
493 lines
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2021-01-15 18:49:37 +03:00
use strict;
my $VERSION = '0.7.5';
my $COPYRIGHT = 'Copyright (C) 2005-2011 Jonathan Buhacoff <>';
my $LICENSE = '';
my %status = ( 'OK' => 0, 'WARNING' => 1, 'CRITICAL' => 2, 'UNKNOWN' => 3 );
# look for required modules
exit $status{UNKNOWN} unless load_modules(qw/Getopt::Long Mail::IMAPClient/);
if( grep { /^--hires$/ } @ARGV ) {
eval "use Time::HiRes qw(time);";
warn "Time::HiRes not installed\n" if $@;
# get options from command line
my $verbose = 0;
my $help = "";
my $help_usage = "";
my $show_version = "";
my $imap_server = "";
my $default_imap_port = "143";
my $default_imap_ssl_port = "993";
my $imap_port = "";
my $username = "";
my $password = "";
my $mailbox = "INBOX";
my @search = ();
my $search_critical_min = 1;
my $search_critical_max = -1; # -1 means disabled for this option
my $search_warning_min = 1;
my $search_warning_max = -1; # -1 means disabled for this option
my $capture_max = "";
my $capture_min = "";
my $delete = 1;
my $no_delete_captured = "";
my $warntime = 15;
my $criticaltime = 30;
my $timeout = 60;
my $interval = 5;
my $max_retries = 10;
my $download = "";
my $download_max = "";
my $peek = "";
my $template = "";
my $ssl = 0;
my $ssl_ca_file = "";
my $tls = 0;
my $time_hires = "";
my $ok;
$ok = Getopt::Long::GetOptions(
# imap settings
"U|username=s"=>\$username,"P|password=s"=>\$password, "m|mailbox=s"=>\$mailbox,
"ssl!"=>\$ssl, "ssl-ca-file=s"=>\$ssl_ca_file, "tls!"=>\$tls,
# search settings
"search-critical-min=i"=>\$search_critical_min, "search-critical-max=i"=>\$search_critical_max,
"search-warning-min=i"=>\$search_warning_min, "search-warning-max=i"=>\$search_warning_max,
"capture-max=s"=>\$capture_max, "capture-min=s"=>\$capture_min,
"delete!"=>\$delete, "nodelete-captured"=>\$no_delete_captured,
"download!"=>\$download, "download_max=i"=>\$download_max, "download-max=i"=>\$download_max,
# Time
if( $show_version ) {
print "$VERSION\n";
if( $verbose ) {
print "Default warning threshold: $warntime seconds\n";
print "Default critical threshold: $criticaltime seconds\n";
print "Default timeout: $timeout seconds\n";
exit $status{UNKNOWN};
if( $help ) {
exec "perldoc", $0 or print "Try `perldoc $0`\n";
exit $status{UNKNOWN};
my @required_module = ();
push @required_module, 'IO::Socket::SSL' if $ssl || $tls;
push @required_module, 'Email::Simple' if $download;
push @required_module, ('Text::Template','Date::Manip') if $template;
exit $status{UNKNOWN} unless load_modules(@required_module);
if( $help_usage
( $imap_server eq "" || $username eq "" || $password eq "" || scalar(@search)==0 )
) {
print "Usage: $0 -H host [-p port] -U username -P password -s HEADER -s X-Nagios -s 'ID: 1234.' [-w <seconds>] [-c <seconds>] [--imap-check-interval <seconds>] [--imap-retries <tries>]\n";
exit $status{UNKNOWN};
