########################################################### # Tcl/Tk Project Manager # # Distributed under GPL # # all procedure file # # Copyright (c) "Sergey Kalinin", 2001, http://nuk-svk.ru # # Author: Sergey Kalinin banzaj28@yandex.ru # ########################################################### ## INSERT TEXT INTO ENTRY BOmX ## proc InsertEnt {entry text} { $entry delete 0 end $entry insert end $text } ## GET TEXT FROM ENTRY WIDGET ## proc Text {entry} { set text [$entry get] } ## FONT SELECTOR DIALOG ## proc SelectFontDlg {font text} { set font [SelectFont .fontdlg -parent . -font $font] if { $font != "" } { InsertEnt $text $font } } ## STATUS BAR OR ANYTHING LABEL TEXT UPDATE ## proc LabelUpdate {widget value} { global fontNormal $widget configure -text $value -font $fontNormal } ## SHOW PUP-UP MENUS ## proc PopupMenuTree {x y} { global tree fontNormal fontBold imgDir activeProject set node [$tree selection get] if {$node ==""} { set answer [tk_messageBox\ -message "[::msgcat::mc "Not found active project"]"\ -type ok -icon warning] case $answer { ok {return 0} } } $tree selection set $node set item [$tree itemcget $node -data] if {[string range $item 0 2] == "prj"} { set activeProject [string range $item 4 end] .frmStatus.frmActive.lblActive configure -text [$tree itemcget $node -text] -font $fontBold tk_popup .popupProj $x $y return } if {[info exists fileList($node)] != 1} { # set fileList($node) $item tk_popup .popupFile $x $y } } proc PopupMenuEditor {x y} { tk_popup .popMnuEdit $x $y } ## GETTING FILE ATTRIBUTES ## proc FileAttr {file} { global tcl_platform set fileAttribute "" # get file modify time if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { set unixTime [file mtime $file] set modifyTime [clock format $unixTime -format "%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M"] append fileAttribute $modifyTime } elseif {$tcl_platform(platform) == "mac"} { } elseif {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} { set unixTime [file mtime $file] set modifyTime [clock format $unixTime -format "%d/%m/%Y, %H:%M"] append fileAttribute $modifyTime } # get file size set size [file size $file] if {$size < 1024} { set fileSize "$size b" } if {$size >= 1024} { set s [expr ($size.0) / 1024] set dot [string first "\." $s] set int [string range $s 0 [expr $dot - 1]] set dec [string range $s [expr $dot + 1] [expr $dot + 2]] set fileSize "$int.$dec Kb" } if {$size >= 1048576} { set s [expr ($size.0) / 1048576] set dot [string first "\." $s] set int [string range $s 0 [expr $dot - 1]] set dec [string range $s [expr $dot + 1] [expr $dot + 2]] set fileSize "$int.$dec Mb" } append fileAttribute ", $fileSize" } ## OPEN TREE PROCEDURE proc TreeOpen {node} { global fontNormal tree projDir workDir activeProject fileList noteBook findString imgDir fontBold $tree selection set $node set item [$tree itemcget $node -data] if {[string range $item 0 2] == "prj"} { set activeProject [string range $item 4 end] puts $activeProject .frmStatus.frmActive.lblActive configure -text [$tree itemcget $node -text] -font $fontBold $tree itemconfigure $node -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir openfold.gif]] if {[file exists [file join $workDir $activeProject.tags]] == 1} { GetTagList [file join $workDir $activeProject.tags] ;# geting tag list } else { DoModule ctags } } if {[info exists fileList($node)] != 1} { set fileList($node) $item if {[file isdirectory $item] == 1} { $tree itemconfigure $node -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir openfold.gif]] } } } ## CLOSE TREE PROCEDURE ## proc TreeClose {node} { global fontNormal tree projDir workDir activeProject fileList noteBook findString imgDir fontBold $tree selection set $node set item [$tree itemcget $node -data] if {[string range $item 0 2] == "prj"} { $tree itemconfigure $node -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir folder.gif]] } if {[info exists fileList($node)] != 1} { if {[file isdirectory $item] == 1} { $tree itemconfigure $node -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir