Sergey Kalinin 75f9860f63 Refactoring "Add New Projects" "Project Settings" (e.t.c.) dialogs
Added "Add as new project" dialog for file browser
Add popup menu for file browser
Fixed some highlight bug
2018-02-17 20:25:02 +03:00

1001 lines
36 KiB

# Tcl/Tk Project Manager #
# all procedure file #
# Copyright (c) "Sergey Kalinin", 2002, #
# Author: Sergey Kalinin #
proc GetOp {} {
global opList
set opList(if) "\{\} \{\n\n\}"
set opList(else) "\{\n\n\}"
set opList(elseif) "\{\} \{\n\n\}"
set opList(for) "\{\} \{\} \{\} \{\n\n\}"
set opList(foreach) "\{\n\n\}"
set opList(while) "\{\} \{\n\n\}"
set opList(switch) "\{\n\n\}"
set opList(proc) "\{\} \{\n\n\}"
# for Object extention
set opList(method) "\{\} \{\n\n\}"
set opList(class) "\{\n\n\}"
## Alexander Dederer (aka Korwin) ##
proc SetDefStyle { text args } {
global editor(font) editor(fontBold)
set a_args(-wrap) none
set a_args(-background) white
set a_args(-font) {$editor(font)}
array set a_args $args
foreach { key value } [ array get a_args ] {
catch { $text configure $key $value }
} ;# foreach
proc Position {} {
global tree noteBook fontNormal fontBold replace
set nodeEdit [$noteBook raise]
if {$nodeEdit == "" || $nodeEdit == "newproj" || $nodeEdit == "debug" || $nodeEdit == "about"} {
set text "$noteBook.f$nodeEdit.text"
set pos [$text index insert]
set posY [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set posX [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
set lbl .frmStatus.frmLine.lblLine
$lbl configure -text $pos -font $fontBold
return $pos
proc ReplaceChar {text} {
global replace
set pos [$text index insert]
set posY [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set posX [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
if {$replace == 1} {
$text delete $posY.$posX $posY.[expr $posX + 1]
proc OverWrite {} {
global replace fontNormal
if {$replace == 1} {
set replace 0
.frmStatus.frmOvwrt.lblOvwrt configure -text [::msgcat::mc "Insert"] -font $fontNormal\
-foreground black
} else {
set replace 1
.frmStatus.frmOvwrt.lblOvwrt configure -text [::msgcat::mc "Overwrite"] -font $fontNormal\
-foreground red
proc GoToLine {} {
global noteBook fileList fontNormal
set node [$noteBook raise]
if {$node == "newproj" || $node == "settings" || $node == "about" || $node == ""} {
set file $fileList($node)
set w $noteBook.f$node.goto
set text "$noteBook.f$node.text"
# destroy the find window if it already exists
if {[winfo exists $w]} {
destroy $w
# create the new "goto" window
toplevel $w
wm title $w [::msgcat::mc "Goto line"]
wm resizable $w 0 0
wm transient $w $noteBook.f$node
label $w.text -text [::msgcat::mc "Line number"] -font $fontNormal
entry $w.entGoTo -width 6 -validate key -validatecommand "ValidNumber %W %P"
pack $w.text $w.entGoTo -side left -anchor nw -padx 2 -pady 2
bind $w.entGoTo <Return> "+GoToLineNumber $text $noteBook.f$node"
bind $w.entGoTo <Escape> "destroy $w"
focus -force $w.entGoTo
## Check input number ##
proc ValidNumber {w value} {
if [string is integer $value] {
return 1
} else {
return 0
proc GoToLineNumber {text w} {
set lineNumber [$w.goto.entGoTo get]
destroy $w.goto
catch {
$text mark set insert $lineNumber.0
$text see insert
Position $text .frmStatus.frmLine.lblLine
set findHistory ""
set findString ""
set replaceString ""
proc Find {} {
global noteBook fileList findHistory findString fontNormal
set node [$noteBook raise]
if {$node == "newproj" || $node == "settings" || $node == "about" || $node == ""} {
set file $fileList($node)
set w $noteBook.f$node.find
set text "$noteBook.f$node.text"
set findString ""
# destroy the find window if it already exists
if {[winfo exists $w]} {
destroy $w
toplevel $w
wm title $w [::msgcat::mc "Find"]
wm resizable $w 0 0
wm transient $w $noteBook.f$node
frame $w.frmCombo -borderwidth 1
frame $w.frmBtn -borderwidth 1
pack $w.frmCombo $w.frmBtn -side top -fill x
# set combo [entry $w.frmCombo.entFind]
set combo [ComboBox $w.frmCombo.txtLocale\
-textvariable findString \
-selectbackground "#55c4d1" -selectborderwidth 0\
-values $findHistory]
