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2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
# ProjMan 2
# Distributed under GNU Public License
# Author: Sergey Kalinin
# Copyright (c) "SVK", 2022,
# Editor module
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
namespace eval Editor {
variable selectionTex
# Set the editor option
proc SetOption {optionName value} {
global cfgVariables nbEditor
# apply changes for opened tabs
foreach node [$nbEditor tabs] {
$node.frmText.t configure -$optionName $value
# Comment one string or selected string
proc Comment {txt fileType} {
global lexers
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
set selIndex [$txt tag ranges sel]
set pos [$txt index insert]
set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set PosNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
if [dict exists $lexers $fileType commentSymbol] {
set symbol [dict get $lexers $fileType commentSymbol]
} else {
set symbol "#"
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
puts "Select : $selIndex"
if {$selIndex != ""} {
set lineBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 0] "."] 0]
set lineEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 1]
if {$lineEnd == $lineNum && $posEnd == 0} {
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set lineEnd [expr $lineEnd - 1]
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
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for {set i $lineBegin} {$i <=$lineEnd} {incr i} {
#$txt insert $i.0 "# "
regexp -nocase -indices -- {^(\s*)(.*?)} [$txt get $i.0 $i.end] match v1 v2
$txt insert $i.[lindex [split $v2] 0] "$symbol "
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
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$txt tag add comments $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
$txt tag raise comments
} else {
regexp -nocase -indices -- {^(\s*)(.*?)} [$txt get $lineNum.0 $lineNum.end] match v1 v2
$txt insert $lineNum.[lindex [split $v2] 0] "$symbol "
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$txt tag add comments $lineNum.0 $lineNum.end
$txt tag raise comments
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
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# Uncomment one string selected strings
proc Uncomment {txt fileType} {
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set selIndex [$txt tag ranges sel]
set pos [$txt index insert]
set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set posNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
if {[info procs GetComment:$fileType] ne ""} {
set commentProcedure "GetComment:$fileType"
} else {
set commentProcedure {GetComment:Unknown}
# set commentProcedure "GetComment"
# puts "$fileType, $commentProcedure"
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
if {$selIndex != ""} {
set lineBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 0] "."] 0]
set lineEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 1]
if {$lineEnd == $lineNum && $posEnd == 0} {
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
set lineEnd [expr $lineEnd - 1]
for {set i $lineBegin} {$i <=$lineEnd} {incr i} {
set str [$txt get $i.0 $i.end]
set commentSymbolIndex [$commentProcedure $str]
if {$commentSymbolIndex != 0} {
$txt delete $i.[lindex $commentSymbolIndex 0] $i.[lindex $commentSymbolIndex 1]
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
$txt tag remove comments $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
$txt tag add sel $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
$txt highlight $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
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} else {
set posNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
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set str [$txt get $lineNum.0 $lineNum.end]
set commentSymbolIndex [$commentProcedure $str]
if {$commentSymbolIndex != 0} {
$txt delete $lineNum.[lindex $commentSymbolIndex 0] $lineNum.[lindex $commentSymbolIndex 1]
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$txt tag remove comments $lineNum.0 $lineNum.end
$txt highlight $lineNum.0 $lineNum.end
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
proc GetComment {fileType str} {
global lexers
puts [dict get $lexers $fileType commentSymbol]
if {[dict exists $lexers $fileType commentSymbol] == 0} {
if {[regexp -nocase -indices -- {(^| )([dict get $lexers $fileType commentSymbol]\s)(.+)} $str match v1 v2 v3]} {
puts "$match, $v1, $v2, $v3"
return [list [lindex [split $v2] 0] [lindex [split $v3] 0]]
} else {
return 0
proc GetComment:TCL {str} {
if {[regexp -nocase -indices -- {(^| )(#\s)(.+)} $str match v1 v2 v3]} {
return [list [lindex [split $v2] 0] [lindex [split $v3] 0]]
} else {
return 0
proc GetComment:GO {str} {
# puts ">>>>>>>$str"
if {[regexp -nocase -indices -- {(^| |\t)(//\s)(.+)} $str match v1 v2 v3]} {
# puts ">>>> $match $v1 $v2 $v3"
return [list [lindex [split $v2] 0] [lindex [split $v3] 0]]
} else {
return 0
proc GetComment:Unknown {str} {
if {[regexp -nocase -indices -- {(^| )(#\s)(.+)} $str match v1 v2 v3]} {
return [list [lindex [split $v2] 0] [lindex [split $v3] 0]]
} else {
return 0
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
proc InsertTabular {txt} {
global cfgVariables lexers editors
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
set selIndex [$txt tag ranges sel]
set pos [$txt index insert]
set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set fileType [dict get $editors $txt fileType]
if {[dict exists $lexers $fileType tabSize] != 0 } {
set tabSize [dict get $lexers $fileType tabSize]
} else {
set tabSize $cfgVariables(tabSize)
# puts "Select : $selIndex"
for {set i 0} {$i < $tabSize} { incr i} {
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
append tabInsert " "
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
# puts ">$tabInsert<"
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if {$selIndex != ""} {
set lineBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 0] "."] 0]
set lineEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 1]
# if {$lineBegin == $lineNum} {
# set lineBegin [expr $lineBegin + 1]
# }
if {$lineEnd == $lineNum || $posEnd == 0} {
set lineEnd [expr $lineEnd - 1]