folder.gif]] } } } ## TREE ONE CLICK PROCEDURE ## proc TreeOneClick {node} { global fontNormal tree projDir workDir activeProject fileList noteBook findString imgDir fontBold $tree selection set $node set item [$tree itemcget $node -data] if {[string range $item 0 2] == "prj"} { set activeProject [string range $item 4 end] puts $activeProject .frmStatus.frmActive.lblActive configure -text [$tree itemcget $node -text] -font $fontBold if {[file exists [file join $workDir $activeProject.tags]] == 1} { GetTagList [file join $workDir $activeProject.tags] ;# geting tag list } else { DoModule ctags } return } if {[info exists fileList($node)] != 1} { if {[file isdirectory $item] == 1} { return } else { if {[file exists $item] == 1} { LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmHelp.lblHelp [FileAttr $item] } } } else { PageRaise $node } if {[string range $item 0 2] == "prc"} { set parent [$tree parent $node] set file [$tree itemcget $parent -data] set fileExt [string range [file extension $file] 1 end] if {[info exists fileList($parent)] == 0} { EditFile $parent $file } PageRaise $parent $tree selection set $node set text "$noteBook.f$parent.text" set index1 [expr [string first "_" $item]+1] set index2 [expr [string last "_" $item]11] if {$fileExt == "java" || $fileExt == "ja"} { set findString "class [string range $item $index1 $index2] " } elseif {$fileExt == "perl" || $fileExt == "pl"} { set findString "sub [string range $item $index1 $index2]" } elseif {$fileExt == "ml" || $fileExt == "mli"} { set findString "let [string range $item $index1 $index2]" } elseif {$fileExt == "php" || $fileExt == "phtml"} { set findString "function [string range $item $index1 $index2]" puts $findString #return } elseif {$fileExt == "rb"} { set findString "class [string range $item $index1 $index2]" } else { set findString "proc [string range $item $index1 $index2] " } FindProc $text $findString $node focus -force $text } } ## TREE DOUBLE CLICK PROCEDURE ## proc TreeDoubleClick {node} { global fontNormal tree projDir workDir activeProject fileList noteBook findString imgDir fontBold $tree selection set $node set item [$tree itemcget $node -data] if {[$tree itemcget $node -open] == 1} { $tree itemconfigure $node -open 0 } elseif {[$tree itemcget $node -open] == 0} { $tree itemconfigure $node -open 1 } if {[string range $item 0 2] == "prj"} { set activeProject [string range $item 4 end] .frmStatus.frmActive.lblActive configure -text [$tree itemcget $node -text] -font $fontBold GetTagList [file join $workDir $activeProject.tags] ;# geting tag list } if {[info exists fileList($node)] != 1} { if {[file isdirectory $item] == 1} { GetFilesSubdir $node $item } else { if {[file exists $item] == 1} { EditFile $node $item LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmFile.lblFile "[file size $item] b." } } } if {[string range $item 0 2] == "prc"} { $tree selection set $node set parent [$tree parent $node] if {[info exists fileList($parent)] != 1} { set file [$tree itemcget $parent -data] EditFile $parent $file $noteBook raise $parent } else { $noteBook raise $parent } set text "$noteBook.f$parent.text" set index1 [expr [string first "_" $item]+1] set index2 [expr [string last "_" $item]11] set findString "proc [string range $item $index1 $index2] " FindProc $text $findString $node focus -force $text } } ## GETTING FILES FROM SUBCIR ## proc GetFilesSubdir {node dir} { global fontNormal tree projDir workDir activeProject imgDir count global backUpFileShow set count 1 set rList "" if {[catch {cd $dir}] != 0} { return "" } foreach file [lsort [glob -nocomplain .*]] { if {$file == "." || $file == ".."} { puts $file } else { lappend rList [list [file join $dir $file]] set fileName [file join $file] set img [GetImage $fileName] set dot "_" regsub -all {\.