########################################################### # Tcl/Tk Project Manager # # all procedure file # # Copyright (c) "CONERO lab", 2002, http://conero.lrn.ru # # Author: Sergey Kalinin (aka BanZaj) banzaj@lrn.ru # ########################################################### ## GETTING OPERATORS FOR COMPLITE PROCEDURE # proc GetOp {} { global opList set opList(if) "\{\} \{\n\n\}" set opList(else) "\{\n\n\}" set opList(elseif) "\{\} \{\n\n\}" set opList(for) "\{\} \{\} \{\} \{\n\n\}" set opList(foreach) "\{\n\n\}" set opList(while) "\{\} \{\n\n\}" set opList(switch) "\{\n\n\}" set opList(proc) "\{\} \{\n\n\}" # for Object extention set opList(method) "\{\} \{\n\n\}" set opList(class) "\{\n\n\}" } ## Alexander Dederer (aka Korwin) dederer-a@mail.ru ## ## SETTING DEFAULT STYLE FOR TEXT WIDGET ## proc SetDefStyle { text args } { global editor(font) editor(fontBold) set a_args(-wrap) none set a_args(-background) white set a_args(-font) {$editor(font)} array set a_args $args foreach { key value } [ array get a_args ] { catch { $text configure $key $value } } ;# foreach } ## CURSOR POSITION COUNTERED ## proc Position {} { global tree noteBook fontNormal fontBold replace set nodeEdit [$noteBook raise] if {$nodeEdit == "" || $nodeEdit == "newproj" || $nodeEdit == "debug" || $nodeEdit == "about"} { return } set text "$noteBook.f$nodeEdit.text" set pos [$text index insert] set posY [lindex [split $pos "."] 0] set posX [lindex [split $pos "."] 1] set lbl .frmStatus.frmLine.lblLine $lbl configure -text $pos -font $fontBold } proc ReplaceChar {text} { global replace set pos [$text index insert] set posY [lindex [split $pos "."] 0] set posX [lindex [split $pos "."] 1] if {$replace == 1} { $text delete $posY.$posX $posY.[expr $posX + 1] } } ## OVERWRITE SYMBOL PROCEDURE ## proc OverWrite {} { global replace fontNormal if {$replace == 1} { set replace 0 .frmStatus.frmOvwrt.lblOvwrt configure -text [::msgcat::mc "Insert"] -font $fontNormal\ -foreground black } else { set replace 1 .frmStatus.frmOvwrt.lblOvwrt configure -text [::msgcat::mc "Overwrite"] -font $fontNormal\ -foreground red } } ## GOTO LINE DIALOG FORM ## proc GoToLine {} { global noteBook fileList fontNormal set node [$noteBook raise] if {$node == "newproj" || $node == "settings" || $node == "about" || $node == ""} { return } set file $fileList($node) set w $noteBook.f$node.goto set text "$noteBook.f$node.text" # destroy the find window if it already exists if {[winfo exists $w]} { destroy $w } # create the new "goto" window toplevel $w wm title $w [::msgcat::mc "Goto line"] wm resizable $w 0 0 wm transient $w $noteBook.f$node label $w.text -text [::msgcat::mc "Line number"] -font $fontNormal entry $w.entGoTo -width 6 -validate key -validatecommand "ValidNumber %W %P" pack $w.text $w.entGoTo -side left -anchor nw -padx 2 -pady 2 bind $w.entGoTo "+GoToLineNumber $text $noteBook.f$node" bind $w.entGoTo "destroy $w" focus -force $w.entGoTo } ## Check input number ## proc ValidNumber {w value} { if [string is integer $value] { return 1 } else { bell return 0 } } ## GOTO LINE ## proc GoToLineNumber {text w} { set lineNumber [$w.goto.entGoTo get] destroy $w.goto catch { $text mark set insert $lineNumber.0 $text see insert Position $text .frmStatus.frmLine.lblLine } } ## SEARCH DIALOG FORM ## set findHistory "" set findString "" set replaceString "" proc Find {} { global noteBook fileList findHistory findString fontNormal set node [$noteBook raise] if {$node == "newproj" || $node == "settings" || $node == "about" || $node == ""} { return } set file $fileList($node) set w $noteBook.f$node.find set text "$noteBook.f$node.text" set findString "" # destroy the find window if it already exists if {[winfo exists $w]} { destroy $w } toplevel $w wm title $w [::msgcat::mc "Find"] wm resizable $w 0 0 wm transient $w $noteBook.f$node frame $w.frmCombo -borderwidth 1 frame $w.frmBtn -borderwidth 1 pack $w.frmCombo $w.frmBtn -side top -fill x # set combo [entry $w.frmCombo.entFind] set combo [ComboBox $w.frmCombo.txtLocale\ -textvariable findString \ -selectbackground "#55c4d1" -selectborderwidth 0\ -values $findHistory] pack $combo -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2 