# before attempting to connect to the server, check if any of the search parameters
# use substitution functions and make sure we can parse them first. if we can't we
# need to abort since the search will be meaningless.
if( $template ) {
foreach my $token (@search) {
my $t = Text::Template->new(TYPE=>'STRING',SOURCE=>$token,PACKAGE=>'ImapSearchTemplate');
$token = $t->fill_in(PREPEND=>q{package ImapSearchTemplate;});
#print "token: $token\n";
# initialize
my $report = new PluginReport;
my $time_start = time;
# connect to IMAP server
print "connecting to server $imap_server\n" if $verbose > 2;
my $imap;
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "exceeded timeout $timeout seconds\n" }; # NB: \n required, see `perldoc -f alarm`
alarm $timeout;
if( $ssl || $tls ) {
$imap_port = $default_imap_ssl_port unless $imap_port;
my %ssl_args = ();
if( length($ssl_ca_file) > 0 ) {
$ssl_args{SSL_verify_mode} = 1;
$ssl_args{SSL_ca_file} = $ssl_ca_file;
$ssl_args{SSL_verifycn_scheme} = 'imap';
$ssl_args{SSL_verifycn_name} = $imap_server;
my $socket = IO::Socket::SSL->new(PeerAddr=>"$imap_server:$imap_port", %ssl_args);
die IO::Socket::SSL::errstr() . " (if you get this only when using both --ssl and --ssl-ca-file, but not when using just --ssl, the server SSL certificate failed validation)" unless $socket;
$imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(Socket=>$socket, Debug => 0 );
$imap->_read_line() if "$Mail::IMAPClient::VERSION" le "2.2.9"; # necessary to remove the server's "ready" line from the input buffer for old versions of Mail::IMAPClient. Using string comparison for the version check because the numeric didn't work on Darwin and for Mail::IMAPClient the next version is 2.3.0 and then 3.00 so string comparison works
$imap->login() or die "Cannot login: $@";
else {
$imap_port = $default_imap_port unless $imap_port;
$imap = Mail::IMAPClient->new(Debug => 0 );
$imap->connect() or die "$@";
$imap->Peek(1) if $peek;
alarm 0;
if( $@ ) {
chomp $@;
print "IMAP RECEIVE CRITICAL - Could not connect to $imap_server port $imap_port: $@\n";
exit $status{CRITICAL};
unless( $imap ) {
print "IMAP RECEIVE CRITICAL - Could not connect to $imap_server port $imap_port: $@\n";
exit $status{CRITICAL};
my $time_connected = time;
# select a mailbox
print "selecting mailbox $mailbox\n" if $verbose > 2;
unless( $imap->select($mailbox) ) {
print "IMAP RECEIVE CRITICAL - Could not select $mailbox: $@ $!\n";
if( $verbose > 2 ) {
print "Mailbox list:\n" . join("\n", $imap->folders) . "\n";
print "Mailbox separator: " . $imap->separator . "\n";
##print "Special mailboxes:\n" . join("\n", map { "$_ => ".
exit $status{CRITICAL};
# search for messages
my $tries = 0;
my @msgs;
until( scalar(@msgs) != 0 || $tries >= $max_retries ) {
eval {
$imap->select( $mailbox );
# if download flag is on, we download recent messages and search ourselves
if( $download ) {
print "downloading messages to search\n" if $verbose > 2;
@msgs = download_and_search($imap,@search);
else {
print "searching on server\n" if $verbose > 2;
@msgs = $imap->search(@search);
die "Invalid search parameters: $@" if $@;
if( $@ ) {
chomp $@;
print "Cannot search messages: $@\n";
exit $status{UNKNOWN};
$report->{found} = scalar(@msgs);
sleep $interval unless (scalar(@msgs) != 0 || $tries >= $max_retries);