} $fileName "_" subNode set subNode "$activeProject$dot$node$dot$subNode$dot$count" if {[$tree exists $subNode] == 1} {return} if {$backUpFileShow == "Yes"} { $tree insert end $node $subNode -text $fileName \ -data [file join $dir $fileName] -open 1\ -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir $img.gif]]\ -font $fontNormal } if {$backUpFileShow == "No"} { if {[file isdirectory $fileName] == 1} { $tree insert end $node $subNode -text $fileName \ -data [file join $dir $fileName] -open 1\ -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir $img.gif]]\ -font $fontNormal } else { if {[string index $fileName end] != "~"} { $tree insert end $node $subNode -text $fileName \ -data [file join $dir $fileName] -open 1\ -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir $img.gif]]\ -font $fontNormal } } } } incr count } foreach file [lsort [glob -nocomplain *]] { lappend rList [list [file join $dir $file]] set fileName [file join $file] set img [GetImage $fileName] set dot "_" regsub -all {\.} $fileName "_" subNode set subNode "$activeProject$dot$node$dot$subNode$dot$count" if {[$tree exists $subNode] == 1} {return} if {$backUpFileShow == "Yes"} { $tree insert end $node $subNode -text $fileName \ -data [file join $dir $fileName] -open 1\ -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir $img.gif]]\ -font $fontNormal } if {$backUpFileShow == "No"} { if {[file isdirectory $fileName] == 1} { $tree insert end $node $subNode -text $fileName \ -data [file join $dir $fileName] -open 1\ -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir $img.gif]]\ -font $fontNormal } else { if {[string index $fileName end] != "~"} { $tree insert end $node $subNode -text $fileName \ -data [file join $dir $fileName] -open 1\ -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir $img.gif]]\ -font $fontNormal } } } incr count } $tree itemconfigure $node -open 1 } ## GETTING FILES FROM PROJECT DIR AND INSERT INTO TREE WIDGET ## proc GetFiles {dir project tree} { global fontNormal backUpFileShow imgDir set rList "" set count 1 if {[catch {cd $dir}] != 0} { return "" } foreach file [lsort [glob -nocomplain .*]] { if {$file == "." || $file == ".."} { puts $file } else { lappend rList [list [file join $dir $file]] set fileName [file join $file] set img [GetImage $fileName] set dot "_" regsub -all {\.} $fileName "_" subNode set subNode "$project$dot$subNode$dot$count" if {$backUpFileShow == "Yes"} { $tree insert end $project $subNode -text $fileName \ -data [file join $dir $fileName] -open 1\ -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir $img.gif]]\ -font $fontNormal } if {$backUpFileShow == "No"} { if {[string index $fileName end] != "~"} { $tree insert end $project $subNode -text $fileName \ -data [file join $dir $fileName] -open 1\ -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir $img.gif]]\ -font $fontNormal } } } incr count } foreach file [lsort [glob -nocomplain *]] { lappend rList [list [file join $dir $file]] set fileName [file join $file] set img [GetImage $fileName] set dot "_" regsub -all {\.} $fileName "_" subNode set subNode "$project$dot$subNode$dot$count" if {$backUpFileShow == "Yes"} { $tree insert end $project $subNode -text $fileName \ -data [file join $dir $fileName] -open 1\ -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir $img.gif]]\ -font $fontNormal } if {$backUpFileShow == "No"} { if {[string index $fileName end] != "~"} { $tree insert end $project $subNode -text $fileName \ -data [file join $dir $fileName] -open 1\ -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir $img.gif]]\ -font $fontNormal } } incr count } $tree configure -redraw 1 } ## GETTING PROJECT NAMES FROM DIR AND PUTS INTO proc GetProj {tree} { global projDir workDir fontNormal imgDir module set rList "" if {[catch {cd $workDir}] != 0} { return "" } foreach proj [lsort [glob -nocomplain *.proj]] { lappend rList [list [file join $workDir $proj]] set projFile [open [file join $workDir $proj] r] set prjName [file rootname $proj] while {[gets $projFile line]>=0} { scan $line "%s" keyWord set string [string range $line [string first "\"" $line] [string last "\"" $line]] set string [string trim $string "\""] if {$keyWord == "ProjectName"} { regsub -all " " $string "_" project set projName "$string" } if {$keyWord == "ProjectDirName"} { set projList($prjName) [file dirname $string] puts "$projList($prjName) - $string" $tree insert end root $prjName -text "$projName" -font $fontNormal \ -data "prj_$prjName" -open 0\ -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir folder.gif]] GetFiles [file join $string] $prjName $tree set dir $string } } } $tree configure -redraw 1 } ## ABOUT PROGRAMM DIALOG ## proc AboutDialog {} { global docDir imgDir tree noteBook ver fontNormal dataDir env editor set w {} # prevent double creation "About" page if { [catch {set w [$noteBook insert end about -text [::msgcat::mc "About ..."]]