
658 lines
23 KiB
Raw Blame History

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# ProjMan 2
# Distributed under GNU Public License
# Author: Sergey Kalinin
# Copyright (c) "SVK", 2022,
# Git module
# usage a system git command
namespace eval Git {
variable gitCommand
proc GetConfig {option} {
global activeProject cfgVariables
set confOptions {
if {$activeProject ne ""} {
cd $activeProject
set cmd exec
lappend cmd $cfgVariables(gitCommand)
lappend cmd "config"
switch $option {
all {
lappend cmd "-l"
default {
lappend cmd "--get"
lappend cmd "$option"
# lappend cmd $activeProject
catch $cmd pipe
foreach line [split $pipe "\n"] {
lappend res $line
return $res
proc Checkout {opt {ent ".branch.entBranch"}} {
global cfgVariables activeProject
set cmd exec
set d [pwd]
if {$activeProject ne ""} {
cd $activeProject
lappend cmd $cfgVariables(gitCommand)
lappend cmd "checkout"
# lappend cmd "-s"
# lappend cmd "--"
# lappend cmd $activeProject
switch $opt {
switchBranch {
set branch [.branch.lBox get [.branch.lBox curselection]]
lappend cmd "[string trim $branch]"
new {
lappend cmd "-b"
lappend cmd "[$ent get]"
# puts "Branch [$ent get]"
catch $cmd pipe
puts $cmd
puts $pipe
if [regexp -nocase -- {^error:} $pipe match] {
foreach line [split $pipe "\n"] {
lappend res $line
# cd $d
.frmStatus.lblGit configure -text "[::msgcat::mc "Branch"]: [Git::Branches current]"
if [info exists res] {
return $res
proc Branches {opt} {
global cfgVariables activeProject
set cmd exec
set d [pwd]
if {$activeProject ne ""} {
cd $activeProject
lappend cmd $cfgVariables(gitCommand)
lappend cmd "branch"
# lappend cmd "-s"
# lappend cmd "--"
# lappend cmd $activeProject
switch $opt {
current {
lappend cmd "--show-current"
list {
lappend cmd "-l"
catch $cmd pipe
if [regexp -nocase -- {^fatal:} $pipe match] {
foreach line [split $pipe "\n"] {
lappend res $line
cd $d
if [info exists res] {
return $res
proc Status {} {
global cfgVariables activeProject
set cmd exec
lappend cmd $cfgVariables(gitCommand)
lappend cmd "status"
lappend cmd "-s"
lappend cmd "--"
lappend cmd $activeProject
catch $cmd pipe
if [regexp -nocase -- {^fatal:} $pipe match] {
foreach line [split $pipe "\n"] {
lappend res $line
if [info exists res] {
return $res
proc Diff {f} {
global cfgVariables activeProject
set cmd exec
set res ""
lappend cmd $cfgVariables(gitCommand)
lappend cmd "diff"
lappend cmd "--"
lappend cmd [file join $activeProject [string trimleft $f "../"]]
catch $cmd pipe
puts $cmd
if [regexp -nocase -- {^fatal:} $pipe match] {
foreach line [split $pipe "\n"] {
lappend res $line
return $res
proc Commit {w} {
global cfgVariables activeProject
set txt $w.body.tCommit
set listBox $w.body.lCommit
set description [string trim [$txt get 0.0 end]]
puts $description
set cmd exec
append cmd " $cfgVariables(gitCommand)"
append cmd " commit"
append cmd " -m"
append cmd " \"$description\""
append cmd " --"
foreach item [$listBox get 0 [$listBox size]] {
append cmd " [file join $activeProject $item]"
if {$description eq ""} {
set answer [tk_messageBox -message [::msgcat::mc "Empty commit description"] \
-icon info -type ok \
-detail [::msgcat::mc "You must enter a commit description"]]
switch $answer {
ok {return "cancel"}
} else {
puts $cmd
catch $cmd pipe
puts $pipe
if [regexp -nocase -- {^fatal:} $pipe match] {
foreach line [split $pipe "\n"] {
lappend res $line
return $res
proc Pull {} {
global cfgVariables activeProject
# Вызов диалога авторизации если ссылка на репу по http
# Если ссылка по ssh то вызов Push
proc PushPrepare {} {
global cfgVariables activeProject gitUser gitPassword
# set cmd exec
cd $activeProject
set url [Git::GetConfig remote.origin.url]
puts $url
