
846 lines
34 KiB
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

# ProjMan 2
# Distributed under GNU Public License
# Author: Sergey Kalinin
# Copyright (c) "SVK", 2022,
# Editor module
namespace eval Editor {
variable selectionTex
proc Comment {txt fileType} {
global lexers
set selIndex [$txt tag ranges sel]
set pos [$txt index insert]
set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set PosNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
# switch $fileType {
# TCL {
# set symbol "#"
# }
# GO {
# set symbol "//"
# }
# Unknown {
# set symbol "#"
# }
# default {
# set symbol "#"
# }
# }
if [dict exists $lexers $fileType commentSymbol] {
set symbol [dict get $lexers $fileType commentSymbol]
} else {
set symbol "#"
puts "Select : $selIndex"
if {$selIndex != ""} {
set lineBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 0] "."] 0]
set lineEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 1]
if {$lineEnd == $lineNum && $posEnd == 0} {
set lineEnd [expr $lineEnd - 1]
for {set i $lineBegin} {$i <=$lineEnd} {incr i} {
#$txt insert $i.0 "# "
regexp -nocase -indices -- {^(\s*)(.*?)} [$txt get $i.0 $i.end] match v1 v2
$txt insert $i.[lindex [split $v2] 0] "$symbol "
$txt tag add comments $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
$txt tag raise comments
} else {
regexp -nocase -indices -- {^(\s*)(.*?)} [$txt get $lineNum.0 $lineNum.end] match v1 v2
$txt insert $lineNum.[lindex [split $v2] 0] "$symbol "
$txt tag add comments $lineNum.0 $lineNum.end
$txt tag raise comments
proc Uncomment {txt fileType} {
set selIndex [$txt tag ranges sel]
set pos [$txt index insert]
set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set posNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
if {[info procs GetComment:$fileType] ne ""} {
set commentProcedure "GetComment:$fileType"
} else {
set commentProcedure {GetComment:Unknown}
# set commentProcedure "GetComment"
# puts "$fileType, $commentProcedure"
if {$selIndex != ""} {
set lineBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 0] "."] 0]
set lineEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 1]
if {$lineEnd == $lineNum && $posEnd == 0} {
set lineEnd [expr $lineEnd - 1]
for {set i $lineBegin} {$i <=$lineEnd} {incr i} {
set str [$txt get $i.0 $i.end]
set commentSymbolIndex [$commentProcedure $str]
if {$commentSymbolIndex != 0} {
$txt delete $i.[lindex $commentSymbolIndex 0] $i.[lindex $commentSymbolIndex 1]
$txt tag remove comments $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
$txt tag add sel $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
$txt highlight $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
} else {
set posNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
set str [$txt get $lineNum.0 $lineNum.end]
set commentSymbolIndex [$commentProcedure $str]
if {$commentSymbolIndex != 0} {
$txt delete $lineNum.[lindex $commentSymbolIndex 0] $lineNum.[lindex $commentSymbolIndex 1]
$txt tag remove comments $lineNum.0 $lineNum.end
$txt highlight $lineNum.0 $lineNum.end
proc GetComment {fileType str} {
global lexers
puts [dict get $lexers $fileType commentSymbol]
if {[dict exists $lexers $fileType commentSymbol] == 0} {
if {[regexp -nocase -indices -- {(^| )([dict get $lexers $fileType commentSymbol]\s)(.+)} $str match v1 v2 v3]} {
puts "$match, $v1, $v2, $v3"
return [list [lindex [split $v2] 0] [lindex [split $v3] 0]]
} else {
puts "FUCK"
return 0
proc GetComment:TCL {str} {
if {[regexp -nocase -indices -- {(^| )(#\s)(.+)} $str match v1 v2 v3]} {
return [list [lindex [split $v2] 0] [lindex [split $v3] 0]]
} else {
return 0
proc GetComment:GO {str} {
# puts ">>>>>>>$str"
if {[regexp -nocase -indices -- {(^| |\t)(//\s)(.+)} $str match v1 v2 v3]} {