} ] } { $noteBook raise about return } frame $w.frmImg -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge -background white image create photo imgLogo -format png -file [file join $imgDir projman.png] # image create photo imgAbout -format png -file [file join $imgDir icons large projman.png] label $w.frmImg.lblImgLogo -image imgLogo -border 0 #label $w.frmImg.lblImg -image imgAbout pack $w.frmImg.lblImgLogo -side top -pady 5 -padx 5 frame $w.frmlbl -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge label $w.frmlbl.lblVersion -text "[::msgcat::mc Version] $ver" label $w.frmlbl.lblCompany -text "License: GPL" label $w.frmlbl.lblAuthorName -text "[::msgcat::mc Author]: Sergey Kalinin" label $w.frmlbl.lblEmail -text "[::msgcat::mc E-mail]: banzaj28@yandex.ru" label $w.frmlbl.lblWWWhome -text "[::msgcat::mc "Home page"]: https://nuk-svk.ru" label $w.frmlbl.lblWWWgit -text "Git repository: https://bitbucket.org/svk28/projman" pack $w.frmlbl.lblVersion $w.frmlbl.lblCompany $w.frmlbl.lblAuthorName \ $w.frmlbl.lblEmail $w.frmlbl.lblWWWhome $w.frmlbl.lblWWWgit -side top -padx 5 frame $w.frmThanks -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge label $w.frmThanks.lblThanks -text "[::msgcat::mc Thanks]" -font $fontNormal text $w.frmThanks.txtThanks -width 10 -height 10 -font $fontNormal\ -selectborderwidth 0 -selectbackground #55c4d1 -width 10 pack $w.frmThanks.lblThanks -pady 5 pack $w.frmThanks.txtThanks -fill both -expand true frame $w.frmBtn -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge button $w.frmBtn.btnOk -text [::msgcat::mc "Close"] -borderwidth {1} \ -command { $noteBook delete about $noteBook raise [$noteBook page end] } pack $w.frmBtn.btnOk -pady 2 pack $w.frmImg -side top -fill x pack $w.frmlbl -side top -expand true -fill both pack $w.frmThanks -side top -expand true -fill both pack $w.frmBtn -side top -fill x bind $w "$noteBook delete about" bind $w "$noteBook delete about" bind $w {$noteBook delete about} # bind $w.frmlbl.lblWWWhome { .frmBody.frmWork.noteBook.fabout.frmlbl.lblWWWhome configure -fg blue -cursor hand1 LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmHelp.lblHelp "Goto https://nuk-svk.ru" } bind $w.frmlbl.lblWWWhome { .frmBody.frmWork.noteBook.fabout.frmlbl.lblWWWhome configure -fg $editor(fg) LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmHelp.lblHelp "" } bind $w.frmlbl.lblWWWhome {GoToURL "https://nuk-svk.ru"} bind $w.frmlbl.lblWWWgit { .frmBody.frmWork.noteBook.fabout.frmlbl.lblWWWgit configure -fg blue -cursor hand1 LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmHelp.lblHelp "Goto https://bitbucket.org/svk28/projman" } bind $w.frmlbl.lblWWWgit { .frmBody.frmWork.noteBook.fabout.frmlbl.lblWWWgit configure -fg $editor(fg) LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmHelp.lblHelp "" } bind $w.frmlbl.lblWWWgit {GoToURL "https://bitbucket.org/svk28/projman"} # bind $w.frmlbl.lblEmail { .frmBody.frmWork.noteBook.fabout.frmlbl.lblEmail configure -fg blue -cursor hand1 LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmHelp.lblHelp "Send email \"banzaj28@yandex.ru\"" } bind $w.frmlbl.lblEmail { .frmBody.frmWork.noteBook.fabout.frmlbl.lblEmail configure -fg $editor(fg) LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmHelp.lblHelp "" } bind $w.frmlbl.lblEmail {SendEmail "banzaj28@yandex.ru"} $noteBook raise about focus $w.frmBtn.btnOk if {[file exists $env(HOME)/projects/tcl/projman]==1} { set file [open [file join $env(HOME)/projects/tcl/projman