pack $combo -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2
button $w.frmBtn.btnFind -text "[::msgcat::mc "Find"] - F3"\
-font $fontNormal -width 12 -relief groove\
-command "FindCommand $text $w"
button $w.frmBtn.btnCancel -text "[::msgcat::mc "Close"] - Esc"\
-relief groove -width 12 -font $fontNormal\
-command "destroy $w"
pack $w.frmBtn.btnFind $w.frmBtn.btnCancel -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2 -side left
bind $w <Return> "FindCommand $text $w"
bind $w <F3> "FindCommand $text $w"
bind $w <Escape> "destroy $w"
focus -force $combo
# set findIndex [lsearch -exact $findHistory "$findString"]
$combo setvalue @0
proc FindCommand {text w} {
global findString findHistory
# set findString [$entry get]
destroy $w
# if null string? do nothing
if {$findString == ""} {
# search "again" (starting from current position)
FindNext $text 0
proc FindNext {text {incr 1}} {
global findString findHistory
set t $text
puts $t
# append find string into find history list #
if {[lsearch -exact $findHistory $findString] == -1} {
set findHistory [linsert $findHistory 0 $findString]
set pos [$t index insert]
set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set x [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
incr x $incr
set pos [$t search -nocase $findString $line.$x end]
# if found then move the insert cursor to that position, otherwise beep
if {$pos != ""} {
$t mark set insert $pos
$t see $pos
# highlight the found word
set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set x [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
set x [expr {$x + [string length $findString]}]
$t tag remove sel 1.0 end
$t tag add sel $pos $line.$x
focus -force $t
return 1
} else {
return 0
proc FindProc {text findString node} {
global noteBook editor
set pos "0.0"
$text see $pos
set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set x [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
set pos [$text search -nocase $findString $line.$x end]
$text mark set insert $pos
$text see $pos
# highlight the found word
set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set x [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
set x [expr {$x + [string length $findString]}]
$text tag remove sel 1.0 end
$text tag add sel $pos $line.$x
#$text tag configure sel -background $editor(selectbg) -foreground $editor(fg)
$text tag raise sel
focus -force $text
return 1
proc ReplaceDialog {} {
global noteBook fontNormal fontBold fileList findString replaceString text
set node [$noteBook raise]
if {$node == "newproj" || $node == "settings" || $node == "about" || $node == ""} {
#set file $fileList($node)
set w .replace
set text "$noteBook.f$node.text"
# set findString ""
# destroy the find window if it already exists
if {[winfo exists $w]} {
destroy $w
# create the new "find" window
toplevel $w
wm transient $w $noteBook.f$node
wm title $w [::msgcat::mc "Replace"]
wm resizable $w 0 0
set f1 [frame $w.frmFind]
set f2 [frame $w.frmReplace]
set f3 [frame $w.frmBtn -borderwidth 1]
pack $f1 $f2 $f3 -side top -fill x -expand true
label $f1.lblFind -text [::msgcat::mc "Find"] -font $fontNormal -width 15 -anchor w
entry $f1.entFind -width 30
pack $f1.lblFind $f1.entFind -side left -padx 2 -pady 2
pack $f1.entFind -side left -fill x -expand true -padx 2 -pady 2
label $f2.lblReplace -text [::msgcat::mc "Replace with"] -font $fontNormal -width 15 -anchor w
entry $f2.entReplace -width 30
pack $f2.lblReplace $f2.entReplace -side left -padx 2 -pady 2
pack $f2.entReplace -side left -fill x -expand true -padx 2 -pady 2
button $f3.btnFind -text "[::msgcat::mc "Find"] - Enter" -width 12 -pady 0 -font $fontNormal -relief groove\
-command "ReplaceCommand $text $w $f1.entFind $f2.entReplace find"
button $f3.btnReplace -text "[::msgcat::mc "Replace"] - F4" -width 12 -pady 0\
-font $fontNormal -relief groove\
-command {
ReplaceCommand $text $w .replace.frmFind.entFind .replace.frmReplace.entReplace replace
focus -force .replace
button $f3.btnReplaceAll -text [::msgcat::mc "Replace all"] -width 12 -pady 0\
-font $fontNormal -relief groove\
