
185 lines
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2018-02-24 20:08:03 +03:00
# Tcl/Tk Project Manager
# Distributed under GNU Public License
# Author: Sergey Kalinin
# Copyright (c) "", 2018,
# Menu file
proc PopupMenuTab {menu x y} {
tk_popup $menu $x $y
# File tree pop-up menu
proc GetMenuFileTree {m} {
global fontNormal
# Project menu
proc GetProjMenu {m} {
global fontNormal
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Project settings"] -command {NewProj edit $activeProject ""}\
-font $fontNormal
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Open project"] -command {OpenProj} -font $fontNormal
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "New project"] -command {NewProj new "" ""} -font $fontNormal
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Delete project"] -command DelProj -font $fontNormal
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Add to project"] \
-command {AddToProjDialog ""} -font $fontNormal -state disable
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Delete from project"]\
-command {FileDialog delete} -font $fontNormal -state disable
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Make archive"] -command MakeTGZ -font $fontNormal -accelerator "F7"
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Make RPM"] -command MakeRPM -font $fontNormal -accelerator "F6"
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Compile"] -command {MakeProj compile proj} -font $fontNormal -accelerator "F8"
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Run"] -command {MakeProj run proj} -font $fontNormal -accelerator "F9"
# Edit menu
proc GetMenu {m} {
global fontNormal fontBold imgDir editor
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Undo"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+Z"\
-state normal -command {TextOperation undo}
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Redo"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+G"\
-state normal -command {TextOperation redo}
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Procedure name complit"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+J" -state normal\
-command {
set nb "$noteBook.f[$noteBook raise]"
auto_completition_proc $nb.text
unset nb
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Copy"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+C"\
-command {TextOperation copy}
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Paste"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+V"\
-command {TextOperation paste}
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Cut"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+X"\
-command {TextOperation cut}
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Select all"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+/"\
-command {
set nb [$noteBook raise]
if {$nb == "" || $nb == "newproj" || $nb == "about" || $nb == "debug"} {
set nb "$noteBook.f$nb"
SelectAll $nb.text
unset nb
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Comment selected"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+,"\
-command {TextOperation comment}
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Uncomment selected"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+." \
-command {TextOperation uncomment}
$m add separator
2018-02-24 20:08:03 +03:00
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Goto line"] -command GoToLine -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+g"
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Find"] -command Find -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+F"
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Replace"] -command ReplaceDialog -font $fontNormal\
-accelerator "Ctrl+R"
$m add cascade -label [::msgcat::mc "Encode"] -menu $m.encode -font $fontNormal
2018-02-24 20:08:03 +03:00
set me [menu $m.encode -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)]
$me add command -label [::msgcat::mc "KOI8-R"] -command {TextEncode koi8-r} -font $fontNormal
$me add command -label [::msgcat::mc "CP1251"] -command {TextEncode cp1251} -font $fontNormal
$me add command -label [::msgcat::mc "CP866"] -command {TextEncode cp866} -font $fontNormal
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Insert image"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+I" \
-command {
set nb [$noteBook raise]
if {$nb == "" || $nb == "newproj" || $nb == "about" || $nb == "debug"} {
set nb "$noteBook.f$nb"
ImageBase64Encode $nb.text
unset nb
proc GetViewMenu {m} {
global fontNormal fontBold imgDir editor
$m add checkbutton -label [::msgcat::mc "Show the Menu"] -font $fontNormal -state normal\
-offvalue "No" -onvalue "Yes" -variable showMenu -command {ToolBar}
$m add checkbutton -label [::msgcat::mc "Toolbar"] -font $fontNormal -state normal\
-offvalue "No" -onvalue "Yes" -variable toolBar -command {ToolBar}
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Split edit window"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "F4" -state disable\
-command SplitWindow
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Refresh"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "F5" -state normal\
-command UpdateTree
proc GetModulesMenu {m} {
global fontNormal fontBold imgDir editor module activeProject
if {[info exists module(tkcvs)]} {
$m add command -label "TkCVS" -command {DoModule tkcvs} -font $fontNormal
if {[info exists module(tkdiff)]} {
$m add command -label "TkDIFF+" -command {DoModule tkdiff} -font $fontNormal
if {[info exists module(tkregexp)]} {
$m add command -label "TkREGEXP" -command {DoModule tkregexp} -font $fontNormal
if {[info exists module(gitk)]} {
$m add command -label "Gitk" -font $fontNormal -command {
DoModule gitk
GetTagList [file join $workDir $activeProject.tags] ;# geting tag list
proc GetHelpMenu {m} {
global fontNormal fontBold imgDir editor
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Help"] -command ShowHelp \
-accelerator F1 -font $fontNormal
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "About ..."] -command AboutDialog \
-font $fontNormal
proc GetFileMenu {m} {
global fontNormal fontBold imgDir editor noteBookFiles noteBook
$m add cascade -label [::msgcat::mc "New"] -menu $ -font $fontNormal
set mn [menu $ -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)]
$mn add command -label [::msgcat::mc "New file"] -command {AddToProjDialog file [$noteBookFiles raise]}\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+N"
$mn add command -label [::msgcat::mc "New directory"] -command {AddToProjDialog directory [$noteBookFiles raise]}\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+N"
$mn add command -label [::msgcat::mc "New project"] -command {NewProjDialog "new"}\
-font $fontNormal
#$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Open"] -command {FileDialog $tree open}\
#-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+O" -state disable
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Save"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save}\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+S"
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Save as"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save_as}\
-font $fontNormal
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Save all"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save_all}\
-font $fontNormal
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Close"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] close}\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+W"
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Close all"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] close_all}\
-font $fontNormal
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Delete"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] delete}\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+D"
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Compile file"] -command {MakeProj compile file} -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+F8"
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Run file"] -command {MakeProj run file} -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+F9"
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Print"] -command PrintDialog\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+P"
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Settings"] -command {Settings $noteBook} -font $fontNormal
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Exit"] -command Quit -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+Q"
2018-03-13 18:13:06 +03:00
2018-03-15 16:22:57 +03:00