###################################################### # ProjMan 2 # Distributed under GNU Public License # Author: Sergey Kalinin svk@nuk-svk.ru # Copyright (c) "", 2022, https://nuk-svk.ru ###################################################### # The config file procedures # create # copy # save ###################################################### namespace eval Config {} { variable cfgINISections variable cfgVariables } if [info exists env(LANG)] { set locale $env(LANG) } else { set locale "en" } set ::configDefault "\[General\] cfgModifyDate='' searchCommand=/usr/bin/grep searchCommandOptions=-r -n -H gitCommand=/usr/bin/git # must return a mime type of file fileTypeCommand=/usr/bin/file fileTypeCommandOptions=-i -b \[GUI\] locale=$locale theme=dark toolBarShow=true menuShow=true statusBarShow=true filesPanelShow=true filesPanelPlace=left geometry=1024x768 guiFont={Droid Sans Mono} 9 guiFontBold={Droid Sans Mono} 9 bold guiFG=#cccccc \[Editor\] autoFormat=true font=Monospace 10 fontBold=Monospace 10 backGround=#333333 foreground=#cccccc selectbg=#10a410a410a4 selectLightBg=grey nbNormal=#000000 nbModify=#ffff5d705d70 lineNumberFG=#444444 lineNumberBG=#151515 selectBorder=0 # must be: none, word or char editorWrap=word lineNumberShow=true tabSize=4 procedureHelper=false variableHelper=true multilineComments=true \[UserSession\] opened= editedFiles= " proc Config::create {dir} { set cfgFile [open [file join $dir projman.ini] "w+"] puts $cfgFile $::configDefault close $cfgFile } proc Config::read {dir} { set cfgFile [ini::open [file join $dir projman.ini] "r"] foreach section [ini::sections $cfgFile] { foreach key [ini::keys $cfgFile $section] { lappend ::cfgINIsections($section) $key set ::cfgVariables($key) [ini::value $cfgFile $section $key] } } ini::close $cfgFile } proc Config::write {dir} { global activeProject editors set cfgFile [ini::open [file join $dir projman.ini] "w"] foreach section [array names ::cfgINIsections] { foreach key $::cfgINIsections($section) { ini::set $cfgFile $section $key $::cfgVariables($key) } } set systemTime [clock seconds] # Set a config modify time (i don't know why =))' ini::set $cfgFile "General" cfgModifyDate [clock format $systemTime -format "%D %H:%M:%S"] ini::set $cfgFile "UserSession" editedFiles "" # Save an top level window geometry into config ini::set $cfgFile "GUI" geometry [wm geometry .] if {[info exists activeProject] !=0 && $activeProject ne ""} { ini::set $cfgFile "UserSession" opened $activeProject # Добавим пути к открытым в редакторе файлам в переменную if [info exists editors] { foreach i [dict keys $editors] { # puts [dict get $editors $i] if [dict exists $editors $i fileFullPath] { lappend edited [dict get $editors $i fileFullPath] } } if [info exists edited] { ini::set $cfgFile "UserSession" editedFiles $edited } } } else { ini::set $cfgFile "UserSession" opened "" ini::set $cfgFile "UserSession" editedFiles "" } # puts $editors ini::commit $cfgFile ini::close $cfgFile }