-command "ReplaceCommand $text $w $f1.entFind $f2.entReplace replace_all"
button $f3.btnCancel -text "[::msgcat::mc "Cancel"] - Esc" -command "destroy $w"\
-width 12 -pady 0 -font $fontNormal -relief groove
pack $f3.btnFind $f3.btnReplace $f3.btnReplaceAll $f3.btnCancel\
-side left -padx 2 -pady 2 -fill x
bind $w <Return> "ReplaceCommand $text $w $f1.entFind $f2.entReplace find"
bind $w <F4> "ReplaceCommand $text $w $f1.entFind $f2.entReplace replace"
bind $w <Escape> "destroy $w"
focus -force $f1.entFind
if {$findString != ""} {
InsertEnt $f1.entFind $findString
if {$replaceString != ""} {
InsertEnt $f2.entReplace $replaceString
proc ReplaceCommand {text w entFind entReplace command} {
global noteBook fontNormal fontBold fileList findString replaceString
set node [$noteBook raise]
set findString [$entFind get]
set replaceString [$entReplace get]
switch -- $command {
"find" {
FindNext $text 1
focus -force .replace
"replace" {
if {[Replace $text 0]} {
FindNext $text 1
if {[lindex $fileList($node) 1] == 0} {
set fileList($node) [list [lindex $fileList($node) 0] 1]
LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress [::msgcat::mc "File modify"]
focus -force .replace
"replace_all" {
set stringsReplace 0
if {[Replace $text 0]} {
if {[lindex $fileList($node) 1] == 0} {
set fileList($node) [list [lindex $fileList($node) 0] 1]
LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress [::msgcat::mc "File modify"]
incr stringsReplace
while {[Replace $text 1]} {
incr stringsReplace
tk_messageBox -icon info -title [::msgcat::mc "Replace"]\
-parent $text -message\
"[::msgcat::mc "Was replacement"] $stringsReplace."
destroy $w
proc Replace {text incr} {
global noteBook fontNormal fontBold fileList findString replaceString
if {[FindNext $text $incr]} {
set selected [$text tag ranges sel]
set start [lindex $selected 0]
set end [lindex $selected 1]
$text delete $start $end
$text insert [$text index insert] $replaceString
return 1
} else {
return 0
# focus -force .replace
proc OpComplite {text fileExt node} {
global opList autoFormat fileList
if {$node == "newproj" || $node == "settings" || $node == "about"} {return}
set pos [$text index insert]
set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set posNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
set string [$text get $line.0 $pos]
set first [string wordstart $string [expr $posNum-1]]
set op [string range $string $first $posNum]
if {[info exists opList($op)] == 1} {
if {[string match "*\{" [$text get $pos $line.end]] != 1} {
$text insert $pos $opList($op)
set x [expr $posNum + 2]
$text mark set insert $line.$posNum
$text see $line.$posNum
} else {
proc BraceHighLight {text} {
set pos [$text index insert]
set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set posNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
set curChar [$text get $lineNum.$posNum $lineNum.[expr $posNum+1]]
# _searchCloseBracket $text \{ \} insert end]
proc PageTab {key} {
global noteBook tree fileList editor
set nb $noteBook
set len [llength [$nb pages]]
if {$len > 0} {
set newIndex [expr [$nb index [$nb raise]] + $key]
if {$newIndex < 0} {
set newIndex [expr $len - 1]
} elseif {$newIndex >= $len} {
set newIndex 0
$nb see [lindex [$nb pages] $newIndex]
$nb raise [lindex [$nb pages] $newIndex]
PageRaise $tree [lindex [$nb pages] $newIndex]
proc _PageTab {} {
global noteBook tree fileList editor
set nodeList [$noteBook pages 0 end]
set length [llength $nodeList]
set node [$noteBook raise]
set nodeIndex [$noteBook index $node]
if {$nodeIndex == [expr $length-1]} {
set nextNode [$noteBook page 0]
} else {
set nextNode [$noteBook page [expr $nodeIndex + 1]]
$noteBook raise $nextNode
if {$nextNode == "newproj" || $nextNode == "settings" || $nextNode == "about" || $nextNode == "debug"} {
} else {
$tree selection set $nextNode
$tree see $nextNode
set item [$tree itemcget $nextNode -data]
focus -force $noteBook.f$nextNode.text
LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmHelp.lblHelp "[FileAttr $item]"
LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmFile.lblFile "[file size $item] b."
