Added Menu button into tollbar and Hide/Show options into config

Sergey Kalinin 2018-03-06 14:11:37 +03:00
parent 0c58139974
commit 0770fa5eec
16 changed files with 166 additions and 135 deletions

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@ -30,3 +30,4 @@ balloon окне показать формат этой команды (такж

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
- Added procedure arguments into tree
- Change read config procedure (error fixed)
- Fixed error when project running
- Added new Menu button into tollbar and Hide/Show options into config
- Fixed "Add new file" toolbar button press
@ -418,3 +419,11 @@ characters to the right of the insertion cursor.

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@ -338,3 +338,4 @@ consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.

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@ -9,3 +9,4 @@
3. Type from the command line 'projman' and enjoy

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@ -9,3 +9,4 @@
In Debian - it's all right

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@ -46,3 +46,5 @@

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@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ Serg Oskin,
DataX/FLORIN Inc. (documentation)
Peter Campbell, (ML-editor)
Alexey Kakunin, (TCL Developer Studio)

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@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
# Tcl/Tk project Manager
# Distributed under GNU Public License
# Copyright (c) "Sergey Kalinin", 2002,
# Author: Sergey Kalinin
1. GUI
- Поиск процедуры по файлам проекта
- added tcl-console
- added readline widget
- into settings dialog
-- on/off highligttning
-- on/off
- Add color scheme
- перед первой фукнцией возможность перейти в начало документа, а после последней на конец
- В статусбаре самый последнее поле (правое) где тест file saved уж
больно большое для таких кратких сообщений.
- Edit Window split
2. An package managers system independed files
- rpm spec file
- deb
5. Working with files
- search and replacement text into all projects files (ala grep)
6. Working with projects
- - making project procedure
-- compile error out
- generate installiation script for projects (install.tcl)
- synchronize version number into all projects file (if needed)
- added template file with headers
- documentation projects (LaTeX)
- added Select license procedure (settings dialog)
- change project dir (put into .proj file)
8. Internal editor
- files export
-- ps
-- html
- alphabetics ordered procedure list
- code/encode text files
- Add Insert curent date procedure
- search procedure with reguliar expretions
- On/Off wrap function
10. Help system
- patching html_lib
- searchin in help
- lock mouse and keyboard when help file opened
11. Multiplatform featuring
- Windows printing
поддержка frink (автоформаттер)
нумерация строк

img/menu.png 100644

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 245 B

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@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ proc FileDialog {nbNode operation} {
} elseif {[$tree exists $node] == 0 && $tree eq ".frmBody.frmCat.noteBook.ffiles.frmTreeFiles.treeFiles" } {
set tree .frmBody.frmCat.noteBook.fprojects.frmTree.tree
} else {
########## end ########

