -relheight 1.0 -width -1 place $pane(2) -in $master -relx 1.0 -y 0 -anchor ne -relheight 1.0 -width -1 place $pane(grip) -in $master -anchor c -rely 0 ;#$pane(-gripposition) } $master configure -background gray50 bind $master [list [namespace current]::PaneGeometry $master] bind $pane(grip) \ [list [namespace current]::PaneDrag $master %$pane(D)] bind $pane(grip) \ [list [namespace current]::PaneDrag $master %$pane(D)] bind $pane(grip) \ [list [namespace current]::PaneStop $master] [namespace current]::PaneGeometry $master } proc PaneDrag { master D } { upvar #0 [namespace current]::Pane$master pane if {[info exists pane(lastD)]} { set delta [expr double($pane(lastD) - $D) \ / $pane(size)] set pane(-percent) [expr $pane(-percent) - $delta] if {$pane(-percent) < 0.0} { set pane(-percent) 0.0 } elseif {$pane(-percent) > 1.0} { set pane(-percent) 1.0 } [namespace current]::PaneGeometry $master } set pane(lastD) $D } proc PaneStop { master } { upvar #0 [namespace current]::Pane$master pane catch {unset pane(lastD)} } proc PaneGeometry { master } { upvar #0 [namespace current]::Pane$master pane if {$pane(D) == "X"} { place $pane(1) -relwidth $pane(-percent) place $pane(2) -relwidth [expr 1.0 - $pane(-percent)] place $pane(grip) -relx $pane(-percent) set pane(size) [winfo width $master] } else { place $pane(1) -relheight $pane(-percent) place $pane(2) -relheight [expr 1.0 - $pane(-percent)] place $pane(grip) -rely $pane(-percent) set pane(size) [winfo height $master] } } } ################################## ## Exit procedure ## ################################# proc Quit {} { global bookmarkList rootDir tcl_platform set f [open [file join $rootDir .bookmarks] w] foreach item [array names bookmarkList] { puts $f [file nativename $bookmarkList($item)] } close $f if {$tcl_platform(os) eq "Windows NT"} { #file attributes [file join $rootDir .bookmarks] -hidden true } exit } proc PopupMenuTable {x y} { global fontNormal if [winfo exists .popupTbl] { destroy .popupTbl } set m .popupTbl set menu [menu $m -font $fontNormal -title Clipboard] $m add command -label "Copy cell" -command {Copy cell}\ -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+C" $m add command -label "Copy row" -command {Copy row}\ -font $fontNormal $m add command -label "Copy command" -command CopySelectedCommand\ -font $fontNormal $m add separator $m add command -label "Filter" -command {FilterOn menu}\ -font $fontNormal tk_popup $menu $x $y } ################################## ## Opened file procedure ## ################################## proc OpenFile {{file_ ""}} { global arrFields dirWork dirFields noteBook fontNormal bookmarkList lstColumnWidth set types { {{Text Files} {.txt} } {{All Files} * } } if {$file_ eq ""} { set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types -initialdir $dirWork] } else { set file $file_ } if {$file eq ""} { return } set dirWork [file dirname $file] # заменяем пробелы в имени файла для удобства работы regsub -all -- {\s} [file rootname [file tail $file]] "_" nodeName # открываем файл и читаем до тех пор пока не попадется строка соответствующая шаблону # и вставляем страницу в noteBook set f [open $file r] while [gets $f l] { if [regexp -nocase -all -- {([a-zA-Z]+)\s([a-zA-Z0-9]+):(.+?)} $l match command tableName params] { set node [$noteBook insert end $nodeName -text "$tableName" -raisecmd RaisedNodeService] break ;# дальше можно не читать - название таблицы получено } } # переместим указатель в файле на начало seek $f 0 start ## CREATE PANE ## set frmBody [frame $node.frm -border 1 -relief raised] pack $frmBody -side top -expand true -fill both set frmText [frame $frmBody.frmText -relief sunken -border 1] #set frmText [ScrollableFrame $frmBody.frmText -xscrollincrement 0 -yscrollincrement 0] pack $frmText -side left -fill both -expand true #set frmTable [frame $frmBody.frmTable -border 1 -relief sunken] set frmTable [ScrolledWindow $node.frmTable] pack $frmTable -side left -fill both -expand true pane::create $frmText $frmTable -orient horizontal set listBox [text $frmText.lst -yscrollcommand "$frmText.yscroll set" -width 6 -borderwidth 0 -relief flat -font $fontNormal] set txt [text $frmText.txt -wrap none -yscrollcommand "$frmText.yscroll set" -borderwidth 0 -relief flat -font $fontNormal -width 30] scrollbar $frmText.yscroll -relief sunken -borderwidth {1} -width {10} -takefocus 0 -command "Scroll $listBox $txt" #scrollbar $frmBody.xscroll -relief sunken -borderwidth {1} -width {10} -takefocus 0 -command "$txt xview" #pack $frmText.yscroll -side top -fill y pack $listBox -side left -fill y pack $txt -side left -fill both -expand true pack $frmText.yscroll -side left -fill y # $frmText setwidget $listBox #$frmText setwidget $txt #bind $txt "$listBox yview scroll -3 units" #bind $listBox "$listBox yview scroll 3 units" #bind $txt "Scroll $listBox $txt" #bind $listBox "Scroll $listBox $txt" if [info exists arrFields($tableName)] { set tbl [CreateTable $arrFields($tableName) $frmTable $txt] } else { set doit [MessageDlg .msg -type yesno -title "Info message" -message "$tableName not found in =fields= file. Needed reinitialisation. Do it?"] switch -exact $doit { 0 { CloseAllFile ReadField [file dirname $file] ReadHeader [file join $dirFields fields] #CloseFile #OpenFile $file return } 1 {$noteBook delete $nodeName; return} # tk_messageBox -title Error -icon error -type ok -message "Reinitialisation needed" } } ## TABS popups ## set bookmarkList($nodeName) $file #ProgressDlg .prg -textvariable PROGTXT -variable PROGINC -type infinite -maximum 1000 ProgressBar .frmStatus.frmActive.prg -variable PROGINC -type nonincremental_infinite -maximum 100 pack .frmStatus.frmActive.prg -fill x -side left set ::PROGTXT "Reading the file" set ::PROGINC -1 $listBox delete 0.0 end $txt delete 0.0 end set rowCount 0 if [info exists lstColumnName] { unset lstColumnName } # список с размерами полей, для первого максимально 6 знаков set lstColumnWidth($nodeName,0) 6 for {set col 1} {$col < [$tbl columncount]} {incr col} { set lstColumnWidth($nodeName,$col) 0 # делаем список содержащий имена параметров # опосля, их заменим на значения и сунем в таблицу lappend lstColumnName "=[$tbl columncget $col -name]=" } while {[gets $f line]>=0} { $txt insert end "$line\n" set line [string trim $line ";"] $listBox insert end "$rowCount\n" if [info exists lstVal] { unset lstVal } lappend lstVal $rowCount set lstVal [concat $lstVal $lstColumnName] if [regexp -nocase -all -- {([a-zA-Z]+)\s([a-zA-Z0-9]+):(.+?)} $line match command table params] { set l [split $params ", "] set y 1 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $l]} {incr i} { if [regexp -nocase -all -- {([a-zA-Z0-9]+)=(.+?)} [lindex $l $i] match par val] { ##### FUCK ######## # заменяем в списке имена параметров на их значения set item [lsearch -exact $lstVal "=[string toupper $par]="] # проверяем наличие параметра из командника в fields если нету запустим переинициализацию if {$item eq -1} { set doit [MessageDlg .msg -type yesnocancel -title "Info message" -message "Parametr =$par= not found in =fields= file. Needed reinitialisation. Do it?"] switch -exact $doit { 0 { CloseAllFile ReadField [file dirname $file] ReadHeader [file join $dirFields fields] OpenFile $file #return } 1 {} 2 { update; destroy .prg; return} } } set lstVal [lreplace $lstVal $item $item [string trim $val "\""]] # вычисляем макс. кол-во символов для каждого столбца set length [string length $val] if [info exists lstColumnWidth($nodeName,$y)] { if {$lstColumnWidth($nodeName,$y) < $length} { set lstColumnWidth($nodeName,$y) $length } } incr y } } # меняем оставшиеся потроха на пустое значение while {[lsearch -glob $lstVal "=*="] !