<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Tcl Built-In Commands - pkg::create manual page</TITLE></HEAD><BODY> <DL> <DD><A HREF="packagens.htm#M2" NAME="L806">NAME</A> <DL><DD>pkg::create - Construct an appropriate <B>package ifneeded</B> command for a given package specification</DL> <DD><A HREF="packagens.htm#M3" NAME="L807">SYNOPSIS</A> <DL> <DD><B>::pkg::create </B><I>-name packageName</I> <I>-version packageVersion</I> ?<I>-load filespec</I>? ... ?<I>-source filespec</I>? ... </DL> <DD><A HREF="packagens.htm#M4" NAME="L808">DESCRIPTION</A> <DD><A HREF="packagens.htm#M5" NAME="L809">OPTIONS</A> <DL> <DD><A HREF="packagens.htm#M6" NAME="L810"><B>-name</B> <I>packageName</I></A> <DD><A HREF="packagens.htm#M7" NAME="L811"><B>-version</B> <I>packageVersion</I></A> <DD><A HREF="packagens.htm#M8" NAME="L812"><B>-load</B> <I>filespec</I></A> <DD><A HREF="packagens.htm#M9" NAME="L813"><B>-source</B> <I>filespec</I></A> </DL> <DD><A HREF="packagens.htm#M10" NAME="L814">SEE ALSO</A> <DD><A HREF="packagens.htm#M11" NAME="L815">KEYWORDS</A> </DL><HR> <H3><A NAME="M2">NAME</A></H3> pkg::create - Construct an appropriate <B>package ifneeded</B> command for a given package specification <H3><A NAME="M3">SYNOPSIS</A></H3> <B>::pkg::create </B><I>-name packageName</I> <I>-version packageVersion</I> ?<I>-load filespec</I>? ... ?<I>-source filespec</I>? ...<BR> <H3><A NAME="M4">DESCRIPTION</A></H3> <B>::pkg::create</B> is a utility procedure that is part of the standard Tcl library. It is used to create an appropriate <B>package ifneeded</B> command for a given package specification. It can be used to construct a <B>pkgIndex.tcl</B> file for use with the <B><A HREF="../TkCmd/package.htm">package</A></B> mechanism. <H3><A NAME="M5">OPTIONS</A></H3> The parameters supported are: <P> <DL> <P><DT><A NAME="M6"><B>-name</B> <I>packageName</I></A><DD> This parameter specifies the name of the package. It is required. <P><DT><A NAME="M7"><B>-version</B> <I>packageVersion</I></A><DD> This parameter specifies the version of the package. It is required. <P><DT><A NAME="M8"><B>-load</B> <I>filespec</I></A><DD> This parameter specifies a binary library that must be loaded with the <B><A HREF="../TkCmd/load.htm">load</A></B> command. <I>filespec</I> is a list with two elements. The first element is the name of the file to load. The second, optional element is a list of commands supplied by loading that file. If the list of procedures is empty or omitted, <B>::pkg::create</B> will set up the library for direct loading (see <B>pkg_mkIndex</B>). Any number of <B>-load</B> parameters may be specified. <P><DT><A NAME="M9"><B>-source</B> <I>filespec</I></A><DD> This parameter is similar to the <B>-load</B> parameter, except that it specifies a Tcl library that must be loaded with the <B><A HREF="../TkCmd/source.htm">source</A></B> command. Any number of <B>-source</B> parameters may be specified. <P></DL> <P> At least one <B>-load</B> or <B>-source</B> paramter must be given. <H3><A NAME="M10">SEE ALSO</A></H3> <B><A HREF="../TkCmd/package.htm">package</A></B> <H3><A NAME="M11">KEYWORDS</A></H3> <A href="../Keywords/A.htm#auto-load">auto-load</A>, <A href="../Keywords/I.htm#index">index</A>, <A href="../Keywords/P.htm#package">package</A>, <A href="../Keywords/V.htm#version">version</A> <HR><PRE> <A HREF="../copyright.htm">Copyright</A> © 1998-2000 by Scriptics Corporation. <A HREF="../copyright.htm">Copyright</A> © 1995-1997 Roger E. Critchlow Jr.</PRE> </BODY></HTML>