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@ -119,7 +119,9 @@ frame .frmMenu -border 1 -relief raised -background $editor(bg)
frame .frmTool -border 1 -relief raised -background $editor(bg)
frame .frmBody -border 1 -relief raised -background $editor(bg)
frame .frmStatus -border 1 -relief sunken -bg $editor(bg)
pack .frmMenu -side top -padx 1 -fill x
if {[info exists menuShow]==1 && $menuShow eq "Yes"} {
pack .frmMenu -side top -padx 1 -fill x
pack .frmTool -side top -padx 1 -fill x
pack .frmBody -side top -padx 1 -fill both -expand true
pack .frmStatus -side top -padx 1 -fill x
@ -127,39 +129,7 @@ pack .frmStatus -side top -padx 1 -fill x
########## CREATE MENU LINE ##########
menubutton .frmMenu.mnuFile -text [::msgcat::mc "File"] -menu .frmMenu.mnuFile.m -font $fontNormal -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)
set m [menu .frmMenu.mnuFile.m -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)]
$m add cascade -label [::msgcat::mc "New"] -menu $ -font $fontNormal
set mn [menu $ -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)]
$mn add command -label [::msgcat::mc "New file"] -command {AddToProjDialog file [$noteBookFiles raise]}\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+N"
$mn add command -label [::msgcat::mc "New directory"] -command {AddToProjDialog directory [$noteBookFiles raise]}\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+N"
$mn add command -label [::msgcat::mc "New project"] -command {NewProjDialog "new"}\
-font $fontNormal
#$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Open"] -command {FileDialog $tree open}\
#-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+O" -state disable
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Save"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save}\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+S"
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Save as"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save_as}\
-font $fontNormal
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Save all"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save_all}\
-font $fontNormal
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Close"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] close}\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+W"
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Close all"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] close_all}\
-font $fontNormal
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Delete"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] delete}\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+D"
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Compile file"] -command {MakeProj compile file} -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+F8"
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Run file"] -command {MakeProj run file} -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+F9"
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Print"] -command PrintDialog\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+P"
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Settings"] -command {Settings $noteBook} -font $fontNormal
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Exit"] -command Quit -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+Q"
GetFileMenu $m
##.frmMenu 'Project' ##
@ -176,40 +146,17 @@ GetMenu [menu .popMnuEdit -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)] ;# pop-up edit menu
menubutton .frmMenu.mnuView -text [::msgcat::mc "View"] -menu .frmMenu.mnuView.m -font $fontNormal -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)
set m [menu .frmMenu.mnuView.m -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)]
$m add checkbutton -label [::msgcat::mc "Toolbar"] -font $fontNormal -state normal\
-offvalue "No" -onvalue "Yes" -variable toolBar -command {ToolBar}
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Split edit window"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "F4" -state disable\
-command SplitWindow
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Refresh"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "F5" -state normal\
-command UpdateTree
GetViewMenu $m
##.frmMenu Settings ##
menubutton .frmMenu.mnuCVS -text [::msgcat::mc "Modules"] -menu .frmMenu.mnuCVS.m \
-font $fontNormal -state normal -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)
set m [menu .frmMenu.mnuCVS.m -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)]
if {[info exists module(tkcvs)]} {
$m add command -label "TkCVS" -command {DoModule tkcvs} -font $fontNormal
if {[info exists module(tkdiff)]} {
$m add command -label "TkDIFF+" -command {DoModule tkdiff} -font $fontNormal
if {[info exists module(tkregexp)]} {
$m add command -label "TkREGEXP" -command {DoModule tkregexp} -font $fontNormal
if {[info exists module(gitk)]} {
$m add command -label "Gitk" -font $fontNormal -command {
DoModule gitk
GetTagList [file join $workDir $activeProject.tags] ;# geting tag list
GetModulesMenu $m
menubutton .frmMenu.mnuHelp -text [::msgcat::mc "Help"] -menu .frmMenu.mnuHelp.m \
-underline 0 -font $fontNormal -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)
set m [menu .frmMenu.mnuHelp.m -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)]
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Help"] -command ShowHelp \
-accelerator F1 -font $fontNormal
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "About ..."] -command AboutDialog \
-font $fontNormal
GetHelpMenu $m
pack .frmMenu.mnuFile .frmMenu.mnuProj .frmMenu.mnuEdit .frmMenu.mnuView .frmMenu.mnuCVS -side left
pack .frmMenu.mnuHelp -side right
@ -420,3 +367,5 @@ if {[info exists workingProject]} {