=-1} { set item [lsearch -glob $lstVal "=*="] set lstVal [lreplace $lstVal $item $item " "] #puts "$item $lstVal" } $tbl insert end $lstVal } incr ::PROGINC incr rowCount } update destroy .frmStatus.frmActive.prg close $f $noteBook raise $nodeName # уберём упомнинание о включенном фильтре .frmStatus.frmFilter.lblFilter configure -text "" # включим нужные кнопочки окошечки .frmTool.btnFileClose configure -state normal .frmTool.btnSaveTable configure -state normal .frmTool.btnSaveText configure -state normal .frmTool.entFilter configure -state normal .frmTool.btnFilterOn configure -state normal .frmStatus.frmLine.lblLine configure -text "$rowCount str." } ################################## ## Created table widget ## ################################## proc CreateTable {lstHeader frmTbl text} { set tbl [tablelist::tablelist $frmTbl.tbl -stretch all -selectmode extended -selecttype cell -background white \ -showseparators yes -stripebackground #ecf6eb -xscrollcommand "" -yscrollcommand ""] $frmTbl setwidget $tbl #pack $frmTbl -side left -fill both -expand true set i 1 $tbl insertcolumns end 0 "#" foreach n $lstHeader { set n [string toupper $n] $tbl insertcolumns end 0 "$n" $tbl columnconfigure $i -sortmode ascii -name $n incr i } $tbl columnconfigure 0 -sortmode integer -name "number" bind [$tbl bodytag] { foreach {tablelist::W tablelist::x tablelist::y} \ [tablelist::convEventFields %W %x %y] {} #puts "clicked on cell [$tbl containingcell $tablelist::x $tablelist::y]" SearchText } bind [$tbl bodytag] {catch [PopupMenuTable %X %Y]} return $tbl } ################################## #### ищем текст и подсвечиваем его ##### ################################## proc SearchText {} { global noteBook set txt .frmBody.noteBook.f[$noteBook raise].frm.frmText.txt set tbl .frmBody.noteBook.f[$noteBook raise].frmTable.tbl set listBox .frmBody.noteBook.f[$noteBook raise].frm.frmText.lst set row [$tbl containing $tablelist::y] if {$row eq "-1"} { return } set ind [expr [$tbl getcells $row,0] +1] $txt tag delete select $txt tag configure select -background grey $txt tag add select $ind.0 $ind.end $listBox tag delete select $listBox tag configure select -background grey $listBox tag add select $ind.0 $ind.end $txt see $ind.0 $listBox see $ind.0 } ############################################ #### ищем команды в тексте для фильтрованных записей ##### ########################################### proc SearchFilteredText {} { global noteBook set txt .frmBody.noteBook.f[$noteBook raise].frm.frmText.txt set tbl .frmBody.noteBook.f[$noteBook raise].frmTable.tbl set listBox .frmBody.noteBook.f[$noteBook raise].frm.frmText.lst $txt tag delete filtered $txt tag configure filtered -background #abedbb $listBox tag delete filtered $listBox tag configure filtered -background #abedbb # получаем индексы строк foreach ind [$tbl getkeys 0 end] { # проверям скрыты или нет if {[$tbl rowcget $ind -hide] == 0} { set index [expr [$tbl getcells $ind,0] +1] #puts "$index - visible" #set ind [expr [$tbl getcells $row,0] +1] $txt tag add filtered $index.0 $index.end $listBox tag add filtered $index.0 $index.end $txt see $index.0 $listBox see $index.0 } } } ############################################## #### Копируем в буфер команды на основе выделенных ячеек ##### ############################################## proc CopySelectedCommand {} { global noteBook clipboard clear set txt .frmBody.noteBook.f[$noteBook raise].frm.frmText.txt set tbl .frmBody.noteBook.f[$noteBook raise].frmTable.tbl set listBox .frmBody.noteBook.f[$noteBook raise].frm.frmText.lst #$tbl selection includes index #puts foreach ind [$tbl curselection ] { # проверям скрыты или нет if {[$tbl rowcget $ind -hide] == 0} { set index [expr [$tbl getcells $ind,0] +1] append selectedCommand "[string trim [$txt get $index.0 $index.end]]\n" #$listBox tag add