# puts ">>>> $match $v1 $v2 $v3"
return [list [lindex [split $v2] 0] [lindex [split $v3] 0]]
} else {
return 0
proc GetComment:Unknown {str} {
if {[regexp -nocase -indices -- {(^| )(#\s)(.+)} $str match v1 v2 v3]} {
return [list [lindex [split $v2] 0] [lindex [split $v3] 0]]
} else {
return 0
proc InsertTabular {txt} {
global cfgVariables
set selIndex [$txt tag ranges sel]
set pos [$txt index insert]
set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
puts "Select : $selIndex"
for {set i 0} {$i < $cfgVariables(tabSize)} { incr i} {
append tabInsert " "
puts ">$tabInsert<"
if {$selIndex != ""} {
set lineBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 0] "."] 0]
set lineEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 1]
# if {$lineBegin == $lineNum} {
# set lineBegin [expr $lineBegin + 1]
# }
if {$lineEnd == $lineNum || $posEnd == 0} {
set lineEnd [expr $lineEnd - 1]
puts "Pos: $pos, Begin: $lineBegin, End: $lineEnd"
for {set i $lineBegin} {$i <=$lineEnd} {incr i} {
#$txt insert $i.0 "# "
regexp -nocase -indices -- {^(\s*)(.*?)} [$txt get $i.0 $i.end] match v1 v2
$txt insert $i.[lindex [split $v2] 0] $tabInsert
$txt tag remove sel $lineBegin.$posBegin $lineEnd.$posEnd
$txt tag add sel $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
$txt highlight $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
} else {
# set pos [$txt index insert]
# set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
regexp -nocase -indices -- {^(\s*)(.*?)} [$txt get $lineNum.0 $lineNum.end] match v1 v2
puts "$v1<>$v2"
$txt insert $lineNum.[lindex [split $v2] 0] $tabInsert
proc DeleteTabular {txt} {
global cfgVariables
set selIndex [$txt tag ranges sel]
set pos [$txt index insert]
set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
if {$selIndex != ""} {
set lineBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 0] "."] 0]
set lineEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 1]
if {$lineEnd == $lineNum && $posEnd == 0} {
set lineEnd [expr $lineEnd - 1]
for {set i $lineBegin} {$i <=$lineEnd} {incr i} {
set str [$txt get $i.0 $i.end]
if {[regexp -nocase -indices -- {(^\s*)(.*?)} $str match v1 v2]} {
set posBegin [lindex [split $v1] 0]
set posEnd [lindex [split $v1] 1]
if {[expr $posEnd + 1] >= $cfgVariables(tabSize)} {
$txt delete $i.$posBegin $i.$cfgVariables(tabSize)
$txt tag remove sel $lineBegin.$posBegin $lineEnd.$posEnd
$txt tag add sel $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
$txt highlight $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
} else {
set str [$txt get $lineNum.0 $lineNum.end]
if {[regexp -nocase -indices -- {(^\s*)(.*?)} $str match v1]} {
set posBegin [lindex [split $v1] 0]
set posEnd [lindex [split $v1] 1]
if {[expr $posEnd + 1] >= $cfgVariables(tabSize)} {
$txt delete $lineNum.$posBegin $lineNum.$cfgVariables(tabSize)
## TABULAR INSERT (auto indent)##
proc Indent {txt} {
global cfgVariables
# set tabSize 4
set indentSize $cfgVariables(tabSize)
set pos [$txt index insert]
set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set posNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
puts "$pos"
if {$lineNum > 1} {
# get current text
set curText [$txt get $lineNum.0 "$lineNum.0 lineend"]
#get text of prev line
set prevLineNum [expr {$lineNum - 1}]
set prevText [$txt get $prevLineNum.0 "$prevLineNum.0 lineend"]
#count first spaces in current line
set spaces ""
regexp "^| *" $curText spaces
#count first spaces in prev line
set prevSpaces ""
regexp "^( |\t)*" $prevText prevSpaces
set len [string length $prevSpaces]
set shouldBeSpaces 0
for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
if {[string index $prevSpaces $i] == "\t"} {
incr shouldBeSpaces $cfgVariables(tabSize)
} else {
incr shouldBeSpaces
#see last symbol in the prev String.