sub download_and_search {
my ($imap,@search) = @_;
my $ims = new ImapMessageSearch;
my @found = ();
@msgs = reverse $imap->messages or (); # die "Cannot list messages: $@\n"; # reversing to get descending order, which is most recent messages first! (at least on my mail servers)
@msgs = @msgs[0..$download_max-1] if $download_max && scalar(@msgs) > $download_max;
foreach my $m (@msgs) {
my $message = $imap->message_string($m);
push @found, $m if $ims->match($message);
return @found;
# capture data in messages
my $captured_max_id = "";
my $captured_min_id = "";
if( $capture_max || $capture_min ) {
my $max = undef;
my $min = undef;
my %captured = ();
for (my $i=0;$i < scalar(@msgs); $i++) {
my $message = $imap->message_string($msgs[$i]);
if( $message =~ m/$capture_max/ ) {
if( !defined($max) || $1 > $max ) {
$captured{ $i } = 1;
$max = $1;
$captured_max_id = $msgs[$i];
if( $message =~ m/$capture_min/ ) {
if( !defined($min) || $1 < $min ) {
$captured{ $i } = 1;
$min = $1;
$captured_min_id = $msgs[$i];
print $message if $verbose > 1;
$report->{captured} = scalar keys %captured;
$report->{max} = $max if defined $max;
$report->{min} = $min if defined $min;
# delete messages
if( $delete ) {
print "deleting matching messages\n" if $verbose > 2;
my $deleted = 0;
for (my $i=0;$i < scalar(@msgs); $i++) {
next if ($no_delete_captured && ($captured_max_id eq $msgs[$i]));
next if ($no_delete_captured && ($captured_min_id eq $msgs[$i]));
$report->{deleted} = $deleted;
$imap->expunge() if $deleted;
# deselect the mailbox
# disconnect from IMAP server
print "disconnecting from server\n" if $verbose > 2;
# calculate elapsed time and issue warnings
my $time_end = time;
my $elapsedtime = $time_end - $time_start;
$report->{seconds} = $elapsedtime;
$report->{found} = 0 unless defined $report->{found};
$report->{captured} = 0 unless defined $report->{captured};
my @warning = ();
my @critical = ();
push @warning, "found less than $search_warning_min" if( scalar(@msgs) < $search_warning_min );
push @warning, "found more than $search_warning_max" if ( $search_warning_max > -1 && scalar(@msgs) > $search_warning_max );
push @critical, "found less than $search_critical_min" if ( scalar(@msgs) < $search_critical_min );
push @critical, "found more than $search_critical_max" if ( $search_critical_max > -1 && scalar(@msgs) > $search_critical_max );
push @warning, "connection time more than $warntime" if( $time_connected - $time_start > $warntime );
push @critical, "connection time more than $criticaltime" if( $time_connected - $time_start > $criticaltime );
# print report and exit with known status
my $perf_data = "elapsed=".$report->{seconds}."s found=".$report->{found}."messages captured=".$report->{captured}."messages"; # TODO: need a component for safely generating valid perf data format. for notes on the format, see and
my $short_report = $report->text(qw/seconds found captured max min deleted/) . " | $perf_data";
if( scalar @critical ) {
my $crit_alerts = join(", ", @critical);
print "IMAP RECEIVE CRITICAL - $crit_alerts; $short_report\n";
exit $status{CRITICAL};
if( scalar @warning ) {
my $warn_alerts = join(", ", @warning);
print "IMAP RECEIVE WARNING - $warn_alerts; $short_report\n";
exit $status{WARNING};
print "IMAP RECEIVE OK - $short_report\n";
exit $status{OK};
