Sergey Kalinin 75f9860f63 Refactoring "Add New Projects" "Project Settings" (e.t.c.) dialogs
Added "Add as new project" dialog for file browser
Add popup menu for file browser
Fixed some highlight bug
2018-02-17 20:25:02 +03:00

503 lines
19 KiB

# Tcl/Tk project Manager #
# Distributed under GNU Public License #
# Author: Sergey Kalinin #
# Copyright (c) "Sergey Kalinin", 2002, #
proc AddToProj {fileName mode} {
global projDir workDir activeProject tree noteBook fontNormal imgDir tree
set type [string trim [file extension $fileName] {.}]
destroy .addtoproj
set node [$tree selection get]
set fullPath [$tree itemcget $node -data]
if {[file isdirectory $fullPath] == 1} {
set dir $fullPath
set parentNode $node
} else {
set dir [file dirname $fullPath]
set parentNode [$tree parent $node]
if {$type == "tcl"} {
set img "tcl"
} elseif {$type == "tk"} {
set img "tk"
} elseif {$type == "txt"} {
set img "file"
} elseif {$type == "html"} {
set img "html"
} elseif {$type == "java"} {
set img "java"
} elseif {$type == "pl" || $type == "perl"} {
set img "perl"
} elseif {$type == "for"} {
set img "fortran"
} elseif {$type == "ml" || $type == "mli"} {
set img "caml"
} elseif {$type == "php" || $type == "phtml"} {
set img "php"
} elseif {$type == "rb"} {
set img "ruby"
} elseif {$type == "rb"} {
set img "erl"
} else {
set img "file"
if {$mode == "directory"} {
set img "folder"
#set dir [file join $projDir $activeProject]
set dot "_"
set name [file rootname $fileName]
set ext [string range [file extension $fileName] 1 end]
set subNode "$name$dot$ext"
$tree insert end $parentNode $subNode -text $fileName \
-data [file join $dir $fileName] -open 1\
-image [Bitmap::get [file join $imgDir $img.gif]]\
-font $fontNormal
if {[$tree itemcget $activeProject -open] == 0} {
$tree itemconfigure $activeProject -open 1
set file [file join $dir $fileName]
if {$mode == "directory"} {
file mkdir $file
InsertTitle $file $type
EditFile [GetTreeForNode $subNode] $subNode [file join $dir $fileName]
proc AddToProjDialog {mode} {
global projDir workDir activeProject imgDir tree mod
set mod $mode
if {$activeProject == ""} {
set answer [tk_messageBox\
-message "[::msgcat::mc "Not found active project"]"\
-type ok -icon warning]
case $answer {
ok {return 0}
set w .addtoproj
if {[winfo exists $w]} {
destroy $w
# create the new "goto" window
toplevel $w
wm title $w [::msgcat::mc "Create new $mod"]
wm resizable $w 0 0
wm transient $w .
frame $w.frmCanv -border 1 -relief sunken
frame $w.frmBtn -border 1 -relief sunken
pack $w.frmCanv -side top -fill both -padx 1 -pady 1
pack $w.frmBtn -side top -fill x
label $w.frmCanv.lblImgTcl -text [::msgcat::mc "Input $mod name"]
entry $w.frmCanv.entImgTcl
pack $w.frmCanv.lblImgTcl $w.frmCanv.entImgTcl -expand true -padx 5 -pady 5 -side top
button $w.frmBtn.btnOk -text [::msgcat::mc "Create"] -relief groove -command {
AddToProj [.addtoproj.frmCanv.entImgTcl get] $mod
button $w.frmBtn.btnCancel -text [::msgcat::mc "Close"] -command "destroy $w" -relief groove
pack $w.frmBtn.btnOk $w.frmBtn.btnCancel -padx 2 -pady 2 -fill x -side left
bind $w <Escape> "destroy .addtoproj"
bind $w.frmCanv.entImgTcl <Return> {
AddToProj [.addtoproj.frmCanv.entImgTcl get] $mod
focus -force $w.frmCanv.entImgTcl
#unset type
proc AddToProjDialog_ {} {
global projDir workDir activeProject imgDir tree
if {$activeProject == ""} {
set answer [tk_messageBox\
-message "[::msgcat::mc "Not found active project"]"\
-type ok -icon warning]
case $answer {
ok {return 0}
set w .addtoproj
if {[winfo exists $w]} {
destroy $w
# create the new "goto" window
toplevel $w
wm title $w [::msgcat::mc "Create new file"]
wm resizable $w 0 0
wm transient $w .
