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# scidthemes - Copyright (C) 2018 Uwe Klimmek
# Available under the BSD-like 2-clause Tcl License, see LICENSE.md
# Copyright (c) 2018 RedFantom
# Edited for indents, spaces instead of tabs and formatting
# Fixed the spacing of down arrow in Menubutton/OptionMenu
# TODO: Fix alignment of down arrow in Menubutton/OptionMenu
# TODO: Fix spacing on Combobox down arrow sides
package provide ttk::theme::scid 0.9.1
foreach { t } { blue mint green purple sand pink grey } {
set ::tks $t
package provide ttk::theme::scid$t 0.9.1
namespace eval ttk::theme::scid$t {
set t $::tks
proc LoadImages {imgdir {patterns {*.png}}} {
foreach pattern $patterns {
foreach file [glob -directory $imgdir $pattern] {
set img [file tail [file rootname $file]]
if {![info exists images($img)]} {
set images($img) [image create photo -file $file -format png]
return [array get images]
variable I
array set I [LoadImages [file join [file dirname [info script]] scid$t] *.png]
variable colors
array set colors {
-frame "#d8d8d8"
-lighter "#fcfcfc"
-dark "#c8c8c8"
-darker "#9e9e9e"
-darkest "#cacaca"
-selectbg "#3d3d3d"
-selectfg "#fcfcfc"
-disabledfg "#b3b3b3"
-entryfocus "#6f6f6f"
-tabbg "#c9c9c9"
-tabborder "#b7b7b7"
-troughcolor "#d7d7d7"
-troughborder "#a7a7a7"
-checklight "#f5f5f5"
-eborder "#5464c4"
-foreground "#202020"
-background "#efefef"
ttk::style theme create scid$t -settings {
ttk::style configure . \
-borderwidth 1 \
-background $colors(-frame) \
-foreground $colors(-foreground) \
-bordercolor $colors(-darkest) \
-darkcolor $colors(-dark) \
-lightcolor $colors(-lighter) \
-troughcolor $colors(-troughcolor) \
-selectforeground $colors(-selectfg) \
-selectbackground $colors(-selectbg) \
-font TkDefaultFont
ttk::style map . \
-background [list disabled $colors(-frame) active $colors(-lighter)] \
-foreground [list disabled $colors(-disabledfg)] \
-selectbackground [list !focus $colors(-darker)] \
-selectforeground [list !focus white]
## Treeview
ttk::style element create Treeheading.cell image \
[list $I(tree-n) \
selected $I(tree-p) \
disabled $I(tree-d) \
pressed $I(tree-p) \
active $I(tree-h) \
] -border 4 -sticky ew
ttk::style configure Row -background $colors(-background)
ttk::style map Row -background \
[list \
{focus selected} "#6474d4" \
selected "#7484e4" \
alternate white]
ttk::style map Item -foreground [list selected white]
ttk::style map Cell -foreground [list selected white]
ttk::style configure Treeview -background white
ttk::style map Treeview \
-background [list selected "#5464c4"] \
-foreground [list selected $colors(-selectfg)]
## Buttons
ttk::style configure TButton -anchor center
ttk::style layout TButton {
Button.button -children {
Button.focus -children {
Button.padding -children {
ttk::style element create button image \
[list $I(button-n) \
pressed $I(button-p) \
{selected active} $I(button-pa) \
selected $I(button-p) \
active $I(button-a) \
disabled $I(button-d) \
] -border {4 9 4 18} -padding {4 0} -sticky news
ttk::style configure Tbutton -padding {4 0 4 0}
## Checkbuttons
ttk::style element create Checkbutton.indicator image \
[list $I(check-nu) \
{disabled selected} $I(check-dc) \
disabled $I(check-du) \
{pressed selected} $I(check-pc) \
pressed $I(check-pu) \
{active selected} $I(check-ac) \
active $I(check-hu) \
selected $I(check-nc) \
] -width 20 -sticky w
ttk::style map TCheckbutton -background [list active $colors(-frame)]
ttk::style configure TCheckbutton -padding {0 4 0 4}
## Radiobuttons
ttk::style element create Radiobutton.indicator image \
[list $I(radio-nu) \
{disabled selected} $I(radio-dc) \
disabled $I(radio-du) \
{pressed selected} $I(radio-pc) \
pressed $I(radio-pu) \
{active selected} $I(radio-ac) \
active $I(radio-hu) \
selected $I(radio-nc) \
] -width 20 -sticky w
ttk::style map TRadiobutton -background [list active $colors(-frame)]
ttk::style configure TRadiobutton -padding {0 4 0 4 }
## Menubuttons
ttk::style element create Menubutton.indicator image \
[list $I(menuarrow-a) \
disabled $I(menuarrow-d) \
] -sticky e -border {15 0 0 0} -padding 0
ttk::style element create Menubutton.border image \
[list $I(button-n) \
selected $I(button-p) \
disabled $I(button-d) \
active $I(button-a) \
] -border 4 -sticky ew
ttk::style configure TMenubutton -padding {4 0 4 0}
## Toolbar buttons
ttk::style configure Toolbutton -padding -5 -relief flat
ttk::style configure Toolbutton.label -padding 0 -relief flat
ttk::style element create Toolbutton.border image \
[list $I(blank) \
pressed $I(toolbutton-p) \
{selected active} $I(toolbutton-pa) \
selected $I(toolbutton-p) \
active $I(toolbutton-a) \
disabled $I(blank) \
] -border 11 -sticky nsew
## Entry widgets
ttk::style configure TEntry \