button $w.frmBtn.btnFind -text "[::msgcat::mc "Find"] - F3"\ -font $fontNormal -width 12 -relief groove\ -command "FindCommand $text $w" button $w.frmBtn.btnCancel -text "[::msgcat::mc "Close"] - Esc"\ -relief groove -width 12 -font $fontNormal\ -command "destroy $w" pack $w.frmBtn.btnFind $w.frmBtn.btnCancel -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2 -side left bind $w "FindCommand $text $w" bind $w "FindCommand $text $w" bind $w "destroy $w" focus -force $combo # set findIndex [lsearch -exact $findHistory "$findString"] $combo setvalue @0 } proc FindCommand {text w} { global findString findHistory # set findString [$entry get] destroy $w # if null string? do nothing if {$findString == ""} { return } # search "again" (starting from current position) FindNext $text 0 } proc FindNext {text {incr 1}} { global findString findHistory set t $text puts $t # append find string into find history list # if {[lsearch -exact $findHistory $findString] == -1} { set findHistory [linsert $findHistory 0 $findString] } set pos [$t index insert] set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0] set x [lindex [split $pos "."] 1] incr x $incr set pos [$t search -nocase $findString $line.$x end] # if found then move the insert cursor to that position, otherwise beep if {$pos != ""} { $t mark set insert $pos $t see $pos # highlight the found word set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0] set x [lindex [split $pos "."] 1] set x [expr {$x + [string length $findString]}] $t tag remove sel 1.0 end $t tag add sel $pos $line.$x focus -force $t return 1 } else { bell return 0 } Position } ## FIND FUNCTION PROCEDURE ## proc FindProc {text findString node} { global noteBook set pos "0.0" $text see $pos set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0] set x [lindex [split $pos "."] 1] set pos [$text search -nocase $findString $line.$x end] $text mark set insert $pos $text see $pos # highlight the found word set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0] set x [lindex [split $pos "."] 1] set x [expr {$x + [string length $findString]}] $text tag remove sel 1.0 end $text tag add sel $pos $line.$x focus -force $text Position return 1 } #3 REPLACE DIALOG FORM ## proc ReplaceDialog {} { global noteBook fontNormal fontBold fileList findString replaceString text set node [$noteBook raise] if {$node == "newproj" || $node == "settings" || $node == "about" || $node == ""} { return } #set file $fileList($node) set w .replace set text "$noteBook.f$node.text" # set findString "" # destroy the find window if it already exists if {[winfo exists $w]} { destroy $w } # create the new "find" window toplevel $w wm transient $w $noteBook.f$node wm title $w [::msgcat::mc "Replace"] wm resizable $w 0 0 set f1 [frame $w.frmFind] set f2 [frame $w.frmReplace] set f3 [frame $w.frmBtn -borderwidth 1] pack $f1 $f2 $f3 -side top -fill x -expand true label $f1.lblFind -text [::msgcat::mc "Find"] -font $fontNormal -width 15 -anchor w entry $f1.entFind -width 30 pack $f1.lblFind $f1.entFind -side left -padx 2 -pady 2 pack $f1.entFind -side left -fill x -expand true -padx 2 -pady 2 label $f2.lblReplace -text [::msgcat::mc "Replace with"] -font $fontNormal -width 15 -anchor w entry $f2.entReplace -width 30 pack $f2.lblReplace $f2.entReplace -side left -padx 2 -pady 2 pack $f2.entReplace -side left -fill x -expand true -padx 2 -pady 2 button $f3.btnFind -text "[::msgcat::mc "Find"] - Enter" -width 12 -pady 0 -font $fontNormal -relief groove\ -command "ReplaceCommand $text $w $f1.entFind $f2.entReplace find" button $f3.btnReplace -text "[::msgcat::mc "Replace"] - F4" -width 12 -pady 0\ -font $fontNormal -relief groove\ -command { ReplaceCommand $text $w .replace.frmFind.entFind .replace.frmReplace.entReplace replace focus -force .replace } button $f3.btnReplaceAll -text [::msgcat::mc "Replace all"] -width 12 -pady 0\ -font $fontNormal -relief groove\ -command "ReplaceCommand $text $w $f1.entFind $f2.entReplace replace_all" button $f3.btnCancel -text "[::msgcat::mc "Cancel"] - Esc" -command "destroy $w"\ -width 12 -pady 0 -font $fontNormal -relief groove pack $f3.btnFind $f3.btnReplace $f3.btnReplaceAll $f3.btnCancel\ -side left -padx 2 -pady 2 -fill x bind $w "ReplaceCommand $text $w $f1.entFind $f2.entReplace find" bind $w "ReplaceCommand $text $w $f1.entFind $f2.entReplace replace" bind $w "destroy $w" focus -force $f1.entFind if {$findString != ""} { InsertEnt $f1.entFind $findString } if {$replaceString != ""} { InsertEnt $f2.entReplace $replaceString } } ## REPLACE COMMAND ## proc ReplaceCommand {text w entFind entReplace command} { global noteBook fontNormal fontBold fileList findString replaceString set node [$noteBook raise] set findString [$entFind get] set replaceString [$entReplace get] switch -- $command { "find" { FindNext $text 1 focus -force .replace } "replace" { if {[Replace $text 0]} { FindNext $text 1 if {[lindex $fileList($node) 1] == 0} { set fileList($node) [list [lindex $fileList($node) 0] 1] LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress [::msgcat::mc "File modify"] } focus -force .replace } } "replace_all" { set stringsReplace 0 if {[Replace $text 0]} { if {[lindex $fileList($node) 1] == 0} { set fileList($node) [list [lindex $fileList($node) 0] 1] LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress [::msgcat::mc "File modify"] } incr stringsReplace while {[Replace $text 1]} { incr stringsReplace } } tk_messageBox -icon info -title [::msgcat::mc "Replace"]\ -parent $text -message\ "[::msgcat::mc "Was replacement"] $stringsReplace." destroy $w } } } ## REPLACE ONE WORD PROCEDURE ## proc Replace {text incr} { global noteBook fontNormal fontBold fileList findString replaceString if {[FindNext $text $incr]} { set selected [$text tag ranges sel] set start [lindex $selected 0] set end [lindex $selected 1] $text delete $start $end $text insert [$text index insert] $replaceString return 1 } else { return 0 } # focus -force .replace } ## FILE OPERATION ## proc FileDialog {operation} { global noteBook fontNormal fontBold fileList tree noteBook projDir activeProject imgDir editor set dot "_" set types { {"Tcl files" {.tcl}} {"Tk files" {.tk}} {"Rivet files" {.rvt}} {"TclHttpd Template" {.tml}} {"Sql files" {.sql}} {"Html files" {.html}} {"Text files" {.txt}} {"JAVA files" {.java}} {"PERL files" {.pl}} {"PHP files" {.php}} {"FORTRAN files" {.for}} {"CAML or ML files" {.ml}} {"CAML or ML interface files" {.mli}} {"Ruby files" {.rb}} {"Text files" {} TEXT} {"All files" *} } if {$operation == "open"} { set dir $projDir set fullPath [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir $dir -filetypes \ $types -parent $noteBook] regsub -all "." $file "_" node set dir [file dirname $fullPath] set file [file tail $fullPath] set name [file rootname $file] set ext [string range [file extension $file] 1 end] set node "$name$dot$ext" EditFile $node $fullPath return 1 } elseif {$operation == "delete"} { set node [$tree selection get] set fullPath [$tree itemcget $node -data] set dir [file dirname $fullPath] set file [file tail $fullPath] set answer [tk_messageBox -message "[::msgcat::mc "Delete file"] \"$file\"?"\ -type yesno -icon question -default yes] case $answer { yes { FileDialog close file delete -force "$fullPath" $tree delete $node $tree configure -redraw 1 return 0 } } } elseif {$operation == "close"} { set node [$noteBook raise] if {$node == "newproj" || $node == "settings" || $node == "about" || $node == "debug"} { $noteBook delete $node set node [$noteBook raise] return } else { if {$node == ""} {return} if {[info exists fileList($node)] == 0} {return} set fullPath [lindex $fileList($node) 0] set dir [file dirname $fullPath] set file [file tail $fullPath] set text "$noteBook.f$node.text" } } elseif {$operation == "close" && [info exists files] == 0} { return } else { set node [$noteBook raise] puts $node if {$node == ""} {return} if {[info exists fileList($node)] == 0} {return} set fullPath [lindex $fileList($node) 0] set dir [file dirname $fullPath] set file [file tail $fullPath] set text "$noteBook.f$node.text" } set name [file rootname $file] set ext [string range [file extension $file] 1 end] set treeSubNode "$name$dot$ext" set img [GetImage $file] if {$operation == "open"} { set fullPath [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir $dir -filetypes \ $types -parent $noteBook] set file [string range $fullPath [expr [string last "/" $fullPath]+1] end] regsub -all "." $file "_" node $noteBook insert end $node -text "$file" EditFile $node $fullPath } elseif {$operation == "save"} { if {$name == "untitled"} { set file [tk_getSaveFile -initialdir $dir -filetypes \ $types -parent $text -initialfile $file \ -defaultextension .