THANKS] r] } else { set file [open [file join $docDir THANKS] r] } while {[gets $file line]>=0} { $w.frmThanks.txtThanks insert end "$line\n" } close $file $w.frmThanks.txtThanks configure -state disable } ## CLOSE FILE ## proc CloseFile {} { global docDir imgDir tree noteBook ver fontNormal node set w [$noteBook itemcget page option insert end settings -text [::msgcat::mc "Settings"]] $noteBook raise settings } ## GET LOCALE NAMES FROM MESSAGES FILE ## proc GetLocale {} { global msgDir localeList set localeList "" if {[catch {cd $msgDir}] != 0} { return "" } foreach file [lsort [glob -nocomplain *.msg]] { lappend localeList [list [file rootname $file]] } return $localeList } ## MAKING TAR ARCHIVE ## proc MakeTGZ {} { global activeProject tgzDir tgzNamed workDir projDir env tcl_platform if {$activeProject == ""} { set answer [tk_messageBox\ -message [::msgcat::mc "Not found active project"]\ -type ok -icon warning\ -title [::msgcat::mc "Warning"]] case $answer { ok {return 0} } } FileDialog save_all set file [open [file join $workDir $activeProject.proj] r] while {[gets $file line]>=0} { scan $line "%s" keyWord set string [string range $line [string first "\"" $line] [string last "\"" $line]] set string [string trim $string "\""] if {$keyWord == "ProjectDirName"} { set dir "$string" } if {$keyWord == "ProjectVersion"} { set version "$string" } if {$keyWord == "ProjectRelease"} { set release "$string" } } close $file set res [split $tgzNamed "-"] set name [lindex $res 0] set ver [lindex $res 1] set rel [lindex $res 2] if {$name == "projectName"} { set name $activeProject } if {$ver == "version"} { append name "-$version" } if {$rel == "release"} { append name "-$release" } # multiplatform featuring # if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { append name ".zip" } elseif {$tcl_platform(platform) == "mac"} { append name ".zip" } elseif {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} { append name ".tar.gz" } catch {cd $projDir} res if {[file exists [file join $tgzDir $name]] == 1} { set answer [tk_messageBox\ -message "[::msgcat::mc "File already exists. Overwrite?"] \"$name\" ?"\ -type yesno -icon question -default yes\ -title [::msgcat::mc "Question"]] case $answer { yes {file delete [file join $tgzDir $name]} no {return 0} } } # multiplatform featuring # if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { catch [exec pkzip -r -p [file join $tgzDir $name] [file join $activeProject *]] err } elseif {$tcl_platform(platform) == "mac"} { catch [exec zip -c [file join $tgzDir $name] $activeProject] err } elseif {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} { catch [exec tar -czvf [file join $tgzDir $name] $activeProject] err } # message dialog # set msg "[::msgcat::mc "Archive created in"] [file join $tgzDir $name]" set icon info set answer [tk_messageBox\ -message "$msg"\ -type ok -icon $icon] case $answer { ok {return 0} } } ## MAKING RPM ## proc MakeRPM {} { global activeProject tgzDir tgzNamed workDir projDir env tcl_platform set answer [tk_messageBox\ -message "[::msgcat::mc "Not implemented yet"]"\ -type ok -icon info] case $answer { ok {return 0} } if {$activeProject == ""} { set answer [tk_messageBox\ -message "[::msgcat::mc "Not found active project"]"\ -type ok -icon warning -title [::msgcat::mc "Warning"]] case $answer { ok {return 0} } } set file [open [file join $workDir $activeProject.proj] r] while {[gets $file line]>=0} { scan $line "%s" keyWord set string [string range $line [string first "\"" $line] [string last "\"" $line]] set string [string trim $string "\""] if {$keyWord == "ProjectDirName"} { set dir "$string" } if {$keyWord == "ProjectVersion"} { set version "$string" } if {$keyWord == "ProjectRelease"} { set release "$string" } } close $file set res [split $tgzNamed "-"] set name [lindex $res 0] set ver [lindex $res 1] set rel [lindex $res 2] if {$name == "projectName"} { set name $activeProject } if {$ver == "version"} { append name "-$version" } if {$rel == "release"} { append name "-$release" } append name ".tar.gz" catch {cd $projDir} res if {[file exists $tgzDir/$name] == 1} { set answer [tk_messageBox\ -message "[::msgcat::mc "File already exists. Overwrite?"] \"$name\" ?"