frame $w.frmCanv -border 1 -relief sunken
frame $w.frmBtn -border 1 -relief sunken
pack $w.frmCanv -side top -fill both -padx 1 -pady 1
pack $w.frmBtn -side top -fill x
label $w.frmCanv.lblImgTcl -text [::msgcat::mc "Input file name"]
entry $w.frmCanv.entImgTcl
pack $w.frmCanv.lblImgTcl $w.frmCanv.entImgTcl -expand true -padx 5 -pady 5 -side top
button $w.frmBtn.btnOk -text [::msgcat::mc "Create"] -relief groove -command {
AddToProj [.addtoproj.frmCanv.entImgTcl get]
button $w.frmBtn.btnCancel -text [::msgcat::mc "Close"] -command "destroy $w" -relief groove
pack $w.frmBtn.btnOk $w.frmBtn.btnCancel -padx 2 -pady 2 -fill x -side left
bind $w <Escape> "destroy .addtoproj"
bind $w.frmCanv.entImgTcl <Return> {
AddToProj [.addtoproj.frmCanv.entImgTcl get]
focus -force $w.frmCanv.entImgTcl
proc DelFromProj {project} {
global projDir workDir
proc DelProj {} {
global workDir activeProject tree
if {$activeProject == ""} {
set answer [tk_messageBox\
-message "[::msgcat::mc "Not found active project"]"\
-type ok -icon warning]
case $answer {
ok {return 0}
set file [open [file join $workDir $activeProject.proj] r]
while {[gets $file line]>=0} {
scan $line "%s" keyWord
set string [string range $line [string first "\"" $line] [string last "\"" $line]]
set string [string trim $string "\""]
if {$keyWord == "ProjectDirName"} {
set projDir "$string"
puts $projDir
close $file
set answer [tk_messageBox -message "[::msgcat::mc "Delete project"] \"$activeProject\" ?"\
-type yesno -icon question -default yes]
case $answer {
yes {
FileDialog $tree close_all
file delete -force $projDir
file delete -force [file join $workDir $activeProject.proj]
file delete -force [file join $workDir $activeProject.tags]
$tree delete [$tree selection get]
$tree configure -redraw 1
set activeProject ""
LabelUpdate .frmStatus.frmActive.lblActive ""
proc CompileOption {string} {
global fontNormal cmdCompile editor
set w .cmd
# destroy the find window if it already exists
if {[winfo exists $w]} {
destroy $w
toplevel $w
wm title $w [::msgcat::mc "Command options"]
wm resizable $w 0 0
wm transient $w .
frame $w.frmCombo -borderwidth 1 -bg $editor(bg)
frame $w.frmBtn -borderwidth 1 -bg $editor(bg)
pack $w.frmCombo $w.frmBtn -side top -fill x
# set combo [entry $w.frmCombo.entFind]
label $w.frmCombo.lblModule -text "[::msgcat::mc "Convert to"]" -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)
label $w.frmCombo.lblFile -text "[::msgcat::mc "File"]" -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)
set combo [entry $w.frmCombo.txtString -text "$string"]
pack $w.frmCombo.lblModule $w.frmCombo.lblFile $combo -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2 -side top
button $w.frmBtn.btnFind -text [::msgcat::mc "Run"]\
-font $fontNormal -width 12 -relief groove -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)\
-command {
return [.cmd.frmCombo.txtString get]
destroy .cmd
button $w.frmBtn.btnCancel -text [::msgcat::mc "Close"] -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)\
-relief groove -width 12 -font $fontNormal\
-command "destroy $w"
pack $w.frmBtn.btnFind $w.frmBtn.btnCancel -fill x -padx 2 -pady 2 -side left
bind $w <Return> {
set cmdCompile [.cmd.frmCombo.txtString get]
destroy .cmd
bind $w <Escape> "destroy $w"
$combo insert end "$string"
focus -force $combo
proc MakeProj {action t} {
global activeProject projDir noteBook fontNormal fontBold workDir tree cmdCompile editor
if {$activeProject == ""} {
set answer [tk_messageBox\
-message "[::msgcat::mc "Not found active project"]"\
-type ok -icon warning\
-title [::msgcat::mc "Warning"]]
case $answer {
ok {return 0}
FileDialog $tree save_all
set file [open [file join $workDir $activeProject.proj] r]
while {[gets $file line]>=0} {
scan $line "%s" keyWord
set string [string range $line [string first "\"" $line] [string last "\"" $line]]
set string [string trim $string "\""]
if {$keyWord == "ProjectName"} {
set projName "$string"
if {$keyWord == "ProjectFileName"} {
set projFileName "$string"
if {$keyWord == "ProjectDirName"} {
set projDirName "$string"
if {$keyWord == "ProjectCompiler"} {
set projCompiler "$string"
if {$keyWord == "ProjectInterp"} {
set projInterp "$string"
close $file
if {$action == "compile"} {
if {$t == "proj"} {
set prog [file join $projDirName $]
} elseif {$t == "file"} {
set node [$tree selection get]
set fullPath [$tree itemcget $node -data]
set dir [file dirname $fullPath]