if {[lindex $fileList($nextNode) 1] == 0} {
LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress ""
$noteBook itemconfigure $node -foreground $editor(nbNormal)
} else {
LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress [::msgcat::mc "File modify"]
$noteBook itemconfigure $node -foreground $editor(nbModify)
proc PageRaise {tree node} {
global noteBook fileList editor nodeEdit noteBookFiles
#puts $node
$noteBook raise $node
set tree [GetTreeForNode $node]
if {$tree eq ".frmBody.frmCat.noteBook.ffiles.frmTreeFiles.treeFiles"} {
$noteBookFiles raise files
} elseif {$tree eq ".frmBody.frmCat.noteBook.fprojects.frmTree.tree"} {
$noteBookFiles raise projects
set nodeEdit [$noteBook raise]
if {$node == "newproj" || $node == "settings" || $node == "about" || $node == "debug"} {
} else {
$tree selection set $node
$tree see $node
set item [$tree itemcget $node -data]
puts $item ;# debug
set ext [GetExtention $node]
if {$ext == "gif" || $ext == "jpg" || $ext == "png" || $ext == "xpm" || $ext == "xbm"} {
focus -force $noteBook.f$node.f.c
} else {
focus -force $noteBook.f$node.text
LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmHelp.lblHelp "[FileAttr $item]"
LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmFile.lblFile "[file size $item] b."
if {[lindex $fileList($node) 1] == 0} {
LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress ""
$noteBook itemconfigure $node
#-foreground $editor(nbNormal)
} else {
LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress [::msgcat::mc "File modify"]
$noteBook itemconfigure $node -foreground $editor(nbModify)
## TABULAR INSERT (auto indent)##
proc TabIns {text} {
set tabSize 4
set indentSize 4
set pos [$text index insert]
set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set posNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
if {$lineNum > 1} {
# get current text
set curText [$text get $lineNum.0 "$lineNum.0 lineend"]
#get text of prev line
set prevLineNum [expr {$lineNum - 1}]
set prevText [$text get $prevLineNum.0 "$prevLineNum.0 lineend"]
#count first spaces in current line
set spaces ""
regexp "^| *" $curText spaces
#count first spaces in prev line
set prevSpaces ""
regexp "^( |\t)*" $prevText prevSpaces
set len [string length $prevSpaces]
set shouldBeSpaces 0
for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
if {[string index $prevSpaces $i] == "\t"} {
incr shouldBeSpaces $tabSize
} else {
incr shouldBeSpaces
#see last symbol in the prev String.
set lastSymbol [string index $prevText [expr {[string length $prevText] - 1}]]
