
529 lines
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2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
# ProjMan 2
# Distributed under GNU Public License
# Author: Sergey Kalinin
# Copyright (c) "", 2022,
# All procedures module
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
proc Quit {} {
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
global dir
Config::write $dir(cfg)
if {[FileOper::CloseAll] eq "cancel"} {
return "cancel"
} else {
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
proc ViewFilesTree {} {
global cfgVariables
if {$cfgVariables(filesPanelShow) eq "true"} {
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
.frmBody.panel forget .frmBody.frmTree
set cfgVariables(filesPanelShow) false
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
} else {
switch $cfgVariables(filesPanelPlace) {
"left" {
.frmBody.panel insert 0 .frmBody.frmTree
"right" {
.frmBody.panel add .frmBody.frmTree
default {
.frmBody.panel insert 0 .frmBody.frmTree
set cfgVariables(filesPanelShow) true
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
# Enable/Disabled line numbers in editor
proc ViewLineNumbers {} {
global cfgVariables nbEditor
# Changed global settigs
if {$cfgVariables(lineNumberShow) eq "true"} {
set cfgVariables(lineNumberShow) false
} else {
set cfgVariables(lineNumberShow) true
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
# apply changes for opened tabs
foreach node [$nbEditor tabs] {
$node.frmText.t configure -linemap $cfgVariables(lineNumberShow)
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
proc ViewHelper {helper} {
global cfgVariables
# Changed global settigs
if {$cfgVariables($helper) eq "true"} {
set cfgVariables($helper) false
} else {
set cfgVariables($helper) true
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
proc Del {} {
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
proc YScrollCommand {txt canv} {
$txt yview
$canv yview"
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
proc ResetModifiedFlag {w} {
global modified nbEditor
$w.frmText.t edit modified false
set modified($w) "false"
set lbl [string trimleft [$nbEditor tab $w -text] "* "]
# puts "ResetModifiedFlag: $lbl"
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
$nbEditor tab $w -text $lbl
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
proc SetModifiedFlag {w} {
global modified nbEditor
#$w.frmText.t edit modified false
set modified($w) "true"
set lbl [$nbEditor tab $w -text]
# puts "SetModifiedFlag: $w; $modified($w); >$lbl<"
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
if {[regexp -nocase -all -- {^\*} $lbl match] == 0} {
set lbl "* $lbl"
2022-07-21 10:37:19 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
$nbEditor tab $w -text $lbl
2022-07-21 10:37:19 +03:00
proc ImageBase64Encode {} {
global env nbEditor
set types {
{"PNG" {.png}}
{"GIF" {.gif}}
{"JPEG" {.jpg}}
{"BMP" {.bmp}}
{"All files" *}
set txt "[$nbEditor select].frmText.t"
set img [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir $env(HOME) -filetypes $types -parent .]
if {$img ne ""} {
set f [open $img]
fconfigure $f -translation binary
set data [base64::encode [read $f]]
close $f
# base name on root name of the image file
set name [file root [file tail $img]]
$txt insert insert "image create photo $name -data {\n$data\n}"
proc FindImage {ext} {
foreach img [image names] {
if [regexp -nocase -all -- "^($ext)(_)" $img match v1 v2] {
# puts "\nFindinig images: $img \n"
return $img
namespace eval Help {
proc About {} {
global projman
set msg "Tcl/Tk project Manager\n\n"
append msg "Version: " $projman(Version) "\n" \
"Release: " $projman(Release) "\n" \
"Build: " $projman(Build) "\n\n" \
"Author: " $projman(Author) "\n" \
"Home page: " $projman(Homepage)
# foreach name [array names projman] {
# append msg $name ": " $projman($name) "\n"
# }
set answer [
tk_messageBox -message "[::msgcat::mc "About ..."] ProjMan" \
-icon info -type ok -detail $msg
switch $answer {
ok {return}
proc SearchVariable {txt} {
global fileStructure project variables
set varName [$txt get {insert wordstart} {insert wordend}]
puts ">>>$varName<<<"
if {[info exists project] == 0} {return}
foreach f [array names project] {
puts "--$f"
puts "----"
foreach a $project($f) {
puts "-----$variables($a)"
foreach b $variables($a) {
puts "------$b -- [lindex $b 0]"
if {$varName eq [lindex $b 0]} {
puts "УРААААААА $varName = $b в файле $a \n\t [lindex $b 0]"
# FindVariablesDialog $txt "$varName: \[...\][file tail $a]"
lappend l [list $varName [lindex $b 1] $a]
if [info exists l] {
FindVariablesDialog $txt $l
} else {
proc GetVariableFilePath {txt} {
set str [$txt get {insert linestart} {insert lineend}]
if [regexp -nocase -all -- {^([0-9A-Za-z\-_:]*?) > (.*?) > (.*?)$} $str match vName vValue vPath] {
return [list $vName $vPath $vValue]
proc FindVariablesDialog {txt args} {
global editors lexers cfgVariables
# variable txt
variable win
variable t $txt
# set txt $w.frmText.t
set box [$txt bbox insert]
set x [expr [lindex $box 0] + [winfo rootx $txt] ]
set y [expr [lindex $box 1] + [winfo rooty $txt] + [lindex $box 3] ]
set win .findVariables
2022-11-11 12:59:24 +03:00
if [winfo exists .varhelper] {
destroy .varhelper
if { [winfo exists $win] } { destroy $win }
toplevel $win
wm transient $win .
