##!/usr/bin/wish ########################################################### # Tcl/Tk Project Manager # # version 0.0.1 # # help module # # Copyright (c) "CONERO lab", 2002, http://conero.lrn.ru # # Author: Sergey Kalinin (aka BanZaj) banzaj@lrn.ru # ########################################################### #package require BWidget #package require msgcat ## GETTING TABLES OF CONTENT ## #set homeDir "$env(HOME)/projects/tcl/projman" #set docDir "$env(HOME)/projects/tcl/projman/hlp" #set imgDir "$env(HOME)/projects/tcl/projman/img" #set msgDir "$env(HOME)/projects/tcl/projman/msgs" #set workDir "$env(HOME)/.projman" #source $workDir/projman.conf source [file join $dataDir html_lib.tcl] #source [file join $dataDir htmllib.tcl] set sourceEncode "koi8-r" ## LOAD MESSAGES FILE? LANGUAGE AND NEDDED FILES ## #source $homeDir/html.tcl #::msgcat::mclocale $locale #::msgcat::mcload $msgDir proc HlpTreeOneClick {node} { global fontNormal hlpTree wordList hlpNoteBook findString imgDir fontBold fontNormal global lstSearch nodeParent $hlpTree selection set $node set nodeParent [$hlpTree parent $node] set item [$hlpTree itemcget $node -data] set file [string range $item 4 end] #puts "$file" ;#debuf info if {[string range $item 0 2] == "toc"} { # $hlpTree configure } if {[$hlpTree itemcget $node -open] == 1} { $hlpTree itemconfigure $node -open 0 } elseif {[$hlpTree itemcget $node -open] == 0} { $hlpTree itemconfigure $node -open 1 } if {[string range $item 0 2] == "doc"} { GetContent $file } } ## GETTING TABLE OF CONTENT ## proc GetTOC {} { global docDir hlpTree imgDir fontNormal lstSearch arr sourceEncode if {[catch {cd $docDir}] != 0} { return "" } foreach dir [lsort [glob -nocomplain *]] { if {[file isdirectory $dir] == 1} { foreach file [lsort [glob -nocomplain [file join $dir *toc.html]]] { #puts $file set fileName [file join $file] set tocFile [open $fileName r] fconfigure $tocFile -encoding binary set dot "_" #set nodeParent [string range $fileName 0 [expr [string first "." $fileName]-1]] #puts $fileName set nodeParent [file dirname $fileName] while {[gets $tocFile line]>=0} { set a "" set b "" set line [encoding convertfrom $sourceEncode $line] if {[regexp -nocase ".+\" $line a]} { if {[regexp ">.+\<" $line a]} { set length [string length $a] set title [string range $a 1 [expr $length-2]] #puts $nodeParent ;# debug info $hlpTree insert end root $nodeParent -text "$title" -font $fontNormal \ -data "toc_$nodeParent" -open 0\ -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir books.gif]] } } elseif {[regexp "\".+\"" $line a]} { set data [string range $a 1 [expr [string last "\"" $a]-1]] if {[regexp ">.+\<" $line b]} { set line [string range $b 1 [expr [string first "<" $b]-1]] regsub -all {[ :]} $line "_" subNode #regsub -all ":" $ubNode "_" node set subNode "$nodeParent$dot$subNode" if {[info exists arr($subNode)] == 0} { set arr($subNode) [file join $dir $data] } set data [file join $dir $data] #puts "$subNode" ;# debug info $hlpTree insert end "$nodeParent" $subNode -text "$line"\ -font $fontNormal -data "doc_$data" -open 0\ -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir file.gif]] $lstSearch insert end $line } } else { break } } } ;# foreach } } $hlpTree configure -redraw 1 } proc SearchWord {word} { global arr nBookTree set word [string tolower [string trim $word]] puts $word $nBookTree raise hlpSearch InsertEnt .help.frmBody.frmCat.nBookTree.fhlpSearch.frmScrhEnt.entSearch $word foreach wrd [array names arr] { set name "[file rootname [file tail $arr($wrd)]]" set file "$arr($wrd)" if {[string match "$word*" [string tolower $name]] == 1} { GetContent $file } } } ## GETTING CONTENT FROM FILES ## proc GetContent {file} { global docDir hlpNoteBook fontNormal sourceEncode $hlpNoteBook raise [$hlpNoteBook page 0] set node [$hlpNoteBook raise] if {$node != ""} { $hlpNoteBook delete hlpHTML } set nbTitle "" set html "" set file [open $file r] fconfigure $file -encoding binary while {[gets $file line]>=0} { # if {$line == ""} { # set html "