set lastSymbol [string index $prevText [expr {[string length $prevText] - 1}]]
# is it open brace?
if {$lastSymbol == ":" || $lastSymbol == "\\"} {
incr shouldBeSpaces $indentSize
if {$lastSymbol == "\{"} {
incr shouldBeSpaces $indentSize
set a ""
regexp "^| *\}" $curText a
if {$a != ""} {
# make unindent
if {$shouldBeSpaces >= $indentSize} {
set shouldBeSpaces [expr {$shouldBeSpaces - $indentSize}]
if {$lastSymbol == "\["} {
incr shouldBeSpaces $indentSize
set a ""
regexp "^| *\]" $curText a
if {$a != ""} {
# make unindent
if {$shouldBeSpaces >= $indentSize} {
set shouldBeSpaces [expr {$shouldBeSpaces - $indentSize}]
if {$lastSymbol == "\("} {
incr shouldBeSpaces $indentSize
set a ""
regexp {^| *\)} $curText a
if {$a != ""} {
# make unindent
if {$shouldBeSpaces >= $indentSize} {
set shouldBeSpaces [expr {$shouldBeSpaces - $indentSize}]
set spaceNum [string length $spaces]
if {$shouldBeSpaces > $spaceNum} {
#insert spaces
set deltaSpace [expr {$shouldBeSpaces - $spaceNum}]
set incSpaces ""
for {set i 0} {$i < $deltaSpace} {incr i} {
append incSpaces " "
$txt insert $lineNum.0 $incSpaces
} elseif {$shouldBeSpaces < $spaceNum} {
#delete spaces
set deltaSpace [expr {$spaceNum - $shouldBeSpaces}]
$txt delete $lineNum.0 $lineNum.$deltaSpace
proc SelectionPaste {txt} {
set selBegin [lindex [$txt tag ranges sel] 0]
set selEnd [lindex [$txt tag ranges sel] 1]
if {$selBegin ne ""} {
$txt delete $selBegin $selEnd
$txt highlight $selBegin $selEnd
#tk_textPaste $txt
proc SelectionGet {txt} {
variable selectionText
set selBegin [lindex [$txt tag ranges sel] 0]
set selEnd [lindex [$txt tag ranges sel] 1]
if {$selBegin ne "" && $selEnd ne ""} {
set selectionText [$txt get $selBegin $selEnd]
proc SelectionHighlight {txt} {
variable selectionText
$txt tag remove lightSelected 1.0 end
set selBegin [lindex [$txt tag ranges sel] 0]
set selEnd [lindex [$txt tag ranges sel] 1]
if {$selBegin ne "" && $selEnd ne ""} {
set selectionText [$txt get $selBegin $selEnd]
# set selBeginRow [lindex [split $selBegin "."] 1]
# set selEndRow [lindex [split $selEnd "."] 1]
# puts "$selBegin, $selBeginRow; $selEnd, $selEndRow"
# set symNumbers [expr $selEndRow - $selBeginRow]
set symNumbers [expr [lindex [split $selEnd "."] 1] - [lindex [split $selBegin "."] 1]]
# puts "Selection $selectionText"
if {$selectionText eq "-"} {
set selectionText "\\$selectionText"
set lstFindIndex [$txt search -all "$selectionText" 0.0]
foreach ind $lstFindIndex {
set selFindLine [lindex [split $ind "."] 0]
set selFindRow [lindex [split $ind "."] 1]
set endInd "$selFindLine.[expr $selFindRow + $symNumbers]"
# puts "$ind; $symNumbers; $selFindLine, $selFindRow; $endInd "
$txt tag add lightSelected $ind $endInd
proc ReleaseKey {k txt} {
set pos [$txt index insert]
SearchBrackets $txt
switch $k {
Return {
set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set posNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
regexp {^(\s*)} [$txt get [expr $lineNum - 1].0 [expr $lineNum - 1].end] -> spaceStart
# puts "$pos, $lineNum, $posNum, >$spaceStart<"
$txt insert insert $spaceStart
Editor::Indent $txt
set lpos [split $pos "."]