$ext] set contents [$text get 0.0 end] set fhandle [open "$file" "w"] puts $fhandle $contents nonewline close $fhandle file delete [file join $dir $name.$ext] #$tree delete $treeSubNode unset fileList($node) # change data into tree and notebook set dir [file dirname $file] set file [file tail $file] set name [file rootname $file] set ext [string range [file extension $file] 1 end] $tree itemconfigure $treeSubNode -text $name set treeSubNode "$activeProject$dot$name$dot$ext" #$tree insert end $activeProject $treeSubNode -text "$file" \ #-data "[file join $dir $file]" -open 1\ #-image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir $img.gif]]\ #-font $fontNormal set nbNode [$noteBook raise] $noteBook itemconfigure $nbNode -text $file set fileList($nbNode) [list $file 0] } else { set contents [$text get 0.0 end] set fhandle [open [file join $dir $file] "w"] puts $fhandle $contents nonewline close $fhandle EditFlag $node [file join $dir $file] 0 } } elseif {$operation == "save_all"} { set i 0 set nodeList [$noteBook pages 0 end] set length [llength $nodeList] while {$i < $length} { set nbNode [lindex $nodeList $i] if {[info exists fileList($nbNode)] == 1} { set text "$noteBook.f$nbNode.text" set savedFile [lindex $fileList($nbNode) 0] set contents [$text get 0.0 end] set fhandle [open [file join $dir $savedFile] "w"] puts $fhandle $contents nonewline close $fhandle EditFlag $nbNode [file join $dir $savedFile] 0 } incr i } } elseif {$operation == "close"} { # delete file name from fileList array # if {$node == "newproj" || $node == "settings" || $node == "about" || $node == "debug"} { $noteBook delete $node set node [$noteBook raise] return } set editFlag [lindex $fileList($node) 1] set closedFile [file tail [lindex $fileList($node) 0]] if {$editFlag == 1} { set answer [tk_messageBox\ -message "$closedFile [::msgcat::mc "File was modifyed. Save?"]"\ -type yesnocancel -icon warning\ -title [::msgcat::mc "Warning"]] case $answer { yes { FileDialog save # FileDialog close } no { set index 0 set nl [$tree nodes $node 0 end] if {$nl != ""} { foreach n $nl { $tree delete $n } } $noteBook delete $node unset fileList($node) $noteBook raise [$noteBook page $index] set node [$noteBook raise] } cancel { return 0 } } } else { set index 0 set nl [$tree nodes $node 0 end] if {$nl != ""} { foreach n $nl { $tree delete $n } } #puts $node $noteBook delete $node unset fileList($node) $noteBook raise [$noteBook page $index] set node [$noteBook raise] } if {$node != ""} { if {$node == "newproj" || $node == "settings" || $node == "about" || $node == "debug"} { $noteBook delete $node } else { focus -force $noteBook.f$node } $tree selection set $node } else { LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmLine.lblLine "" LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmFile.lblFile "" LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmOvwrt.lblOvwrt "" LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress "" } } elseif {$operation == "close_all"} { set nodeList [$noteBook pages 0 end] $noteBook raise [$noteBook page 0] set nbNode [$noteBook raise] while {$nbNode != ""} { if {$nbNode == "newproj" || $nbNode == "settings" || $nbNode == "about" || $nbNode == "debug"} { $noteBook delete $nbNode $noteBook raise [$noteBook page 0] set nbNode [$noteBook raise] } if {[info exists fileList($nbNode)] == 1} { set editFlag [lindex $fileList($nbNode) 1] if {$editFlag == 1} { set f [lindex $fileList($nbNode) 0] set f [file tail $f] set answer [tk_messageBox\ -message "$f [::msgcat::mc "File was modifyed. Save?"]"