# utility to load required modules. exits if unable to load one or more of the modules.
sub load_modules {
my @missing_modules = ();
foreach( @_ ) {
eval "require $_";
push @missing_modules, $_ if $@;
if( @missing_modules ) {
print "Missing perl modules: @missing_modules\n";
return 0;
return 1;
# PluginReport
# $report = new PluginReport;
# $report->{label1} = "value1";
# $report->{label2} = "value2";
# print $report->text(qw/label1 label2/);
package PluginReport;
sub new {
my ($proto,%p) = @_;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
$self->{$_} = $p{$_} foreach keys %p;
return $self;
sub text {
my ($self,@labels) = @_;
my @report = map { "$self->{$_} $_" } grep { defined $self->{$_} } @labels;
my $text = join(", ", @report);
return $text;
package ImapMessageSearch;
require Email::Simple;
sub new {
my ($proto,%p) = @_;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
$self->{querystring} = [];
$self->{querytokens} = [];
$self->{queryfnlist} = [];
$self->{mimemessage} = undef;
$self->{$_} = $p{$_} foreach keys %p;
return $self;
sub querystring {
my ($self,$string) = @_;
$self->{querystring} = $string;
return $self->querytokens( parseimapsearch($string) );
sub querytokens {
my ($self,@tokens) = @_;
$self->{querytokens} = [@tokens];
$self->{queryfnlist} = [create_search_expressions(@tokens)];
return $self;
sub match {
my ($self,$message_string) = @_;
return 0 unless defined $message_string;
my $message_mime = Email::Simple->new($message_string);
return $self->matchmime($message_mime);
sub matchmime {
my ($self,$message_mime) = @_;
my $match = 1;
foreach my $x (@{$self->{queryfnlist}}) {
$match = $match && $x->($message_mime);
return $match;
# this should probably become its own Perl module... see also Net::IMAP::Server::Command::Search
sub create_search_expressions {
my (@search) = @_;
return () unless scalar(@search);
my $token = shift @search;
if( $token eq 'TEXT' ) {
my $value = shift @search;
return (sub {shift->as_string =~ /\Q$value\E/i},create_search_expressions(@search));
if( $token eq 'BODY' ) {
my $value = shift @search;
return (sub {shift->body =~ /\Q$value\E/i},create_search_expressions(@search));
if( $token eq 'SUBJECT' ) {
my $value = shift @search;
return (sub {shift->header('Subject') =~ /\Q$value\E/i},create_search_expressions(@search));
if( $token eq 'HEADER' ) {
my $name = shift @search;
my $value = shift @search;
return (sub {shift->header($name) =~ /\Q$value\E/i},create_search_expressions(@search));
if( $token eq 'NOT' ) {
my @exp = create_search_expressions(@search);
my $next = shift @exp;
return (sub { ! $next->(@_) }, @exp);
if( $token eq 'OR' ) {
my @exp = create_search_expressions(@search);
my $next1 = shift @exp;
my $next2 = shift @exp;
return (sub { $next1->(@_) or $next2->(@_) }, @exp);
if( $token eq 'SENTBEFORE' ) {
my $value = shift @search;
return (sub {datecmp(shift->header('Date'),$value) < 0},create_search_expressions(@search));
if( $token eq 'SENTON' ) {
my $value = shift @search;
return (sub {datecmp(shift->header('Date'),$value) == 0},create_search_expressions(@search));
if( $token eq 'SENTSINCE' ) {
my $value = shift @search;
return (sub {datecmp(shift->header('Date'),$value) > 0},create_search_expressions(@search));
return sub { die "invalid search parameter: $token" };
sub datecmp {
my ($date1,$date2) = @_;
my $parsed1 = Date::Manip::ParseDate($date1);
my $parsed2 = Date::Manip::ParseDate($date2);
my $cmp = Date::Manip::Date_Cmp($parsed1,$parsed2);
print " $date1 <=> $date2 -> $cmp\n";
return $cmp <=> 0;
package ImapSearchTemplate;
# Takes an English date specification ("now", etc) and an optional offset ("-4 hours")
# and returns an RFC 2822 formatted date string.
# see
sub rfc2822dateHeader {
my ($when,$delta) = @_;
$when = Date::Manip::ParseDate($when);
$delta = Date::Manip::ParseDateDelta($delta) if $delta;
my $d = $delta ? Date::Manip::DateCalc($when,$delta) : $when;
return Date::Manip::UnixDate($d, "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z");
sub rfc2822date {
my ($when,$delta) = @_;
$when = Date::Manip::ParseDate($when);
$delta = Date::Manip::ParseDateDelta($delta) if $delta;
my $d = $delta ? Date::Manip::DateCalc($when,$delta) : $when;
return Date::Manip::UnixDate($d, "%d-%b-%Y");
# alias for 2822 ... RFC 822 is an older version and specifies 2-digit years, but we ignore that for now.
sub rfc822dateHeader { return rfc2822dateHeader(@_); }
sub rfc822date { return rfc2822date(@_); }
sub date {
my ($format,$when,$delta) = @_;
$when = Date::Manip::ParseDate($when);
$delta = Date::Manip::ParseDateDelta($delta) if $delta;
my $d = $delta ? Date::Manip::DateCalc($when,$delta) : $when;
return Date::Manip::UnixDate($d, $format);
package main;