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@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ proc GetMenu {m} {
unset nb
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Comment selected"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+,"\
-command {TextOperation comment}
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Uncomment selected"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+." \
-command {TextOperation comment}
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Uncomment selected"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+." \
-command {TextOperation uncomment}
$m add separator
@ -91,3 +91,80 @@ proc GetMenu {m} {
$me add command -label [::msgcat::mc "CP1251"] -command {TextEncode cp1251} -font $fontNormal
$me add command -label [::msgcat::mc "CP866"] -command {TextEncode cp866} -font $fontNormal
proc GetViewMenu {m} {
global fontNormal fontBold imgDir editor
$m add checkbutton -label [::msgcat::mc "Show the Menu"] -font $fontNormal -state normal\
-offvalue "No" -onvalue "Yes" -variable showMenu -command {ToolBar}
$m add checkbutton -label [::msgcat::mc "Toolbar"] -font $fontNormal -state normal\
-offvalue "No" -onvalue "Yes" -variable toolBar -command {ToolBar}
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Split edit window"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "F4" -state disable\
-command SplitWindow
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Refresh"] -font $fontNormal -accelerator "F5" -state normal\
-command UpdateTree
proc GetModulesMenu {m} {
global fontNormal fontBold imgDir editor module activeProject
if {[info exists module(tkcvs)]} {
$m add command -label "TkCVS" -command {DoModule tkcvs} -font $fontNormal
if {[info exists module(tkdiff)]} {
$m add command -label "TkDIFF+" -command {DoModule tkdiff} -font $fontNormal
if {[info exists module(tkregexp)]} {
$m add command -label "TkREGEXP" -command {DoModule tkregexp} -font $fontNormal
if {[info exists module(gitk)]} {
$m add command -label "Gitk" -font $fontNormal -command {
DoModule gitk
GetTagList [file join $workDir $activeProject.tags] ;# geting tag list
proc GetHelpMenu {m} {
global fontNormal fontBold imgDir editor
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Help"] -command ShowHelp \
-accelerator F1 -font $fontNormal
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "About ..."] -command AboutDialog \
-font $fontNormal
proc GetFileMenu {m} {
global fontNormal fontBold imgDir editor noteBookFiles noteBook
$m add cascade -label [::msgcat::mc "New"] -menu $ -font $fontNormal
set mn [menu $ -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)]
$mn add command -label [::msgcat::mc "New file"] -command {AddToProjDialog file [$noteBookFiles raise]}\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+N"
$mn add command -label [::msgcat::mc "New directory"] -command {AddToProjDialog directory [$noteBookFiles raise]}\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+N"
$mn add command -label [::msgcat::mc "New project"] -command {NewProjDialog "new"}\
-font $fontNormal
#$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Open"] -command {FileDialog $tree open}\
#-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+O" -state disable
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Save"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save}\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+S"
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Save as"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save_as}\
-font $fontNormal
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Save all"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] save_all}\
-font $fontNormal
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Close"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] close}\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+W"
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Close all"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] close_all}\
-font $fontNormal
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Delete"] -command {FileDialog [$noteBookFiles raise] delete}\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+D"
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Compile file"] -command {MakeProj compile file} -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+F8"
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Run file"] -command {MakeProj run file} -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+F9"
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Print"] -command PrintDialog\
-font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+P"
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Settings"] -command {Settings $noteBook} -font $fontNormal
$m add separator
$m add command -label [::msgcat::mc "Exit"] -command Quit -font $fontNormal -accelerator "Ctrl+Q"

