Исправления глюков

svkalinin 2022-11-11 12:41:52 +03:00
parent 37aa0e47a7
commit 049873d9ec
1 changed files with 56 additions and 82 deletions

View File

@ -429,6 +429,10 @@ namespace eval Editor {
variable txt
variable win
# set txt $w.frmText.t
# блокировка открытия диалога если запущен другой
if [winfo exists .findVariables] {
set txt $w
set win .varhelper
puts "$x $y $w $word $wordType"
@ -587,7 +591,7 @@ namespace eval Editor {
$txt tag remove lightSelected 1.0 end
if { [winfo exists .varhelper] } { destroy .varhelper }
puts $k
switch $k {
Return {
regexp {^(\s*)} [$txt get [expr $lineNum - 1].0 [expr $lineNum - 1].end] -> spaceStart
@ -607,13 +611,22 @@ namespace eval Editor {
Right {
Shift {
# Shift_L {
# return
# }
# Shift_R {
# return
# }
Control_L {
Controll {
Control_R {
Meta {
Alt_L {
Alt_R {
@ -714,59 +727,19 @@ namespace eval Editor {
# set txt $w.frmText.t
bind $txt <KeyRelease> "catch {Editor::ReleaseKey %K $txt $fileType}"
bind $txt <KeyPress> "Editor::PressKey %K $txt"
# bind $txt.t <KeyRelease> "Editor::ReleaseKey %K $txt.t $fileType"
# bind $txt.t <KeyPress> "Editor::PressKey %K $txt.t"
# bind $txt <KeyRelease> "Editor::Key %k %K"
#$txt tag bind Sel <Control-/> {puts ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"}
#bind $txt <Control-slash> {puts "/////////////////"}
# #bind $txt <Control-g> GoToLine
bind $txt <Control-g> "Editor::GoToLineNumberDialog $txt"
bind $txt <Control-agrave> "Editor::FindDialog $w"
bind $txt <Control-f> "Editor::FindDialog $txt"
bind $txt <Control-F> "Editor::FindDialog $txt"
# bind $txt <F3> {FindNext $w.text 1}
# bind $txt <Control-ecircumflex> ReplaceDialog
# bind $txt <Control-r> ReplaceDialog
# bind $txt <F4> {ReplaceCommand $w.text 1}
# bind $txt <Control-ucircumflex> {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save}
# bind $txt <Control-s> {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save}
# bind $txt <Control-ocircumflex> {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save_as}
# bind $txt <Shift-Control-s> {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save_as}
bind $txt <Control-odiaeresis> FileOper::Close
bind $txt <Control-w> FileOper::Close
# bind $txt <Control-division> "tk_textCut $w.text;break"
# bind $txt <Control-x> "tk_textCut $w.text;break"
# bind $txt <Control-ntilde> "tk_textCopy $txt"
# bind $txt <Control-c> "tk_textCopy $txt"
bind $txt <Control-igrave> "Editor::SelectionPaste $txt"
bind $txt <Control-v> "Editor::SelectionPaste $txt"
#bind $txt <Control-adiaeresis> "auto_completition $txt"
bind $txt <Control-l> "SearchVariable $txt"
# bind $txt <Control-icircumflex> ""
# bind $txt <Control-j> ""
bind $txt <Control-l> "SearchVariable $txt; break"
bind $txt <Control-i> "ImageBase64Encode $txt"
bind $txt <Control-bracketleft> "Editor::InsertTabular $txt"
bind $txt <Control-bracketright> "Editor::DeleteTabular $txt"
bind $txt <Control-comma> "Editor::Comment $txt $fileType"
bind $txt <Control-period> "Editor::Uncomment $txt $fileType"
bind $txt <Control-eacute> Find
#bind . <Control-m> PageTab
#bind . <Control-udiaeresis> PageTab
bind $txt <Insert> {OverWrite}
bind $txt <ButtonRelease-1> "Editor::SearchBrackets $txt"
# bind <Button-1> [bind sysAfter <Any-Key>]
# bind $txt <Button-3> {catch [PopupMenuEditor %X %Y]}
# bind $txt <Button-4> "%W yview scroll -3 units"
# bind $txt <Button-5> "%W yview scroll 3 units"
#bind $txt <Shift-Button-4> "%W xview scroll -2 units"
#bind $txt <Shift-Button-5> "%W xview scroll 2 units"
bind $txt <Button-1><ButtonRelease-1> "Editor::SelectionHighlight $txt"
# bind $txt <<Selection>> "Editor::SelectionHighlight $txt"
bind $txt <<Modified>> "SetModifiedFlag $w"
# bind $txt <<Selection>> "Editor::SelectionGet $txt"
bind $txt <Control-i> ImageBase64Encode
bind $txt <Control-u> "Editor::SearchBrackets %W"