if [regexp -nocase -all -- {^(http|https)://(.+)} $url match proto address] {
Git::AuthorizationDialog "[::msgcat::mc "Authorization required"] [::msgcat::mc "for"] Git" $url
} else {
Git::Push $url
# /usr/bin/git push
# /usr/bin/git push ssh://
proc Push {url} {
global cfgVariables activeProject gitUser gitPassword
set cmd exec
lappend cmd "$cfgVariables(gitCommand)"
cd $activeProject
lappend cmd "push"
lappend cmd "$url"
# lappend cmd "$activeProject"
# puts "$cmd"
catch $cmd pipe
puts $pipe
foreach line [split $pipe "\n"] {
# puts "$line"
lappend res $line
return $res
proc Merge {} {
global cfgVariables activeProject
proc Reflog {} {
global cfgVariables activeProject
set cmd exec
lappend cmd "$cfgVariables(gitCommand)"
lappend cmd "reflog"
lappend cmd "--"
lappend cmd "$activeProject"
# if [regexp -nocase -- {^fatal:} $pipe match] {
# return
# }
puts $cmd
catch $cmd pipe
# puts $pipe
foreach line [split $pipe "\n"] {
# puts "$line"
lappend res $line
return $res
# git show --pretty=format:"%h;%ad;%s"
proc Show {w} {
global cfgVariables activeProject
set commitString [$w.body.lLog get [$w.body.lLog curselection]]
set hash [string trim [lindex [split $commitString " "] 0]]
$w.body.t delete 1.0 end
$w.body.tCommit delete 1.0 end
set cmd exec
lappend cmd "$cfgVariables(gitCommand)"
lappend cmd "show"
lappend cmd "--pretty=format:\"%H;%an;%ae;%ad;%s\""
lappend cmd $hash
lappend cmd "--"
lappend cmd "$activeProject"
puts $cmd
catch $cmd pipe
# puts $pipe
set i 0
foreach line [split $pipe "\n"] {
if {$i == 0} {
set str [split $line ";"]
$w.body.tCommit inser end "Hash: [string trimleft [lindex $str 0] "\""]\n"
$w.body.tCommit inser end "Author: [lindex $str 1]\n"
$w.body.tCommit inser end "Email: [lindex $str 2]\n"
$w.body.tCommit inser end "Date: [lindex $str 3]\n"
$w.body.tCommit inser end "Description: [string trimright [lindex $str 4] "\""]\n"
} else {
# puts "$line"
$w.body.t inser end "$line\n"
incr i
# lappend res $line
$w.body.t highlight 1.0 end
$w.body.tCommit highlight 1.0 end
# return $res
proc ListBoxPress {w} {
if {[$w.body.lBox curselection] ne ""} {
set fileName [$w.body.lBox get [$w.body.lBox curselection]]
} else {
# puts $values
$w.body.t delete 1.0 end
set i 0
foreach line [Git::Diff $fileName] {
puts $line
if {$i > 3} {
$w.body.t inser end "$line\n"
incr i
$w.body.t highlight 1.0 end
proc CommitAdd {w} {
global activeProject cfgVariables
set fileName [$w.body.lBox get [$w.body.lBox curselection]]
# puts $values
set cmd exec
lappend cmd $cfgVariables(gitCommand)
lappend cmd "add"
lappend cmd [file join $activeProject $fileName]
catch $cmd pipe
puts $cmd
$w.body.lCommit insert end $fileName
$w.body.lBox delete [$w.body.lBox curselection]
proc Key {k fr} {
# puts [Editor::Key $k]
switch $k {
Up {
Git::ListBoxPress $fr
Down {
Git::ListBoxPress $fr
proc DialogUpdate {w} {
global activeProject
# Git repo status
set lblText "$activeProject | [::msgcat::mc "Branch"]: [Git::Branches current]"
$w.header.lblGit configure -text $lblText
$w.body.t delete 1.0 end
$w.body.tCommit delete 1.0 end
$w.body.lCommit delete 0 end
$w.body.lBox delete 0 end
$w.body.lLog delete 0 end
foreach { word } [Git::Status] {
puts ">>$word"
if [regexp -nocase -- {([\w\s]+)([\s\w?]+)\s(../|)(.+?)} $word match v1 v2 v3 fileName] {
puts "$v1 $v2 $fileName"
# $fr.body.t delete 1.0 end
if {$v1 ne " "} {
$w.body.lCommit insert end $fileName
if {$v2 ne " "} {
$w.body.lBox insert end $fileName
# Git commit history
foreach { line } [Git::Reflog] {
# puts $line
$w.body.lLog insert end $line
# End Git commit history
proc AddToplevel {lbl img {win_name .auth}} {
set cmd "destroy $win_name"
if [winfo exists $win_name] {destroy $win_name}
toplevel $win_name
wm transient $win_name .