# is it open brace?
if {$lastSymbol == "\{"} {
incr shouldBeSpaces $indentSize
set a ""
regexp "^| *\}" $curText a
if {$a != ""} {
# make unindent
if {$shouldBeSpaces >= $indentSize} {
set shouldBeSpaces [expr {$shouldBeSpaces - $indentSize}]
if {$lastSymbol == "\["} {
incr shouldBeSpaces $indentSize
set a ""
regexp "^| *\]" $curText a
if {$a != ""} {
# make unindent
if {$shouldBeSpaces >= $indentSize} {
set shouldBeSpaces [expr {$shouldBeSpaces - $indentSize}]
if {$lastSymbol == "\("} {
incr shouldBeSpaces $indentSize
set a ""
regexp {^| *\)} $curText a
if {$a != ""} {
# make unindent
if {$shouldBeSpaces >= $indentSize} {
set shouldBeSpaces [expr {$shouldBeSpaces - $indentSize}]
set spaceNum [string length $spaces]
if {$shouldBeSpaces > $spaceNum} {
#insert spaces
set deltaSpace [expr {$shouldBeSpaces - $spaceNum}]
set incSpaces ""
for {set i 0} {$i < $deltaSpace} {incr i} {
append incSpaces " "
$text insert $lineNum.0 $incSpaces
} elseif {$shouldBeSpaces < $spaceNum} {
#delete spaces
set deltaSpace [expr {$spaceNum - $shouldBeSpaces}]
$text delete $lineNum.0 $lineNum.$deltaSpace
proc EditFlag {node file flag} {
global fileList editor noteBook
if {$flag == 0} {
set fileList($node) [list $file 0]
LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress [::msgcat::mc "File saved"]
$noteBook itemconfigure $node -foreground $editor(nbNormal)
} else {
set fileList($node) [list $file end 1]
LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress [::msgcat::mc "File modify"]
$noteBook itemconfigure $node -foreground $editor(nbModify)
proc TextEncode {encode} {
global fileList editor noteBook
set node [$noteBook raise]
if {$node == "newproj" || $node == "settings" || $node == "about" || $node == ""} {
#set file $fileList($node)
set w .replace
set text "$noteBook.f$node.text"
set contents [$text get 0.0 end]
#puts "[lindex $files($activeFile) 2] $encode"
set contents [encoding convertfrom $encode $contents]
#set contents [encoding convertfrom $encode $contents]
$text delete 0.0 end
$text insert end $contents
unset text
#SetEncode $encode
proc EditFile {tree node fileName} {
global projDir workDir imgDir noteBook fontNormal fontBold w fileList replace nodeEdit procList
global backUpFileCreate fileExt progress editor braceHighLightBG braceHighLightFG activeProject
global varList
set nodeEdit $node
set replace 0
set file [file tail $fileName]
set name [file rootname $file]
set fileExt [string range [file extension $fileName] 1 end]
set parentNode [$tree parent $node]
set project [$tree itemcget $parentNode -data]
set w [$noteBook insert end $node -text "$file" -image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir [GetImage $fileName].gif]]]
# create array with file names #
if {[info exists fileList($node)] != 1} {
set fileList($node) [list $fileName 0]
LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress ""
if {$fileExt == "gif" || $fileExt == "jpg" || $fileExt == "png" || $fileExt == "xpm" || $fileExt == "xbm"} {
ImageViewer $fileName $w $node
#$scrwin setwidget $w.Ó
$noteBook raise $node
set scrwin [ScrolledWindow $w.scrwin -bg $editor(bg)]
pack $scrwin -fill both -expand true
text $w.text\
-relief sunken -wrap $editor(wrap) -highlightthickness 0 -undo 1 -font $editor(font)\
-selectborderwidth 0 -selectbackground $editor(selectbg) -width 10 -background $editor(bg) -foreground $editor(fg)
pack $w.text -side left -fill both -expand true
$scrwin setwidget $w.text
if {$backUpFileCreate == "Yes"} {file copy -force $fileName "$fileName~"}
$noteBook raise $node
set procName ""
set file [open "$fileName" r]
set lineNumber 1
# Progress start
# LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress "[::msgcat::mc "Opened file in progress"]"
while {[gets $file line]>=0} {