filtered $index.0 $index.end #$txt see $index.0 #$listBox see $index.0 } } clipboard append [string trim $selectedCommand] } ########################################## #### Копируем в буфер содержимое выделенных ячеек ##### ########################################## proc Copy {type} { global noteBook clipboard clear set txt .frmBody.noteBook.f[$noteBook raise].frm.frmText.txt set tbl .frmBody.noteBook.f[$noteBook raise].frmTable.tbl switch $type { "cell" { foreach row [$tbl curselection ] { foreach ind [$tbl curcellselection ] { set rowInd [lindex [split $ind ","] 0] if {$rowInd eq $row} { append selectedData "[string trim [$tbl getcells $ind]]\t" } } append selectedData "\n" } } "row" { foreach ind [$tbl curselection ] { append selectedData "[string trim [$tbl getcells $ind,0 $ind,end]]\n" puts [regsub -all -- "\{ \}" $selectedData " " selectedData] } } } clipboard append [string trim $selectedData] } ################################## #### главная процедурка в программе ##### ################################## proc AboutDialog {} { global ver fontNormal fontBold set w ".about" set w_exist [winfo exists $w] if !$w_exist { toplevel $w wm title $w "About" wm overrideredirect $w 0 wm positionfrom $w program wm resizable $w 0 0 CentreWindow $w 500 200 #frame $w.frmImg -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge -background white #set imgAbout [image create photo -data $picturedata] #image create photo imgAbout -format gif -file $homeDir/img/mytcladmin.gif frame $w.frm -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge #label $w.frm.lblImg -image $imgAbout #pack $w.frmImg.lblImg -side top -expand true -fill both frame $w.frm.frmlbl -borderwidth 0 -relief ridge label $w.frm.frmlbl.lblHeader -font $fontNormal -text "This is visual tool for working with files generated by HUAWEI CVTmml" label $w.frm.frmlbl.lblVersion -font $fontNormal -text "Version: $ver" label $w.frm.frmlbl.lblLicense -font $fontNormal -text "Licensed by GNU Public License" label $w.frm.frmlbl.lblCompany -font $fontNormal -text "Copyright: Sergey Kalinin, 2010" label $w.frm.frmlbl.lblAuthor -font $fontNormal -text "Author: Sergey Kalinin" label $w.frm.frmlbl.lblEmail -font $fontNormal -cursor hand1 -text "E-Mail: banzaj28@gmail.com" pack $w.frm.frmlbl.lblHeader $w.frm.frmlbl.lblVersion $w.frm.frmlbl.lblLicense $w.frm.frmlbl.lblCompany \ $w.frm.frmlbl.lblAuthor $w.frm.frmlbl.lblEmail -side top -padx 5 frame $w.frmBtn -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge button $w.frmBtn.btnOk -text "Close" -font $fontNormal -borderwidth {1} \ -command "destroy .about" bind $w "destroy .about" pack $w.frmBtn.btnOk -pady 5 #pack $w.frm.lblImg $w.frm.frmlbl -side left -expand true -fill x -anchor center pack $w.frm.frmlbl -side left -expand true -fill x -anchor center pack $w.frm -side top -expand true -fill both pack $w.frmBtn -side top -fill x focus $w.frmBtn.btnOk bind .about {destroy .about} } } proc HelpDialog {} { global ver fontNormal fontBold tcl_platform set w ".help" set w_exist [winfo exists $w] if !$w_exist { toplevel $w wm title $w "Help" wm overrideredirect $w 0 wm positionfrom $w user wm resizable $w 1 1 CentreWindow $w 640 480 frame $w.frmTxtHelp -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge frame $w.frmBtn -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge pack $w.frmTxtHelp -expand true -fill both pack $w.frmBtn -fill x set helpText [text $w.frmTxtHelp.txt -wrap none -yscrollcommand "$w.frmTxtHelp.yscroll set" -borderwidth 0 -relief flat -wrap word -font $fontNormal] scrollbar $w.frmTxtHelp.yscroll -relief sunken -borderwidth {1} -width {10} -takefocus 0 -command {$helpText yview } pack $helpText -fill both -expand true -side left pack $w.frmTxtHelp.yscroll -fill y -expand true -side left button $w.frmBtn.btnOk -text "Close" -font $fontNormal -borderwidth {1} -command "destroy .help" bind $w "destroy .help" pack $w.frmBtn.btnOk -pady 5 focus $w.frmBtn.btnOk bind .help {destroy .help} set text "See README.html" $helpText insert end $text } } ####################################################### #### включаем фильтру для отображения записей согласно критерия ######## ###################################################### proc FilterOn {args} { global noteBook filtered set tblName [$noteBook raise] set txt .frmBody.noteBook.f$tblName.frm.frmText.txt set tbl .frmBody.noteBook.f$tblName.frmTable.tbl set listBox .frmBody.noteBook.f$tblName.frm.frmText.lst switch $args { "menu" { $tbl sortbycolumn [lindex [split [$tbl curcellselection ] ","] 1] -increasing set data [string trim [$tbl getcells [$tbl curcellselection ]]] .frmTool.entFilter configure -text "$data" } } set text [.frmTool.entFilter get ] if {$text eq ""} { MessageDlg .msg -type ok -title "Info message" -message "Enter filter criteria" return } set colindex [$tbl sortcolumn] if {$colindex == -1} { MessageDlg .msg -type ok -title "Info message" -message "Select sorting column first." return } set rowIndex 0 foreach item [$tbl getcells 0,$colindex end,$colindex] { if {[string match [string tolower $text] [string tolower $item]] == 0 } { $tbl rowconfigure $rowIndex -hide 1 } incr rowIndex } set filtered($tblName) [list [string toupper [$tbl columncget $colindex -title]] $text] .frmStatus.frmFilter.lblFilter configure -text "[string toupper [$tbl columncget $colindex -title]]=\"$text\"" .frmTool.btnFilterOff configure -state normal SearchFilteredText } proc FilterOff {} { global noteBook filtered set tblName [$noteBook raise] set tbl .frmBody.noteBook.f$tblName.frmTable.tbl set txt .frmBody.noteBook.f$tblName.frm.frmText.txt set listBox .frmBody.noteBook.f$tblName.frm.frmText.lst foreach ind [$tbl getkeys 0 end] { $tbl rowconfigure $ind -hide 0 } .frmStatus.frmFilter.lblFilter configure -text "" unset filtered($tblName) .frmTool.btnFilterOff configure -state disable $txt tag delete filtered $listBox tag delete filtered } ################################### ## сохраняем все данные из таблици в текстовик ## proc SaveTable {} { global noteBook lstColumnWidth set nodeName [$noteBook raise] set tbl .frmBody.noteBook.f$nodeName.frmTable.tbl #global tbl if {[info exists tbl] == 0} { return } set types { {{Tabbed text file} {.txt}} {{CSV file} {.csv}} } set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types -defaultextension ".txt"] if {$file eq ""} { return } set f [open $file w] if {[file extension $file] eq ".csv"} { set separator ";" } elseif {[file extension $file] eq ".txt"} { set separator "\t" } foreach i [$tbl cget -columntitles] { set i [string toupper $i] puts -nonewline $f "$i$separator" } puts $f "" foreach ind [$tbl getkeys 0 end] { if {[$tbl rowcget $ind -hide] == 0} { set colInd 0 foreach j [$tbl get $ind] { # хитрый выебон для добавления пробелов до необходимой ширины if {[string length $j] < $lstColumnWidth($nodeName,$colInd)} { set delta [expr $lstColumnWidth($nodeName,$colInd) - [string length $j]] for {set y 0} {$y < $delta} {incr y} { append j " " } #puts "$j - $lstColumnWidth($nodeName,$colInd) - $delta" } puts -nonewline $f "$j\t" incr colInd } puts $f "" } } close $f } ######################################## ## сохраняем меченные данные из текстового поля в текстовик ## ######################################## proc SaveTextMarked {} { global noteBook set nodeName [$noteBook raise] set txt .frmBody.noteBook.f$nodeName.frm.frmText.txt set tbl .frmBody.noteBook.f$nodeName.frmTable.tbl #global tbl if {[info exists txt] == 0} { return } set types { {{Text file} {.txt}} } set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types -defaultextension ".txt"] if {$file eq ""} { return } set f [open $file w] # получаем индексы строк foreach ind [$tbl