<HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>ScrollableFrame</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=white> <DL><DT><I><A HREF="#descr">NAME</A></I></DT> <DD><B>ScrollableFrame</B> - Scrollable frame containing widget </DD></DL> <DL> <DT><I>CREATION</I></DT> <DD><A HREF="#descr"><B>ScrollableFrame</B></A> <I>pathName</I> ?<I>option value...</I>?</DD> </DL> <DL> <DT><I>STANDARD OPTIONS</I></DT> <DD><TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0> <TR> <TD> <A HREF="options.htm#M-background">-background or -bg</A></TD> <TD> <A HREF="options.htm#M-xscrollcommand">-xscrollcommand</A></TR> </TR> <TR> <TD> <A HREF="options.htm#M-yscrollcommand">-yscrollcommand</A></TR> </TABLE></DD> </DL> <DL> <DT><I><A HREF="#wso">WIDGET-SPECIFIC OPTIONS</A></I></DT> <DD><TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0> <TR> <TD> <A HREF="#-areaheight">-areaheight</A></TR> <TD> <A HREF="#-areawidth">-areawidth</A></TR> </TR> <TR> <TD> <A HREF="#-constrainedheight">-constrainedheight</A></TR> <TD> <A HREF="#-constrainedwidth">-constrainedwidth</A></TR> </TR> <TR> <TD> <A HREF="#-height">-height</A></TR> <TD> <A HREF="#-width">-width</A></TR> </TR> <TR> <TD> <A HREF="#-xscrollincrement">-xscrollincrement</A></TR> <TD> <A HREF="#-yscrollincrement">-yscrollincrement</A></TR> </TR> </TABLE></DD> </DL> <DL> <DT><I><A HREF="#wc">WIDGET COMMAND</A></I></DT> <DD><I>pathName</I> <A HREF="#cget"><B>cget</B></A> <I>option</I> </DD> <DD><I>pathName</I> <A HREF="#configure"><B>configure</B></A> ?<I>option</I>? ?<I>value</I> <I>option</I> <I>value</I> ...? </DD> <DD><I>pathName</I> <A HREF="#getframe"><B>getframe</B></A> </DD> <DD><I>pathName</I> <A HREF="#see"><B>see</B></A> <I>widget</I> ?<I>vert</I>? ?<I>horz</I>? </DD> <DD><I>pathName</I> <A HREF="#xview"><B>xview</B></A> ?<I>arg...</I>? </DD> <DD><I>pathName</I> <A HREF="#yview"><B>yview</B></A> ?<I>arg...</I>? </DD> </DL> <BR><HR WIDTH="100%"><BR> <B><A NAME="descr"></A>DESCRIPTION</B><BR> <P> ScrollableFrame widget containing widget. </P> <BR><HR WIDTH="50%"><BR> <B><A NAME="wso">WIDGET-SPECIFIC OPTIONS</A></B><BR> <DL><DT><A NAME="-areaheight"><B>-areaheight</B></A></DT> <DD> Specifies the height for the scrollable area. If zero, then the height of the scrollable area is made just large enough to hold all its children. </DD> </DL> <DL><DT><A NAME="-areawidth"><B>-areawidth</B></A></DT> <DD> Specifies the width for the scrollable area. If zero, then the width of the scrollable area window is made just large enough to hold all its children. </DD> </DL> <DL><DT><A NAME="-constrainedheight"><B>-constrainedheight</B></A></DT> <DD> Specifies whether or not the scrollable area should have the same height of the scrolled window. If true, vertical scrollbar is not needed. </DD> </DL> <DL><DT><A NAME="-constrainedwidth"><B>-constrainedwidth</B></A></DT> <DD> Specifies whether or not the scrollable area should have the same width of the scrolled window. If true, horizontal scrollbar is not needed. </DD> </DL> <DL><DT><A NAME="-height"><B>-height</B></A></DT> <DD> Specifies the desired height for the window in pixels. </DD> </DL> <DL><DT><A NAME="-width"><B>-width</B></A></DT> <DD> Specifies the desired width for the window in pixels. </DD> </DL> <DL><DT><A NAME="-xscrollincrement"><B>-xscrollincrement</B></A></DT> <DD> See <B>xscrollincrement</B> option of <B>canvas</B> widget. </DD> </DL> <DL><DT><A NAME="-yscrollincrement"><B>-yscrollincrement</B></A></DT> <DD> See <B>yscrollincrement</B> option of <B>canvas</B> widget. </DD> </DL> <HR WIDTH="50%"><BR> <B><A NAME="wc">WIDGET COMMAND</A></B><BR> <DL><DT><A NAME="cget"><I>pathName</I> <B>cget</B></A> <I>option</I> </DT><DD> Returns the current value of the configuration option given by <I>option</I>. <I>Option</I> may have any of the values accepted by the creation command. </DD></DL> <DL><DT><A NAME="configure"><I>pathName</I> <B>configure</B></A> ?<I>option</I>? ?<I>value</I> <I>option</I> <I>value</I> ...? </DT><DD> Query or modify the configuration options of the widget. If no <I>option</I> is specified, returns a list describing all of the available options for <I>pathName</I>. If <I>option</I> is specified with no <I>value</I>, then the command returns a list describing the one named <I>option</I> (this list will be identical to the corresponding sublist of the value returned if no <I>option</I> is specified). If one or more <I>option-value</I> pairs are specified, then the command modifies the given widget option(s) to have the given value(s); in this case the command returns an empty string. <I>Option</I> may have any of the values accepted by the creation command. Read-only options are not be modified. </DD></DL> <DL><DT><A NAME="getframe"><I>pathName</I> <B>getframe</B></A> </DT><DD> Return the pathname of the scrolled frame where widget should be created. </DD></DL> <DL><DT><A NAME="see"><I>pathName</I> <B>see</B></A> <I>widget</I> ?<I>vert</I>? ?<I>horz</I>? </DT><DD> Arrange scrollable area to make <I>widget</I> visible in the window. <I>vert</I> and <I>horz</I> specify which part of <I>widget</I> must be preferably visible, in case where <I>widget</I> is too tall or too large to be entirely visible. <I>vert</I> must be <B>top</B> (the default) or <B>bottom</B>, and <I>horz</I> must be <B>left</B> (the default) or <B>right</B>. If <I>vert</I> or <I>horz</I> is not a valid value, area is not scrolled in this direction. </DD></DL> <DL><DT><A NAME="xview"><I>pathName</I> <B>xview</B></A> ?<I>arg...</I>? </DT><DD> Standard command to enable horizontal scrolling of <I>pathName</I>. </DD></DL> <DL><DT><A NAME="yview"><I>pathName</I> <B>yview</B></A> ?<I>arg...</I>? </DT><DD> Standard command to enable vertical scrolling of <I>pathName</I>. </DD></DL> </BODY></HTML>