2018-07-05 08:41:18 +03:00

76 lines
2.6 KiB

proc ImageViewer {f w node} {
global tab_label noteBook factor im1 im2 editor
set factor($node) 1.0
frame $w.f -bg $editor(bg)
pack $w.f -side left -fill both -expand true
canvas $w.f.c -xscrollcommand "$w.f.x set" -yscrollcommand "$w.y set" -bg $editor(bg)
scrollbar $w.f.x -ori hori -command "$w.f.c xview" -bg $editor(bg)
scrollbar $w.y -ori vert -command "$w.f.c yview" -bg $editor(bg)
pack $w.f.c -side top -fill both -expand true
pack $w.f.x -side top -fill x
pack $w.y -side left -fill y
bind $w.f.c <Button-4> "%W yview scroll -3 units"
bind $w.f.c <Button-5> "%W yview scroll 3 units"
bind $w.f.c <Shift-Button-4> "%W xview scroll -2 units"
bind $w.f.c <Shift-Button-5> "%W xview scroll 2 units"
bind $w.f.c <Control-Button-4> "scale $w.f.c 0.5 $node"
bind $w.f.c <Control-Button-5> "scale $w.f.c 2 $node"
#$w.scrwin setwidget $w.scrwin.f
openImg $f $w.f.c $node
set tab_label [$noteBook itemcget $node -text]
balloon $w.f.c set "Mouse wheel up/down - vertiÓal scrolling the image\n\
Shift + mouse wheel up/down - horizontal image scrolling\n\
Control + mouse wheel up/down is a scale image -/+"
proc openImg {fn w node} {
global im1
set im1 [image create photo -file $fn]
#scale $w
list [file size $fn] bytes, [image width $im1]x[image height $im1]
$w create image 1 1 -image $im1 -anchor nw -tag img
proc scale {w {n 1} node} {
global im1 im2 factor noteBook tab_label
set factor($node) [expr {$factor($node) * $n}]
$w delete img
catch {image delete $im2}
set im2 [image create photo]
if {$factor($node)>=1} {
set f [expr int($factor($node))]
$im2 copy $im1 -zoom $f $f
} else {
set f [expr round(1./$factor($node))]
$im2 copy $im1 -subsample $f $f
$w create image 1 1 -image $im2 -anchor nw -tag img
$noteBook itemconfigure $node -text "$tab_label (size x$factor($node))"
$w config -scrollregion [$w bbox all]
proc ImageBase64Encode {text} {
global env
set types {
{"PNG" {.png}}
{"GIF" {.gif}}
{"JPEG" {.jpg}}
{"BMP" {.bmp}}
{"All files" *}
set img [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir $env(HOME) -filetypes $types -parent .]
if {$img ne ""} {
set f [open $img]
fconfigure $f -translation binary
set data [base64::encode [read $f]]
close $f
# base name on root name of the image file
set name [file root [file tail $img]]
$text insert [Position] "image create photo $name -data {\n$data\n}"