bind $txt <Control-J> "catch {Editor::GoToFunction $txt}"
@ -776,6 +749,12 @@ namespace eval Editor {
bind $txt <Alt-b> "$txt delete {insert linestart} insert"
bind $txt <Alt-e> "$txt delete insert {insert lineend}"
bind $txt <Alt-s> "Editor::SplitEditorH $w $fileType"
bind $txt <Control-g> "Editor::GoToLineNumberDialog $txt"
bind $txt <Control-agrave> "Editor::FindDialog $w"
bind $txt <Control-f> "Editor::FindDialog $txt"
bind $txt <Control-F> "Editor::FindDialog $txt"
bind $txt <Control-odiaeresis> FileOper::Close
bind $txt <Control-w> FileOper::Close
bind $txt <Control-o> {
set filePath [FileOper::OpenDialog]
if {$filePath != ""} {
@ -790,6 +769,38 @@ namespace eval Editor {
# bind $txt.t <KeyRelease> "Editor::ReleaseKey %K $txt.t $fileType"
# bind $txt.t <KeyPress> "Editor::PressKey %K $txt.t"
# bind $txt <KeyRelease> "Editor::Key %k %K"
#$txt tag bind Sel <Control-/> {puts ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"}
#bind $txt <Control-slash> {puts "/////////////////"}
# #bind $txt <Control-g> GoToLine
# bind $txt <F3> {FindNext $w.text 1}
# bind $txt <Control-ecircumflex> ReplaceDialog
# bind $txt <Control-r> ReplaceDialog
# bind $txt <F4> {ReplaceCommand $w.text 1}
# bind $txt <Control-ucircumflex> {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save}
# bind $txt <Control-s> {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save}
# bind $txt <Control-ocircumflex> {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save_as}
# bind $txt <Shift-Control-s> {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save_as}
# bind $txt <Control-division> "tk_textCut $w.text;break"
# bind $txt <Control-x> "tk_textCut $w.text;break"
# bind $txt <Control-ntilde> "tk_textCopy $txt"
# bind $txt <Control-c> "tk_textCopy $txt"
#bind $txt <Control-adiaeresis> "auto_completition $txt"
# bind $txt <Control-icircumflex> ""
# bind $txt <Control-j> ""
#bind . <Control-m> PageTab
#bind . <Control-udiaeresis> PageTab
# bind <Button-1> [bind sysAfter <Any-Key>]
# bind $txt <Button-3> {catch [PopupMenuEditor %X %Y]}
# bind $txt <Button-4> "%W yview scroll -3 units"
# bind $txt <Button-5> "%W yview scroll 3 units"
#bind $txt <Shift-Button-4> "%W xview scroll -2 units"
#bind $txt <Shift-Button-5> "%W xview scroll 2 units"
# bind $txt <<Selection>> "Editor::SelectionHighlight $txt"
# bind $txt <<Selection>> "Editor::SelectionGet $txt"
proc SearchBrackets {txt} {
@ -1458,40 +1469,3 @@ namespace eval Editor {
return $fr
# ctextBindings.tcl
# Copyright (C) 2012 Sedat Serper
# A similar script and functionality is implemented in tG² as of v1.06.01.41
# proc ctext_binding4Tag {w tags} {
# # foreach tag $tags {
# $w tag bind $tag <Enter> {%W config -cursor hand2}
# $w tag bind $tag <Leave> {%W config -cursor xterm}
# $w tag bind $tag <ButtonRelease-1> {
# set cur [::tk::TextClosestGap %W %x %y]
# if {[catch {%W index anchor}]} {%W mark set anchor $cur}
# set anchor [%W index anchor]
# set last [::tk::TextNextPos %W "$cur - 1c" tcl_wordBreakAfter]
# set first [::tk::TextPrevPos %W anchor tcl_wordBreakBefore]
# if {![catch {set tmp [%W get $first $last]}]} {
# ctext_execTagCmd $tmp
# }
# }
# }
# }
# # ----------------------- demo -------------------------------------------
# # Open a new wish console and copy/paste the following complete script.
# # Clicking on parts that are highlighted and observe the console output...
# # Adjust procedure 'ctext_execTagCmd' to customize the handling 4 your application.
# package require ctext
# pack [ctext .t] -fill both -expand 1
# ctext::addHighlightClass .t bindings purple [list <Enter> <Leave> <ButtonRelease-1>]
# ctext::addHighlightClass .t commands orange [list foreach proc if set catch]
# .t fastinsert end [info body ctext_binding4Tag]
# .t highlight 1.0 end
# ctext_binding4Tag .t {bindings commands}