###################################################### # Tcl/Tk Project manager 2.0 # Distributed under GNU Public License # Author: Sergey Kalinin svk@nuk-svl.ru # Home page: https://nuk-svk.ru ###################################################### 20/06/2022 - Beginning the project 13/07/2022 - Added open file dialog - Added open folder dialog - Added save file function - Added a command line argument support (open file(s) or folder(s)) - Added TCL and BASH highlite - Added a configuration file (progman.ini) and a procedure for reading/saving them 14/07/2022 - Added On/Off viewing toolbar - Added On/Off viewing line numbers bar - Added a Comment/Uncomment text support - Added text auto format 15/07/2022 - Added a close file (tab) function with Ctrl+w - Added a insert/remove the tabspace - Fixed comment/uncomment selected text 20/07/2022 - Fixed indent text - Fixed insert " and ' - Added a main window geometry option into config, and autosave current geometry 21/07/2022 - Added Save file dialog before tab was closed - Added Save file dialog when exiting, if file was modify 22/07/2022 - Added GO highlight 27/07/2022 - Fixed comment/uncomment procedure (last line in selected text) - Fixed error with save new (untitled) file 01/08/2022 - Added inserting base64 encoded image - Added read the file structure and inserting into tree - Added GUI font, and GUI foreground color setting - Added tcl and go files images - Added image for file type (extention) 03/08/2022 - Added some files icon - Fix finded procedure (function) (tree click) - Fix showing position in statusbar 12/08/2022 - Fixed comment/uncomment procedure depending on the file type - Added About dialog - Fixed read structure (procedure names like Proc:Name) 15/08/2022 - Added open/close braces highlight - Fixed GO structure reader 16/08/2022 - Added selection of all words in the text by clicking on the any word 17/08/2022 - Added "Vew Panel" menu and "Panel side" (left/right) - Changed standard Tk menu on TTK::menu - Added config options filesPanelPlace (left/right) - Fixed ViewFilesTree procedure with rigth variable filesPanelShow (true/false) 22/08/2022 - Fixed clicking on proc or func names into tree if file was closed 23/08/2022 - Added procedure and function navigation window by Ctrl+j pressed on editor - Fixed correctly focused on editor text widget 24/08/2022 - Fixed ReadStructure procedure (added lexer) 25/08/2022 - Fixed focus on the editor window after clicking Escape in the function selection dialog - Change color scheme for FindFunction dialog - Added sh icon (for shell scripts) - Fixed lexers for find procedures and functions 26/08/2022 - Update image library (added some icons) - Added hot keys: - Alt+p - Show/Hide additional panel - Alt+w - delete word on the cursor below - Alt+r - delete row - Alt+b - delete text beetween line Begin and cursor - Alt+e - delete text between cursor and line End - Fix close braces indent 30/08/2022 - Fix the clicked by the close button on a tab - Added "View"->"Editors word wrap" menu and procedure - Added bindings "Ctrl+PgUp" and "Ctrl+PgDown" for next or prior tab selecting - Added "Close file" dialog 01/09/2022 - Added search function name into Function navigation whem press key - Added find and replace dialog - Fixed correct placement the Function dialog 14/09/2022 - Added procedure for the horizontal split a text window - Fixed untitled file saved - Fixed Alt+R (delete row), now will are deleted row with a "\n\r" symbols 20/10/200 - Added Git support: add and commit changes, show git log, show each commit... 11/11/2022 - Added GoTo Line dialog - Fixed Git commit procedure - Added variable and procedure helper 18/11/2022 - Add Refresh button into Git Dialog - Fixed FindFunction