########################################################## # Tcl/Tk project Manager # Distributed under GNU Public License # Copyright (c) "Sergey Kalinin", 2002, http://nuk-svk.ru # Author: Sergey Kalinin banzaj28@yandex.ru ########################################################## 1. GUI - one click tree procedure - added tcl-console - added readline widget - into settings dialog -- on/off highligttning -- on/off - Add color scheme - Переключение закладок с помощью Alt+> Alt+< - перед первой фукнцией возможность перейти в начало документа, а после последней на конец документа - В статусбаре самый последнее поле (правое) где тест file saved уж больно большое для таких кратких сообщений. - Edit Window split 2. An package managers system independed files - rpm spec file - deb 4. Working with release (distribute) - ftp received 5. Working with files - open file dialog - include internal cvs support - search and replacement text into all projects files (ala grep) 6. Working with projects - - making project procedure -- compile error out - generate installiation script for projects (install.tcl) - synchronize version number into all projects file (if needed) - added template file with headers - documentation projects (LaTeX) - added Select license procedure (settings dialog) - change project dir (put into .proj file) 8. Internal editor - files export -- ps -- html - alphabetics ordered procedure list - code/encode text files - Add Insert curent date procedure - search procedure with reguliar expretions - Comment/uncomment selected area - On/Off wrap function 9. Locale (messages) - autodetect system locale 10. Help system - patching html_lib - searchin in help - lock mouse and keyboard when help file opened 11. Multiplatform featuring - Windows printing фолдинг поддержка frink (автоформаттер) нумерация строк ########################################