set lblText "[::msgcat::mc "Row"]: [lindex $lpos 0], [::msgcat::mc "Column"]: [lindex $lpos 1]"
.frmStatus.lblPosition configure -text $lblText
unset lpos
$txt tag remove lightSelected 1.0 end
proc PressKey {k txt} {
# puts [Editor::Key $k]
switch $k {
apostrophe {
QuotSelection $txt {'}
quotedbl {
QuotSelection $txt {"}
grave {
QuotSelection $txt {`}
parenleft {
# QuotSelection $txt {)}
bracketleft {
# QuotSelection $txt {]}
braceleft {
# {QuotSelection} $txt {\}}
proc Key {key str} {
puts "Pressed key code: $key, $str"
if {$key >= 10 && $key <= 22} {return "true"}
if {$key >= 24 && $key <= 36} {return "true"}
if {$key >= 38 && $key <= 50} {return "true"}
if {$key >= 51 && $key <= 61 && $key != 58} {return "true"}
if {$key >= 79 && $key <= 91} {return "true"}
if {$key == 63 || $key == 107 || $key == 108 || $key == 112} {return "true"}
proc BindKeys {w fileType} {
global cfgVariables
# variable txt
set txt $w.frmText.t
bind $txt <KeyRelease> "Editor::ReleaseKey %K $txt"
bind $txt <KeyPress> "Editor::PressKey %K $txt"
# bind $txt <KeyRelease> "Editor::Key %k %K"
#$txt tag bind Sel <Control-/> {puts ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"}
#bind $txt <Control-slash> {puts "/////////////////"}
# #bind $txt <Control-g> GoToLine
# bind $txt <Control-g> {focus .frmTool.frmGoto.entGoTo; .frmTool.frmGoto.entGoTo delete 0 end}
# bind $txt <Control-agrave> Find
# bind $txt <Control-f> Find
# bind $txt <F3> {FindNext $w.text 1}
# bind $txt <Control-ecircumflex> ReplaceDialog
# bind $txt <Control-r> ReplaceDialog
# bind $txt <F4> {ReplaceCommand $w.text 1}
# bind $txt <Control-ucircumflex> {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save}
# bind $txt <Control-s> {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save}
# bind $txt <Control-ocircumflex> {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save_as}
# bind $txt <Shift-Control-s> {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save_as}
bind $txt <Control-odiaeresis> FileOper::Close
bind $txt <Control-w> FileOper::Close
# bind $txt <Control-division> "tk_textCut $w.text;break"
# bind $txt <Control-x> "tk_textCut $w.text;break"
# bind $txt <Control-ntilde> "tk_textCopy $txt"
# bind $txt <Control-c> "tk_textCopy $txt"
bind $txt <Control-igrave> "Editor::SelectionPaste $txt"
bind $txt <Control-v> "Editor::SelectionPaste $txt"
#bind $txt <Control-adiaeresis> "auto_completition $txt"
#bind $txt <Control-l> "auto_completition $txt"
# bind $txt <Control-icircumflex> ""
# bind $txt <Control-j> ""
bind $txt <Control-i> "ImageBase64Encode $txt"
bind $txt <Control-bracketleft> "Editor::InsertTabular $txt"
bind $txt <Control-bracketright> "Editor::DeleteTabular $txt"
bind $txt <Control-comma> "Editor::Comment $txt $fileType"
bind $txt <Control-period> "Editor::Uncomment $txt $fileType"
bind $txt <Control-eacute> Find
#bind . <Control-m> PageTab
#bind . <Control-udiaeresis> PageTab
bind $txt <Insert> {OverWrite}
