DragSite - Commands set for Drag facilities
DragSite::include class type event
DragSite::register path ?option value...?
DragSite::setdrag path subpath initcmd endcmd ?force?


Commands of this namespace enable user to define a BWidget or a Tk widget as a drag site.

DragSite::include class type event
This command provides a simple way to include options relatives to a drag site into BWidget resources definition. It includes the options needed for register: -dragevent, initialized to event, -draginitcmd and -dragendcmd, initialized to empty string, and two new options:
-dragenabledSpecifies wether or not drag is active (initialized to 0)
-dragtypeDefault or alternate dragged data type (initialized to type)
DragSite::register path ?option value...?
This command is used to declare path as a drag site. Options are:

Command called when drag terminates (ie when user release drag icon). This command is called with the following arguments:
  • the pathname of the drag source (the widget itself),
  • the pathname of the drop target,
  • the operation,
  • the type of the dragged data,
  • the dragged data,
  • result of the drop (result of the call to -dropcmd of the target),
If the drop does not occurs, the target and the operation are empty string and the result is 0.
Specifies the number of the mouse button associated to the drag. Must be 1, 2 or 3.
Command called when drag initiates. When the event of option dragevent occurs on path, this command is called with the following arguments:
  • pathname of the drag source (path),
  • root x-coordinate of pointer,
  • root y-coordinate of pointer,
  • a toplevel created to represent dragged data. When returning, if it has no children, a bitmap is automatically displayed.
The command must return a list containing three elements:
  • the type of the data,
  • the list of acceptable basic operations (copy, move and link)
  • and the data.
Note that even if copy does not appear in the list of basic operation, it is considered as an acceptable operation, since copy semantic does not modify the drag source.
DragSite::setdrag path subpath initcmd endcmd ?force?
This command provides a simple way to call register during a BWidget creation or configuration. setdrag verifies the modification flag of options dragenabled and dragevent and calls register if needed according to the options values and initcmd and endcmd arguments. draginitcmd and dragendcmd are not taken from options of widget because they are considered as user command, called by BWidget implementation of drag-init and drag-end events.