wm title $win_name [::msgcat::mc "Add record"]
# wm iconphoto $win_name tcl
ttk::label $win_name.lbl -image $img -anchor nw
set frm [ttk::labelframe $win_name.frm -text $lbl -labelanchor nw]
grid columnconfigure $frm 0 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $frm 0 -weight 1
set frm_btn [ttk::frame $win_name.frm_btn ]
ttk::button $frm_btn.btn_ok -image done_20x20 -command { }
ttk::button $frm_btn.btn_cancel -command $cmd -image cancel_20x20
grid $win_name.lbl -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsw -padx 0 -pady 1 -rowspan 2
grid $frm -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nw -padx 2 -pady 2
grid $frm_btn -row 1 -column 1 -sticky sew -padx 0 -pady 0
pack $frm_btn.btn_cancel $frm_btn.btn_ok -side right -padx 5 -pady 5
#pack $frm_btn.btn_ok -side right -padx 2
bind $win_name <Escape> $cmd
return $frm
proc GetAuthData {url} {
global gitUser gitPassword
# puts [.auth_win.frm.ent_name get]
# puts [.auth_win.frm.ent_pwd get]
set gitUser [.auth_win.frm.ent_name get]
set gitPassword [.auth_win.frm.ent_pwd get]
if [regexp -nocase -all -- {^(http|https)://(.+)} $url match proto address] {
# puts $gitUser
# puts $gitPassword
if {$gitUser ne ""} {
append repoUrl "$proto"
append repoUrl "://"
append repoUrl "$gitUser"
if {$gitPassword ne ""} {
append repoUrl ":$gitPassword"
append repoUrl "@$address"
# puts $repoUrl
Git::Push $repoUrl
destroy .auth_win
proc AuthorizationDialog {txt url} {
global gitUser gitPassword
set frm [Git::AddToplevel "$txt" key_64x64 .auth_win]
wm title .auth_win [::msgcat::mc "Authorization"]
ttk::label $frm.lbl_name -text [::msgcat::mc "User name"]
ttk::entry $frm.ent_name
ttk::label $frm.lbl_pwd -text [::msgcat::mc "Password"]
ttk::entry $frm.ent_pwd
grid $frm.lbl_name -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nw -padx 5 -pady 5
grid $frm.ent_name -row 0 -column 1 -sticky nsew -padx 5 -pady 5
grid $frm.lbl_pwd -row 1 -column 0 -sticky nw -padx 5 -pady 5
grid $frm.ent_pwd -row 1 -column 1 -sticky nsew -padx 5 -pady 5
grid columnconfigure $frm 0 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $frm 0 -weight 1
#set frm_btn [frame .add.frm_btn -border 0]
.auth_win.frm_btn.btn_ok configure -command "Git::GetAuthData $url"
proc BranchDialog {x y} {
global editors lexers newBranchName
variable win
# set txt $w.frmText.t
set win .branch
# set x [winfo rootx .frmWork]
# set y [winfo rooty .frmWork]
if { [winfo exists $win] } { destroy $win }
toplevel $win
wm transient $win .
wm overrideredirect $win 1
ttk::button $win.bAdd -image new_14x14 -compound left -text "[::msgcat::mc "Add new branch"]" \
-command {
grid forget .branch.lBox .branch.yscroll
grid .branch.entBranch
bind .branch <Return> "Git::Checkout new .branch.entBranch; destroy .branch"
ttk::entry $win.entBranch -textvariable newBranchName
listbox $win.lBox -width 30 -border 2 -yscrollcommand "$win.yscroll set" -border 1
ttk::scrollbar $win.yscroll -orient vertical -command "$win.lBox yview"
# pack $win.lBox -expand true -fill y -side left
# pack $win.yscroll -side left -expand false -fill y
grid $win.bAdd -column 0 -row 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky new
grid $win.lBox -column 0 -row 1
grid $win.yscroll -column 1 -row 1 -sticky nsw
set lst [Git::Branches all]
foreach { word } $lst {
$win.lBox insert end $word
focus -force $win.lBox
catch { $win.lBox activate 0 ; $win.lBox selection set 0 0 }
if { [set height [llength $lst]] > 10 } { set height 10 }
$win.lBox configure -height $height
bind $win <Escape> {
destroy .branch
bind $win.lBox <Escape> {
destroy .branch
bind $win.lBox <Return> {
Git::Checkout switchBranch
.frmStatus.lblGit configure -text "[::msgcat::mc "Branch"]: [Git::Branches current]"
destroy .branch
bind $win.lBox <Any-Key> {}
bind $win.lBox <Double-Button-1> {
Git::Checkout switchBranch
.frmStatus.lblGit configure -text "[::msgcat::mc "Branch"]: [Git::Branches current]"
destroy .branch
# Определям расстояние до края экрана (основного окна) и если
# оно меньше размера окна со списком то сдвигаем его вверх
set winGeom [winfo reqheight $win]
set topHeight [winfo height .]