\ -type yesnocancel -icon warning\ -title [::msgcat::mc "Warning"]] case $answer { yes { FileDialog save } no {} cancel {return cancel} } } set nl [$tree nodes $nbNode 0 end] if {$nl != ""} { foreach n $nl { $tree delete $n } } $noteBook delete $nbNode $noteBook raise [$noteBook page 0] unset fileList($nbNode) set nbNode [$noteBook raise] } } LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmLine.lblLine "" LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmFile.lblFile "" LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmOvwrt.lblOvwrt "" } elseif {$operation == "save_as"} { set file [tk_getSaveFile -initialdir $dir -filetypes \ $types -parent $text -initialfile $file] if {$file != ""} { set contents [$text get 0.0 end] set fhandle [open $file "w"] puts $fhandle $contents nonewline close $fhandle set dir [file dirname $file] set file [file tail $file] set name [string range $file 0 [expr [string last "." $file]-1]] if {[string last "." $file] == -1} { set ext [string range [file extension $file] 1 end] } else { set ext "" } set treeSubNode "$activeProject$dot$name$dot$ext" $tree insert end $activeProject $treeSubNode -text "$file" \ -data "[file join $dir $file]" -open 1\ -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir $img.gif]]\ -font $fontNormal set nbNode [$noteBook raise] $noteBook itemconfigure $nbNode -text $file set fileList($nbNode) [list $file 0] } return 0 } } ## COMPLITE PRODEDURE AND OPERATOR ## proc OpComplite {text fileExt node} { global opList autoFormat fileList if {$node == "newproj" || $node == "settings" || $node == "about"} {return} set pos [$text index insert] set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0] set posNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1] set string [$text get $line.0 $pos] set first [string wordstart $string [expr $posNum-1]] set op [string range $string $first $posNum] if {[info exists opList($op)] == 1} { if {[string match "*\{" [$text get $pos $line.end]] != 1} { $text insert $pos $opList($op) set x [expr $posNum + 2] $text mark set insert $line.$posNum $text see $line.$posNum } else { return } } } ## OPEN AND CLOSE BRACE HIGHLIGHT ## proc BraceHighLight {text} { set pos [$text index insert] set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0] set posNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1] set curChar [$text get $lineNum.$posNum $lineNum.[expr $posNum+1]] # _searchCloseBracket $text \{ \} insert end] } ## NOTEBOOK PAGE SWITCHER ## ## NOTEBOOK PAGE SWITCHER ## proc PageTab {key} { global noteBook tree fileList editor set nb $noteBook set len [llength [$nb pages]] if {$len > 0} { set newIndex [expr [$nb index [$nb raise]] + $key] if {$newIndex < 0} { set newIndex [expr $len - 1] } elseif {$newIndex >= $len} { set newIndex 0 } $nb see [lindex [$nb pages] $newIndex] $nb raise [lindex [$nb pages] $newIndex] PageRaise [lindex [$nb pages] $newIndex] } } proc _PageTab {} { global noteBook tree fileList editor set nodeList [$noteBook pages 0 end] set length [llength $nodeList] set node [$noteBook raise] set nodeIndex [$noteBook index $node] if {$nodeIndex == [expr $length-1]} { set nextNode [$noteBook page 0] } else { set nextNode [$noteBook page [expr $nodeIndex + 1]] } $noteBook raise $nextNode if {$nextNode == "newproj" || $nextNode == "settings" || $nextNode == "about" || $nextNode == "debug"} { return } else { $tree selection set $nextNode $tree see $nextNode set item [$tree itemcget $nextNode -data] focus -force $noteBook.f$nextNode.text LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmHelp.lblHelp "[FileAttr $item]" LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmFile.lblFile "[file size $item] b." if {[lindex $fileList($nextNode) 1] == 0} { LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress "" $noteBook itemconfigure $node -foreground $editor(nbNormal) } else { LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress [::msgcat::mc "File modify"] $noteBook itemconfigure $node -foreground $editor(nbModify) } } } ## RAISED NOTEBOOK TAB IF CLICK MPOUSE BUTTON ## proc PageRaise {node} { global noteBook tree fileList editor nodeEdit #puts $node $noteBook raise $node set nodeEdit [$noteBook raise] #set nodeEdit $node puts $node puts $nodeEdit if {$node == "newproj" || $node == "settings" || $node == "about" || $node == "debug"} { return } else { $tree selection set $node $tree see $node set item [$tree itemcget $node -data] puts $item ;# debug set ext [GetExtention $node] if {$ext == "gif" || $ext == "jpg" || $ext == "png" || $ext == "xpm" || $ext == "xbm"} { focus -force $noteBook.f$node.f.c } else { focus -force $noteBook.f$node.text Position } LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmHelp.lblHelp "[FileAttr $item]" LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmFile.lblFile "[file size $item] b." if {[lindex $fileList($node) 1] == 0} { LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress "" $noteBook itemconfigure $node -foreground $editor(nbNormal) } else { LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress [::msgcat::mc "File modify"] $noteBook itemconfigure $node -foreground $editor(nbModify) } } } ## TABULAR INSERT (auto indent)## proc TabIns {text} { set tabSize 4 set indentSize 4 set pos [$text index insert] set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0] set posNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1] if {$lineNum > 1} { # get current text set curText [$text get $lineNum.0 "$lineNum.0 lineend"] #get text of prev line set prevLineNum [expr {$lineNum - 1}] set prevText [$text get $prevLineNum.0 "$prevLineNum.0 lineend"] #count first spaces in current line set spaces "" regexp "^| *" $curText spaces #count first spaces in prev line set prevSpaces "" regexp "^( |\t)*" $prevText prevSpaces set len [string length $prevSpaces] set shouldBeSpaces 0 for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} { if {[string index $prevSpaces $i] == "\t"} { incr shouldBeSpaces $tabSize } else { incr shouldBeSpaces } } #see last symbol in the prev String. set lastSymbol [string index $prevText [expr {[string length $prevText] - 1}]] # is it open brace? if {$lastSymbol == "\{"} { incr shouldBeSpaces $indentSize } set a "" regexp "^| *\}" $curText a if {$a != ""} { # make unindent if {$shouldBeSpaces >= $indentSize} { set shouldBeSpaces [expr {$shouldBeSpaces - $indentSize}] } } set spaceNum [string length $spaces] if {$shouldBeSpaces > $spaceNum} { #insert spaces set deltaSpace [expr {$shouldBeSpaces - $spaceNum}] set incSpaces "" for {set i 0} {$i < $deltaSpace} {incr i} { append incSpaces " " } $text insert $lineNum.0 $incSpaces } elseif {$shouldBeSpaces < $spaceNum} { #delete spaces set deltaSpace [expr {$spaceNum - $shouldBeSpaces}] $text delete $lineNum.0 $lineNum.$deltaSpace } } } proc EditFlag {node file flag} { global fileList editor noteBook if {$flag == 0} { set fileList($node) [list $file 0] LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress [::msgcat::mc "File saved"] $noteBook itemconfigure $node -foreground $editor(nbNormal) } else { set fileList($node) [list $file end 1] LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress [::msgcat::mc "File modify"] $noteBook itemconfigure $node -foreground $editor(nbModify) } } proc TextEncode {encode} { global fileList editor noteBook set node [$noteBook raise] if {$node == "newproj" || $node == "settings" || $node == "about" || $node == ""} { return } #set file $fileList($node) set w .replace set text "$noteBook.f$node.text" set contents [$text get 0.0 end] #puts "[lindex $files($activeFile) 2] $encode" set contents [encoding convertfrom $encode $contents] #set contents [encoding convertfrom $encode $contents] $text delete 0.0 end $text insert end $contents unset text #SetEncode $encode } ## EDITING FILE ## proc EditFile {node fileName} { global projDir workDir imgDir tree noteBook fontNormal fontBold w fileList replace nodeEdit global backUpFileCreate fileExt progress editor braceHighLightBG braceHighLightFG set nodeEdit $node set replace 0 set file [file tail $fileName] set name [file rootname $file] set fileExt [string range [file extension $fileName] 1 end] set parentNode [$tree parent $node] set project [$tree itemcget $parentNode -data] set w [$noteBook insert end $node -text "$file" -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir [GetImage $fileName].gif]]] # create array with file names # if {[info exists fileList($node)] != 1} { set fileList($node) [list $fileName 0] LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress "" } if {$fileExt == "gif" || $fileExt == "jpg" || $fileExt == "png" || $fileExt == "xpm" || $fileExt == "xbm"} { ImageViewer $fileName $w $node #$scrwin setwidget $w.