# puts "Pos: $pos, Begin: $lineBegin, End: $lineEnd"
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for {set i $lineBegin} {$i <=$lineEnd} {incr i} {
#$txt insert $i.0 "# "
regexp -nocase -indices -- {^(\s*)(.*?)} [$txt get $i.0 $i.end] match v1 v2
$txt insert $i.[lindex [split $v2] 0] $tabInsert
$txt tag remove sel $lineBegin.$posBegin $lineEnd.$posEnd
$txt tag add sel $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
$txt highlight $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
} else {
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# set pos [$txt index insert]
# set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
regexp -nocase -indices -- {^(\s*)(.*?)} [$txt get $lineNum.0 $lineNum.end] match v1 v2
# puts "$v1<>$v2"
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$txt insert $lineNum.[lindex [split $v2] 0] $tabInsert
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
proc DeleteTabular {txt} {
global cfgVariables lexers editors
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set selIndex [$txt tag ranges sel]
set pos [$txt index insert]
set fileType [dict get $editors $txt fileType]
if {[dict exists $lexers $fileType tabSize] != 0 } {
set tabSize [dict get $lexers $fileType tabSize]
} else {
set tabSize $cfgVariables(tabSize)
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
if {$selIndex != ""} {
set lineBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 0] "."] 0]
set lineEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 1]
if {$lineEnd == $lineNum && $posEnd == 0} {
set lineEnd [expr $lineEnd - 1]
for {set i $lineBegin} {$i <=$lineEnd} {incr i} {
set str [$txt get $i.0 $i.end]
if {[regexp -nocase -indices -- {(^\s*)(.*?)} $str match v1 v2]} {
set posBegin [lindex [split $v1] 0]
set posEnd [lindex [split $v1] 1]
if {[expr $posEnd + 1] >= $tabSize} {
$txt delete $i.$posBegin $i.$tabSize
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$txt tag remove sel $lineBegin.$posBegin $lineEnd.$posEnd
$txt tag add sel $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
$txt highlight $lineBegin.0 $lineEnd.end
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
} else {
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set str [$txt get $lineNum.0 $lineNum.end]
puts ">>>>> $str"
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if {[regexp -nocase -indices -- {(^\s*)(.*?)} $str match v1]} {
set posBegin [lindex [split $v1] 0]
set posEnd [lindex [split $v1] 1]
if {[expr $posEnd + 1] >= $tabSize} {
$txt delete $lineNum.$posBegin $lineNum.$tabSize
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2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
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## TABULAR INSERT (auto indent)##
proc Indent {txt} {
global cfgVariables lexers editors
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# set tabSize 4
set fileType [dict get $editors $txt fileType]
if {[dict exists $lexers $fileType tabSize] != 0 } {
set tabSize [dict get $lexers $fileType tabSize]
} else {
set tabSize $cfgVariables(tabSize)
set indentSize $tabSize
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
set pos [$txt index insert]
set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set posNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
puts "$pos"
if {$lineNum > 1} {
# get current text
set curText [$txt get $lineNum.0 "$lineNum.0 lineend"]
#get text of prev line
set prevLineNum [expr {$lineNum - 1}]
set prevText [$txt get $prevLineNum.0 "$prevLineNum.0 lineend"]
#count first spaces in current line
set spaces ""
regexp "^| *" $curText spaces
#count first spaces in prev line
set prevSpaces ""
regexp "^( |\t)*" $prevText prevSpaces
set len [string length $prevSpaces]
set shouldBeSpaces 0
for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} {
if {[string index $prevSpaces $i] == "\t"} {
incr shouldBeSpaces $tabSize
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} else {
incr shouldBeSpaces
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
#see last symbol in the prev String.
set lastSymbol [string index $prevText [expr {[string length $prevText] - 1}]]
# is it open brace?
if {$lastSymbol == ":" || $lastSymbol == "\\"} {
incr shouldBeSpaces $indentSize
2018-02-08 11:07:14 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
if {$lastSymbol == "\{"} {
incr shouldBeSpaces $indentSize
2018-02-08 11:07:14 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
set a ""
regexp "^| *\}" $curText a
if {$a != ""} {
# make unindent
if {$shouldBeSpaces >= $indentSize} {
set shouldBeSpaces [expr {$shouldBeSpaces - $indentSize}]
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
if {$lastSymbol == "\["} {
incr shouldBeSpaces $indentSize
set a ""
regexp "^| *\]" $curText a
if {$a != ""} {
# make unindent
if {$shouldBeSpaces >= $indentSize} {
set shouldBeSpaces [expr {$shouldBeSpaces - $indentSize}]
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
if {$lastSymbol == "\("} {
incr shouldBeSpaces $indentSize
set a ""
regexp {^| *\)} $curText a
if {$a != ""} {
# make unindent
if {$shouldBeSpaces >= $indentSize} {
set shouldBeSpaces [expr {$shouldBeSpaces - $indentSize}]
set spaceNum [string length $spaces]
if {$shouldBeSpaces > $spaceNum} {
#insert spaces
set deltaSpace [expr {$shouldBeSpaces - $spaceNum}]
set incSpaces ""
for {set i 0} {$i < $deltaSpace} {incr i} {
append incSpaces " "
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
$txt insert $lineNum.0 $incSpaces
} elseif {$shouldBeSpaces < $spaceNum} {
#delete spaces
set deltaSpace [expr {$spaceNum - $shouldBeSpaces}]
$txt delete $lineNum.0 $lineNum.$deltaSpace
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
proc SelectionPaste {txt} {
set selBegin [lindex [$txt tag ranges sel] 0]
set selEnd [lindex [$txt tag ranges sel] 1]
if {$selBegin ne ""} {
$txt delete $selBegin $selEnd
$txt highlight $selBegin $selEnd
#tk_textPaste $txt
2018-02-05 11:24:14 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
proc SelectionGet {txt} {
variable selectionText
set selBegin [lindex [$txt tag ranges sel] 0]
set selEnd [lindex [$txt tag ranges sel] 1]
if {$selBegin ne "" && $selEnd ne ""} {
set selectionText [$txt get $selBegin $selEnd]
proc SelectionHighlight {txt} {
variable selectionText
$txt tag remove lightSelected 1.0 end
set selBegin [lindex [$txt tag ranges sel] 0]
set selEnd [lindex [$txt tag ranges sel] 1]