" # } set line [encoding convertfrom $sourceEncode $line] if {[regexp -nocase ".+\" $line a]} { if {[regexp ">.+\<" $a a]} { set length [string length $a] set nbTitle [string range $a 1 [expr $length-2]] #puts $nbTitle #puts $a } } append html $line\n } set frmHTML [$hlpNoteBook insert end hlpHTML -text $nbTitle] set txt [text $frmHTML.txtHTML -yscrollcommand "$frmHTML.yscroll set" \ -relief sunken -wrap word -highlightthickness 0 -font $fontNormal\ -selectborderwidth 0 -selectbackground #55c4d1 -width 10] scrollbar $frmHTML.yscroll -relief sunken -borderwidth {1} -width {10} -takefocus 0\ -command "$frmHTML.txtHTML yview" pack $txt -side left -fill both -expand true pack $frmHTML.yscroll -side left -fill y $hlpNoteBook raise hlpHTML focus -force $txt # $txt configure -state disabled HM::init_win $txt HM::set_link_callback LinkCallback HM::set_state $txt -size 0 HM::set_indent $txt 1.2 HM::parse_html $html "HM::render $txt" # HM::tag_title .help "Help - $nbTitle" $txt configure -state disabled } ## GOTO URL PROCEDURE ## proc LinkCallback {w url} { global docDir nodeParent set url "[file join $docDir $nodeParent $url]" if {[catch {open $url r} oHTML]} { tk_messageBox -title "[::msgcat::mc "Error open URL"]"\ -message "[::msgcat::mc "Can't found file:"] $url"\ -icon error -type ok } else { GetContent $url } } ## autor DEDERER ## proc LinkCallback_ {w url} { global docDir set url "[file join $docDir $url]" if {[catch {open $url r} oHTML]} { tk_messageBox -title "[::msgcat::mc "Error open URL"]"\ -message "[::msgcat::mc "Can't founf file: $url"]"\ -icon error -type ok } else { set html [read $oHTML] $w configure -state normal HM::reset_win $w HM::parse_html $html "HM::render $w" $w configure -state disable } # HM::render [winfo toplevel $w] $url } ## MAIN HELP WINDOW ## proc TopLevelHelp {} { global fontNormal fontBold hlpTree hlpNoteBook nBookTree homeDir docDir lstSearch w frmSrchList global imgDir set w .help set w_exist [winfo exists $w] if !$w_exist { toplevel $w # wm resizable .help 0 0 wm geometry $w 900x800+0+0 wm title $w [::msgcat::mc "Help"] # wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {destroy .msg .help} #wm geometry . 600x400+0+0 wm title $w [::msgcat::mc "Help"] frame $w.frmMenu -border 1 -relief raised frame $w.frmTool -border 1 -relief raised frame $w.frmBody -border 1 -relief raised frame $w.frmStatus -border 1 -relief sunken pack $w.frmMenu -side top -padx 1 -fill x pack $w.frmTool -side top -padx 1 -fill x pack $w.frmBody -side top -padx 1 -fill both -expand true pack $w.frmStatus -side top -padx 1 -fill x button $w.frmTool.btnBack -relief groove -font $fontBold -command Back -state disable button $w.frmTool.btnForward -relief groove -font $fontBold -command Forward -state disable button $w.frmTool.btnRefresh -relief groove -font $fontBold -command Refresh -state disable button $w.frmTool.btnPrint -relief groove -font $fontBold -command Print -state disable image create photo imgBack -format gif -file [file join $imgDir back.gif] image create photo imgForward -format gif -file [file join $imgDir forward.gif] image create photo imgRefresh -format gif -file [file join $imgDir refresh.gif] image create photo imgPrint -format png -file [file join $imgDir printer.png] $w.frmTool.btnBack configure -image imgBack $w.frmTool.btnForward configure -image imgForward $w.frmTool.btnRefresh configure -image imgRefresh $w.frmTool.btnPrint configure -image imgPrint pack $w.frmTool.btnBack $w.frmTool.btnForward $w.frmTool.btnRefresh $w.frmTool.btnPrint\ -side