wm overrideredirect $win 1
# set win [canvas $win.c -yscrollcommand "$win.v set" -xscrollcommand "$win.h set"]
# listbox $win.lBox -width 50 -border 2 -yscrollcommand "$win.yscroll set" -border 1
# ttk::treeview $win.lBox -show headings -height 5\
# -columns "variable value path" -displaycolumns "variable value path"\
# -yscrollcommand [list $win.v set] -xscrollcommand [list $win.h set]
ctext $win.lBox -height 5 -font $cfgVariables(font) -wrap none \
-yscrollcommand [list $win.v set] -xscrollcommand [list $win.h set] \
-linemapfg $cfgVariables(lineNumberFG) -linemapbg $cfgVariables(lineNumberBG)
ttk::scrollbar $win.v -orient vertical -command "$win.lBox yview"
ttk::scrollbar $win.h -orient horizontal -command "$win.lBox xview"
# pack $win.lBox -expand true -fill y -side left
# pack $win.yscroll -side left -expand false -fill y
# pack $win.xscroll -side bottom -expand false -fill x
grid $win.lBox -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew
grid $win.v -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nsew
grid $win.h -row 1 -column 0 -sticky nsew
grid columnconfigure $win 0 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $win 0 -weight 1
# $win.lBox heading variable -text [::msgcat::mc "Variable"]
# $win.lBox heading value -text [::msgcat::mc "Value"]
# $win.lBox heading path -text [::msgcat::mc "File path"]
# set height 0
foreach { word } $args {
foreach lst $word {
# set l [split $lst " "]
puts "[lindex $lst 0] -[lindex $lst 1] -[lindex $lst 2]"
# lappend l2 [lindex $l 0] [lindex $l 1] [file tail [lindex $l 2]]
# $win.lBox insert {} end -values $lst -text {1 2 3}
$win.lBox insert end "[lindex $lst 0] > [lindex $lst 1] > [lindex $lst 2]\n"
# $win.lBox insert end $word
incr height
# $win.lBox selection set I001
# catch { $win.lBox activate 0 ; $win.lBox selection set 0 0 }
if { $height > 10 } { set height 10 }
$win.lBox configure -height $height
bind $win <Escape> {
destroy $win
focus -force $t.t
bind $win.lBox <Escape> {
destroy $win
focus -force $t.t
bind $win.lBox <Return> {
# set findString [dict get $lexers [dict get $editors $Editor::txt fileType] procFindString]
# set id [$win.lBox selection]
# set values [$win.lBox item $id -values]
# set key [lindex [split $id "::"] 0]
# puts "- $id - $values - $key"
# regsub -all {PROCNAME} $findString $values str
# Editor::FindFunction "$str"
set _v [GetVariableFilePath $win.lBox]
set varName [lindex $_v 0]
set path [lindex $_v 1]
unset _v
if {$path ne ""} {
destroy .findVariables
FileOper::Edit $path
Editor::FindFunction $t "$varName"
# $txt tag remove sel 1.0 end
# focus $Editor::txt.t
# bind $win.lBox <Double-ButtonPress-1> {Tree::DoublePressItem $win.lBox}
bind $win.lBox <ButtonRelease-1> {
set _v [GetVariableFilePath $win.lBox]
set varName [lindex $_v 0]
set path [lindex $_v 1]
unset _v
if {$path ne ""} {
destroy .findVariables
FileOper::Edit $path
Editor::FindFunction $t "$varName"
# bind $win.lBox <Any-Key> {Editor::ListBoxSearch %W %A}
# Определям расстояние до края экрана (основного окна) и если
# оно меньше размера окна со списком то сдвигаем его вверх
set winGeom [winfo reqheight $win]
set topHeight [winfo height .]