if {$selBegin ne "" && $selEnd ne ""} {
set selectionText [$txt get $selBegin $selEnd]
# set selBeginRow [lindex [split $selBegin "."] 1]
# set selEndRow [lindex [split $selEnd "."] 1]
# puts "$selBegin, $selBeginRow; $selEnd, $selEndRow"
# set symNumbers [expr $selEndRow - $selBeginRow]
set symNumbers [expr [lindex [split $selEnd "."] 1] - [lindex [split $selBegin "."] 1]]
# puts "Selection $selectionText"
if [string match "-*" $selectionText] {
set selectionText "\$selectionText"
set lstFindIndex [$txt search -all "$selectionText" 0.0]
foreach ind $lstFindIndex {
set selFindLine [lindex [split $ind "."] 0]
set selFindRow [lindex [split $ind "."] 1]
set endInd "$selFindLine.[expr $selFindRow + $symNumbers]"
# puts "$ind; $symNumbers; $selFindLine, $selFindRow; $endInd "
$txt tag add lightSelected $ind $endInd
proc VarHelperKey { widget K A } {
set win .varhelper
2022-11-08 12:54:28 +03:00
# if { [winfo exists $win] == 0 } { return }
set ind [$win.lBox curselection]
switch -- $K {
Prior {
set up [expr [$win.lBox index active] - [$win.lBox cget -height]]
if { $up < 0 } { set up 0 }
$win.lBox activate $up
$win.lBox selection clear 0 end
$win.lBox selection set $up $up
Next {
set down [expr [$win.lBox index active] + [$win.lBox cget -height]]
if { $down >= [$win.lBox index end] } { set down end }
$win.lBox activate $down
$win.lBox selection clear 0 end
$win.lBox selection set $down $down
Up {
set up [expr [$win.lBox index active] - 1]
if { $up < 0 } { set up 0 }
$win.lBox activate $up
$win.lBox selection clear 0 end
$win.lBox selection set $up $up
Down {
set down [expr [$win.lBox index active] + 1]
if { $down >= [$win.lBox index end] } { set down end }
$win.lBox activate $down
$win.lBox selection clear 0 end
$win.lBox selection set $down $down
Return {
$widget delete "insert - 1 chars wordstart" "insert wordend - 1 chars"
$widget insert "insert" [$win.lBox get [$win.lBox curselection]]
2022-11-08 12:54:28 +03:00
# eval [bind VarHelperBind <Escape>]
Editor::VarHelperEscape $widget
default {
$widget insert "insert" $A
2022-11-08 12:54:28 +03:00
# eval [bind VarHelperBind <Escape>]
Editor::VarHelperEscape $widget
} ;# proc auto_completition_key
2022-11-08 12:54:28 +03:00
proc VarHelperEscape {w} {
puts "VarHelperEscape"
bindtags $w.t [list [winfo parent $w.t] $w.t Text sysAfter all]
bindtags $w [list [winfo toplevel $w] $w Ctext sysAfter all]
catch { destroy .varhelper }
puts [bindtags $w]
puts [bind $w]
puts [bindtags $w.t]
puts [bind $w.t]
2022-11-08 12:54:28 +03:00
proc VarHelper {x y w word wordType} {
global editors lexers variables
variable txt
variable win
# set txt $w.frmText.t
2022-11-11 12:41:52 +03:00
# блокировка открытия диалога если запущен другой
if [winfo exists .findVariables] {
set txt $w
set win .varhelper
2022-11-08 12:54:28 +03:00
puts "$x $y $w $word $wordType"
set fileType [dict get $editors $txt fileType]
if {[dict exists $editors $txt variableList] != 0} {
set varList [dict get $editors $txt variableList]
2022-11-08 12:54:28 +03:00
# puts $varList
if {[dict exists $editors $txt procedureList] != 0} {
set procList [dict get $editors $txt procedureList]
2022-11-08 12:54:28 +03:00
# puts $procList
# puts ">>>>>>>[dict get $lexers $fileType commands]"
if {[dict exists $lexers $fileType commands] !=0} {
foreach i [dict get $lexers $fileType commands] {
# puts $i
lappend procList $i
2022-11-08 12:54:28 +03:00
# if {[dict exists $editors $txt variableList] == 0 && [dict exists $editors $txt procedureList] == 0} {
# return
# }
set findedVars ""
2022-11-08 12:54:28 +03:00
switch -- $wordType {
vars {
foreach i [lsearch -nocase -all $varList $word*] {
# puts [lindex $varList $i]
set item [lindex [lindex $varList $i] 0]
# puts $item
if {[lsearch $findedVars $item] eq "-1"} {
lappend findedVars $item
# puts $item
procedure {
foreach i [lsearch -nocase -all $procList $word*] {
# puts [lindex $varList $i]
set item [lindex [lindex $procList $i] 0]
# puts $item
if {[lsearch $findedVars $item] eq "-1"} {
lappend findedVars $item
# puts $item
default {
foreach i [lsearch -nocase -all $varList $word*] {
# puts [lindex $varList $i]
set item [lindex [lindex $varList $i] 0]
# puts $item
if {[lsearch $findedVars $item] eq "-1"} {
lappend findedVars $item
# puts $item
foreach i [lsearch -nocase -all $procList $word*] {
# puts [lindex $varList $i]
set item [lindex [lindex $procList $i] 0]
# puts $item
if {[lsearch $findedVars $item] eq "-1"} {
lappend findedVars $item
# puts $item
2022-11-08 12:54:28 +03:00
# unset item
# puts $findedVars
bindtags $txt [list VarHelperBind [winfo toplevel $txt] $txt Ctext sysAfter all]
# bindtags $txt.t [list VarHelperBind [winfo parent $txt.t] $txt.t Text sysAfter all]
bind VarHelperBind <Escape> "Editor::VarHelperEscape $txt; break"
# bindtags $txt.t {[list [winfo parent $txt.t] $txt.t Text sysAfter all]};
# bindtags $txt {[list [winfo toplevel $txt] $txt Ctext sysAfter all]};
# catch { destroy .varhelper }"
bind VarHelperBind <Key> {Editor::VarHelperKey $Editor::txt %K %A; break}
if { [winfo exists $win] } { destroy $win }
if {$findedVars eq ""} {
toplevel $win
wm transient $win .
wm overrideredirect $win 1
2022-11-08 12:54:28 +03:00
listbox $win.lBox -width 30 -border 0
pack $win.lBox -expand true -fill y -side left
2022-11-08 12:54:28 +03:00
foreach { item } $findedVars {
$win.lBox insert end $item
catch { $win.lBox activate 0 ; $win.lBox selection set 0 0 }
if { [set height [llength $findedVars]] > 10 } { set height 10 }
$win.lBox configure -height $height
bind $win <Escape> {
destroy $Editor::win
focus -force $Editor::txt.t
bind $win.lBox <Escape> {
destroy $Editor::win
focus -force $Editor::txt.t
# bind $win.lBox <Return> {
# set findString [dict get $lexers [dict get $editors $Editor::txt fileType] procFindString]
# set values [.varhelper.lBox get [.varhelper.lBox curselection]]
# regsub -all {PROCNAME} $findString $values str
# Editor::FindFunction $Editor::txt "$str"
# destroy .varhelper.lBox
# # focus $Editor::txt.t
# break
# }
# Определям расстояние до края экрана (основного окна) и если
# оно меньше размера окна со списком то сдвигаем его вверх
set winGeomY [winfo reqheight $win]
set winGeomX [winfo reqwidth $win]
set topHeight [winfo height .]
set topWidth [winfo width .]
set topLeftUpperX [winfo x .]
set topLeftUpperY [winfo y .]