set file [file tail $fullPath]
set prog $fullPath
} elseif {$action == "run"} {
if {$t == "proj"} {
set prog [file join $projDirName $projFileName]
} elseif {$t == "file"} {
set node [$tree selection get]
set fullPath [$tree itemcget $node -data]
set dir [file dirname $fullPath]
set file [file tail $fullPath]
set prog $fullPath
set node "debug"
if {[$noteBook index $node] != -1} {
$noteBook delete debug
set w [$noteBook insert end $node -text [::msgcat::mc "Running project"]]
# create array with file names #
frame $w.frame -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge -background $editor(bg)
pack $w.frame -side top -fill both -expand true
text $w.frame.text -yscrollcommand "$w.frame.yscroll set" \
-bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg) \
-relief sunken -wrap word -highlightthickness 0 -font $fontNormal\
-selectborderwidth 0 -selectbackground #55c4d1 -width 10 -height 10
scrollbar $w.frame.yscroll -relief sunken -borderwidth {1} -width {10} -takefocus 0 \
-command "$w.frame.text yview" -background $editor(bg)
pack $w.frame.text -side left -fill both -expand true
pack $w.frame.yscroll -side left -fill y
frame $w.frmBtn -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge -bg $editor(bg)
pack $w.frmBtn -side top -fill x
button $w.frmBtn.btnOk -text [::msgcat::mc "Close"] -borderwidth {1} \
-bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg) -command {
$noteBook delete debug
$noteBook raise [$noteBook page end]
return 0
pack $w.frmBtn.btnOk -pady 2
# key bindings #
bind $w.frmBtn.btnOk <Escape> {
$noteBook delete debug
$noteBook raise [$noteBook page end]
# return 0
bind $w.frmBtn.btnOk <Return> {
$noteBook delete debug
$noteBook raise [$noteBook page end]
# return 0
focus -force $w.frmBtn.btnOk
$noteBook raise $node
# insert debug data into text widget #
$w.frame.text tag configure bold -font $fontBold
$w.frame.text tag configure error -font $fontNormal -foreground red
$w.frame.text tag add bold 0.0 0.end
if {$action == "compile"} {
$w.frame.text insert end "[::msgcat::mc "Compile project"] - $activeProject\n"
$w.frame.text insert end "[::msgcat::mc "Compile"] - $prog\n\n"
} elseif {$action == "run"} {
$w.frame.text insert end "[::msgcat::mc "Running project"] - $activeProject\n"
$w.frame.text insert end "[::msgcat::mc "Run"] - $prog\n\n"
set pos [$w.frame.text index insert]
set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
$w.frame.text insert end "----------------- [::msgcat::mc "Programm output"] -----------------\n"
$w.frame.text tag add bold $lineNum.0 $lineNum.end
# open and manipulate executed program chanel #
if {$action == "compile"} {
set cmdCompile ""
CompileOption "$projCompiler $prog"
vwait cmdCompile
puts "string - $projCompiler $prog" ;# debug info
set pipe [open "|$cmdCompile 2> [file join $projDirName errors]" "r"]
set f [open [file join $projDirName errors] "r"]
} elseif {$action == "run"} {
set pipe [open "|$projInterp $prog 2> [file join $projDirName errors]" "r"]
set f [open [file join $projDirName errors] "r"]
fileevent $pipe readable [list DebugInfo $w.frame.text $pipe $f]
fconfigure $pipe -buffering none -blocking no
proc DebugInfo {widget file f} {
$widget configure -state normal
if {[eof $file]} {
catch [close $file] msg
if {$msg != ""} {
puts $msg
$widget insert end "[::msgcat::mc "Program failed"]: $msg\n";
} else {
puts $msg
$widget insert end "\n-------------------------------------------------\n"
$widget insert end "[::msgcat::mc "Program finished successfully"]\n"
} else {
$widget insert end [read $file]
while {[gets $f line]>=0} {
$widget insert end "$line\n"
puts $line
$widget see end
$widget tag add error 0.0 0.end
$widget configure -state disabled
proc InsertTitle {newFile type} {
global activeProject projDir workDir ver
puts "$newFile $type"
set year [clock format [clock scan "now" -base [clock seconds]] -format %Y]
if {$activeProject == ""} {
set answer [tk_messageBox\
-message "[::msgcat::mc "Not found active project"]"\
-type ok -icon warning\
-title [::msgcat::mc "Warning"]]
case $answer {
ok {return 0}
set file [open [file join $workDir $activeProject.proj] r]
while {[gets $file line]>=0} {
scan $line "%s" keyWord
set string [string range $line [string first "\"" $line] [string last "\"" $line]]
set string [string trim $string "\""]
if {$keyWord == "ProjectName"} {
set txtProjName "$string"
if {$keyWord == "ProjectFileName"} {