# Insert procedure names into tree #
regsub -all {\t} $line " " line
$w.text insert end "$line\n"
# set progress $lineNumber
set keyWord ""
set procName ""
if {$fileExt == "php" || $fileExt == "phtml"} {
regexp -nocase -all -- {(function) (.*?)\(} $line match keyWord procName
#puts "$keyWord --- $procName"
} else {
scan $line "%s%s" keyWord procName
#regexp -nocase -all -line -- {proc (::|)(\w+)(::|)(\w+) \{(.*)\} \{} string match v1 v2 v3 v4 v5
#regexp -nocase -all -line -- {proc (.*) \{(.*)\}} $line match procName params
if {[regexp -nocase -all -line -- {proc (::|)(\w+)(::|)(\w+) \{(.*)\} \{} $line match v1 v2 v3 v4 params]} {
set procName "$v1$v2$v3$v4"
lappend procList($activeProject) [list $procName [string trim $params]]
puts "proc $procName $params"
if {[regexp -nocase -all -line -- {set (\w+)} $line match varName]} {
#set varList($activeProject) [list [string trim $varName]]
#puts "variable $varName"
# && $procName != ""
if {$keyWord == "proc" || $keyWord == "let" || $keyWord == "class" || $keyWord == "sub" || $keyWord == "function" || $keyWord == "fun" } {
set dot "_"
set openBrace [string first "\{" $line]
set closeBrace [expr [string first "\}" $line]-1]
set var [string range $line $openBrace end]
regsub -all ":" $procName "_" prcNode
if {$keyWord == "proc" || $keyWord == "sub" || $keyWord == "function" || $keyWord == "let"} {
set img "proc.gif"
} elseif {$keyWord == "class"} {
set img "class.gif"
if {$keyWord =="proc"} {
#$w.text tag add procName $lineNumber.[expr $startPos + $length] $lineNumber.[string wordend $line [expr $startPos + $length +2]]
if {[$tree exists $prcNode$dot$lineNumber] !=1} {
$tree insert end $node $prcNode$dot$lineNumber -text $procName \
-data "prc_$procName"\
-image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir $img]] -font $fontNormal
incr lineNumber
close $file
$w.text mark set insert 0.0
$w.text see insert
$w.text tag configure lightBracket -background #000000 -foreground #00ffff
# key bindings #
set text $w.text
bind $text <Return> {
regexp {^(\s*)} [%W get "insert linestart" end] -> spaceStart
%W insert insert "\n$spaceStart"
bind $text <Control-idiaeresis> GoToLine
bind $text <Control-g> GoToLine
bind $text <Control-agrave> Find
bind $text <Control-f> Find
bind $text <F3> {FindNext $w.text 1}
bind $text <Control-ecircumflex> ReplaceDialog
bind $text <Control-r> ReplaceDialog
bind $text <F4> {ReplaceCommand $w.text 1}
bind $text <Control-ucircumflex> {FileDialog $tree save}
bind $text <Control-s> {FileDialog $tree save}
bind $text <Control-ocircumflex> {FileDialog $tree save_as}
bind $text <Shift-Control-s> {FileDialog $tree save_as}
bind $text <Control-odiaeresis> {FileDialog $tree close}
bind $text <Control-w> {FileDialog $tree close}
bind $text <Control-division> "tk_textCut $w.text;break"
bind $text <Control-x> "tk_textCut $w.text;break"
bind $text <Control-ntilde> "tk_textCopy $w.text;break"
bind $text <Control-c> "tk_textCopy $w.text;break"
bind $text <Control-igrave> "tk_textPaste $w.text;break"
bind $text <Control-v> {TextOperation paste; break}
#bind $text <Control-adiaeresis> "auto_completition $text"
#bind $text <Control-l> "auto_completition $text"
bind $text <Control-icircumflex> "auto_completition_proc $text"
bind $text <Control-j> "auto_completition_proc $text"
#bind $text <Control-Tab> "auto_completition_proc $text"
bind $text <Control-q> Find
bind $text <Control-comma> {TextOperation comment}
bind $text <Control-period> {TextOperation uncomment}
bind $text <Control-eacute> Find
#bind . <Control-m> PageTab
#bind . <Control-udiaeresis> PageTab
bind $text <Insert> {OverWrite}
bind $text <ButtonRelease-1> {Position}