set topRightLowerX [expr $topLeftUpperX + $topWidth]
set topRightLowerY [expr $topLeftUpperY + $topHeight]
if {[expr [expr $x + $winGeomX] > $topRightLowerX]} {
set x [expr $x - $winGeomX]
if {[expr [expr $y + $winGeomY] > $topRightLowerY]} {
set y [expr $y - $winGeomY]
wm geom $win +$x+$y
2022-11-01 14:50:20 +03:00
proc ReleaseKey {k txt fileType} {
global cfgVariables lexers
set pos [$txt index insert]
set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set posNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
set box [$txt bbox insert]
set box_x [expr [lindex $box 0] + [winfo rootx $txt] ]
set box_y [expr [lindex $box 1] + [winfo rooty $txt] + [lindex $box 3] ]
SearchBrackets $txt
set lpos [split $pos "."]
set lblText "[::msgcat::mc "Row"]: [lindex $lpos 0], [::msgcat::mc "Column"]: [lindex $lpos 1]"
.frmStatus.lblPosition configure -text $lblText
unset lpos
$txt tag remove lightSelected 1.0 end
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if { [winfo exists .varhelper] } { destroy .varhelper }
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puts $k
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switch $k {
Return {
regexp {^(\s*)} [$txt get [expr $lineNum - 1].0 [expr $lineNum - 1].end] -> spaceStart
# puts "$pos, $lineNum, $posNum, >$spaceStart<"
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$txt insert insert $spaceStart
Editor::Indent $txt
Up {
Down {
Left {
Right {
2022-11-11 12:41:52 +03:00
# Shift_L {
# return
# }
# Shift_R {
# return
# }
Control_L {
Control_R {
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Alt_L {
2022-11-11 12:41:52 +03:00
Alt_R {
# set lineStart [$txt index "$pos linestart"]
# puts "$pos $lineStart"
if {$cfgVariables(variableHelper) eq "true"} {
if {[dict exists $lexers $fileType variableSymbol] != 0} {
set varSymbol [dict get $lexers $fileType variableSymbol]
set lastSymbol [string last $varSymbol [$txt get $lineNum.0 $pos]]
if {$lastSymbol ne "-1"} {
set word [string trim [$txt get $lineNum.[expr $lastSymbol + 1] $pos]]
2022-11-08 12:54:28 +03:00
Editor::VarHelper $box_x $box_y $txt $word vars
} else {
set ind [$txt search -backwards -regexp {\W} $pos {insert linestart}]
if {$ind ne ""} {
set _ [split $ind "."]
set ind [lindex $_ 0].[expr [lindex $_ 1] + 1]
set word [$txt get $ind $pos]
} else {
# set ind [$txt search -backwards -regexp {^} $pos {insert linestart}]
set word [$txt get {insert linestart} $pos]
if {$word ne ""} {
2022-11-08 12:54:28 +03:00
Editor::VarHelper $box_x $box_y $txt $word {}
if {$cfgVariables(procedureHelper) eq "true"} {
2022-11-08 12:54:28 +03:00
set ind [$txt search -backwards -regexp {\W} $pos {insert linestart}]
if {$ind ne ""} {
set _ [split $ind "."]
set ind [lindex $_ 0].[expr [lindex $_ 1] + 1]
set word [$txt get $ind $pos]
} else {
# set ind [$txt search -backwards -regexp {^} $pos {insert linestart}]
set word [$txt get {insert linestart} $pos]
if {$word ne ""} {
Editor::VarHelper $box_x $box_y $txt $word procedure
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
proc PressKey {k txt} {
# puts [Editor::Key $k]
switch $k {
apostrophe {
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
QuotSelection $txt {'}
2018-02-07 15:49:20 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
quotedbl {
QuotSelection $txt {"}
grave {
QuotSelection $txt {`}
parenleft {
# QuotSelection $txt {)}
bracketleft {
# QuotSelection $txt {]}
braceleft {
# {QuotSelection} $txt {\}}
2018-02-07 15:49:20 +03:00
parentright {
if [string is space [$txt get {insert linestart} {insert - 1c}]] {
Editor::DeleteTabular $txt
bracketright {
if [string is space [$txt get {insert linestart} {insert - 1c}]] {
Editor::DeleteTabular $txt
braceright {
if [string is space [$txt get {insert linestart} {insert - 1c}]] {
Editor::DeleteTabular $txt
2018-02-07 15:49:20 +03:00
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
proc Key {key str} {
puts "Pressed key code: $key, $str"
if {$key >= 10 && $key <= 22} {return "true"}
if {$key >= 24 && $key <= 36} {return "true"}
if {$key >= 38 && $key <= 50} {return "true"}
if {$key >= 51 && $key <= 61 && $key != 58} {return "true"}
if {$key >= 79 && $key <= 91} {return "true"}
if {$key == 63 || $key == 107 || $key == 108 || $key == 112} {return "true"}
proc BindKeys {w txt fileType} {
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
global cfgVariables
# variable txt
# set txt $w.frmText.t
2022-11-08 12:54:28 +03:00
bind $txt <KeyRelease> "catch {Editor::ReleaseKey %K $txt $fileType}"
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
bind $txt <KeyPress> "Editor::PressKey %K $txt"
bind $txt <Control-igrave> "Editor::SelectionPaste $txt"
bind $txt <Control-v> "Editor::SelectionPaste $txt"
2022-11-11 12:41:52 +03:00
bind $txt <Control-l> "SearchVariable $txt; break"
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
bind $txt <Control-i> "ImageBase64Encode $txt"
bind $txt <Control-bracketleft> "Editor::InsertTabular $txt"
bind $txt <Control-bracketright> "Editor::DeleteTabular $txt"
bind $txt <Control-comma> "Editor::Comment $txt $fileType"
bind $txt <Control-period> "Editor::Uncomment $txt $fileType"
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
bind $txt <Control-eacute> Find
bind $txt <Insert> {OverWrite}
bind $txt <ButtonRelease-1> "Editor::SearchBrackets $txt"
bind $txt <Button-1><ButtonRelease-1> "Editor::SelectionHighlight $txt"
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
bind $txt <<Modified>> "SetModifiedFlag $w"
bind $txt <Control-i> ImageBase64Encode
bind $txt <Control-u> "Editor::SearchBrackets %W"
bind $txt <Control-J> "catch {Editor::GoToFunction $txt}"
bind $txt <Control-j> "catch {Editor::GoToFunction $txt}; break"