left -fill x set frmCat [frame $w.frmBody.frmCat -border 1 -relief sunken] pack $frmCat -side left -fill y set frmWork [frame $w.frmBody.frmWork -border 1 -relief sunken] pack $frmWork -side left -fill both -expand true set nBookTree [NoteBook $frmCat.nBookTree -font $fontNormal] pack $nBookTree -fill both -expand true -padx 2 -pady 2 set frmTreeNb [$nBookTree insert end hlpTree -text "[::msgcat::mc "Contents"]"] set frmSearch [$nBookTree insert end hlpSearch -text "[::msgcat::mc "Search"]"] $nBookTree raise hlpTree set frmScrlX [frame $frmTreeNb.frmScrlX -border 0 -relief sunken] set frmTree [frame $frmTreeNb.frmTree -border 1 -relief sunken] set hlpTree [Tree $frmTree.tree \ -relief sunken -borderwidth 1 -width 20 -highlightthickness 0\ -redraw 0 -dropenabled 1 -dragenabled 1 -dragevent 3 \ -yscrollcommand {.help.frmBody.frmCat.nBookTree.fhlpTree.frmTree.scrlY set} \ -xscrollcommand {.help.frmBody.frmCat.nBookTree.fhlpTree.frmScrlX.scrlX set} \ -background "#d3d3d3" -selectbackground "#55c4d1" \ -droptypes { TREE_NODE {copy {} move {} link {}} LISTBOX_ITEM {copy {} move {} link {}} } -opencmd "" -closecmd ""] pack $frmTree -side top -fill y -expand true pack $frmScrlX -side top -fill x scrollbar $frmTree.scrlY -command {$hlpTree yview} \ -borderwidth {1} -width {10} -takefocus 0 pack $hlpTree $frmTree.scrlY -side left -fill y scrollbar $frmScrlX.scrlX -command {$hlpTree xview} \ -orient horizontal -borderwidth {1} -width {10} -takefocus 0 pack $frmScrlX.scrlX -fill x -expand true set frmSrchList [frame $frmSearch.frmScrhList -border 0 -relief sunken] set frmSrchEnt [frame $frmSearch.frmScrhEnt -border 0 -relief sunken] set frmSrchScrollX [frame $frmSearch.frmScrhScrollX -border 0 -relief sunken] pack $frmSrchEnt -side top -fill x pack $frmSrchList -side top -fill both -expand true pack $frmSrchScrollX -side top -fill x entry $frmSrchEnt.entSearch set lstSearch [listbox $frmSrchList.lstSearch -font $fontNormal\ -yscrollcommand\ {.help.frmBody.frmCat.nBookTree.fhlpSearch.frmScrhList.scrListY set}\ -xscrollcommand\ {.help.frmBody.frmCat.nBookTree.fhlpSearch.frmScrhScrollX.scrListX set}\ -selectmode single -selectbackground #55c4d1\ -selectborderwidth 0] scrollbar $frmSrchList.scrListY -command\ {$frmSrchList.lstSearch yview} -borderwidth {1} -width {10} -takefocus 0 pack $frmSrchEnt.entSearch -side top -fill x -expand true pack $frmSrchList.lstSearch -side left -fill both -expand true pack $frmSrchList.scrListY -side left -fill y scrollbar $frmSrchScrollX.scrListX -orient horizontal -command\ {$frmSrchList.lstSearch xview} -borderwidth {1} -width {10} -takefocus 0 pack $frmSrchScrollX.scrListX -fill x # $hlpTree bindText [puts %k] # $hlpTree bindText [puts %k] # bind $frmTree {$frmSrchList.lstSearch xview} # $hlpTree bindText "HlpTreeDoubleClick [$hlpTree selection get]" # $hlpTree bindImage "HlpTreeDoubleClick [$hlpTree selection get]" $hlpTree bindText "HlpTreeOneClick [$hlpTree selection get]" $hlpTree bindImage "HlpTreeOneClick [$hlpTree selection get]" bind .help "destroy .help" # bind $frmSrchEnt.entSearch \ # {SearchWord [Text .help.frmBody.frmCat.nBookTree.fhlpSearch.frmScrhEnt.entSearch]} #bind $w exit #bind $frmTree {TreeClick [$hlpTree selection get]} #bind $frmTree {TreeClick [$hlpTree selection get]} #bind $frmTree {TreeClick [$hlpTree selection get]} bind $frmTree.tree.c "$hlpTree yview scroll -3 units" bind $frmTree.tree.c "$hlpTree yview scroll 3 units" bind $frmTree.tree.c "$hlpTree xview scroll -2 units" bind $frmTree.tree.c "$hlpTree xview scroll 2 units" set hlpNoteBook [NoteBook $frmWork.hlpNoteBook -font $fontNormal] pack $hlpNoteBook -fill both -expand true -padx 2 -pady 2 GetTOC } } ################################################## #TopLevelHelp #GetTOC #GetContent $docDir/tcl.toc.html