bind $text <Button-3> {catch [PopupMenuEditor %X %Y]}
bind $text <Button-4> "%W yview scroll -3 units"
bind $text <Button-5> "%W yview scroll 3 units"
#bind $text <Shift-Button-4> "%W xview scroll -2 units"
#bind $text <Shift-Button-5> "%W xview scroll 2 units"
bind $text <KeyRelease> {
set nodeEdit [$noteBook raise]
if {$nodeEdit == "" || $nodeEdit == "newproj" || $nodeEdit == "settings" || $nodeEdit == "about" || $nodeEdit == "debug"} {
} else {
set textEdit "$noteBook.f$nodeEdit.text"
set pos [$textEdit index insert]
set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set editLine [$textEdit get $line.0 $pos]
if {$autoFormat == "Yes"} {
if {$fileExt != "for"} {
TabIns $textEdit
HighLight $fileExt $textEdit $editLine $line $nodeEdit
bind $text <KeyPress> {
if {$nodeEdit == "" || $nodeEdit == "newproj" || $nodeEdit == "settings" || $nodeEdit == "about" || $nodeEdit == "debug"} {
} else {
set nodeEdit [$noteBook raise]
if {[Key %k] == "true"} {
if {[lindex $fileList($nodeEdit) 1] == 0} {
set fileList($nodeEdit) [list [lindex $fileList($nodeEdit) 0] 1]
LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress [::msgcat::mc "File modify"]
$noteBook itemconfigure $nodeEdit -foreground $editor(nbModify)
ReplaceChar %W
};# if
};# if
};# bind
bind $text <Key-space> {
if {$nodeEdit == ""} {return}
set textEdit "$noteBook.f$nodeEdit.text"
OpComplite $textEdit $fileExt $nodeEdit
if {[lindex $fileList($nodeEdit) 1] == 0} {
set fileList($nodeEdit) [list [lindex $fileList($nodeEdit) 0] 1]
LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmProgress.lblProgress [::msgcat::mc "File modify"]
$noteBook itemconfigure $nodeEdit -foreground $editor(nbModify)
# Alexander Dederer (aka Korwin)
# bind like VI editor
bind $text <Control-u> {
set i -1
switch -- [%W get "insert - 1 chars"] {
\{ {set i [_searchCloseBracket %W \{ \} insert end]}
\[ {set i [_searchCloseBracket %W \[ \] insert end]}
( {set i [_searchCloseBracket %W ( ) insert end]}
\} {set i [_searchOpenBracket %W \{ \} insert 1.0]}
\] {set i [_searchOpenBracket %W \[ \] insert 1.0]}
) {set i [_searchOpenBracket %W ( ) insert 1.0]}
} ;# switch
if { $i != -1 } {
%W mark set insert $i
%W see insert
} ;# bind
bindtags $text [list [winfo toplevel $text] $text Text sysAfter all]
bind sysAfter <Any-Key> {+ set i -1
catch {
switch -- [%W get "insert - 1 chars"] {
\{ {set i [_searchCloseBracket %W \{ \} insert end]}
\[ {set i [_searchCloseBracket %W \[ \] insert end]}
( {set i [_searchCloseBracket %W ( ) insert end]}
\} {set i [_searchOpenBracket %W \{ \} insert 1.0]}
\] {set i [_searchOpenBracket %W \[ \] insert 1.0]}
) {set i [_searchOpenBracket %W ( ) insert 1.0]}
} ;# switch
catch { %W tag remove lightBracket 1.0 end }
if { $i != -1 } {
%W tag add lightBracket "$i - 1 chars" $i
} ;# bind sysAfter
bind sysAfter <Button-1> [bind sysAfter <Any-Key>]
focus -force $w.text
.frmStatus.frmOvwrt.lblOvwrt configure -text [::msgcat::mc "Insert"] -font $fontNormal
bind $text <Insert> {OverWrite; break}
set lineNum 1
while {$lineNum <=[expr $lineNumber + 1]} {
set line [$w.text get $lineNum.0 $lineNum.end]
HighLight $fileExt $w.text $line $lineNum $nodeEdit
incr lineNum
proc Key {key} {
if {$key >= 10 && $key <= 22} {return "true"}
if {$key >= 24 && $key <= 36} {return "true"}
if {$key >= 38 && $key <= 50} {return "true"}
if {$key >= 51 && $key <= 61 && $key != 58} {return "true"}
if {$key >= 79 && $key <= 91} {return "true"}
if {$key == 63 || $key == 107 || $key == 108 || $key == 112} {return "true"}
# "Alexander Dederer (aka Korwin)
## Search close bracket in editor widget
proc _searchCloseBracket { widget o_bracket c_bracket start_pos end_pos } {
set o_count 1
set c_count 0
set found 0