bind $txt <Alt-w> "$txt delete {insert wordstart} {insert wordend}"
bind $txt <Alt-r> "$txt delete {insert linestart} {insert lineend + 1char}"
bind $txt <Alt-b> "$txt delete {insert linestart} insert"
bind $txt <Alt-e> "$txt delete insert {insert lineend}"
bind $txt <Alt-s> "Editor::SplitEditorH $w $fileType"
2022-11-11 12:41:52 +03:00
bind $txt <Control-g> "Editor::GoToLineNumberDialog $txt"
bind $txt <Control-agrave> "Editor::FindDialog $w"
bind $txt <Control-f> "Editor::FindDialog $txt"
bind $txt <Control-F> "Editor::FindDialog $txt"
bind $txt <Control-odiaeresis> FileOper::Close
bind $txt <Control-w> FileOper::Close
bind $txt <Control-o> {
set filePath [FileOper::OpenDialog]
if {$filePath != ""} {
FileOper::Edit $filePath
bind $txt <Control-O> {
set filePath [FileOper::OpenDialog]
if {$filePath != ""} {
FileOper::Edit $filePath
2022-11-11 12:41:52 +03:00
# bind $txt.t <KeyRelease> "Editor::ReleaseKey %K $txt.t $fileType"
# bind $txt.t <KeyPress> "Editor::PressKey %K $txt.t"
# bind $txt <KeyRelease> "Editor::Key %k %K"
#$txt tag bind Sel <Control-/> {puts ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"}
#bind $txt <Control-slash> {puts "/////////////////"}
# #bind $txt <Control-g> GoToLine
# bind $txt <F3> {FindNext $w.text 1}
# bind $txt <Control-ecircumflex> ReplaceDialog
# bind $txt <Control-r> ReplaceDialog
# bind $txt <F4> {ReplaceCommand $w.text 1}
# bind $txt <Control-ucircumflex> {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save}
# bind $txt <Control-s> {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save}
# bind $txt <Control-ocircumflex> {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save_as}
# bind $txt <Shift-Control-s> {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save_as}
# bind $txt <Control-division> "tk_textCut $w.text;break"
# bind $txt <Control-x> "tk_textCut $w.text;break"
# bind $txt <Control-ntilde> "tk_textCopy $txt"
# bind $txt <Control-c> "tk_textCopy $txt"
#bind $txt <Control-adiaeresis> "auto_completition $txt"
# bind $txt <Control-icircumflex> ""
# bind $txt <Control-j> ""
#bind . <Control-m> PageTab
#bind . <Control-udiaeresis> PageTab
# bind <Button-1> [bind sysAfter <Any-Key>]
# bind $txt <Button-3> {catch [PopupMenuEditor %X %Y]}
# bind $txt <Button-4> "%W yview scroll -3 units"
# bind $txt <Button-5> "%W yview scroll 3 units"
#bind $txt <Shift-Button-4> "%W xview scroll -2 units"
#bind $txt <Shift-Button-5> "%W xview scroll 2 units"
# bind $txt <<Selection>> "Editor::SelectionHighlight $txt"
# bind $txt <<Selection>> "Editor::SelectionGet $txt"
proc SearchBrackets {txt} {
set i -1
catch {
switch -- [$txt get "insert - 1 chars"] {
\{ {set i [Editor::_searchCloseBracket $txt \{ \} insert end]}
\[ {set i [Editor::_searchCloseBracket $txt \[ \] insert end]}
( {set i [Editor::_searchCloseBracket $txt ( ) insert end]}
\} {set i [Editor::_searchOpenBracket $txt \{ \} insert 1.0]}
\] {set i [Editor::_searchOpenBracket $txt \[ \] insert 1.0]}
) {set i [Editor::_searchOpenBracket $txt ( ) insert 1.0]}
} ;# switch
catch { $txt tag remove lightBracket 1.0 end }
if { $i != -1 } {
# puts $i
$txt tag add lightBracket "$i - 1 chars" $i
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
proc QuotSelection {txt symbol} {
variable selectionText
set selIndex [$txt tag ranges sel]
set pos [$txt index insert]
set lineNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set posNum [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
set symbol [string trim [string trimleft $symbol "\\"]]
# puts "Selindex : $selIndex, cursor position: $pos"
if {$selIndex != ""} {
set lineBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 0] "."] 0]
set posBegin [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 0] "."] 1]
set lineEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 0]
set posEnd [lindex [split [lindex $selIndex 1] "."] 1]
# set selText [$txt get $lineBegin.$posBegin $lineEnd.$posEnd]
set selText $selectionText
# puts "Selected text: $selText, pos: $pos, lineBegin: $lineBegin, posBegin: $posBegin, pos end: $posEnd"
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
if {$posNum == $posEnd} {
$txt insert $lineBegin.$posBegin "$symbol"
if {$posNum == $posBegin} {
$txt insert $lineBegin.$posEnd "$symbol"
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
$txt highlight $lineBegin.$posBegin $lineEnd.end
# $txt insert $lineBegin.[expr $posBegin + 1] "$symbol"
} else {
# $txt insert $lineNum.[expr $posNum + 1] "$symbol"
# $txt mark set insert $lineNum.[expr $posNum - 1]
# # $txt see $lineNum.[expr $posNum - 1]
# $txt see insert
# $txt highlight $lineNum.$posNum $lineNum.end
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
# Create editor for new file (Ctrl+N)
proc New {} {
global nbEditor tree untitledNumber
if [info exists untitledNumber] {
incr untitledNumber 1
} else {
set untitledNumber 0
# set filePath untitled-$untitledNumber
# set fileName untitled-$untitledNumber
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
set fileFullPath untitled-$untitledNumber
#puts [Tree::InsertItem $tree {} $fileFullPath "file" $fileName]
set nbEditorItem [NB::InsertItem $nbEditor $fileFullPath "file"]
# puts "$nbEditorItem, $nbEditor"
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
Editor $fileFullPath $nbEditor $nbEditorItem
SetModifiedFlag $nbEditorItem
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
proc ReadStructure {txt treeItemName} {
global tree nbEditor editors lexers
set fileType [dict get $editors $txt fileType]
set procList ""
set varList ""
set params ""
if {[dict exists $lexers $fileType] == 0} {return}
for {set lineNumber 0} {$lineNumber <= [$txt count -lines 0.0 end]} {incr lineNumber} {
set line [$txt get $lineNumber.0 $lineNumber.end]