# puts "$x, $y, $winGeom, $topHeight"
if [expr [expr $topHeight - $y] < $winGeom] {
set y [expr $topHeight - $winGeom]
wm geom $win +$x+$y
proc Dialog {} {
global cfgVariables activeProject nbEditor
variable fr
if [winfo exists $nbEditor.git_browse] {
$nbEditor select $nbEditor.git_browse
if {[info exists activeProject] == 0} {
set fr [NB::InsertItem $nbEditor git_browse "git"]
ttk::frame $fr.header
set lblText "$activeProject | [::msgcat::mc "Branch"]: [Git::Branches current]"
ttk::label $fr.header.lblGit -text $lblText -justify right
pack $fr.header.lblGit -side right -expand true -fill x
pack $fr.header -side top -fill x -padx 3
ttk::frame $fr.body
pack $fr.body -side top -expand true -fill both -padx 3
ttk::label $fr.body.lblUnindexed -justify left -padding {3 3} \
-text "[::msgcat::mc "Unindexed changes"]:"
listbox $fr.body.lBox -border 0 -yscrollcommand "$fr.body.yscroll set" -width 10
ttk::scrollbar $fr.body.yscroll -orient vertical -command "$fr.body.lBox yview"
# pack [ttk::scrollbar $fr.body.v -command "$fr.body.t yview"] -side right -fill y
ttk::scrollbar $fr.body.v -orient vertical -command "$fr.body.t yview"
ttk::scrollbar $fr.body.h -orient horizontal -command "$fr.body.t xview"
ctext $fr.body.t -xscrollcommand "$fr.body.h set" -yscrollcommand "$fr.body.v set" \
-font $cfgVariables(font) -relief flat -wrap none -linemap 0 \
-tabs "[expr {4 * [font measure $cfgVariables(font) 0]}] left" \
-tabstyle tabular -undo true -width 10
ttk::button $fr.body.bAdd -image forward_20x20 -compound center \
-command "Git::CommitAdd $fr"
ttk::button $fr.body.bRemove -compound center -image backward_20x20
ttk::label $fr.body.lblCommitText -padding {3 3} \
-text "[::msgcat::mc "Commit description"]:"
listbox $fr.body.lCommit -border 0 -yscrollcommand "$fr.body.vlCommit set"
ttk::scrollbar $fr.body.vlCommit -orient vertical -command "$fr.body.lCommit yview"
ttk::scrollbar $fr.body.vCommit -command "$fr.body.tCommit yview"
# ttk::scrollbar $fr.body.hCommit -orient horizontal -command "$fr.body.tCommit xview"
ctext $fr.body.tCommit -tabstyle tabular -undo true \
-yscrollcommand "$fr.body.vCommit set" \
-font $cfgVariables(font) -relief flat -wrap word -linemap 0
ttk::button $fr.body.bCommit -image done_20x20 -compound left \
-text "[::msgcat::mc "Commit changes"]" \
-command "Git::Commit $fr; Git::DialogUpdate $fr"
ttk::button $fr.body.bPush -image doneall_20x20 -compound left \
-text "[::msgcat::mc "Push changes"]" \
-command "Git::PushPrepare; Git::DialogUpdate $fr"
ttk::label $fr.body.lblLog -padding {3 3} -text "[::msgcat::mc "Commit history"]:"
listbox $fr.body.lLog -border 0 \
-yscrollcommand "$fr.body.vLog set" -xscrollcommand "$fr.body.hLog set"
ttk::scrollbar $fr.body.vLog -orient vertical -command "$fr.body.lLog yview"
ttk::scrollbar $fr.body.hLog -orient horizontal -command "$fr.body.lLog xview"
# pack $txt -fill both -expand 1
# pack $fr.body.h -side bottom -fill x
grid $fr.body.lblUnindexed -column 0 -row 0 -sticky new -columnspan 4