set txtProjFileName "$string"
if {$keyWord == "ProjectDirName"} {
set txtProjDirName "$string"
if {$keyWord == "ProjectInterp"} {
set txtProjInterp "$string"
if {$keyWord == "ProjectVersion"} {
set txtProjVersion "$string"
if {$keyWord == "ProjectRelease"} {
set txtProjRelease "$string"
if {$keyWord == "ProjectAuthor"} {
set txtProjAuthor "$string"
if {$keyWord == "ProjectEmail"} {
set txtProjEmail "$string"
if {$keyWord == "ProjectCompany"} {
set txtProjCompany "$string"
if {$keyWord == "ProjectHome"} {
set txtProjHome "$string"
if {$type == "html"} {
set fileTitle "<HTML>\n<HEAD>\n<META http-equiv=Content-Type content=\"text/html; charset=koi8-r\">\n<META NAME=\"Author\" CONTENT=\"$txtProjAuthor\">\n<META NAME=\"GENERATOR\" CONTENT=\"Created by Tcl/Tk Project Manager - $ver\">\n<TITLE></TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n<BODY>\n\n</BODY>\n</HTML>"
} elseif {$type == "tcl"} {
set fileTitle "#!$txtProjInterp\n######################################################\n#\t\t$txtProjName\n#\tDistributed under GNU Public License\n# Author: $txtProjAuthor $txtProjEmail\n# Copyright (c) \"$txtProjCompany\", $year, $txtProjHome\n######################################################\n"
} elseif {$type == "perl" || $type == "pl"} {
set fileTitle "######################################################\n#\t\t$txtProjName\n#\tDistributed under GNU Public License\n# Author: $txtProjAuthor $txtProjEmail\n# Copyright (c) \"$txtProjCompany\", $year, $txtProjHome\n######################################################\n"
} elseif {$type == "txt"} {
set fileTitle "#######################################################\n#\t\t$txtProjName\n#\tDistributed under GNU Public License\n# Author: $txtProjAuthor $txtProjEmail\n# Copyright (c) \"$txtProjCompany\", $year, $txtProjHome\n######################################################\n"
} elseif {$type == "rb"} {
set fileTitle "#!$txtProjInterp\n######################################################\n#\t\t$txtProjName\n#\tDistributed under GNU Public License\n# Author: $txtProjAuthor $txtProjEmail\n# Copyright (c) \"$txtProjCompany\", $year, $txtProjHome\n######################################################\n"
} elseif {$type == "java"} {
set fileTitle "/*\n*****************************************************\n*\t$txtProjName\n*\tDistributed under GNU Public License\n* Author: $txtProjAuthor $txtProjEmail\n* Home page: $txtProjHome\n*****************************************************\n*/\n"
} elseif {$type == "for"} {
set fileTitle "*****************************************************\n*\t$txtProjName\n*\tDistributed under GNU Public License\n* Author: $txtProjAuthor $txtProjEmail\n* Home page: $txtProjHome\n*****************************************************\n"
} elseif {$type == "ml" || $type == "mli"} {
set fileTitle "\(*****************************************************\n*\t$txtProjName\n*\tDistributed under GNU Public License\n* Author: $txtProjAuthor $txtProjEmail\n* Home page: $txtProjHome\n*****************************************************\)\n"
} elseif {$type == "php" || $type == "phtml"} {
set fileTitle "<?\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n//\t$txtProjName\n//\tDistributed under GNU Public License\n// Author: $txtProjAuthor $txtProjEmail\n// Home page: $txtProjHome\n////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\n\n\n\n\n?>"
} elseif {$type == "tml"} {
set fileTitle "<!--\n######################################################\n#\t\t$txtProjName\n#\tDistributed under GNU Public License\n# Author: $txtProjAuthor $txtProjEmail\n# Copyright (c) \"$txtProjCompany\", $year, $txtProjHome\n######################################################\n-->\n"
} elseif {$type == "erl"} {
set fileTitle "%*****************************************************\n%\t$txtProjName\n%\tDistributed under GNU Public License\n% Author: $txtProjAuthor $txtProjEmail\n% Home page: $txtProjHome\n%****************************************************\n"
} else {
set fileTitle "######################################################\n#\t\t$txtProjName\n#\tDistributed under GNU Public License\n# Author: $txtProjAuthor $txtProjEmail\n# Copyright (c) \"$txtProjCompany\", $year, $txtProjHome\n######################################################\n"
set pipe [open $newFile w]
# puts "$newFile\n $fileTitle" ;# debuf info
puts $pipe $fileTitle
close $pipe