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# Panasonic TDA200 call data collector
# Distributed under GNU Public License
# Author: Sergey Kalinin
# Home page:
package require mysqltcl
# параметры соединения с СУБД
#set db(host) "host"
#set db(user) "user"
#set db(pass) "password"
#set db(dbname) "ats_test"
#set out_dir "~/tmp/ats"
proc InsertData {} {
global arrVariables db
puts [array size arrVariables]
set qwery "INSERT INTO `cdr` ("
foreach key [array names arrVariables] {
set qwery "$qwery `$key`, "
set qwery "[string trimright $qwery ", "]\) VALUES\("
foreach key [array names arrVariables] {
set qwery "$qwery \"[string trim $arrVariables($key)]\","
set qwery "[string trimright $qwery ", "]\);"
puts $qwery
set conn [mysql::connect -host $db(host) -db $db(dbname) -user $db(user) -password $db(pass) -encoding utf-8]
mysql::exec $conn $qwery
mysql::commit $conn
mysql::close $conn
proc ParceString {line} {
global out_dir arrVariables
# Получает на вход строку и раскидывает её в нужном виде и пишет в файл
if {[string range $line 0 2] == "---" || $line == "" || [string range $line 3 6] == "Date"} {
#puts $line
# Создаём текстовые файлы на всякий случай, для дублирования информации
set fName [clock format [clock scan "now" -base [clock seconds]] -format %m_%Y]
set out_log_name [file join $out_dir $fName]
set out_log [open $out_log_name "a+"]
puts $out_log "$line"
close $out_log
# Разбор строки
# Преобразуем дату к виду "ДД/ММ/ГГГГ"
set arrVariables(call_date) "20[string range $line 6 7]\/[string range $line 3 4]\/[string range $line 0 1]"
set arrVariables(call_time) [string range $line 9 13]
set arrVariables(int_number) [string range $line 19 21]
set arrVariables(ext_co_line) [string range $line 23 24]
set arrVariables(dial_number) [string range $line 26 50]
set arrVariables(ring) [string range $line 52 55]
set arrVariables(call_duration) [string range $line 57 66]
set arrVariables(acc_code) [string range $line 66 76]
set arrVariables(call_code) [string range $line 77 81]
# Проверяем признак входящщего звонка
if {$arrVariables(dial_number) == "<I>"} {
set arrVariables(call_direct) "In"
set arrVariables(dial_number) ""
} elseif {[string range $arrVariables(dial_number) 0 3] == "EXT"} {
set arrVariables(call_direct) "Ext"
set arrVariables(dial_number) [string range $arrVariables(dial_number) 3 end]
} else {
set arrVariables(call_direct) "Out"
proc Read {} {
global fh
if {[gets $fh line] >= 0} {
ParceString $line
proc PortDataRead {portName} {
global out_dir fh
set fh [open $portName RDONLY]
fconfigure $fh -blocking 0 -buffering line -mode 9600,n,8,1 -translation crlf -eofchar {}
fileevent $fh readable Read
vwait forever
# Обработка ключей командной сроки
if {[llength $argv] >= 2} {
if {[lindex $argv 0] == "-conf"} {
source [lindex $argv 1]
} else {
puts "Не указан конфигурационный файл"
if {[lindex $argv 2] == "-port"} {
set port_name [lindex $argv 3]
PortDataRead $port_name
if {[lindex $argv 2] == "-file"} {
set log_file_name [lindex $argv 3]
set log [open $log_file_name "r"]
# проверям наличие каталога и если его нет то создаём
if {[file isdirectory $out_dir] == 0} {
file mkdir $out_dir
# читаем файл построчно
while {[gets $log line] >= 0} {
ParceString $line
close $log
} else {
puts "\nФормат вызова:\n- для обработки файла\
\n # -conf config.tcl
\n # tclsh logger.tcl -conf config.tcl -file TDA20013082015_12052016.lg\
\n- для чтения данных напрямую с com-порта АТС\
\n # tclsh logger.tcl -conf config.tcl -port /dev/ttyUSB0\n"