# puts "$x, $y, $winGeom, $topHeight"
if [expr [expr $topHeight - $y] < $winGeom] {
set y [expr $topHeight - $winGeom]
ctext::addHighlightClassForSpecialChars $win.lBox namespaces #4f64ff {>}
$win.lBox highlight 1.0 end
wm geom $win +$x+$y
$win.lBox mark set insert 1.0
$win.lBox see 1.0
focus -force $win.lBox.t
# $win.lBox focus I001
## Search string into all files from directory
proc SearchStringInFolder {str} {
global cfgVariables activeProject tcl_platform
set res ""
if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} {
} elseif {$tcl_platform(platform) == "mac"} {
} elseif {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} {
puts "$cfgVariables(searchCommand) $cfgVariables(searchCommandOptions) $str $activeProject"
# Составляем строку (точнее список) для запуска команды
set cmd exec
regsub -all {\[} $str {\\[} str
regsub -all {\]} $str {\\]} str
lappend cmd $cfgVariables(searchCommand)
foreach o [split $cfgVariables(searchCommandOptions) " "] {
lappend cmd $o
lappend cmd $str
lappend cmd $activeProject
# запускаем
# puts $cmd
catch $cmd pipe
# puts $pipe
# fileevent $pipe readable
# fconfigure $pipe -buffering none -blocking no
# while {[chan gets $pipe line] >= 0} {
# puts "--> $line"
# }
foreach line [split $pipe "\n"] {
if [regexp -nocase -all -line -- {^((\/[\w\-_\.\s]+)+):([0-9]+):\s*(.+?)} $line match fullPath fileName lineNumber fullString] {
# puts "$fullPath $fileName $lineNumber $fullString"
lappend res [list $lineNumber $fullPath $fullString]
if {$res ne ""} {
return $res
} else {
return false
proc InsertListIntoText {win lst} {
set height 0
set fCount 0
set fName ""
# puts $lst
foreach { word } $lst {
foreach lst $word {
# set l [split $lst " "]
# puts "[lindex $lst 0] -[lindex $lst 1] -[lindex $lst 2]"
# lappend l2 [lindex $l 0] [lindex $l 1] [file tail [lindex $l 2]]
# $win.lBox insert {} end -values $lst -text {1 2 3}
$win.lBox insert end "[lindex $lst 0] > [lindex $lst 1] > [lindex $lst 2]\n"
# $win.lBox insert end $word
incr height
if {$fName ne [lindex $lst 1]} {
set fName [lindex $lst 1]
incr fCount
set rows $height
if { $height > 10 } { set height 10 }
$win.lBox configure -height $height
unset height
return [list $rows $fCount]
proc FindInFilesDialog {txt {args ""}} {
global editors lexers cfgVariables
# variable txt
variable win
variable t $txt
variable lblText "[::msgcat::mc "Found"] %s\
[::msgcat::mc "Matches"]\
[::msgcat::mc "In"] %s\
[::msgcat::mc "Files"]"
# puts $txt
# set txt $w.frmText.t
if {$txt ne ""} {
2022-09-23 12:33:22 +03:00
focus $txt
set box [$txt bbox insert]
set x [expr [lindex $box 0] + [winfo rootx $txt] ]
set y [expr [lindex $box 1] + [winfo rooty $txt] + [lindex $box 3] ]
} else {
set txt .frmWork
set x [winfo rootx .frmWork]
set y [winfo rooty .frmWork]
set win .find
if { [winfo exists $win] } { destroy $win }
toplevel $win
wm transient $win .
