
460 lines
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Executable File

set HMtable(unique) 0
set HMtable(level) 0
;# RCSID: $Header: /home/clif.clif/CVS_ROOT/TclXexample/htmltable.tcl,v 1.6 1999/02/01 05:00:18 clif Exp $
proc HMTBL_insert_FromMap { win text id } {
global HMtag_map HMinsert_map HMlist_elements HMtable
upvar #0 HM$win var
# insert white space (with current font)
# adding white space can get a bit tricky. This isn't quite right
set bad [catch {$win insert $var(S_insert) $HMinsert_map($id) "space $var(font)"}]
if {!$bad && [lindex $var(fill) end]} {
set text [string trimleft $text]
if {[info exists HMinsert_map($id)] && [string match $HMinsert_map($id) "\n"]} {
$win insert $var(S_insert) "\t"
for {set i 0} {$i < $HMtable(column)} {incr i} {
$win insert $var(S_insert) "\t"
# proc HMtag_table {win param text}--
# Process the &lt;TABLE&gt; tag - Called from html_library
# Creates a new text widget to hold the table
# Creates HM.WindowName state variables with default values
# Sets to point to the new window so that
# all text being processed is directed to the table text widget.
# Arguments
# win The window that will hold everything
# param Any parameters in the <TABLE ...> tag
# text The name of a variable with associated text
# Results
proc HMtag_table {win param text} {
global HMtable
upvar #0 HM$win var
# This tracks the level of tables being rendered -
# When it returns to 0, we can reset the HM_insert_FromMap to the
# original value.
if {$HMtable(level) == 0} {
rename HMinsert_FromMap HM_ORIG_insert_FromMap
rename HMTBL_insert_FromMap HMinsert_FromMap
incr HMtable(level)
# Define a unique name for the text widget
# that will contain this table
set newTable .txt_$HMtable(unique)
# Divert output to the new window.
set var(divert) $newTable
# Make a new global state variable for the new text widget
upvar #0 HM$newTable newvar
# and initialize it
HMinit_state $newTable
set newvar(family) times
set newvar(size) 12
set newvar(weight) normal
set newvar(style) roman
set newvar(indent) 0
set newvar(stop) 0
set newvar(S_insert) end
set newvar(oldWindow) $win
# Create the new text widget
update; update idle;
# puts "PARENT: ($win) [expr [$win cget -width] -2]"
# puts "PARENT: ($win) [expr [$win cget -insertwidth] -2]"
# puts "PARENT: ($win) [winfo width $win] "
# puts "GRID: [wm grid .]"
set curFont [HMx_font times $newvar(size) medium r]
# puts "curFont: $curFont"
text $newTable -width [expr [$win cget -width] -2] -background white \
-font $curFont -wrap none
# puts "TEXT GRID: [catch {wm grid $newTable} xx]"
# puts "$xx"
# puts "TEXT: ($newTable) [winfo width $newTable] "
# Set the row and column descriptors.
set HMtable(row) 0
set HMtable(column) 0
set HMtable(maxCol) 0
# increment the unique number pointer so that the next table will
# get a new text widget name.
incr HMtable(unique)
