<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Tcl Built-In Commands - tell manual page</TITLE></HEAD><BODY> <H3><A NAME="M2">NAME</A></H3> tell - Return current access position for an open channel <H3><A NAME="M3">SYNOPSIS</A></H3> <B>tell </B><I>channelId</I><BR> <H3><A NAME="M4">DESCRIPTION</A></H3> Returns an integer string giving the current access position in <I>channelId</I>. This value returned is a byte offset that can be passed to <B><A HREF="../TkCmd/seek.htm">seek</A></B> in order to set the channel to a particular position. Note that this value is in terms of bytes, not characters like <B><A HREF="../TkCmd/read.htm">read</A></B>. The value returned is -1 for channels that do not support seeking. <H3><A NAME="M5">SEE ALSO</A></H3> <B><A HREF="../TkCmd/file.htm">file</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TkCmd/open.htm">open</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TkCmd/close.htm">close</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TkCmd/gets.htm">gets</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TkCmd/seek.htm">seek</A></B> <H3><A NAME="M6">KEYWORDS</A></H3> <A href="../Keywords/A.htm#access position">access position</A>, <A href="../Keywords/C.htm#channel">channel</A>, <A href="../Keywords/S.htm#seeking">seeking</A> <HR><PRE> <A HREF="../copyright.htm">Copyright</A> © 1993 The Regents of the University of California. <A HREF="../copyright.htm">Copyright</A> © 1994-1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc. <A HREF="../copyright.htm">Copyright</A> © 1995-1997 Roger E. Critchlow Jr.</PRE> </BODY></HTML>