Ó $noteBook raise $node return } set scrwin [ScrolledWindow $w.scrwin -bg $editor(bg)] pack $scrwin -fill both -expand true text $w.text\ -relief sunken -wrap $editor(wrap) -highlightthickness 0 -undo 1 -font $editor(font)\ -selectborderwidth 0 -selectbackground $editor(selectbg) -width 10 -background $editor(bg) -foreground $editor(fg) pack $w.text -side left -fill both -expand true $scrwin setwidget $w.text if {$backUpFileCreate == "Yes"} {file copy -force $fileName "$fileName~"} $noteBook raise $node set procName "" set file [open "$fileName" r] set lineNumber 1 # Progress start # LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress "[::msgcat::mc "Opened file in progress"]" while {[gets $file line]>=0} { # Insert procedure names into tree # regsub -all {\t} $line " " line $w.text insert end "$line\n" # set progress $lineNumber set keyWord "" set procName "" if {$fileExt == "php" || $fileExt == "phtml"} { regexp -nocase -all -- {(function) (.*?)\(} $line match keyWord procName #puts "$keyWord --- $procName" } else { scan $line "%s%s" keyWord procName } # && $procName != "" if {$keyWord == "proc" || $keyWord == "let" || $keyWord == "class" || $keyWord == "sub" || $keyWord == "function" || $keyWord == "fun" } { set dot "_" set openBrace [string first "\{" $line] set closeBrace [expr [string first "\}" $line]-1] set var [string range $line $openBrace end] regsub -all ":" $procName "_" prcNode if {$keyWord == "proc" || $keyWord == "sub" || $keyWord == "function" || $keyWord == "let"} { set img "proc.gif" } elseif {$keyWord == "class"} { set img "class.gif" } if {[$tree exists $prcNode$dot$lineNumber] !=1} { $tree insert end $node $prcNode$dot$lineNumber -text $procName \ -data "prc_$procName"\ -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir $img]] -font $fontNormal } } incr lineNumber } close $file $w.text mark set insert 0.0 $w.text see insert $w.text tag configure lightBracket -background #000000 -foreground #00ffff # key bindings # set text $w.text bind $text { regexp {^(\s*)} [%W get "insert linestart" end] -> spaceStart %W insert insert "\n$spaceStart" break } bind $text GoToLine bind $text GoToLine bind $text Find bind $text Find bind $text {FindNext $w.text 1} bind $text ReplaceDialog bind $text ReplaceDialog bind $text {ReplaceCommand $w.text 1} bind $text {FileDialog save} bind $text {FileDialog save} bind $text {FileDialog save_as} bind $text {FileDialog save_as} bind $text {FileDialog close} bind $text {FileDialog close} bind $text "tk_textCut $w.text;break" bind $text "tk_textCut $w.text;break" bind $text "tk_textCopy $w.text;break" bind $text "tk_textCopy $w.text;break" bind $text "tk_textPaste $w.text;break" bind $text "tk_textPaste $w.text;break" bind $text "auto_completition $text" bind $text "auto_completition $text" bind $text "auto_completition_proc $text" bind $text "auto_completition_proc $text" bind $text Find bind $text Find #bind . PageTab #bind . PageTab bind $text {OverWrite} bind $text {Position} bind $text {catch [PopupMenuEditor %X %Y]} bind $text "%W yview scroll -3 units" bind $text "%W yview scroll 3 units" #bind $text "%W xview scroll -2 units" #bind $text "%W xview scroll 2 units" bind $text { Position set nodeEdit [$noteBook raise] if {$nodeEdit == "" || $nodeEdit == "newproj" || $nodeEdit == "settings" || $nodeEdit == "about" || $nodeEdit == "debug"} { } else { set textEdit "$noteBook.f$nodeEdit.text" set pos [$textEdit index insert] set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0] set editLine [$textEdit get $line.0 $pos] if {$autoFormat == "Yes"} { if {$fileExt != "for"} { TabIns $textEdit } } HighLight $fileExt $textEdit $editLine $line $nodeEdit } } bind $text { if {$nodeEdit == "" || $nodeEdit == "newproj" || $nodeEdit == "settings" || $nodeEdit == "about" || $nodeEdit == "debug"} { } else { set nodeEdit [$noteBook raise] if {[Key %k] == "true"} { if {[lindex $fileList($nodeEdit) 1] == 0} { set fileList($nodeEdit) [list [lindex $fileList($nodeEdit) 0] 1] LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress [::msgcat::mc "File modify"] $noteBook itemconfigure $nodeEdit -foreground $editor(nbModify) } ReplaceChar %W };# if };# if };# bind bind $text { if {$nodeEdit == ""} {return} set textEdit "$noteBook.f$nodeEdit.text" OpComplite $textEdit $fileExt $nodeEdit if {[lindex $fileList($nodeEdit) 1] == 0} { set fileList($nodeEdit) [list [lindex $fileList($nodeEdit) 0] 1] LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress [::msgcat::mc "File modify"] $noteBook itemconfigure $nodeEdit -foreground $editor(nbModify) } } # Alexander Dederer (aka Korwin) # bind like VI editor bind $text { set i -1 switch -- [%W get "insert - 1 chars"] { \{ {set i [_searchCloseBracket %W \{ \} insert end]} \[ {set i [_searchCloseBracket %W \[ \] insert end]} ( {set i [_searchCloseBracket %W ( ) insert end]} \} {set i [_searchOpenBracket %W \{ \} insert 1.0]} \] {set i [_searchOpenBracket %W \[ \] insert 1.0]} ) {set i [_searchOpenBracket %W ( ) insert 1.0]} } ;# switch if { $i != -1 } { %W mark set insert $i %W see insert } } ;# bind bindtags $text [list [winfo toplevel $text] $text Text sysAfter all] bind sysAfter {+ set i -1 catch { switch -- [%W get "insert - 1 chars"] { \{ {set i [_searchCloseBracket %W \{ \} insert end]} \[ {set i [_searchCloseBracket %W \[ \] insert end]} ( {set i [_searchCloseBracket %W ( ) insert end]} \} {set i [_searchOpenBracket %W \{ \} insert 1.0]} \] {set i [_searchOpenBracket %W \[ \] insert 1.0]} ) {set i [_searchOpenBracket %W ( ) insert 1.0]} } ;# switch catch { %W tag remove lightBracket 1.0 end } if { $i != -1 } { %W tag add lightBracket "$i - 1 chars" $i };#if };#catch } ;# bind sysAfter bind sysAfter [bind sysAfter ] focus -force $w.text Position .frmStatus.frmOvwrt.lblOvwrt configure -text [::msgcat::mc "Insert"] -font $fontNormal bind $text {OverWrite; break} ## READ TEXT FOR HIGHLIGHTNING ## set lineNum 1 while {$lineNum <=[expr $lineNumber + 1]} { set line [$w.text get $lineNum.0 $lineNum.end] HighLight $fileExt $w.text $line $lineNum $nodeEdit incr lineNum } } ## GET KEYS CODE ## proc Key {key} { if {$key >= 10 && $key <= 22} {return "true"} if {$key >= 24 && $key <= 36} {return "true"} if {$key >= 38 && $key <= 50} {return "true"} if {$key >= 51 && $key <= 61 && $key != 58} {return "true"} if {$key >= 79 && $key <= 91} {return "true"} if {$key == 63 || $key == 107 || $key == 108 || $key == 112} {return "true"} } # "Alexander Dederer (aka Korwin) ## Search close bracket in editor widget proc _searchCloseBracket { widget o_bracket c_bracket start_pos end_pos } { set o_count 1 set c_count 0 set found 0 set pattern "\[\\$o_bracket\\$c_bracket\]" set pos [$widget search -regexp -- $pattern $start_pos $end_pos] while { ! [string equal $pos {}] } { set char [$widget get $pos] #tk_messageBox -title $pattern -message "char: $char; $pos; o_count=$o_count; c_count=$c_count" if {[string equal $char $o_bracket]} {incr o_count ; set found 1} if {[string equal $char $c_bracket]} {incr c_count ; set found 1} if {($found == 1) && ($o_count == $c_count) } { return [$widget index "$pos + 1 chars"] } set found 0 set start_pos "$pos + 1 chars" set pos [$widget search -regexp -- $pattern $start_pos $end_pos] } ;# while search return -1 } ;# proc _searchCloseBracket # "Alexander Dederer (aka Korwin) ## Search open bracket in editor widget proc _searchOpenBracket { widget o_bracket c_bracket start_pos end_pos } { set o_count 0 set c_count 1 set found 0 set pattern "\[\\$o_bracket\\$c_bracket\]" set pos [$widget search -backward -regexp -- $pattern "$start_pos - 1 chars" $end_pos] while { ! [string equal $pos {}] } { set char [$widget get $pos] #tk_messageBox -title $pattern -message "char: $char; $pos; o_count=$o_count; c_count=$c_count" if {[string equal $char $o_bracket]} {incr o_count ; set found 1} if {[string equal $char $c_bracket]} {incr c_count ; set found 1} if {($found == 1) && ($o_count == $c_count) } { return [$widget index "$pos + 1 chars"] } set found 0 set start_pos "$pos - 0 chars" set pos [$widget search -backward -regexp -- $pattern $start_pos $end_pos] } ;# while search return -1 } ;# proc _searchOpenBracket proc SelectAll {text} { global noteBook $text tag remove sel 1.0 end $text tag add sel 1.0 end } #################################### GetOp