bind $txt <ButtonRelease-1> "Editor::SearchBrackets $txt"
# bind <Button-1> [bind sysAfter <Any-Key>]
# bind $txt <Button-3> {catch [PopupMenuEditor %X %Y]}
# bind $txt <Button-4> "%W yview scroll -3 units"
# bind $txt <Button-5> "%W yview scroll 3 units"
#bind $txt <Shift-Button-4> "%W xview scroll -2 units"
#bind $txt <Shift-Button-5> "%W xview scroll 2 units"
bind $txt <Button-1><ButtonRelease-1> "Editor::SelectionHighlight $txt"
bind $txt <<Modified>> "SetModifiedFlag $w"
bind $txt <<Selection>> "Editor::SelectionGet $txt"
bind $txt <Control-i> ImageBase64Encode
bind $txt <Control-u> "Editor::SearchBrackets %W"
bind $txt <Control-F> "Editor::GoToFunction $w"
bind $txt <Control-f> "Editor::GoToFunction $w"
proc SearchBrackets {txt} {
set i -1
catch {
switch -- [$txt get "insert - 1 chars"] {
\{ {set i [Editor::_searchCloseBracket $txt \{ \} insert end]}
\[ {set i [Editor::_searchCloseBracket $txt \[ \] insert end]}
( {set i [Editor::_searchCloseBracket $txt ( ) insert end]}
\} {set i [Editor::_searchOpenBracket $txt \{ \} insert 1.0]}
\] {set i [Editor::_searchOpenBracket $txt \[ \] insert 1.0]}
) {set i [Editor::_searchOpenBracket $txt ( ) insert 1.0]}
} ;# switch
catch { $txt tag remove lightBracket 1.0 end }
if { $i != -1 } {
# puts $i
$txt tag add lightBracket "$i - 1 chars" $i
proc QuotSelection {txt symbol} {
variable selectionText
set selIndex [$txt tag ranges sel]
set pos [$txt index insert]
set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set posNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
set symbol [string trim [string trimleft $symbol "\\"]]
# puts "Selindex : $selIndex, cursor position: $pos"
if {$selIndex != ""} {
set lineBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 0] "."] 0]
set posBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 0] "."] 1]
set lineEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 1]
# set selText [$txt get $lineBegin.$posBegin $lineEnd.$posEnd]
set selText $selectionText
puts "Selected text: $selText, pos: $pos, lineBegin: $lineBegin, posBegin: $posBegin, pos end: $posEnd"
if {$posNum == $posEnd} {
$txt insert $lineBegin.$posBegin "$symbol"
if {$posNum == $posBegin} {
$txt insert $lineBegin.$posEnd "$symbol"
$txt highlight $lineBegin.$posBegin $lineEnd.end
# $txt insert $lineBegin.[expr $posBegin + 1] "$symbol"
} else {
# $txt insert $lineNum.[expr $posNum + 1] "$symbol"
# $txt mark set insert $lineNum.[expr $posNum - 1]
# # $txt see $lineNum.[expr $posNum - 1]
# $txt see insert
# $txt highlight $lineNum.$posNum $lineNum.end
# Create editor for new file (Ctrl+N)
proc New {} {
global nbEditor tree untitledNumber
if [info exists untitledNumber] {
incr untitledNumber 1
} else {
set untitledNumber 0
# set filePath untitled-$untitledNumber
# set fileName untitled-$untitledNumber
set fileFullPath untitled-$untitledNumber
#puts [Tree::InsertItem $tree {} $fileFullPath "file" $fileName]
set nbEditorItem [NB::InsertItem $nbEditor $fileFullPath "file"]