# Выбираем процедуры (функции, классы и т.д.)
if {[dict exists $lexers $fileType procRegexpCommand] != 0 } {
if {[eval [dict get $lexers $fileType procRegexpCommand]]} {
set procName_ [string trim $procName]
if {$treeItemName ne ""} {
puts [Tree::InsertItem $tree $treeItemName $procName_ "procedure" "$procName_ ($params)"]
lappend procList [list $procName_ $params]
unset procName_
# Выбираем переменные
if {[dict exists $lexers $fileType varRegexpCommand] != 0 } {
if {[eval [dict get $lexers $fileType varRegexpCommand]]} {
if [info exists varName] {
set varName [string trim $varName]
} else {
set varName ""
if [info exists varValue] {
set varValue [string trim $varValue]
} else {
set varValue ""
if [info exists varType] {
set varType [string trim $varType]
} else {
set varType ""
puts "variable: $varName, value: $varValue, type: $varType"
lappend varList [list $varName $varValue]
dict set editors $txt procedureList $procList
dict set editors $txt variableList $varList
proc FindFunction {txt findString} {
set pos "0.0"
$txt see $pos
set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set x [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
set pattern "$findString\\W"
set pos [$txt search -nocase -regexp $pattern $line.$x end]
$txt mark set insert $pos
$txt see $pos
set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
$txt tag remove sel 1.0 end
$txt tag add sel $pos $line.end
$txt tag raise sel
focus -force $txt.t
return 1
# "Alexander Dederer (aka Korwin)
## Search close bracket in editor widget
proc _searchCloseBracket { widget o_bracket c_bracket start_pos end_pos } {
# puts "_searchCloseBracket: $widget $o_bracket $c_bracket $start_pos $end_pos"
set o_count 1
set c_count 0
set found 0
set pattern "\[\\$o_bracket\\$c_bracket\]"
set pos [$widget search -regexp -- $pattern $start_pos $end_pos]
while { ! [string equal $pos {}] } {
set char [$widget get $pos]
#tk_messageBox -title $pattern -message "char: $char; $pos; o_count=$o_count; c_count=$c_count"
if {[string equal $char $o_bracket]} {incr o_count ; set found 1}
if {[string equal $char $c_bracket]} {incr c_count ; set found 1}
if {($found == 1) && ($o_count == $c_count) } { return [$widget index "$pos + 1 chars"] }
set found 0
set start_pos "$pos + 1 chars"
set pos [$widget search -regexp -- $pattern $start_pos $end_pos]
} ;# while search
return -1
} ;# proc _searchCloseBracket
# "Alexander Dederer (aka Korwin)
## Search open bracket in editor widget
proc _searchOpenBracket { widget o_bracket c_bracket start_pos end_pos } {
# puts "_searchOpenBracket: $widget $o_bracket $c_bracket $start_pos $end_pos"
set o_count 0
set c_count 1
set found 0
set pattern "\[\\$o_bracket\\$c_bracket\]"
set pos [$widget search -backward -regexp -- $pattern "$start_pos - 1 chars" $end_pos]
# puts "$pos"
while { ! [string equal $pos {}] } {
set char [$widget get $pos]
# tk_messageBox -title $pattern -message "char: $char; $pos; o_count=$o_count; c_count=$c_count"
if {[string equal $char $o_bracket]} {incr o_count ; set found 1}
if {[string equal $char $c_bracket]} {incr c_count ; set found 1}
if {($found == 1) && ($o_count == $c_count) } { return [$widget index "$pos + 1 chars"]}
set found 0
set start_pos "$pos - 0 chars"
set pos [$widget search -backward -regexp -- $pattern $start_pos $end_pos]
} ;# while search
return -1
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Вызов диалога со списком процедур или функций присутствующих в тексте
proc GoToFunction { w } {
global tree editors
puts $w
# set txt $w.frmText.t
set txt $w
set box [$txt bbox insert]
set box_x [expr [lindex $box 0] + [winfo rootx $txt] ]
set box_y [expr [lindex $box 1] + [winfo rooty $txt] + [lindex $box 3] ]
set l ""
# puts "--$txt"
# puts $editors($txt)
foreach item [dict get $editors $txt procedureList] {
puts $item
lappend l [lindex $item 0]
if {$l ne ""} {
eval GotoFunctionDialog $w $box_x $box_y [lsort $l]
focus .gotofunction.lBox
# Поиск по списку по первой букве
# Richard Suchenwirth 2001-03-1
proc ListBoxSearch {w key} {
if [regexp {[-A-Za-z0-9_]} $key] {
set n 0
foreach i [$w get 0 end] {
if [string match -nocase $key* $i] {
$w see $n
$w selection clear 0 end
$w selection set $n
$w activate $n
} else {
incr n
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Диалоговое окно со списком процедур или функций в редактируемом тексте
proc GotoFunctionDialog {w x y args} {
global editors lexers
variable txt
variable win
# set txt $w.frmText.t
set txt $w
set win .gotofunction
if { [winfo exists $win] } { destroy $win }
toplevel $win
wm transient $win .
wm overrideredirect $win 1
listbox $win.lBox -width 30 -border 2 -yscrollcommand "$win.yscroll set" -border 1
ttk::scrollbar $win.yscroll -orient vertical -command "$win.lBox yview"
pack $win.lBox -expand true -fill y -side left
pack $win.yscroll -side left -expand false -fill y
foreach { word } $args {
$win.lBox insert end $word
catch { $win.lBox activate 0 ; $win.lBox selection set 0 0 }
if { [set height [llength $args]] > 10 } { set height 10 }
$win.lBox configure -height $height
bind $win <Escape> {
destroy $Editor::win
focus -force $Editor::txt.t
bind $win.lBox <Escape> {
destroy $Editor::win
focus -force $Editor::txt.t
bind $win.lBox <Return> {
set findString [dict get $lexers [dict get $editors $Editor::txt fileType] procFindString]
set values [.gotofunction.lBox get [.gotofunction.lBox curselection]]
regsub -all {PROCNAME} $findString $values str
Editor::FindFunction $Editor::txt "$str"
destroy .gotofunction
$Editor::txt tag remove sel 1.0 end
# focus $Editor::txt.t
bind $win.lBox <Any-Key> {Editor::ListBoxSearch %W %A}
# Определям расстояние до края экрана (основного окна) и если
# оно меньше размера окна со списком то сдвигаем его вверх
set winGeom [winfo reqheight $win]
set topHeight [winfo height .]