# proc HMtag_/table {win param text}--
# Process the </TABLE> tag
# This procedure resets the window to receive text to the master
# window.
# Arguments
# table The window that holds the table
# param Any parameters in the </TABLE ...> tag
# text The name of a variable with associated text
# Results
# Maps the new window into the master text window.
# Sets tab locations in new window
proc HMtag_/table {table param text} {
global HMtable errorInfo
# Set the var pointer for the table text widget
upvar #0 HM$table varTbl
# This tracks the level of tables being rendered -
# When it returns to 0, we can reset the HM_insert_FromMap to the
# original value.
incr HMtable(level) -1
if {$HMtable(level) == 0} {
rename HMinsert_FromMap HMTBL_insert_FromMap
rename HM_ORIG_insert_FromMap HMinsert_FromMap
incr HMtable(level)
# Set the win and var variables to point to the master text widget,
# instead of the table text widget.
set win $varTbl(oldWindow)
upvar #0 HM$win var
# unset var(divert) so that text will no longer be diverted to
# the table window
unset var(divert)
# Get the list of tags - to make the loop faster
set alltags [$table tag names]
set maxFont 10;
foreach tag $alltags {
if {[string first "font:" $tag] == 0} {
set fontlst [split $tag ":"]
set size [lindex $fontlst 2]
set family [lindex $fontlst 1]
if {($size >= $maxFont) && ([string match $family "courier"])} {
set maxFont $size
set maxFamily $family
set txtfont [list [lindex $fontlst 1] [lindex $fontlst 2] [lindex $fontlst 3]]
;# set f [catch {eval HMx_font $txtfont} rslt]
;# puts "F: $f rslt: $rslt"
;# puts "Plus scaling: [eval HMx_font $txtfont]"
set txtfont [eval HMx_font $txtfont];
set maxFont [lindex $txtfont 1]
# puts "txtfont: $txtfont maxFont: $maxFont xfont: $var(xfont) $varTbl(xfont)"
# puts "[$table dump 1.0 20.0]"
# Reset the height of the table text widget to match the number of
# rows actually used and insert it into the master text widget
set numrow [lindex [split [$table index end] .] 0]
$table configure -height [expr 1 + $numrow] -font $txtfont
$win window create $var(S_insert) -window $table
update; update idle;
# puts "[$table dump 0.0 end]"
# puts "INDEX: [$table index end]"
set parentPixelWidth [winfo width $win]
set tablePixelWidth [winfo width $table]
set tableCharWidth [$table cget -width]
incr tableCharWidth -1
$table configure -width $tableCharWidth
update; update idle;
set tablePixelWidth2 [winfo width $table]
set charPixelWidth [expr $tablePixelWidth - $tablePixelWidth2]
# Now, I know the width of a char in this font window, calc
# how many chars wide to match the parent
set newCharWidth [expr $parentPixelWidth/$charPixelWidth -2]
$table configure -width $newCharWidth
# Make a simple little ruler for debugging help.
# canvas .c932 -height 30 -width $tablePixelWidth -background yellow
# for {set i 0} {$i < $tablePixelWidth} {incr i 50} {
# if {($i % 100) == 50} {
# .c932 create line $i 0 $i 15 -fill green
# } else {
# .c932 create line $i 0 $i 30 -fill blue
# }
# }
# $table window create 2.0 -window .c932
# while {$tablePixelWidth > $parentPixelWidth} {
# incr charWidth -1
# # puts "$tablePixelWidth $parentPixelWidth $charWidth"
# $table configure -width $charWidth
# set tablePixelWidth [winfo width $table]
# update; update idle;
# }
# Clear out the bogus newlines
# for {set i 0} {$i <= $HMtable(row)} {incr i} {
# for {set j 0} {$j < $HMtable(maxCol)} {incr j} {
# # A cell may be blank. Check for a tag before proceeding
# if {[lsearch $alltags tbl.$i.$j] != -1} {
# set range [$table tag ranges tbl.$i.$j]
# # Delete the trailing \n that was added by html_lib.tcl.
# $table delete "[lindex $range 0] lineend"
# }
# }
# }
# Find the longest string in each column to set the column width.
# Initialize the sizes for the columns to 0
for {set j 0} {$j < $HMtable(maxCol)} {incr j} {
set colSize($j) 0;
set curCol 0;
# Go through the dump of the text widget looking for text, and font
# and table entry tags.
# We track the current font and table cell so that when text comes in
# we can calculate the size in the current font, and compare that to
# the previous largest size.
foreach {id data index} [$table dump 0.0 end] {
switch $id {
"tagon" {
switch -glob -- $data {
"font:*" {
set lst [split $data ":"]
set txtfont [list [lindex $lst 1] [lindex $lst 2] [lindex $lst 3]]
set txtfont [eval HMx_font $txtfont];
"tbl.*" {
set lst [split $data "."]
