#!/bin/sh # Tcl ignores the next line -*- tcl -*- \ exec wish "$0" -- "$@" ############################################### # Tcl/Tk Project Manager # # Distrubuted under GPL # # Copyright (c) "Sergey Kalinin", 2001, # # Home: http://nuk-svk.ru # # Author: Sergey Kalinin banzaj28@yandex.ru # ############################################### ########## VERSION INFORMATION ########## set ver "0.4.5" package require BWidget package require msgcat set wishOpList [info commands] ## DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE! USE install.tcl SCRIPT ## # if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} { # set initDir "$env(HOME)" # set rootDir "/usr/local" # set tmpDir "$env(HOME)/tmp" # set tclDir "/usr/bin" # } elseif {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { # set initDir "c:\\" # set rootDir "c:\\Tcl" # set tmpDir "c:\\temp" # set tclDir "C:\\Tcl\\bin" # } set tclDir [file dirname [info nameofexecutable]] puts $tclDir set rootDir [pwd] #set rootDir "/usr" #set tclDir "/usr/bin" set dataDir "[file join $rootDir lib]" set docDir "[file join $rootDir hlp ru]" set imgDir "[file join $rootDir img]" set msgDir "[file join $rootDir msgs]" set binDir $rootDir set hlDir [file join $dataDir highlight] if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} { set tmpDir "$env(HOME)/tmp" set workDir "[file join $env(HOME) .projman]" } elseif {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { if [info exists env(TEMP)] { set tmpDir "$env(TEMP)" } else { set tmpDir "c:\\temp" } if {[info exist env(HOMEDRIVE)] && [info exists env(HOMEPATH)]} { set workDir "[file join $env(HOMEDRIVE) $env(HOMEPATH) .projman]" } else { set workDir "[file join $rootDir .projman]" } } if {[file exists $workDir] == 0} {file mkdir $workDir} if {[file exists $tmpDir] == 0} {file mkdir $tmpDir} if {[file exists [file join $workDir projman.conf]] == 0} { file copy -force -- projman.conf [file join $workDir projman.conf] } #source [file join $workDir projman.conf] # Read the projman.conf file and setting the variable set config [open [file join $workDir projman.conf] RDONLY] while {[gets $config line]>=0} { if [regexp -nocase -all -line -- {(set)\s(.+)\s"(.+|)"} $line match op var data] { regsub -all -- {\$env\(HOME\)} $data "$env(HOME)" data regsub -all -- {\$workDir} $data "$workDir" data set $var $data } } ## CREATE WORK DIR ## if {[file exists $rpmDir] != 1} {file mkdir $rpmDir} if {[file exists $tgzDir] != 1} {file mkdir $tgzDir} if {[file exists $projDir] != 1} {file mkdir $projDir} ## SETTINGS ENVIRONMENT LANGUAGE ## if [info exists env(LANG)] { set locale $env(LANG) } else { set locale $locale } ::msgcat::mclocale $locale ::msgcat::mcload $msgDir ## LOAD FILE ## # Load modules but maain.tcl must last loaded foreach modFile [lsort [glob -nocomplain [file join $dataDir *.tcl]]] { if {[file tail $modFile] ne "main.tcl"} { source $modFile puts "Loaded module $modFile" } } # load code highlight modules foreach modFile [lsort [glob -nocomplain [file join $hlDir *.tcl]]] { source $modFile puts "Loaded highlight module $modFile" } source [file join $dataDir main.tcl] #option add *tree.foreground red widgetDefault # Set colors for widgets option add *Frame.Background $editor(bg) interactive option add *ScrollableFrame.Background $editor(bg) interactive option add *ScrolledWindow.Background $editor(bg) interactive option add *Button.Foreground $editor(fg) interactive option add *Button.Background $editor(bg) interactive option add *Button.activeBackground $editor(bg) userDefault option add *Button.activeForeground $editor(fg) userDefault option add *Entry.Foreground $editor(fg) interactive option add *Entry.Background $editor(bg) interactive option add *Label.Foreground $editor(fg) interactive option add *Label.Background $editor(bg) interactive option add *Checkbox.Foreground $editor(fg) interactive option add *Checkbox.Background $editor(bg) interactive option add *Checkbutton.Foreground $editor(fg) interactive option add *Checkbutton.Background $editor(bg) interactive option add *Combobox.Foreground $editor(fg) interactive option add *Combobox.Background $editor(bg) interactive option add *Text.Foreground $editor(fg) interactive option add *Text.Background $editor(bg) interactive option add *Tree.Background $editor(bg) interactive option add *Tree.Foreground $editor(fg) interactive option add *Scrollbar.Background $editor(bg) interactive option add *Canvas.Background $editor(bg) interactive option add *Canvas.Foreground $editor(fg) interactive option add *Node.Foreground $editor(fg) interactive option add *NoteBook.bg $editor(bg) interactive option add *NoteBook.fg $editor(fg) interactive option add *Listbox.Foreground $editor(fg) interactive option add *Listbox.Background $editor(bg) interactive #option add *Button.font $guifont userDefault #option add *Label.font $guifont userDefault #option add *Menu.font $guifont userDefault #option add *Menubutton.font $guifont userDefault option add *Dialog.msg.background $editor(bg) # option add *Text.Background $textbg userDefault # option add *Entry.Background $textbg userDefault # option add *Text.Foreground $textfg userDefault # option add *Entry.Foreground $textfg userDefault # option add *Button.activeBackground $bg userDefault # option add *Button.activeForeground $fg userDefault # option add *Scrollbar.activeBackground $bg userDefault # option add *Scrollbar.troughColor $shadow userDefault # option add *Canvas.Background $shadow userDefault # # # These menu configs work if you use native menus. # option add *Menu.borderWidth 1 userDefault # option add *Menu.activeForeground $fg userDefault # option add *Menubutton.activeForeground $fg userDefault # # # This draws a thin border around buttons # #option add *highlightBackground $bg userDefault # # Suppress the border # option add *HighlightThickness 0 userDefault # # Add it back for text and entry widgets # option add *Text.highlightBackground $bg userDefault # option add *Entry.highlightBackground $bg userDefault # option add *Text.HighlightThickness 2 userDefault # option add *Entry.HighlightThickness 1 userDefault