set pattern "\[\\$o_bracket\\$c_bracket\]"
set pos [$widget search -regexp -- $pattern $start_pos $end_pos]
while { ! [string equal $pos {}] } {
set char [$widget get $pos]
#tk_messageBox -title $pattern -message "char: $char; $pos; o_count=$o_count; c_count=$c_count"
if {[string equal $char $o_bracket]} {incr o_count ; set found 1}
if {[string equal $char $c_bracket]} {incr c_count ; set found 1}
if {($found == 1) && ($o_count == $c_count) } { return [$widget index "$pos + 1 chars"] }
set found 0
set start_pos "$pos + 1 chars"
set pos [$widget search -regexp -- $pattern $start_pos $end_pos]
} ;# while search
return -1
} ;# proc _searchCloseBracket
# "Alexander Dederer (aka Korwin)
## Search open bracket in editor widget
proc _searchOpenBracket { widget o_bracket c_bracket start_pos end_pos } {
set o_count 0
set c_count 1
set found 0
set pattern "\[\\$o_bracket\\$c_bracket\]"
set pos [$widget search -backward -regexp -- $pattern "$start_pos - 1 chars" $end_pos]
while { ! [string equal $pos {}] } {
set char [$widget get $pos]
#tk_messageBox -title $pattern -message "char: $char; $pos; o_count=$o_count; c_count=$c_count"
if {[string equal $char $o_bracket]} {incr o_count ; set found 1}
if {[string equal $char $c_bracket]} {incr c_count ; set found 1}
if {($found == 1) && ($o_count == $c_count) } { return [$widget index "$pos + 1 chars"] }
set found 0
set start_pos "$pos - 0 chars"
set pos [$widget search -backward -regexp -- $pattern $start_pos $end_pos]
} ;# while search
return -1
} ;# proc _searchOpenBracket
proc SelectAll {text} {
global noteBook
$text tag remove sel 1.0 end
$text tag add sel 1.0 end
proc TextOperation {oper} {
global noteBook fileList autoFormat
set nb [$noteBook raise]
if {$nb == "" || $nb == "newproj" || $nb == "about" || $nb == "debug"} {
set nb "$noteBook.f$nb"
switch $oper {
"copy" {tk_textCopy $nb.text}
"paste" {
set startPos [Position]
set nodeEdit [$noteBook raise]
EditFlag $nodeEdit [lindex $fileList($nodeEdit) 0] 1
set fileList($nodeEdit) [list [lindex $fileList($nodeEdit) 0] 1]
set fileExt [string range [file extension [lindex $fileList($nodeEdit) 0]] 1 end]
tk_textPaste $noteBook.f$nodeEdit.text
set endPos [Position]
set lineBegin [lindex [split $startPos "."] 0]
set lineEnd [lindex [split $endPos "."] 0]
for {set line $lineBegin} {$line <= $lineEnd} {incr line} {
if {$nodeEdit == "" || $nodeEdit == "newproj" || $nodeEdit == "settings" || $nodeEdit == "about" || $nodeEdit == "debug"} {
} else {
set textEdit "$noteBook.f$nodeEdit.text"
set editLine [$textEdit get $line.0 $line.end]
if {$autoFormat == "Yes"} {
if {$fileExt != "for"} {
TabIns $textEdit
HighLight $fileExt $textEdit $editLine $line $nodeEdit
"cut" {tk_textCut $nb.text}
"redo" {$nb.text edit redo}
"undo" {$nb.text edit undo}
"comment" {
set selIndex [$nb.text tag ranges sel]
if {$selIndex != ""} {
set lineBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 0] "."] 0]
set lineEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
for {set i $lineBegin} {$i <=$lineEnd} {incr i} {
$nb.text insert $i.0 "# "
$nb.text tag add comments $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
$nb.text tag raise comments
} else {
"uncomment" {
set selIndex [$nb.text tag ranges sel]
if {$selIndex != ""} {
set lineBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 0] "."] 0]
set lineEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
for {set i $lineBegin} {$i <=$lineEnd} {incr i} {
set str [$nb.text get $i.0 $i.end]
if {[regexp -nocase -all -line -- {(^| )(#+)(.+)} $str match v1 v2 v3]} {
$nb.text delete $i.0 $i.end
$nb.text insert $i.0 $v3
$nb.text tag remove comments $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
} else {
unset nb