# puts "$x, $y, $winGeom, $topHeight"
if [expr [expr $topHeight - $y] < $winGeom] {
set y [expr $topHeight - $winGeom]
wm geom $win +$x+$y
proc FindReplaceText {txt findString replaceString regexp} {
global nbEditor
puts [focus]
# set txt [$nbEditor select].frmText.t
$txt tag remove sel 1.0 end
# $txt see $pos
# set pos [$txt search -nocase $findString $line.$x end]
set options ""
# $txt see 1.0
set pos [$txt index insert]
set allLines [$txt count -lines 1.0 end]
# puts "$pos $allLines"
set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
if [expr $line == $allLines] {
set pos "0.0"
set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
set x [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
# incr x $incr
# puts "$findString -> $replaceString, $regexp, $pos, $line.$x"
set matchIndexPair ""
if {$regexp eq "-regexp"} {
# puts "$txt search -all -nocase -regexp {$findString} $line.$x end"
set lstFindIndex [$txt search -all -nocase -regexp -count matchIndexPair "$findString" $line.$x end]
} else {
# puts "$txt search -all -nocase {$findString} $line.$x end"
set lstFindIndex [$txt search -all -nocase -count matchIndexPair $findString $line.$x end]
# set symNumbers [string length "$findString"]
2022-09-23 12:33:22 +03:00
# puts $lstFindIndex
# puts $matchIndexPair
# set lstFindIndex [$txt search -all "$selectionText" 0.0]
set i 0
foreach ind $lstFindIndex {
set selFindLine [lindex [split $ind "."] 0]
set selFindRow [lindex [split $ind "."] 1]
# set endInd "$selFindLine.[expr $selFindRow + $symNumbers]"
set endInd "$selFindLine.[expr [lindex $matchIndexPair $i] + $selFindRow]"
2022-09-23 12:33:22 +03:00
# puts "$ind; $selFindLine, $selFindRow; $endInd "
if {$replaceString ne ""} {
$txt replace $ind $endInd $replaceString
$txt tag add sel $ind $endInd
incr i
.finddialog.lblCounter configure -text "[::msgcat::mc "Finded"]: $i"
# set pos [$txt search $options $findString $pos end]
# $txt mark set insert $pos
if {[lindex $lstFindIndex 0] ne "" } {
# $txt see [lindex $lstFindIndex 0]
$txt mark set insert [lindex $lstFindIndex 0]
2022-09-23 12:33:22 +03:00
$txt see insert
# puts $pos
# # highlight the found word
# set line [lindex [split $pos "."] 0]
# set x [lindex [split $pos "."] 1]
# set x [expr {$x + [string length $findString]}]
# $txt tag remove sel 1.0 end
# $txt tag add sel $pos $line.end
# #$text tag configure sel -background $editor(selectbg) -foreground $editor(fg)
$txt tag raise sel
# # focus -force $txt.t
# # Position
# return 1
# Find and replace text dialog
proc FindDialog {w} {
global editors lexers nbEditor regexpSet
variable txt
variable win
variable show
set findString ""
set replaceString ""
2022-09-23 12:33:22 +03:00
if {$w ne ""} {
set txt $w
} else {
if {[$nbEditor select] ne ""} {
set txt [$nbEditor select].frmText.t
puts $txt
} else {
# set txt $w.frmText.t
set win .finddialog
set regexpSet ""
set searchAll "-all"
2022-11-18 16:43:14 +03:00
if { [winfo exists $win] } { destroy $win }
toplevel $win
wm transient $win .
wm overrideredirect $win 1
ttk::entry $win.entryFind -width 30 -textvariable findString
ttk::entry $win.entryReplace -width 30 -textvariable replaceString
set show($win.entryReplace) false
ttk::button $win.bForward -image forward_20x20 -command {
Editor::FindReplaceText $Editor::txt "$findString" "" $regexpSet
ttk::button $win.bBackward -state disable -image backward_20x20 -command "puts $replaceString"
ttk::button $win.bDone -image done_20x20 -state disable -command {
puts "$findString -> $replaceString, $regexpSet"
ttk::button $win.bDoneAll -image doneall_20x20 -command {
Editor::FindReplaceText $Editor::txt "$findString" "$replaceString" $regexpSet
ttk::button $win.bReplace -image replace_20x20 \
-command {
# puts $Editor::show($Editor::win.entryReplace)
if {$Editor::show($Editor::win.entryReplace) eq "false"} {
grid $Editor::win.entryReplace -row 1 -column 0 -columnspan 3 -sticky nsew
grid $Editor::win.bDone -row 1 -column 3 -sticky e
grid $Editor::win.bDoneAll -row 1 -column 4 -sticky e
set Editor::show($Editor::win.entryReplace) "true"
} else {
grid remove $Editor::win.entryReplace $Editor::win.bDone $Editor::win.bDoneAll
set Editor::show($Editor::win.entryReplace) "false"
ttk::checkbutton $win.chkRegexp -text "Regexp" \
-variable regexpSet -onvalue "-regexp" -offvalue ""
ttk::checkbutton $win.chkAll -text "All" -state disable\
-variable searchAll -onvalue "-all" -offvalue ""
ttk::label $win.lblCounter -justify right -anchor e -text ""
grid $win.entryFind -row 0 -column 0 -columnspan 3 -sticky nsew
grid $win.bForward -row 0 -column 3 -sticky e
grid $win.bBackward -row 0 -column 4 -sticky e
grid $win.bReplace -row 0 -column 5 -sticky e
grid $win.chkRegexp -row 2 -column 0 -sticky w
# grid $win.chkAll -row 2 -column 1 -sticky w
grid $win.lblCounter -row 2 -column 2 -sticky we
# set reqWidth [winfo reqwidth $win]
2022-09-23 12:33:22 +03:00
set boxX [expr [winfo rootx $txt] + [expr [winfo width $nbEditor] - 350]]
set boxY [expr [winfo rooty $txt] + 10]
bind $win <Escape> {
destroy $Editor::win
focus -force $Editor::txt.t
bind $win.entryFind <Escape> {
destroy $Editor::win
focus -force $Editor::txt.t
bind $win.entryFind <Return> {
Editor::FindReplaceText $Editor::txt "$findString" "" $regexpSet
bind $win.entryReplace <Return> {
Editor::FindReplaceText $Editor::txt "$findString" "$replaceString" $regexpSet
wm geom $win +$boxX+$boxY
focus -force $win.entryFind
# Horizontal split the Editor text widget
proc SplitEditorH {w fileType} {
global cfgVariables
puts [$w.panelTxt panes]
if [winfo exists $w.frmText2] {
$w.panelTxt forget $w.frmText2
destroy $w.frmText2
focus -force $w.frmText.t.t
set frmText [Editor::EditorWidget $w $fileType]
$frmText.t insert end [$w.frmText.t get 0.0 end]
# $w.panelTxt add $w.frmText -weight 0
$w.panelTxt add $frmText -weight 1
$frmText.t see [$w.frmText.t index insert]
ReadStructure $frmText.t ""
focus -force $frmText.t.t
proc SplitEditorV {w fileType} {
global cfgVariables
.frmBody.panel add $frmTree -weight 0
puts [$w.panelTxt panes]
if [winfo exists $w.frmText2] {
$w.panelTxt forget $w.frmText2
destroy $w.frmText2
set frmText [Editor::EditorWidget $w $fileType]
$frmText.t insert end [$w.frmText.t get 0.0 end]
# $w.panelTxt add $w.frmText -weight 0
$w.panelTxt add $frmText -weight 1
$frmText.t see [$w.frmText.t index insert]
# $frmText.t mark set insert [$w.frmText.t index insert]
proc GoToLineNumber {text lineNumber} {
# puts "\n\n\t>>>>$text $lineNumber\n\n"
$text mark set insert $lineNumber.0
$text see insert
proc GoToLineNumberDialog {w} {
global editors lexers
variable txt
variable win
# set txt $w.frmText.t
set txt $w
set win .gotoline
set box [$txt bbox insert]
set x [expr [lindex $box 0] + [winfo rootx $txt] ]
set y [expr [lindex $box 1] + [winfo rooty $txt] + [lindex $box 3] ]
if { [winfo exists $win] } { destroy $win }
toplevel $win
wm transient $win .