# puts "$nbEditorItem, $nbEditor"
Editor $fileFullPath $nbEditor $nbEditorItem
SetModifiedFlag $nbEditorItem
proc ReadStructure {txt treeItemName} {
global tree nbEditor editors lexers
set fileType [dict get $editors $txt fileType]
set l ""
if {[dict exists $lexers $fileType] == 0} {return}
for {set lineNumber 0} {$lineNumber <= [$txt count -lines 0.0 end]} {incr lineNumber} {
set line [$txt get $lineNumber.0 $lineNumber.end]
if {[dict exists $lexers $fileType procRegexpCommand] != 0 } {
if {[eval [dict get $lexers $fileType procRegexpCommand]]} {
set procName_ [string trim $procName]
puts [Tree::InsertItem $tree $treeItemName $procName_ "procedure" "$procName_ ($params)"]
lappend l [list $procName_ $params]
dict set editors $txt procedureList $l
proc FindFunction {findString} {
global nbEditor
puts $findString
set pos "0.0"
set txt [$nbEditor select].frmText.t
$txt see $pos
set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set x [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
# set pos [$txt search -nocase $findString $line.$x end]
set pos [$txt search -nocase -regexp $findString $line.$x end]
$txt mark set insert $pos
$txt see $pos
puts $pos
# highlight the found word
set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
# set x [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
# set x [expr {$x + [string length $findString]}]
$txt tag remove sel 1.0 end
$txt tag add sel $pos $line.end
# #$text tag configure sel -background $editor(selectbg) -foreground $editor(fg)
$txt tag raise sel
focus -force $txt.t
# Position
return 1
# "Alexander Dederer (aka Korwin)
## Search close bracket in editor widget
proc _searchCloseBracket { widget o_bracket c_bracket start_pos end_pos } {
# puts "_searchCloseBracket: $widget $o_bracket $c_bracket $start_pos $end_pos"
set o_count 1
set c_count 0
set found 0
set pattern "\[\\$o_bracket\\$c_bracket\]"
set pos [$widget search -regexp -- $pattern $start_pos $end_pos]
while { ! [string equal $pos {}] } {
set char [$widget get $pos]
#tk_messageBox -title $pattern -message "char: $char; $pos; o_count=$o_count; c_count=$c_count"
if {[string equal $char $o_bracket]} {incr o_count ; set found 1}
if {[string equal $char $c_bracket]} {incr c_count ; set found 1}
if {($found == 1) && ($o_count == $c_count) } { return [$widget index "$pos + 1 chars"] }
set found 0
set start_pos "$pos + 1 chars"
set pos [$widget search -regexp -- $pattern $start_pos $end_pos]
} ;# while search
return -1
} ;# proc _searchCloseBracket
# "Alexander Dederer (aka Korwin)
## Search open bracket in editor widget
proc _searchOpenBracket { widget o_bracket c_bracket start_pos end_pos } {
# puts "_searchOpenBracket: $widget $o_bracket $c_bracket $start_pos $end_pos"
set o_count 0
set c_count 1
set found 0
set pattern "\[\\$o_bracket\\$c_bracket\]"
set pos [$widget search -backward -regexp -- $pattern "$start_pos - 1 chars" $end_pos]