set curCol [lindex $lst 2]
"text" {
set line [string trim $data]
# Adding a few extra chars seems to take care of
# some slack where it appears that htmllib is
# adding some unexpected spaces
set line "--$line"
set len [font measure $txtfont $line ]
if {$len > $colSize($curCol) } {
set colSize($curCol) $len
# for {set j 0} {$j < $HMtable(maxCol)} {incr j} {
# puts "$j: $colSize($j)"
# }
# Define the tab stops to the maximum
# size for each column.
# The pad value of 8 is to separate the columns
# If the toplevel window is gridded, divide the
# tab position by the grid width
set gridWidth [lindex [wm grid .] 2]
set gridWidth [lindex [wm grid .] 2]
if {$gridWidth == ""} {set gridWidth 1}
set tabStops 0;
set totl 0;
for {set i 0; set j 1} {$j < $HMtable(maxCol)} {incr j; incr i} {
set wid [expr ($colSize($i) + 8)/$gridWidth]
lappend tabStops [expr $wid + $totl]
incr totl $wid
# and set the tab stops.
$table configure -tabs $tabStops
# Wipe the first character - a bare (and useless) newline.
$table delete 1.0
# foreach {o t th} [$table dump 0.0 end] { puts [format "%8s %7s .%-50s." $o $th $t]}
# foreach {o t th} [$win dump 0.0 3.0] { puts "$o $t $th"}
# proc HMtag_tr {win param text}--
# Process the <TR> tag
# This begins a new row by setting the row and column values.
# Arguments
# win The window that holds the table
# param Any parameters in the </TR ...> tag
# text The name of a variable with associated text
# Results
# Increments the row position.
# Sets the column to 0.
proc HMtag_tr {win param text} {
global HMtable
incr HMtable(row)
set HMtable(column) 0
# proc HMtag_td {win param text}--
# Process the <TD> tag
# Arguments
# win The window that holds the table
# param Any parameters in the <TD ...> tag
# text The name of a variable with associated text
# Results
# Sets a tag for the start of this table entry to be used to
# set tab positions
proc HMtag_td {win param text} {
global HMtable
upvar $text t
set t "\t[string trim $t]"
upvar #0 HM$win var
set var(Ttab) tbl.$HMtable(row).$HMtable(column)
# proc HMtag_/td {win param text}--
# Arguments
# win The window that holds the table
# param Any parameters in the </TD ...> tag
# text The name of a variable with associated text
# Results
# Increments the column position.
# If there are more columns in this table row than in previous
# rows, set the max column
proc HMtag_/td {win param text} {
global HMtable
upvar $text t
set t "[string trim $t]"
incr HMtable(column)
if {$HMtable(column) > $HMtable(maxCol)} {
set HMtable(maxCol) $HMtable(column)
# proc HMlink_callback {win href}--
# This proc is called by the html_library code to parse a
# hypertext reference.
# Arguments
# win The text window that is used by the html_library to
# display the text
# href A hypertext reference to use for the next hypertext.
# Results
# This example simply replaces the contents of the display with
# hardcoded new text.
proc HMlink_callback {win href} {
global newHTMLtxt
puts "HMlink_callback was invoked with WIN: $win HREF: $href"
# Clear the old contents from the window.
HMreset_win $win
# Display the new text.
HMparse_html $newHTMLtxt "HMrender $win"
# proc HMset_image {win handle src}--
# Acquire image data, create a Tcl image object,
# and return the image handle.
# Arguments
# win The text window in which the html is rendered.
# handle A handle to return to the html library with the image handle
# src The description of the image from: <IMG src=XX>
# Results
# This example creates a hardcoded image. and then invokes
# HMgot_image with the handle for that image.
proc HMset_image {win handle src} {
global logo
puts "HMset_image was invoked with WIN: $win HANDLE: $handle SRC: $src"
# In a real application this would parse the src, and load the
# appropriate image data.
set img [image create photo -data $logo]
HMgot_image $handle $img
return ""