<HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>DynamicHelp</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=white> <DL><DT><I><A HREF="#descr">NAME</A></I></DT> <DD><B>DynamicHelp</B> - Provide help to Tk widget or BWidget </DD></DL> <DL> <DT><I><A HREF="#wc">COMMAND</A></I></DT> <DD>DynamicHelp::<A HREF="#configure"><B>configure</B></A> ?<I>option</I>? ?<I>value</I> <I>option</I> <I>value</I> ...? </DD> <DD>DynamicHelp::<A HREF="#include"><B>include</B></A> <I>class</I> <I>type</I> </DD> <DD>DynamicHelp::<A HREF="#register"><B>register</B></A> <I>path</I> <I>type</I> ?<I>arg...</I>? </DD> <DD>DynamicHelp::<A HREF="#sethelp"><B>sethelp</B></A> <I>path</I> <I>subpath</I> ?<I>force</I>? </DD> </DL> <BR><HR WIDTH="100%"><BR> <B><A NAME="descr"></A>DESCRIPTION</B><BR> <P> Description text </P> <HR WIDTH="50%"><BR> <B><A NAME="wc">COMMAND</A></B><BR> <DL><DT><A NAME="configure">DynamicHelp::<B>configure</B></A> ?<I>option</I>? ?<I>value</I> <I>option</I> <I>value</I> ...? </DT><DD> This command configure the ballon help. <P> <DL><DT><A NAME="DynamicHelp-borderwidth"><B>-borderwidth</B></A></DT> <DD> Width of the black border around the balloon. </DD> </DL> <DL><DT><A NAME="DynamicHelp-delay"><B>-delay</B></A></DT> <DD> Define the delay in millisecond of mouse inactivity before displaying the balloon. </DD> </DL> <BR>Other standard options are: <DD><TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0> <TR> <TD> <A HREF="options.htm#M-background">-background or -bg</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="options.htm#M-font">-font</A></TR> </TR> <TR> <TD> <A HREF="options.htm#M-foreground">-foreground or -fg</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="options.htm#M-justify">-justify</A></TR> </TR> </TABLE></DD> </DD></DL> <DL><DT><A NAME="include">DynamicHelp::<B>include</B></A> <I>class</I> <I>type</I> </DT><DD> Description text </DD></DL> <DL><DT><A NAME="register">DynamicHelp::<B>register</B></A> <I>path</I> <I>type</I> ?<I>arg...</I>? </DT><DD> Register a help text to the widget <I>path</I>. <I>type</I> determines the type of the help or the type of the widget. Depending on <I>type</I>, other options must be provided. <BR> <TABLE CELLSPACING=5 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0> <TR><TD><B> type </B></TD><TD><B> options </B></TD></TR> <TR><TD><B><I> balloon </I></B></TD><TD><I> text </I></TD></TR> <TR><TD><B><I> variable </I></B></TD><TD><I> varName text </I></TD></TR> <TR><TD><B><I> menu </I></B></TD><TD><I> varName </I></TD></TR> <TR><TD><B><I> menuentry </I></B></TD><TD><I> index text </I></TD></TR> </TABLE> <BR>If one of the option is missing or is empty, help is removed for this widget. <BR>For type other than <I>balloon</I>, <I>varName</I> is typically a variable linked to a label. <BR>For menu, balloon type help is not available. To declare a help for menu, you first declare the menu, and then entries of this menu. <BR>For example: <BR><BR> <CENTER> <TABLE BORDER=2 CELLSPACING=2 WIDTH="80%"> <TR><TD><PRE> <FONT COLOR=red><I># create menu</I></FONT> menu .m -type menubar <FONT COLOR=red><I># associate menubar to toplevel BEFORE DynamicHelp::register</I></FONT> <FONT COLOR=red><I># to make it works with menu clone name</I></FONT> . configure -menu .m .m add cascade -label "File" -menu .m.file menu .m.file .m.file add command -label "Open..." .m.file add command -label "Quit" <FONT COLOR=red><I># create label for help, using variable varinfo</I></FONT> label .l -textvariable varinfo <FONT COLOR=red><I># associate all entries of menu .m.file to variable varinfo</I></FONT> DynamicHelp::register .m.file menu varinfo <FONT COLOR=red><I># then declare entries of .m.file</I></FONT> DynamicHelp::register .m.file menuentry 0 "Detach menu" DynamicHelp::register .m.file menuentry 1 "Open a file" DynamicHelp::register .m.file menuentry 2 "Exit demo" </PRE></TD></TR></TABLE></CENTER> <BR> <BR>Notice that if popup menu is owned by a menubar, you must associate first the menubar to its toplevel. In this case, when you create a menu popup, its clone window is also created, and DynamicHelp::register detects the exitence of the clone window and maps events to it. </DD></DL> <DL><DT><A NAME="sethelp">DynamicHelp::<B>sethelp</B></A> <I>path</I> <I>subpath</I> ?<I>force</I>? </DT><DD> Description text </DD></DL> </BODY></HTML>