# puts "$pos"
while { ! [string equal $pos {}] } {
set char [$widget get $pos]
# tk_messageBox -title $pattern -message "char: $char; $pos; o_count=$o_count; c_count=$c_count"
if {[string equal $char $o_bracket]} {incr o_count ; set found 1}
if {[string equal $char $c_bracket]} {incr c_count ; set found 1}
if {($found == 1) && ($o_count == $c_count) } { return [$widget index "$pos + 1 chars"]}
set found 0
set start_pos "$pos - 0 chars"
set pos [$widget search -backward -regexp -- $pattern $start_pos $end_pos]
} ;# while search
return -1
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Вызов диалога со списком процедур или функций присутствующих в тексте
proc GoToFunction { w } {
global tree editors
set txt $w.frmText.t
# set start_word [$txt get "insert - 1 chars wordstart" insert]
set box [$txt bbox insert]
set box_x [expr [lindex $box 0] + [winfo rootx $txt] ]
set box_y [expr [lindex $box 1] + [winfo rooty $txt] + [lindex $box 3] ]
set l ""
# bindtags $txt [list GoToFunctionBind [winfo toplevel $txt] $txt Text sysAfter all]
# bind GoToFunctionBind <Escape> "bindtags $txt {[list [winfo toplevel $txt] $txt Text sysAfter all]}; catch { destroy .gotofunction; break}"
# bind GoToFunctionBind <Key> { Editor::GoToFunctionKey %W %K %A ; break}
# puts [array names editors]
foreach item [dict get $editors $txt procedureList] {
# puts $item
lappend l [lindex $item 0]
if {$l ne ""} {
eval GotoFunctionDialog $w $box_x $box_y [lsort $l]
focus .gotofunction.lBox
# proc GoToFunctionKey { txt K A } {
# set win .gotofunction
# set ind [$win.lBox curselection]
# puts "$txt $K $A"
# switch -- $K {
# Prior {
# set up [expr [$win.lBox index active] - [$win.lBox cget -height]]
# if { $up < 0 } { set up 0 }
# $win.lBox activate $up
# $win.lBox selection clear 0 end
# $win.lBox selection set $up $up
# }
# Next {
# set down [expr [$win.lBox index active] + [$win.lBox cget -height]]
# if { $down >= [$win.lBox index end] } { set down end }
# $win.lBox activate $down
# $win.lBox selection clear 0 end
# $win.lBox selection set $down $down
# }
# Up {
# set up [expr [$win.lBox index active] - 1]
# if { $up < 0 } { set up 0 }
# $win.lBox activate $up
# $win.lBox selection clear 0 end
# $win.lBox selection set $up $up
# }
# Down {
# set down [expr [$win.lBox index active] + 1]
# if { $down >= [$win.lBox index end] } { set down end }
# $win.lBox activate $down
# $win.lBox selection clear 0 end
# $win.lBox selection set $down $down
# }
# Return {
# Editor::FindFunction "proc $values"
# eval [bind GoToFunctionBind <Escape>]
# }
# default {
# $txt insert "insert" $A
# eval [bind GoToFunctionBind <Escape>]
# }
# }
# }
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Диалоговое окно со списком процедур или функций в редактируемом тексте
proc GotoFunctionDialog {w x y args} {
global editors lexers
variable txt
variable win
set txt $w.frmText.t
set win .gotofunction
if { [winfo exists $win] } { destroy $win }
toplevel $win
wm transient $win .