-padding {0 4 0 4 } \
-insertwidth 1 \
-fieldbackground white \
-selectbackground $colors(-eborder) \
-selectforeground $colors(-foreground)
ttk::style map TEntry \
-fieldbackground [list readonly $colors(-frame)] \
-bordercolor [list focus $colors(-eborder)] \
-lightcolor [list focus $colors(-entryfocus)] \
-darkcolor [list focus $colors(-entryfocus)]
ttk::style element create Entry.field image \
[list $I(entry-n) \
{focus} $I(entry-a) \
{readonly disabled} $I(entry-rd) \
{readonly pressed} $I(entry-d) \
{focus readonly} $I(entry-d) \
readonly $I(entry-d) \
] -border {3 3 3 3} -sticky ew
## Combobox
ttk::style element create Combobox.downarrow image \
[list $I(comboarrow-n) \
focus $I(comboarrow-af) \
disabled $I(comboarrow-d) \
pressed $I(comboarrow-p) \
active $I(comboarrow-a) \
] -sticky e -border {22 0 0 0}
ttk::style element create Combobox.field image \
[list $I(combo-n) \
focus $I(combo-ra) \
{readonly disabled} $I(combo-rd) \
{readonly pressed} $I(combo-rp) \
{readonly focus} $I(combo-rf) \
readonly $I(combo-rn) \
] -border {4 0 0 0} -sticky ew
ttk::style configure TCombobox \
-selectbackground "#ffffff" \
-selectforeground "#202020" \
-padding {0 4 0 4}
## Spinbox
ttk::style element create Spinbox.downarrow image \
[list $I(spinarrowdown-a) \
{focus pressed} $I(spinarrowdown-paf) \
focus $I(spinarrowdown-af) \
disabled $I(spinarrowdown-a) \
active $I(spinarrowdown-p) \
] -border 4 -sticky {}
ttk::style element create Spinbox.uparrow image \
[list $I(spinarrowup-a) \
{focus pressed} $I(spinarrowup-paf) \
focus $I(spinarrowup-af) \
disabled $I(spinarrowup-a) \
active $I(spinarrowup-p) \
] -border 4 -sticky {}
ttk::style element create Spinbox.field image \
[list $I(combo-n) \
focus $I(combo-ra) \
{readonly disabled} $I(combo-rd) \
{readonly pressed} $I(combo-rp) \
{readonly focus} $I(combo-rf) \
readonly $I(combo-rn) \
] -border {4 0 0 0} -sticky ew
ttk::style configure TSpinbox \
-selectbackground "#ffffff" \
-selectforeground "#202020" \
-padding {0 4 0 4}
## Notebooks
ttk::style element create Notebook.client \
image $I(surface) -border 2 -sticky news
ttk::style element create Notebook.tab image \
[list $I(tab-n) \
selected $I(tab-s) \
active $I(tab-a) \
] -border {3 6 3 12} -padding {3 3}
## Labelframes
ttk::style element create Labelframe.border image $I(labelframe) \
-border 4 -sticky news
ttk::style configure TLabelframe -padding 4
## Scrollbars
ttk::style layout Vertical.TScrollbar {
Vertical.Scrollbar.trough -sticky ns -children {
Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb -expand true
ttk::style layout Horizontal.TScrollbar {
Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough -sticky ew -children {
Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb -expand true
ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scrollbar.thumb image \
[list $I(sbthumb-hn) \
disabled $I(sbthumb-hd) \
pressed $I(sbthumb-hp) \
active $I(sbthumb-ha) \
] -border 4
ttk::style element create Vertical.Scrollbar.thumb image \
[list $I(sbthumb-vn) \
disabled $I(sbthumb-vd) \
pressed $I(sbthumb-vp) \
active $I(sbthumb-va) \
] -border 4
ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scrollbar.trough image $I(sbtrough-h)
ttk::style element create Vertical.Scrollbar.trough image $I(sbtrough-v)
ttk::style configure TScrollbar -bordercolor $colors(-troughborder)
## Scales
ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scale.slider image \
[list $I(scale-hn) \
disabled $I(scale-hd) \
active $I(scale-ha) \
ttk::style element create Horizontal.Scale.trough image \
[list $I(scaletrough-h) \
pressed $I(scaletrough-hp) \
] -border 4 -sticky ew -padding 0
ttk::style element create Vertical.Scale.slider image \
[list $I(scale-vn) \
disabled $I(scale-vd) \
active $I(scale-va) \
ttk::style element create Vertical.Scale.trough image \
[list $I(scaletrough-v) \
pressed $I(scaletrough-vp) \
] -border 4 -sticky ns -padding 0
ttk::style configure TScale -bordercolor $colors(-troughborder)
## Progressbar
ttk::style element create Progressbar.trough \
image $I(entry-n) -border 2
ttk::style element create Vertical.Progressbar.pbar \
image $I(progress-v) -border {2 2 1 1}
ttk::style element create Horizontal.Progressbar.pbar \
image $I(progress-h) -border {2 2 1 1}
ttk::style configure TProgressbar \
-bordercolor $colors(-troughborder) \
-foreground $colors(-eborder)
## Statusbar
ttk::style element create sizegrip image $I(sizegrip)
## Separator
ttk::style element create separator image $I(sep-h)
ttk::style element create hseparator image $I(sep-h)
ttk::style element create vseparator image $I(sep-v)
## Paned window
ttk::style element create vsash image $I(sas-v) -sticky e
ttk::style element create hsash image $I(sas-h) -sticky s
unset ::tks