wm overrideredirect $win 1
ttk::entry $win.ent
pack $win.ent -expand true -fill y -side left -padx 3 -pady 3
bind $win <Escape> {
destroy $Editor::win
focus -force $Editor::txt.t
bind $win.ent <Escape> {
destroy $Editor::win
focus -force $Editor::txt.t
bind $win.ent <Return> {
set lineNumber [.gotoline.ent get]
# $txt see insert $lineNumber
puts $Editor::txt
$Editor::txt mark set insert $lineNumber.0
$Editor::txt see insert
focus $Editor::txt.t
destroy .gotoline
# Определям расстояние до края экрана (основного окна) и если
# оно меньше размера окна со списком то сдвигаем его вверх
set winGeom [winfo reqheight $win]
set topHeight [winfo height .]
# puts "$x, $y, $winGeom, $topHeight"
if [expr [expr $topHeight - $y] < $winGeom] {
set y [expr $topHeight - $winGeom]
wm geom $win +$x+$y
focus $win.ent
proc EditorWidget {fr fileType} {
global cfgVariables editors
if [winfo exists $fr.frmText] {
set frmText [ttk::frame $fr.frmText2 -border 1]
} else {
set frmText [ttk::frame $fr.frmText -border 1]
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set txt $frmText.t
# set frmText [ttk::frame $fr.frmText -border 1]
# set txt $frmText.t
pack $frmText -side top -expand true -fill both
pack [ttk::scrollbar $frmText.v -command "$frmText.t yview"] -side right -fill y
ttk::scrollbar $frmText.h -orient horizontal -command "$frmText.t xview"
ctext $txt -xscrollcommand "$frmText.h set" -yscrollcommand "$frmText.v set" \
-font $cfgVariables(font) -relief flat -wrap $cfgVariables(editorWrap) \
-linemapfg $cfgVariables(lineNumberFG) -linemapbg $cfgVariables(lineNumberBG) \
-tabs "[expr {4 * [font measure $cfgVariables(font) 0]}] left" -tabstyle tabular -undo true
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
pack $txt -fill both -expand 1
if {$cfgVariables(editorWrap) eq "none"} {
pack $frmText.h -side bottom -fill x
# puts ">>>>>>> [bindtags $txt]"
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
if {$cfgVariables(lineNumberShow) eq "false"} {
$txt configure -linemap 0
$txt tag configure lightBracket -background $cfgVariables(selectLightBg) -foreground #00ffff
$txt tag configure lightSelected -background $cfgVariables(selectLightBg) -foreground #00ffff
# puts ">$fileType<"
# puts [info procs Highlight::GO]
dict set editors $txt fileType $fileType
dict set editors $txt procedureList [list]
puts ">>[dict get $editors $txt fileType]"
puts ">>[dict get $editors $txt procedureList]"
# puts ">>>>> $editors"
if {[info procs ::Highlight::$fileType] ne ""} {
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
Highlight::$fileType $txt
} else {
Highlight::Default $txt
BindKeys $fr $txt $fileType
return $frmText
proc Editor {fileFullPath nb itemName} {
global cfgVariables editors
set imageType {
set fr $itemName
if ![string match "*untitled*" $itemName] {
set lblText $fileFullPath
} else {
set lblText ""
set fileType [string toupper [string trimleft [file extension $fileFullPath] "."]]
if {$fileType eq ""} {set fileType "Unknown"}
2022-07-21 10:56:46 +03:00
ttk::frame $fr.header
set lblName "lbl[string range $itemName [expr [string last "." $itemName] +1] end]"
ttk::label $fr.header.$lblName -text $lblText
# pack $fr.$lblName -side top -anchor w -fill x
set btnSplitV "btnSplitV[string range $itemName [expr [string last "." $itemName] +1] end]"
set btnSplitH "btnSplitH[string range $itemName [expr [string last "." $itemName] +1] end]"
ttk::button $fr.header.$btnSplitH -image split_horizontal_11x11 \
-command "Editor::SplitEditorH $fr $fileType"
ttk::button $fr.header.$btnSplitV -image split_vertical_11x11 \
-command "Editor::SplitEditorV $fr $fileType" -state disable
# pack $fr.$btnSplitH $fr.$btnSplitV -side right -anchor e
pack $fr.header.$lblName -side left -expand true -fill x
pack $fr.header.$btnSplitV $fr.header.$btnSplitH -side right
pack $fr.header -side top -fill x
ttk::panedwindow $fr.panelTxt -orient vertical -style TPanedwindow
pack propagate $fr.panelTxt false
pack $fr.panelTxt -side top -fill both -expand true
if {[lsearch -exact $imageType $fileType] != -1} {
ImageViewer $fileFullPath $itemName $fr
} else {
set frmText [Editor::EditorWidget $fr $fileType]
$fr.panelTxt add $frmText -weight 0
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return $fr
2022-07-21 10:37:19 +03:00