wm overrideredirect $win 1
listbox $win.lBox -width 30 -border 2 -yscrollcommand "$win.yscroll set" -border 1
ttk::scrollbar $win.yscroll -orient vertical -command "$win.lBox yview"
pack $win.lBox -expand true -fill y -side left
pack $win.yscroll -side left -expand false -fill y
foreach { word } $args {
$win.lBox insert end $word
catch { $win.lBox activate 0 ; $win.lBox selection set 0 0 }
if { [set height [llength $args]] > 10 } { set height 10 }
$win.lBox configure -height $height
bind $win <Escape> {
destroy $Editor::win
focus -force $Editor::txt.t
bind $win.lBox <Escape> {
destroy $Editor::win
focus -force $Editor::txt.t
bind $win.lBox <Return> {
set findString [dict get $lexers [dict get $editors $Editor::txt fileType] procFindString]
set values [.gotofunction.lBox get [.gotofunction.lBox curselection]]
regsub -all {PROCNAME} $findString $values str
Editor::FindFunction "$str"
destroy .gotofunction
$Editor::txt tag remove sel 1.0 end
# focus $Editor::txt.t
wm geom $win +$x+$y
proc Editor {fileFullPath nb itemName} {
global cfgVariables editors
set fr $itemName
if ![string match "*untitled*" $itemName] {
set lblText $fileFullPath
} else {
set lblText ""
set lblName "lbl[string range $itemName [expr [string last "." $itemName] +1] end]"
ttk::label $fr.$lblName -text $lblText
pack $fr.$lblName -side top -anchor w -fill x
set frmText [ttk::frame $fr.frmText -border 1]
set txt $frmText.t
pack $frmText -side top -expand true -fill both
pack [ttk::scrollbar $frmText.s -command "$frmText.t yview"] -side right -fill y
ctext $txt -yscrollcommand "$frmText.s set" -font $cfgVariables(font) \
-linemapfg $cfgVariables(lineNumberFG) -linemapbg $cfgVariables(lineNumberBG) \
-tabs "[expr {4 * [font measure $cfgVariables(font) 0]}] left" -tabstyle tabular -undo true \
-relief flat
pack $txt -fill both -expand 1
# puts ">>>>>>> [bindtags $txt]"
if {$cfgVariables(lineNumberShow) eq "false"} {
$txt configure -linemap 0
$txt tag configure lightBracket -background $cfgVariables(selectLightBg) -foreground #00ffff
$txt tag configure lightSelected -background $cfgVariables(selectLightBg) -foreground #00ffff
set fileType [string toupper [string trimleft [file extension $fileFullPath] "."]]
if {$fileType eq ""} {set fileType "Unknown"}
# puts ">$fileType<"
# puts [info procs Highlight::GO]
dict set editors $txt fileType $fileType
dict set editors $txt procedureList [list]
# puts ">>[dict get $editors $txt fileType]"
# puts ">>[dict get $editors $txt procedureList]"
# puts ">>>>> $editors"
if {[info procs ::Highlight::$fileType] ne ""} {
Highlight::$fileType $txt
} else {
Highlight::Default $txt
BindKeys $itemName $fileType
# bind $txt <Return> {
# regexp {^(\s*)} [%W get "insert linestart" end] -> spaceStart
# %W insert insert "\n$spaceStart"
# break
# }
return $fr
# ctextBindings.tcl
# Copyright (C) 2012 Sedat Serper
# A similar script and functionality is implemented in tG² as of v1.06.01.41
# proc ctext_binding4Tag {w tags} {
# # foreach tag $tags {
# $w tag bind $tag <Enter> {%W config -cursor hand2}
# $w tag bind $tag <Leave> {%W config -cursor xterm}
# $w tag bind $tag <ButtonRelease-1> {
# set cur [::tk::TextClosestGap %W %x %y]
# if {[catch {%W index anchor}]} {%W mark set anchor $cur}
# set anchor [%W index anchor]
# set last [::tk::TextNextPos %W "$cur - 1c" tcl_wordBreakAfter]
# set first [::tk::TextPrevPos %W anchor tcl_wordBreakBefore]
# if {![catch {set tmp [%W get $first $last]}]} {
# ctext_execTagCmd $tmp
# }
# }
# }
# }
# # ----------------------- demo -------------------------------------------
# # Open a new wish console and copy/paste the following complete script.
# # Clicking on parts that are highlighted and observe the console output...
# # Adjust procedure 'ctext_execTagCmd' to customize the handling 4 your application.
# package require ctext
# pack [ctext .t] -fill both -expand 1
# ctext::addHighlightClass .t bindings purple [list <Enter> <Leave> <ButtonRelease-1>]
# ctext::addHighlightClass .t commands orange [list foreach proc if set catch]
# .t fastinsert end [info body ctext_binding4Tag]
# .t highlight 1.0 end
# ctext_binding4Tag .t {bindings commands}