\ -type yesno -icon question -default yes] case $answer { yes {file delete $tgzDir/$name} no {return 0} } } catch [exec tar -czvf $tgzDir/$name $activeProject] pipe } ## PROGRESS DIALOG ## proc Progress {oper} { global progval if {$oper == "start"} { set prg [ProgressBar .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress.progress\ -variable progval -type infinite -borderwidth 0] pack $prg -side left -fill both -expand true } elseif {$oper == "stop"} { destroy .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress.progress } # ProgUpdate } proc ProgUpdate { } { global progval set progval 5 } ## SHOW HELP WINDOW ## proc ShowHelp {} { global dataDir if {[winfo exists .help] == 1} { focus -force .help raise .help } else { TopLevelHelp } if {[catch {set word [selection get]} error] != 0} { set word " " } else { puts $word TopLevelHelp SearchWord $word } } ## EXEC EXTERNAL BROWSER AND GOTO URL ## proc GoToURL {url} { global env tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { set pipe [open "|iexplore $url" "r"] } elseif {$tcl_platform(platform) == "mac"} { set pipe [open "|iexplore $url" "r"] } elseif {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} { #$env(BROWSER) #set pipe [open "|$env(BROWSER) $url" "r"] launchBrowser $url return } fileevent $pipe readable fconfigure $pipe -buffering none -blocking no } proc launchBrowser {url} { global tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} { # first argument to "start" is "window title", which is not used here set command [list {*}[auto_execok start] {}] # (older) Windows shell would start a new command after &, so shell escape it with ^ #set url [string map {& ^&} $url] # but 7+ don't seem to (?) so this nonsense is gone if {[file isdirectory $url]} { # if there is an executable named eg ${url}.exe, avoid opening that instead: set url [file nativename [file join $url .]] } } elseif {$tcl_platform(os) eq "Darwin"} { # It *is* generally a mistake to use $tcl_platform(os) to select functionality, # particularly in comparison to $tcl_platform(platform). For now, let's just # regard it as a stylistic variation subject to debate. set command [list open] } else { set command [list xdg-open] } exec {*}$command $url & } proc _launchBrowser {url} { if [catch {launchBrowser $url} err] { tk_messageBox -icon error -message "error '$err' with '$command'" } } ## SEND EMAIL PROCEDURE ## proc SendEmail {mail} { global env tcl_platform if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { } elseif {$tcl_platform(platform) == "mac"} { } elseif {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} { set pipe [open "|xdg-open $mail" "r"] fileevent $pipe readable fconfigure $pipe -buffering none -blocking no } } ## QUIT PROJECT MANAGER PROCEDURE ## proc Quit {} { set v [FileDialog close_all] if {$v == "cancel"} { return } else { exit } } ## PRINT DIALOG ## proc PrintDialog {} { global fontNormal fontBold selectPrint set wp .print # destroy the print window if it already exists if {[winfo exists $wp]} { destroy $wp } # create the new "find" window toplevel $wp wm transient $wp . wm title $wp [::msgcat::mc "Print ..."] wm resizable $wp 0 0 frame $wp.frmLbl frame $wp.frmEnt frame $wp.frmField frame $wp.frmBtn pack $wp.frmLbl $wp.frmEnt $wp.frmField $wp.frmBtn -side top -fill x label $wp.frmLbl.lblPrint -text [::msgcat::mc "Print command"] -font $fontNormal pack $wp.frmLbl.lblPrint -fill x -expand true -padx 2 entry $wp.frmEnt.entPrint -font $fontNormal pack $wp.frmEnt.entPrint -fill x -expand true -padx 2 checkbutton $wp.frmField.chkSelect -text [::msgcat::mc "Print selected text"] -variable selectPrint\ -font $fontNormal -onvalue true -offvalue false ;#-command Check pack $wp.frmField.chkSelect -fill x -expand true -padx 2 button $wp.frmBtn.btnPrint -text [::msgcat::mc "Print"] -font $fontNormal -width 12 -relief groove\ -command { Print [.print.frmEnt.entPrint get] destroy .print } button $wp.frmBtn.btnCancel -text [::msgcat::mc "Cancel"] -font $fontNormal -width 12 -relief groove\ -command "destroy .print" pack $wp.frmBtn.btnPrint $wp.frmBtn.btnCancel -side left -padx 2 -pady 2 -fill x -expand true InsertEnt $wp.frmEnt.entPrint "lpr" bind $wp "destroy .print" } ## PRINT COMMAND ## proc Print {command} { global noteBook fontNormal fontBold fileList selectPrint tmpDir set node [$noteBook raise] set text "$noteBook.f$node.frame.text" set command lpr if {$node == "newproj" || $node == "settings" || $node == "about" || $node == ""} { set answer [tk_messageBox\ -message "[::msgcat::mc "Don't selected file"]"\ -type ok -icon warning\ -title [::msgcat::mc "Warning"]] case $answer { ok {return 0} } } if {$selectPrint == "true"} { set selIndex [$text tag ranges sel] set start [lindex $selIndex 0] set end [lindex $selIndex 1] set prnText [$text get $start $end] set file [file join $tmpDir projprn.tmp] set f [open $file "w"] puts $f $prnText close $f } else { set file [lindex $fileList($node) 0] } set pipe [open "|$command $file" "r"] fileevent $pipe readable fconfigure $pipe -buffering none -blocking no } ## GETTING EXTERNAL MODULES ## proc Modules {} { global tcl_platform global module tclDir dataDir binDir # TkDIFF loading foreach m {tkcvs tkdiff gitk tkregexp} { if {$tcl_platform(platform) == "unix"} { if {$m == "tkregexp"} { set module($m) "[file join $binDir tkregexp.tcl]" break } set string [exec whereis $m] scan $string "%s%s" v module($m) if {[info exists module($m)] && [file isdirectory $module($m)] == 0} { puts "Find $module($m)" } else { set module($m) "" } } } } ## RUNNING MODULE ## proc DoModule {mod} { global tcl_platform global module activeProject projDir tree tclDir dataDir workDir if {$activeProject == ""} { set answer [tk_messageBox\ -message "[::msgcat::mc "Not found active project"]"\ -type ok -icon warning\ -title [::msgcat::mc "Warning"]] case $answer { ok {return 0} } } set file [open [file join $workDir $activeProject.proj] r] while {[gets $file line]>=0} { scan $line "%s" keyWord set string [string range $line [string first "\"" $line] [string last "\"" $line]] set string [string trim $string "\""] if {$keyWord == "ProjectName"} { set projName "$string" } if {$keyWord == "ProjectFileName"} { set projFileName "$string" } if {$keyWord == "ProjectDirName"} { set dir "$string" } if {$keyWord == "ProjectCompiler"} { set projCompiler "$string" } if {$keyWord == "ProjectInterp"} { set projInterp "$string" } } close $file #puts "project dir - $dir" set curDir [pwd] case $mod { tkcvs { set pipe [open "|$module(tkcvs) -dir $dir" "r"] fileevent $pipe readable fconfigure $pipe -buffering none -blocking no } tkdiff { set files [$tree selection get] if {[llength $files] == 0} { set answer [tk_messageBox\ -message "[::msgcat::mc "Don't selected file"]"\ -type ok -icon warning\ -title [::msgcat::mc "Warning"]] case $answer { ok {return 0} } } if {[llength $files] == 1} { if {$files != ""} { set file1 [$tree itemcget $files -data] } set command "-r $file1" } if {[llength $files] == 2} { if {[lindex $files 0] != ""} { set file1 [$tree itemcget [lindex $files 0] -data] } if {[lindex $files 1] != ""} { set file2 [$tree itemcget [lindex $files 1] -data] } set command "$file1 $file2" } if {[llength $files] > 2} { set answer [tk_messageBox\ -message "[::msgcat::mc "Must be one or two file select!"]"\ -type ok -icon info\ -title [::msgcat::mc "Warning"]] case $answer { ok {return 0} } } set pipe [open "|$module(tkdiff) $command" "r"] fileevent $pipe readable fconfigure $pipe -buffering none -blocking no } tkregexp { set files [$tree selection get] if {[llength $files] == 0} { set command "" } elseif {[llength $files] == 1} { if {$files != ""} { set file [$tree itemcget $files -data] } set command "$file" } else { set answer [tk_messageBox\ -message "[::msgcat::mc "Must be one file select!"]"