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@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ proc ConfigureEnt {col} {
proc LoadSettings {} {
global fontNormal imgDir workDir msgDir
global editor color nb
global main editFrm network
global main editFrm network menuShow
global toolBar autoFormat backUpDel backUpCreate backUpShow showDotFiles localeSet localeList wrapSet wrapList
## load .conf file ##
@ -68,7 +68,20 @@ proc LoadSettings {} {
puts "$var.msg file not found into $msgDir"
toolBar {if {$var == "Yes"} {set toolBar "true" } else {set toolBar "false"} }
menuShow {
if {$var == "Yes"} {
set menuShow "true"
} else {
set menuShow "false"
toolBar {
if {$var == "Yes"} {
set toolBar "true"
} else {
set toolBar "false"
backUpFileShow {
if {$var == "Yes"} {
set backUpShow "true"
@ -175,6 +188,12 @@ proc SaveSettings {} {
} else {
puts $file "set toolBar \"Yes\"\n"
puts $file "# Menu on/off \(Yes/No\)"
if {$menuShow == "false"} {
puts $file "set menuShow \"No\"\n"
} else {
puts $file "set menuShow \"Yes\"\n"
if {$backUpShow == "false"} {
puts $file "set backUpFileShow \"No\""
} else {
@ -258,7 +277,7 @@ proc SaveSettings {} {
proc Settings {nBook} {
global fontNormal fontBold imgDir workDir
global editor color nb topLevelGeometry
global main editFrm network
global main editFrm network menuShow
global toolBar autoFormat backUpDel backUpCreate backUpShow showDotFiles localeSet localeList wrapSet wrapList
set topLevelGeometry [winfo geometry .]
if {[$nBook index settings] != -1} {
@ -302,6 +321,12 @@ proc Settings {nBook} {
} else {
puts $file "set toolBar \"Yes\"\n"
puts $file "# Menu on/off \(Yes/No\)"
if {$menuShow == "false"} {
puts $file "set menuShow \"No\"\n"
} else {
puts $file "set menuShow \"Yes\"\n"
if {$backUpShow == "false"} {
puts $file "set backUpFileShow \"No\""
} else {
@ -477,6 +502,7 @@ proc Settings {nBook} {
### BEGIN CheckBox widgets build ####
set cbWidgets {
MenuShow menuShow {Show the Menu}
ToolBar toolBar {Toolbar}
BackUpShow backUpShow {Show backup files}
BackUpCreate backUpCreate {Create backup files}
@ -643,6 +669,3 @@ proc Settings {nBook} {
# Read a config file #

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@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ proc Separator {} {
proc CreateToolBar {} {
global toolBar fontBold noteBook tree imgDir editor
global toolBar fontNormal fontBold noteBook tree imgDir editor
if {$toolBar == "Yes"} {
set bboxFile [ButtonBox .frmTool.bboxFile -spacing 0 -padx 1 -pady 1 -bg $editor(bg)]
add_toolbar_button $bboxFile new.png {AddToProjDialog file [$noteBookFiles raise]} [::msgcat::mc "Create new file"]
@ -51,6 +51,30 @@ proc CreateToolBar {} {
GoToLineButton $frm
pack $bboxFile [Separator] $bboxEdit [Separator] $bboxProj [Separator] $bboxHelp [Separator] $frm -side left -anchor w
# Create menubutton and menu
image create photo menu.png -format png -file [file join $imgDir menu.png]
menubutton -menu -font $fontNormal -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg) \
-image menu.png
set m [menu -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)]
GetFileMenu $m
$m add separator
$m add cascade -label [::msgcat::mc "Project"] -menu $m.project -font $fontNormal
GetProjMenu [menu $m.project -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)]
$m add cascade -label [::msgcat::mc "Edit"] -menu $m.edit -font $fontNormal
GetMenu [menu $m.edit -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)]
#$m add cascade -label [::msgcat::mc "View"] -menu $m.view -font $fontNormal
#GetViewMenu [menu $m.view -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)]
$m add cascade -label [::msgcat::mc "Modules"] -menu $m.modules -font $fontNormal
GetModulesMenu [menu $m.modules -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)]
$m add cascade -label [::msgcat::mc "Help"] -menu $ -font $fontNormal
GetHelpMenu [menu $ -bg $editor(bg) -fg $editor(fg)]
pack -side right
@ -73,3 +97,5 @@ proc GoToLineButton {w} {
balloon $w.entGoTo set [::msgcat::mc "Goto line"]

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@ -83,3 +83,4 @@ proc Translit {line} {

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@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ set fontNormal "helvetica 10 normal roman"
set fontBold "helvetica 10 bold roman"
# ToolBar on/off (Yes/No)
set toolBar "Yes"
# Menu on/off (Yes/No)
set menuShow "Yes"
set backUpFileShow "No"
set backUpFileCreate "No"
@ -76,3 +78,4 @@ set color(sql) "#ffff828f0000"
set workingProject ""