getkeys 0 end] { # проверям скрыты или нет if {[$tbl rowcget $ind -hide] == 0} { set index [expr [$tbl getcells $ind,0] +1] puts $f [$txt get $index.0 $index.end] puts [$txt get $index.0 $index.end] } } close $f } ######################################## ## сохраняем все данные из текстового поля в текстовик ## ######################################## proc SaveText {} { global noteBook set nodeName [$noteBook raise] set txt .frmBody.noteBook.f$nodeName.frm.frmText.txt #global tbl if {[info exists txt] == 0} { return } set types { {{Tabbed text file} {.txt}} } set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types -defaultextension ".txt"] if {$file eq ""} { return } set f [open $file w] puts $f [$txt get 0.0 end] close $f } ######################################## ## обновление строки статуса при активации закладок ## ######################################## proc RaisedNodeService {} { global noteBook filtered set nodeName [$noteBook raise] set tbl .frmBody.noteBook.f$nodeName.frmTable.tbl .frmStatus.frmLine.lblLine configure -text "[$tbl index end] str." if [info exists filtered($nodeName)] { .frmTool.entFilter configure -text [lindex $filtered($nodeName) 1] .frmStatus.frmFilter.lblFilter configure -text "[lindex $filtered($nodeName) 0]=\"[lindex $filtered($nodeName) 1]\"" .frmTool.btnFilterOff configure -state normal } else { .frmTool.entFilter configure -text "" .frmStatus.frmFilter.lblFilter configure -text "" .frmTool.btnFilterOff configure -state disable } } ################################################### ## GUI #################################### ################################################## wm geometry . 800x600+0+0 wm title . "Msoft Command Generator: $ver" wm iconname . "MCG $ver" wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW Quit wm overrideredirect . 0 wm positionfrom . program CentreWindow . 800 600 #wm resizable . 0 0 option add *Tablelist.labelCommand tablelist::sortByColumn option add *Tablelist.labelCommand2 tablelist::addToSortColumns #option add *Tablelist.setGrid yes option add *Tablelist.movableColumns yes frame .frmMenu -border 1 -relief raised frame .frmTool -border 1 -relief raised frame .frmBody -border 1 -relief raised frame .frmStatus -border 1 -relief sunken pack .frmMenu -side top -padx 1 -fill x pack .frmTool -side top -padx 1 -fill x pack .frmBody -side top -padx 1 -fill both -expand true pack .frmStatus -side top -padx 1 -fill x ########## CREATE MENU LINE ########## menubutton .frmMenu.mnuFile -text "File" -menu .frmMenu.mnuFile.m -font $fontNormal set m [menu .frmMenu.mnuFile.m] $m add command -label "Open command file" -command {OpenFile} -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+O" $m add command -label "Close file" -command {CloseFile} -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+W" $m add command -label "Close all files" -command {CloseAllFile} -font $fontNormal $m add separator $m add command -label "Exit" -command Quit -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+Q" menubutton .frmMenu.mnuService -text "Service" -menu .frmMenu.mnuService.m -font $fontNormal set m [menu .frmMenu.mnuService.m] $m add cascade -label "Text" -menu $m.text -font $fontNormal $m add cascade -label "Table" -menu $m.table -font $fontNormal $m add separator $m add command -label "Reread files structure" -font $fontNormal -command { CloseAllFile ReadField [tk_chooseDirectory -title "Select directory with CVTMML files"] ReadHeader [file join $dirFields fields] } set m1 [menu $m.text] $m1 add command -label "Save all text" -command SaveText -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+T" $m1 add command -label "Save market text" -command SaveTextMarked -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+M" set m2 [menu $m.table] $m2 add command -label "Export table" -command SaveTable -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+S" $m2 add command -label "Copy selected cells" -command {Copy cell} -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+C" $m2 add command -label "Copy row" -command {Copy row} -font $fontNormal $m2 add command -label "Copy command" -command CopySelectedCommand -font $fontNormal menubutton .frmMenu.mnuHelp -text "Help" -menu .frmMenu.mnuHelp.m -underline 0 -font $fontNormal set m [menu .frmMenu.mnuHelp.m] $m add command -label "Help" -command HelpDialog -accelerator F1 -font $fontNormal $m add command -label "About ..." -command AboutDialog -font $fontNormal #pack .frmMenu.mnuFile .frmMenu.mnuEdit .frmMenu.mnuView .frmMenu.mnuService -side left pack .frmMenu.mnuFile .frmMenu.mnuService -side left pack .frmMenu.mnuHelp -side right ################ toolbar ###################### Button .frmTool.btnFileOpen -text "Open" -command OpenFile -relief link -helptext "Open cvtMML command file" Button .frmTool.btnFileClose -text "Close" -command CloseFile -relief link -state disable -helptext "Close file" Button .frmTool.btnSaveTable -text "Export table" -command SaveTable -relief link -state disable -helptext "Export table into file" #Button .frmTool.btnSaveText -text "Save text" -command SaveText -relief link -state disable -helptext "Save text as file" menubutton .frmTool.btnSaveText -text "Save text" -menu .frmTool.btnSaveText.m -state disabled set m [menu .frmTool.btnSaveText.m] $m add command -label "Save all" -command SaveText -font $fontNormal $m add command -label "Save marked" -command SaveTextMarked -font $fontNormal label .frmTool.lblSeparator1 -relief groove -text "" Entry .frmTool.entFilter -state disabled -helptext "Enter here filter criteria" Button .frmTool.btnFilterOn -text "Filter on" -command FilterOn -relief link -state disable -helptext "Data filter on" Button .frmTool.btnFilterOff -text "Filter off" -command FilterOff -relief link -state disable -helptext "Data filter off" label .frmTool.lblSeparator2 -relief groove -text "" Button .frmTool.btnExit -text "Exit" -command Quit -relief link pack .frmTool.btnFileOpen .frmTool.btnFileClose .frmTool.btnSaveTable .frmTool.btnSaveText -side left pack .frmTool.lblSeparator1 -fill y -side left pack .frmTool.entFilter .frmTool.btnFilterOn .frmTool.btnFilterOff -side left pack .frmTool.lblSeparator2 -fill y -side left pack .frmTool.btnExit -side right set noteBook [NoteBook .frmBody.noteBook -font $fontNormal -side bottom] pack $noteBook -fill both -expand true -padx 2 -pady 2 #set frmCat [frame .frmBody.frmCat -border 1 -relief sunken] #pack $frmCat -side left -fill y -fill both set frmWork [frame .frmBody.frmWork -border 1 -relief sunken] pack $frmWork -side left -fill both -expand true ## Create StatusBAr ## set frm2 [frame .frmStatus.frmActive -relief groove] set frm4 [frame .frmStatus.frmLine] set frm5 [frame .frmStatus.frmFile] set frm6 [frame .frmStatus.frmFilter] pack $frm4 -side left -fill x pack $frm5 -side left pack $frm6 -side left -fill x -expand true pack $frm2 -side left -fill x #pack -side left -fill x -expand true label $frm4.lblLine -width 10 -relief sunken -font $fontNormal -anchor center pack $frm4.lblLine -fill x label $frm2.lblActive -relief sunken -font $fontNormal -anchor center -textvariable ::PROGTXT label $frm5.lblFile -width 10 -relief sunken -font $fontNormal -anchor e -text Filter: pack $frm5.lblFile label $frm6.lblFilter -relief sunken -font $fontBold -anchor w pack $frm6.lblFilter -fill x -expand true bind . Quit bind . SaveTable bind . SaveText bind . OpenFile bind . HelpDialog bind . CloseFile bind .frmTool.entFilter FilterOn ## startup procedure ## ReadHeader [file join $dirWork fields] if [file exists [file join $dirWork .bookmarks]] { set f [open [file join $dirWork .bookmarks] r] while {[gets $f line]>=0} { OpenFile $line } }