\ -type ok -icon info\ -title [::msgcat::mc "Warning"]] case $answer { ok {return 0} } } puts "$module(tkregexp) $command" set pipe [open "|$module(tkregexp) $command" "r"] fileevent $pipe readable fconfigure $pipe -buffering none -blocking no } gitk { cd $dir #puts "========== $projDir $dir $curDir" set pipe [open "|$module(gitk)" "r"] fileevent $pipe readable fconfigure $pipe -buffering none -blocking no } } } proc SelectDir {dir} { global projDir workDir openProjDir set dirName [tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir $dir\ -title "[::msgcat::mc "Select directory"]"\ -parent .] return $dirName } ## UPDATE TREE ## proc UpdateTree {} { global tree $tree delete [$tree nodes root] GetProj $tree } ## TOOLBAR ON/OFF PROCEDURE ## proc ToolBar {} { global toolBar if {$toolBar == "Yes"} { CreateToolBar } elseif {$toolBar == "No"} { destroy .frmTool.btnNew .frmTool.btnSave .frmTool.btnSaveAs .frmTool.btnSaveAll\ .frmTool.btnCopy .frmTool.btnPaste .frmTool.btnCut .frmTool.btnDo .frmTool.btnPrint\ .frmTool.btnDoFile .frmTool.btnTGZ .frmTool.btnHelp .frmTool.btnClose .frmTool configure -height 1 } } ## LOADING HIGHLIGHT FILES ## proc HighLight {ext text line lineNumber node} { global font tree color noteBook hlDir if {[file exists [file join $hlDir $ext.tcl]] == 1} { HighLight[string toupper $ext] $text $line $lineNumber $node } elseif {($ext == "htm") || ($ext == "xml") || ($ext == "fm") || ($ext == "html")} { HighLightHTML $text $line $lineNumber $node } elseif {($ext == "pl")} { HighLightPERL $text $line $lineNumber $node } elseif {($ext == "for")} { HighLightFORTRAN $text $line $lineNumber $node } elseif {($ext == "ml") || ($ext == "mli")} { HighLightML $text $line $lineNumber $node } elseif {($ext == "rvt") || ($ext == "tml")} { HighLightRIVET $text $line $lineNumber $node } elseif {($ext == "php") || ($ext == "phtml")} { HighLightPHP $text $line $lineNumber $node } elseif {($ext == "rb")} { HighLightRUBY $text $line $lineNumber $node } else { HighLightTCL $text $line $lineNumber $node } } ## GET IMAGE FOR tree AND notebook WIDGETS ## proc GetImage {fileName} { global imgDir if {[file isdirectory $fileName] == 1} { set img "folder" set data "dir" } elseif {[string match "*.tcl" $fileName] == 1} { set img "tcl" set data "src" } elseif {[string match "*.tk" $fileName] == 1} { set img "tk" set data "src" } elseif {[string match "*.rvt" $fileName] == 1} { set img "rvt" set data "src" } elseif {[string match "*.tex" $fileName] == 1} { set img "tex" set data "src" } elseif {[string match "*.html" $fileName] == 1 || [string match "*.htm" $fileName] == 1} { set img "html" set data "src" } elseif {[string match "*.gif" $fileName] == 1 || [string match "*.xpm" $fileName] == 1 || \ [string match "*.png" $fileName] == 1 || [string match "*.jpg" $fileName] == 1 || \ [string match "*.xbm" $fileName] == 1 || [string match "*.jpeg" $fileName] == 1 || \ [string match "*.bmp" $fileName] == 1} { set img "img" set data "img" } elseif {[string match "*.xml" $fileName] == 1} { set img "xml" set data "xml" } elseif {[string match "*.java" $fileName] == 1 || [string match "*.ja" $fileName] == 1} { set img "java" set data "src" } elseif {[string match "*.c" $fileName] == 1} { set img "c" set data "src" } elseif {[string match "*.cpp" $fileName] == 1} { set img "cpp" set data "src" } elseif {[string match "*.spec" $fileName] == 1} { set img "rpm" set data "src" } elseif {[string match "*.pl" $fileName] == 1} { set img "perl" set data "src" } elseif {[string match "*.for" $fileName] == 1 || [string match "*.f" $fileName] == 1} { set img "fortran" set data "src" } elseif {[string match "*.ml" $fileName] == 1 || [string match "*.mli" $fileName] == 1} { set img "caml" set data "src" } elseif {[string match "*.tml" $fileName] == 1 || [string match "*.rvt" $fileName] == 1} { set img "tclhtml" set data "src" } elseif {[string match "*.php" $fileName] == 1 || [string match "*.phtml" $fileName] == 1} { set img "php" set data "src" } elseif {[string match "*.rb" $fileName] == 1} { set img "ruby" set data "src" } else { set img "file" set data "txt" } return $img } proc GetExtention {node} { global fileList set ext [string range [file extension [file tail [lindex $fileList($node) 0]]] 1 end] return $ext }