grid $fr.body.lBox -column 0 -row 1 -sticky nsew -rowspan 2 -columnspan 2
grid $fr.body.yscroll -column 2 -row 1 -sticky nsw -rowspan 2
grid $fr.body.t -column 3 -row 1 -sticky nsew -columnspan 2
grid $fr.body.v -column 5 -row 1 -sticky nsw
grid $fr.body.h -column 3 -row 2 -sticky new -columnspan 2
grid $fr.body.bAdd -column 0 -row 3 -sticky nsw
grid $fr.body.bRemove -column 1 -row 3 -sticky nsw
grid $fr.body.lblCommitText -column 3 -row 3 -sticky nsew -columnspan 2
grid $fr.body.lCommit -column 0 -row 4 -sticky nsw -rowspan 3 -columnspan 2
grid $fr.body.vlCommit -column 2 -row 4 -sticky nsw -rowspan 3
grid $fr.body.tCommit -column 3 -row 4 -sticky nsew -columnspan 2
grid $fr.body.vCommit -column 5 -row 4 -sticky nsw
# grid $fr.body.hCommit -column 3 -row 5 -sticky new -columnspan 2
grid $fr.body.bCommit -column 3 -row 6 -sticky new
grid $fr.body.bPush -column 4 -row 6 -sticky new
grid $fr.body.lblLog -column 0 -row 7 -sticky nsw -columnspan 5
grid $fr.body.lLog -column 0 -row 8 -sticky nsew -columnspan 5
grid $fr.body.vLog -column 5 -row 8 -sticky nsw
grid $fr.body.hLog -column 0 -row 9 -sticky new -columnspan 5
grid rowconfigure $fr.body $fr.body.t -weight 1
grid columnconfigure $fr.body $fr.body.t -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $fr.body $fr.body.tCommit -weight 1
grid columnconfigure $fr.body $fr.body.tCommit -weight 1
# grid rowconfigure $fr.body $fr.body.lLog -weight 1
# grid columnconfigure $fr.body $fr.body.lLog -weight 1
# Git repo status
foreach { word } [Git::Status] {
# puts $word
if [regexp -nocase -- {([\w\s])([\s\w?]+)\s../(.+?)} $word match v1 v2 fileName] {
# puts "$v1 $v2 $fileName"
# $fr.unindexed.t delete 1.0 end
if {$v1 ne " "} {
$fr.body.lCommit insert end $fileName
if {$v2 ne " "} {
$fr.body.lBox insert end $fileName
catch { $fr.body.lBox activate 0 ; $fr.body.lBox selection set 0 0 }
bind $fr.header.lblGit <Button-1><ButtonRelease-1> {
Git::BranchDialog %X %Y
Git::DialogUpdate $Git::fr
bind $fr.body.lBox <Return> "Git::CommitAdd $fr"
bind $fr.body.lBox <Double-Button-1> "catch {Git::CommitAdd $fr; $fr.body.t delete 0.0 end; $fr.body.tCommit delete 0.0 end}"
bind $fr.body.lBox <Button-1><ButtonRelease-1> "Git::ListBoxPress $fr"
bind $fr.body.lBox <KeyRelease> "Git::Key %K $fr"
bind $fr.body.lLog <Double-Button-1> "Git::Show $fr"
bind $fr.body.lLog <Return> "Git::Show $fr"
focus -force $fr.body.lBox
catch {
$fr.body.lBox activate 0
$fr.body.lBox selection set 0 0
Git::ListBoxPress $fr
# Git commit history
foreach { line } [Git::Reflog] {
# puts $line
$fr.body.lLog insert end $line
# End Git commit history
ctext::addHighlightClassForRegexp $fr.body.t files yellow {^diff.*$}
ctext::addHighlightClassForRegexp $fr.body.t paths #19a2a6 {@@.+@@}
ctext::addHighlightClassForRegexp $fr.body.t add green {^\+.*$}
ctext::addHighlightClassForRegexp $fr.body.t gremove grey {^\-.*$}
$fr.body.t highlight 1.0 end
ctext::addHighlightClassForRegexp $fr.body.tCommit stackControl lightblue {^[\w]+:}