wm overrideredirect $win 1
# set win [canvas $win.c -yscrollcommand "$win.v set" -xscrollcommand "$win.h set"]
ttk::entry $win.entryFind -width 30 -textvariable findString
ttk::entry $win.entryReplace -width 30 -textvariable replaceString
set cmd {
$win.lBox delete 1.0 end
set res [list [SearchStringInFolder $findString]]
set rows [InsertListIntoText $win $res]
set lblText "[::msgcat::mc "Found"] [lindex $rows 0]\
[::msgcat::mc "Matches"]\
[::msgcat::mc "In"] [lindex $rows 1]\
[::msgcat::mc "Files"]"
.find.lblCounter configure -text $lblText
# unset lblText
ctext::addHighlightClassForSpecialChars $win.lBox namespaces #4f64ff {>}
$win.lBox highlight 1.0 end
$win.lBox mark set insert 1.0
$win.lBox see 1.0
focus -force $win.lBox.t
ttk::button $win.bForward -image forward_20x20 -command $cmd
ttk::button $win.bDoneAll -image doneall_20x20 -command {
# Editor::FindReplaceText $Editor::txt "$findString" "$replaceString" $regexpSet
ttk::label $win.lblCounter -justify right -anchor w -text ""
ctext $win.lBox -height 5 -font $cfgVariables(font) -wrap none \
-yscrollcommand [list $win.v set] -xscrollcommand [list $win.h set] \
-linemapfg $cfgVariables(lineNumberFG) -linemapbg $cfgVariables(lineNumberBG)
ttk::scrollbar $win.v -orient vertical -command "$win.lBox yview"
ttk::scrollbar $win.h -orient horizontal -command "$win.lBox xview"
bind $win.entryFind <Return> $cmd
grid $win.entryFind -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew
grid $win.entryReplace -row 1 -column 0 -sticky nsew
grid $win.bForward -row 0 -column 1 -sticky e
grid $win.bDoneAll -row 1 -column 1 -sticky e
# grid $win.chkRegexp -row 2 -column 0 -sticky w
# grid $win.chkAll -row 2 -column 1 -sticky w
grid $win.lblCounter -row 2 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky we
grid $win.lBox -row 3 -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky nsew
grid $win.v -row 3 -column 2 -sticky nsew
grid $win.h -row 4 -column 0 -sticky nsew
grid columnconfigure $win 0 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $win 0 -weight 1
if {$args ne ""} {
set rows [InsertListIntoText $win $args]
set lblText [format $lblText [lindex $rows 0] [lindex $rows 1]]
# focus -force $win.lBox.t
} else {
set lblText ""
# focus -force $win.entryFind
.find.lblCounter configure -text $lblText
unset lblText
# $win.lBox selection set I001
# catch { $win.lBox activate 0 ; $win.lBox selection set 0 0 }
bind $win <Escape> {
destroy $win
focus -force $t
bind $win.lBox <Escape> {
destroy $win
focus -force $t
bind $win.lBox <Return> {
set _v [GetVariableFilePath $win.lBox]
set lineNum [lindex $_v 0]
set path [lindex $_v 2]
unset _v
# puts "$lineNum $path"
if {$path ne ""} {
destroy .find
set fr [FileOper::Edit $path]
Editor::GoToLineNumber $fr.frmText.t.t $lineNum
# bind $win.lBox <Double-ButtonPress-1> {Tree::DoublePressItem $win.lBox}
bind $win.lBox <ButtonRelease-1> {
set _v [GetVariableFilePath $win.lBox]
set lineNum [lindex $_v 0]
set path [lindex $_v 2]
unset _v
# puts "$lineNum $path"
if {$path ne ""} {
destroy .find
set fr [FileOper::Edit $path]
Editor::GoToLineNumber $fr.frmText.t.t $lineNum
# bind $win.lBox <Any-Key> {Editor::ListBoxSearch %W %A}
# Определям расстояние до края экрана (основного окна) и если
# оно меньше размера окна со списком то сдвигаем его вверх
set winGeom [winfo reqheight $win]
set topHeight [winfo height .]
# puts "$x, $y, $winGeom, $topHeight"
if [expr [expr $topHeight - $y] < $winGeom] {
set y [expr $topHeight - $winGeom]
ctext::addHighlightClassForSpecialChars $win.lBox namespaces #4f64ff {>}
$win.lBox highlight 1.0 end
wm geom $win +$x+$y
$win.lBox mark set insert 1.0
$win.lBox see 1.0
if {$args ne ""} {
focus -force $win.lBox.t
} else {
focus -force $win.entryFind
# $win.lBox focus I001