Sergey Kalinin 71f7937446 Fixed paste text highlight
Fixed setting edited flag when paste the text from buffer
Change authors email and home page
2018-02-04 16:12:12 +03:00

83 lines
2.6 KiB

# Tk LaTeX Editor
# Distributed under GNU Public License
# Author: Sergey Kalinin
# Copyright (c) "Sergey Kalinin", 2002,
proc Latex2Html {} {
global tree module cmdString
set selFiles [$tree selection get]
if {[llength $selFiles] == 0} {
set answer [tk_messageBox\
-message "[::msgcat::mc "Don't selected file"]"\
-type ok -icon warning\
-title [::msgcat::mc "Warning"]]
case $answer {
ok {return 0}
if {[llength $selFiles] == 1} {
if {$selFiles != ""} {
set file [$tree itemcget $selFiles -data]
CommandStringDialog $file
#puts $command
proc CommandStringDialog {action file} {
global nb files font color cmdString module convert_cmd preview_cmd
set w .cmd
# destroy the find window if it already exists
if {[winfo exists $w]} {
destroy $w
toplevel $w
wm title $w [::msgcat::mc "Command options"]
wm resizable $w 0 0
wm transient $w .
frame $w.frmCombo -borderwidth 1 -background $color(bg)
frame $w.frmBtn -borderwidth 1 -background $color(bg)
pack $w.frmCombo $w.frmBtn -side top -fill x
# set combo [entry $w.frmCombo.entFind]
label $w.frmCombo.lblModule -text $module() -background $color(bg)
set combo [entry $w.frmCombo.txtString]
pack $w.frmCombo.lblModule $combo -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2 -side top
button $w.frmBtn.btnFind -text [::msgcat::mc "Run"]\
-font $font(normal) -width 12 -relief groove -background $color(bg)\
-command {
RunConverter [.cmd.frmCombo.txtString get]
button $w.frmBtn.btnCancel -text [::msgcat::mc "Close"]\
-relief groove -width 12 -font $font(normal) -background $color(bg)\
-command "destroy $w"
pack $w.frmBtn.btnFind $w.frmBtn.btnCancel -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2 -side left
bind $w <Return> {RunConverter [.cmd.frmCombo.txtString get]}
bind $w <Escape> "destroy $w"
if [info exists convert_cmd($m)] {
$combo insert end "$convert_cmd($action)"
if [info exists preview_cmd($m)] {
$combo insert end "$preview_cmd($action)"
} else {
$combo insert end "$module($action)"
focus -force $combo
proc RunConverter {string} {
global module
destroy .cmd
set pipe [open "|$module(latex2html) $string" "r"]
fileevent $pipe readable [list EndProc latex2html $pipe]
fconfigure $pipe -buffering none -blocking no